TextWithEntities UrlClickHandler::getExpandedLinkTextWithEntities(ExpandLinksMode mode, int entityOffset, const QStringRef &textPart) const {
	TextWithEntities result;
	auto entityType = isEmail(_originalUrl) ? EntityInTextEmail : EntityInTextUrl;
	int entityLength = textPart.size();
	if (mode != ExpandLinksNone) {
		result.text = _originalUrl;
		entityLength = _originalUrl.size();
	result.entities.push_back({ entityType, entityOffset, entityLength });
	return result;
Beispiel #2
int main(int argc, char **argv)
	FILE *input = fopen(argv[1], "r");
	int name_counter = 0, words = 0;
	char buffer[MAX_LINE], *token, delim[] = " ,\t";
	char name[MAX_LINE];

	if (input == NULL){
		return -1;

	while(fgets(buffer, MAX_LINE, input)){
		if (buffer[strlen(buffer) - 1] == '\n'){
			buffer[strlen(buffer) - 1] = '\0';
		token = strtok(buffer, delim);
		while( token != NULL ){
			//printf("%s\n", token);
			if (isDate(token) == 1){
				printf("Found a date: %s\n", token );
			if (isPhoneNumber(token)){
				printf("Found a phone number: %s\n", token );

			if (name_counter == 1 && isName(token) == 0){
				name_counter = 0;
			if (isName(token)){
				if (name_counter == 2){
					printf("Name found: %s %s\n", name, token );
					name_counter = 0;
				else {
					strcpy(name, token);
			if (isEmail(token)){
				printf("Found an email: %s\n", token );

			token = strtok(NULL, delim);

	printf("There are %d words in the file\n", words );
UrlClickHandler::UrlClickHandler(const QString &url, bool fullDisplayed)
: TextClickHandler(fullDisplayed)
, _originalUrl(url) {
	if (isEmail()) {
		_readable = _originalUrl;
	} else {
		const auto original = QUrl(_originalUrl);
		const auto good = QUrl(original.isValid()
			? original.toEncoded()
			: QString());
		_readable = good.isValid() ? good.toDisplayString() : _originalUrl;
QString UrlClickHandler::url() const {
	if (isEmail()) {
		return _originalUrl;

	QUrl u(_originalUrl), good(u.isValid() ? u.toEncoded() : QString());
	QString result(good.isValid() ? QString::fromUtf8(good.toEncoded()) : _originalUrl);

	if (!result.isEmpty() && !QRegularExpression(qsl("^[a-zA-Z]+:")).match(result).hasMatch()) { // no protocol
		return qsl("http://") + result;
	return result;
void UrlClickHandler::Open(QString url, QVariant context) {
	url = tryConvertUrlToLocal(url);
	if (Core::InternalPassportLink(url)) {

	if (isEmail(url)) {
	} else if (url.startsWith(qstr("tg://"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
		Core::App().openLocalUrl(url, context);
	} else if (!url.isEmpty()) {
void UrlClickHandler::doOpen(QString url) {

	if (isEmail(url)) {

	url = tryConvertUrlToLocal(url);

	if (url.startsWith(qstr("tg://"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
	} else {
Beispiel #7
void UrlClickHandler::doOpen(QString url) {

	if (isEmail(url)) {
		QUrl u(qstr("mailto:") + url);
		if (!QDesktopServices::openUrl(u)) {
			psOpenFile(u.toString(QUrl::FullyEncoded), true);

	url = tryConvertUrlToLocal(url);

	if (url.startsWith(qstr("tg://"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
	} else {
Beispiel #8
QString UrlClickHandler::copyToClipboardContextItem() const {
	return lang(isEmail() ? lng_context_copy_email : lng_context_copy_link);
Updates communication addresses in the database.

If there are the same number of items to be updated as are already in the database, the
existing records are overwritten using the update statement. However, if there is a
different number of addresses to be updated, records in the database (if there are any)
are deleted (using DeleteL() ) and the new data is inserted (using CreateInDbL() ).

@param aItem A contact item whose communication addresses are to be updated in the contacts database.
void CPplCommAddrTable::UpdateL(const CContactItem& aItem)
	// Check that the contact item is a card, own card or ICC entry.
	const TUid type(aItem.Type() );
	if (type != KUidContactCard && type != KUidContactOwnCard && type != KUidContactICCEntry && type != KUidContactGroup)

	const TContactItemId KItemId(aItem.Id() );

	// create lists for comm_addrs and go through contact item to populate them with any new ones we find
	RArray<TMatch> newPhones;
	RArray<TPtrC>  newEmails;
	RArray<TPtrC>  newSips;
	CPplCommAddrTable::TCommAddrExtraInfoType extraInfoType = ENonMobileNumber;

	for (TInt fieldNum = aItem.CardFields().Count() - 1; fieldNum >= 0; --fieldNum)
		CContactItemField& currField = aItem.CardFields()[fieldNum];
		const CContentType& contType = currField.ContentType();
		TBool isPhone(contType.ContainsFieldType(KUidContactFieldPhoneNumber) ||
					  contType.ContainsFieldType(KUidContactFieldFax)		  ||
					  contType.ContainsFieldType(KUidContactFieldSms)		  );
		TBool isEmail(contType.ContainsFieldType(KUidContactFieldEMail) );
		TBool isSip(contType.ContainsFieldType(KUidContactFieldSIPID) );

		// check it's a field we want and that it's not empty
		// store a new address if we haven't already seen it -- no point storing the same one twice.
		if ((isPhone || isEmail || isSip) && currField.StorageType() == KStorageTypeText
				&& currField.TextStorage()->IsFull() )
			// get phone numbers
			if (isPhone)
				TMatch phoneNumber;
				phoneNumber = CreatePaddedPhoneDigitsL(currField.TextStorage()->Text(), KLowerSevenDigits,
													   KMaxPhoneMatchLength - KLowerSevenDigits);
				if (newPhones.Find(phoneNumber, TIdentityRelation<TMatch>(&TMatch::Equals) ) == KErrNotFound)
                    extraInfoType = EMobileNumber;
			// get email addresses
			else if (isEmail && newEmails.Find(currField.TextStorage()->Text() ) == KErrNotFound)
				newEmails.AppendL(currField.TextStorage()->Text() );
			// get SIP addresses
			else if (newSips.Find(currField.TextStorage()->Text() ) == KErrNotFound)
				newSips.AppendL(currField.TextStorage()->Text() );

	// if there are no comm addresses in the contact item, delete any from the database
	if (!(newPhones.Count() + newEmails.Count() + newSips.Count() ) )
		TBool lowDiskErr(EFalse);
		DeleteL(aItem, lowDiskErr);
		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3, &newPhones); // and newSips, newEmails
		if (lowDiskErr)

	// create from the database a list of comm_addr_ids that can be recycled as their
	// comm_addrs are in the database but not in the new version of the contact item
	RArray<TInt> freeCommAddrIds;

	// weed out addresses from the list that are already in the db but haven't changed
	// and populate the freeCommAddrIds list
	RemoveNonUpdatedAddrsL(newPhones, newEmails, newSips, freeCommAddrIds, KItemId, extraInfoType);

	// do the actual updating on an address-by-address basis

	DoUpdateCommAddrsL(newPhones, newEmails, newSips, freeCommAddrIds, KItemId,extraInfoType);

	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(4, &newPhones); // and freeCommAddrIds, newSips, newEmails
Insert new communication addresses into the comm_addr table.
@param aItem A contact item whose communication addresses are to be added to the contacts database.
void CPplCommAddrTable::CreateInDbL(CContactItem& aItem)
	// Check that the contact item is a card, own card or ICC entry.
	const TUid KType = aItem.Type();
	if (KType != KUidContactCard && KType != KUidContactOwnCard && KType != KUidContactICCEntry && KType != KUidContactGroup)

	// create lists for comm_addrs to keep track of what we have already seen so as to avoid duplicates
	RArray<TMatch> newPhones;
	RArray<TPtrC>  newEmails;
	RArray<TPtrC>  newSips;

	for (TInt fieldNum = aItem.CardFields().Count() - 1; fieldNum >= 0; --fieldNum)
		CContactItemField& currField = aItem.CardFields()[fieldNum];
		const CContentType& contType = currField.ContentType();
		TBool isPhone(contType.ContainsFieldType(KUidContactFieldPhoneNumber) ||
					  contType.ContainsFieldType(KUidContactFieldFax)		  ||
					  contType.ContainsFieldType(KUidContactFieldSms)		  );
		TBool isEmail(contType.ContainsFieldType(KUidContactFieldEMail) );
		TBool isSip(contType.ContainsFieldType(KUidContactFieldSIPID) );

		// check it's a field we want and that it's not empty
		// insert a new address only if we haven't already seen it -- no point storing the same one twice.
		if ((isPhone || isEmail || isSip) && currField.StorageType() == KStorageTypeText
				&& currField.TextStorage()->IsFull() )
			const TContactItemId KItemId(aItem.Id());

			// get phone numbers
			if (isPhone)
				TMatch phoneNumber;
				phoneNumber = CreatePaddedPhoneDigitsL(currField.TextStorage()->Text(), KLowerSevenDigits,
													   KMaxPhoneMatchLength - KLowerSevenDigits);
				if (newPhones.Find(phoneNumber, TIdentityRelation<TMatch>(&TMatch::Equals) ) == KErrNotFound)
                        DoPhoneNumWriteOpL(phoneNumber, EInsert, KItemId,EPhoneNumber,EMobileNumber);
					    DoPhoneNumWriteOpL(phoneNumber, EInsert, KItemId);
			// get email addresses
			else if (isEmail && newEmails.Find(currField.TextStorage()->Text() ) == KErrNotFound)
				DoNonPhoneWriteOpL(currField.TextStorage()->Text(), EInsert, KItemId, EEmailAddress);
				newEmails.AppendL(currField.TextStorage()->Text() );
			// get SIP addresses
			else if (newSips.Find(currField.TextStorage()->Text() ) == KErrNotFound)
				DoNonPhoneWriteOpL(currField.TextStorage()->Text(), EInsert, KItemId, ESipAddress);
				newSips.AppendL(currField.TextStorage()->Text() );

	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3, &newPhones); // and newSips, newEmails