QString KeeShare::sharingLabel(const Group* group) { auto* share = resolveSharedGroup(group); if (!share) { return {}; } const auto reference = referenceOf(share); if (!reference.isValid()) { return tr("Invalid sharing reference"); } QStringList messages; switch (reference.type) { case KeeShareSettings::Inactive: messages << tr("Inactive share %1").arg(reference.path); break; case KeeShareSettings::ImportFrom: messages << tr("Imported from %1").arg(reference.path); break; case KeeShareSettings::ExportTo: messages << tr("Exported to %1").arg(reference.path); break; case KeeShareSettings::SynchronizeWith: messages << tr("Synchronized with %1").arg(reference.path); break; } const auto active = KeeShare::active(); if (reference.isImporting() && !active.in) { messages << tr("Import is disabled in settings"); } if (reference.isExporting() && !active.out) { messages << tr("Export is disabled in settings"); } return messages.join("\n"); }
bool KeeShare::isEnabled(const Group* group) { const auto reference = KeeShare::referenceOf(group); #if !defined(WITH_XC_KEESHARE_SECURE) if (reference.path.endsWith(signedContainerFileType(), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { return false; } #endif #if !defined(WITH_XC_KEESHARE_INSECURE) if (reference.path.endsWith(unsignedContainerFileType(), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { return false; } #endif const auto active = KeeShare::active(); return (reference.isImporting() && active.in) || (reference.isExporting() && active.out); }
bool Song::isExportDone() const { return !isExporting() || m_playPos[m_playMode] >= m_exportSongEnd; }