Beispiel #1
    Rect FalagardStaticImage::getUnclippedInnerRect(void) const
        // get WidgetLookFeel for the assigned look.
        const WidgetLookFeel& wlf = WidgetLookManager::getSingleton().getWidgetLook(d_lookName);

        String area_name(isFrameEnabled() ? "WithFrame" : "NoFrame");
        area_name += "ImageRenderArea";

        if (wlf.isNamedAreaDefined(area_name))
            return wlf.getNamedArea(area_name).getArea().getPixelRect(*this).offset(getUnclippedPixelRect().getPosition());
            return StaticImage::getUnclippedInnerRect();
	check local pixel co-ordinate point 'pt' and return one of the
	SizingLocation enumerated values depending where the point falls on
	the sizing border.
FrameWindow::SizingLocation FrameWindow::getSizingBorderAtPoint(const Point& pt) const
	Rect	frame(getSizingRect());

	// we can only size if the frame is enabled and sizing is on
	if (isSizingEnabled() && isFrameEnabled())
		// point must be inside the outer edge
		if (frame.isPointInRect(pt))
			// adjust rect to get inner edge
			frame.d_left	+= d_borderSize;
			frame.d_top		+= d_borderSize;
			frame.d_right	-= d_borderSize;
			frame.d_bottom	-= d_borderSize;

			// detect which edges we are on
			bool top	= (pt.d_y < frame.d_top);
			bool bottom = (pt.d_y >= frame.d_bottom);
			bool left	= (pt.d_x < frame.d_left);
			bool right	= (pt.d_x >= frame.d_right);

			// return appropriate 'SizingLocation' value
			if (top && left)
				return SizingTopLeft;
			else if (top && right)
				return SizingTopRight;
			else if (bottom && left)
				return SizingBottomLeft;
			else if (bottom && right)
				return SizingBottomRight;
			else if (top)
				return SizingTop;
			else if (bottom)
				return SizingBottom;
			else if (left)
				return SizingLeft;
			else if (right)
				return SizingRight;



	// deafult: None.
	return SizingNone;