Beispiel #1
 Locale(const char* language, const char* region)
   language = isLanguage(language) ? language : DEFAULT_LANGUAGE;
   region = isRegion(region) ? region : DEFAULT_REGION;
   memcpy(this->language, language, FIELDSIZE);
   memcpy(this->region, region, FIELDSIZE);
Beispiel #2
static char kindEnabled (const verilogKind kind)
	if (isLanguage (Lang_systemverilog))
		return SystemVerilogKinds[kind].enabled;
	else /* isLanguage (Lang_verilog) */
		return VerilogKinds[kind].enabled;
Beispiel #3
static const kindOption *kindFromKind (const verilogKind kind)
	if (isLanguage (Lang_systemverilog))
		return &(SystemVerilogKinds[kind]);
	else /* isLanguage (Lang_verilog) */
		return &(VerilogKinds[kind]);
Beispiel #4
static char kindLetter (const verilogKind kind)
	if (isLanguage (Lang_systemverilog))
		return SystemVerilogKinds[kind].letter;
	else /* isLanguage (Lang_verilog) */
		return VerilogKinds[kind].letter;
Beispiel #5
static const char *kindName (const verilogKind kind)
	if (isLanguage (Lang_systemverilog))
		return SystemVerilogKinds[kind].name;
	else /* isLanguage (Lang_verilog) */
		return VerilogKinds[kind].name;
static void checkNames(SEXP x, SEXP s)
    if (isVector(x) || isList(x) || isLanguage(x)) {
	if (!isVector(s) && !isList(s))
	    error(_("invalid type (%s) for 'names': must be vector"),
	if (xlength(x) != xlength(s))
	    error(_("'names' attribute [%d] must be the same length as the vector [%d]"), length(s), length(x));
    else if(IS_S4_OBJECT(x)) {
      /* leave validity checks to S4 code */
    else error(_("names() applied to a non-vector"));
Beispiel #7
SEXP makeSubscript(SEXP x, SEXP s, int *stretch)
    int nx;
    SEXP ans;

    ans = R_NilValue;
    if (isVector(x) || isList(x) || isLanguage(x)) {
	nx = length(x);

	ans = vectorSubscript(nx, s, stretch, getAttrib, (STRING_ELT), x);
    else error(_("subscripting on non-vector"));
    return ans;

Beispiel #8
static void processFunction (tokenInfo *const token)
	int c;
	tokenInfo *classType;

	/* Search for function name
	 * Last identifier found before a '(' or a ';' is the function name */
	c = skipWhite (vGetc ());
		readIdentifier (token, c);
		c = skipWhite (vGetc ());
		/* Identify class type prefixes and create respective context*/
		if (isLanguage (Lang_systemverilog) && c == ':')
			c = vGetc ();
			if (c == ':')
				verbose ("Found function declaration with class type %s\n", vStringValue (token->name));
				classType = newToken ();
				vStringCopy (classType->name, token->name);
				classType->kind = K_CLASS;
				createContext (classType);
				currentContext->classScope = TRUE;
				vUngetc (c);
	} while (c != '(' && c != ';' && c != EOF);

	if ( vStringLength (token->name) > 0 )
		verbose ("Found function: %s\n", vStringValue (token->name));

		/* Create tag */
		createTag (token);

		/* Get port list from function */
		processPortList (c);
Beispiel #9
SEXP doD(SEXP args)
    SEXP expr, var;
    args = CDR(args);
    if (isExpression(CAR(args))) expr = VECTOR_ELT(CAR(args), 0);
    else expr = CAR(args);
    if (!(isLanguage(expr) || isSymbol(expr) || isNumeric(expr) || isComplex(expr)))
        error(_("'expr' must be an expression or call"));
    var = CADR(args);
    if (!isString(var) || length(var) < 1)
	error(_("variable must be a character string"));
    if (length(var) > 1)
	warning(_("only the first element is used as variable name"));
    var = installTrChar(STRING_ELT(var, 0));
    PROTECT(expr = D(expr, var));
    expr = AddParens(expr);
    return expr;
Beispiel #10
SEXP dotTclcallback(SEXP args)
    SEXP ans, callback = CADR(args), env;
    char buff[BUFFLEN];
    char *s;
    Tcl_DString s_ds;

    if (isFunction(callback))
        callback_closure(buff, BUFFLEN, callback);
    else if (isLanguage(callback)) {
        env = CADDR(args);
        callback_lang(buff, BUFFLEN, callback, env);
    	error(_("argument is not of correct type"));

    s = Tcl_UtfToExternalDString(NULL, buff, -1, &s_ds);
    ans = mkString(s);
    return ans;
Beispiel #11
SEXP attribute_hidden do_subset2_dflt(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP args, SEXP rho)
    SEXP ans, dims, dimnames, indx, subs, x;
    int i, ndims, nsubs;
    int drop = 1, pok, exact = -1;
    int named_x;
    R_xlen_t offset = 0;

    ExtractDropArg(args, &drop);
    /* Is partial matching ok?  When the exact arg is NA, a warning is
       issued if partial matching occurs.
    exact = ExtractExactArg(args);
    if (exact == -1)
	pok = exact;
	pok = !exact;

    x = CAR(args);

    /* This code was intended for compatibility with S, */
    /* but in fact S does not do this.	Will anyone notice? */

    if (x == R_NilValue) {
	UNPROTECT(1); /* args */
	return x;

    /* Get the subscripting and dimensioning information */
    /* and check that any array subscripting is compatible. */

    subs = CDR(args);
    if(0 == (nsubs = length(subs)))
	errorcall(call, _("no index specified"));
    dims = getAttrib(x, R_DimSymbol);
    ndims = length(dims);
    if(nsubs > 1 && nsubs != ndims)
	errorcall(call, _("incorrect number of subscripts"));

    /* code to allow classes to extend environment */
    if(TYPEOF(x) == S4SXP) {
        x = R_getS4DataSlot(x, ANYSXP);
	if(x == R_NilValue)
	  errorcall(call, _("this S4 class is not subsettable"));

    /* split out ENVSXP for now */
    if( TYPEOF(x) == ENVSXP ) {
	if( nsubs != 1 || !isString(CAR(subs)) || length(CAR(subs)) != 1 )
	    errorcall(call, _("wrong arguments for subsetting an environment"));
	ans = findVarInFrame(x, installTrChar(STRING_ELT(CAR(subs), 0)));
	if( TYPEOF(ans) == PROMSXP ) {
	    ans = eval(ans, R_GlobalEnv);
	    UNPROTECT(1); /* ans */
	} else SET_NAMED(ans, 2);

	UNPROTECT(2); /* args, x */
	if(ans == R_UnboundValue)
	if (NAMED(ans))
	    SET_NAMED(ans, 2);
	return ans;

    /* back to the regular program */
    if (!(isVector(x) || isList(x) || isLanguage(x)))
	errorcall(call, R_MSG_ob_nonsub, type2char(TYPEOF(x)));

    named_x = NAMED(x);  /* x may change below; save this now.  See PR#13411 */

    if(nsubs == 1) { /* vector indexing */
	SEXP thesub = CAR(subs);
	int len = length(thesub);

	if (len > 1) {
	    if (IS_GETTER_CALL(call)) {
		/* this is (most likely) a getter call in a complex
		   assighment so we duplicate as needed. The original
		   x should have been duplicated if it might be
		   shared */
		if (MAYBE_SHARED(x))
		    error("getter call used outside of a complex assignment.");
		x = vectorIndex(x, thesub, 0, len-1, pok, call, TRUE);
		x = vectorIndex(x, thesub, 0, len-1, pok, call, FALSE);
	    x = vectorIndex(x, thesub, 0, len-1, pok, call, FALSE);
	    named_x = NAMED(x);
	    UNPROTECT(1); /* x */

	SEXP xnames = PROTECT(getAttrib(x, R_NamesSymbol));
	offset = get1index(thesub, xnames,
			   xlength(x), pok, len > 1 ? len-1 : -1, call);
	UNPROTECT(1); /* xnames */
	if (offset < 0 || offset >= xlength(x)) {
	    /* a bold attempt to get the same behaviour for $ and [[ */
	    if (offset < 0 && (isNewList(x) ||
			       isExpression(x) ||
			       isList(x) ||
			       isLanguage(x))) {
		UNPROTECT(2); /* args, x */
		return R_NilValue;
	    else errorcall(call, R_MSG_subs_o_b);
    } else { /* matrix indexing */
	/* Here we use the fact that: */
	/* CAR(R_NilValue) = R_NilValue */
	/* CDR(R_NilValue) = R_NilValue */

	int ndn; /* Number of dimnames. Unlikely to be anything but
		    0 or nsubs, but just in case... */

	PROTECT(indx = allocVector(INTSXP, nsubs));
	dimnames = getAttrib(x, R_DimNamesSymbol);
	ndn = length(dimnames);
	for (i = 0; i < nsubs; i++) {
	    INTEGER(indx)[i] = (int)
			  (i < ndn) ? VECTOR_ELT(dimnames, i) : R_NilValue,
			  INTEGER(indx)[i], pok, -1, call);
	    subs = CDR(subs);
	    if (INTEGER(indx)[i] < 0 ||
		INTEGER(indx)[i] >= INTEGER(dims)[i])
		errorcall(call, R_MSG_subs_o_b);
	offset = 0;
	for (i = (nsubs - 1); i > 0; i--)
	    offset = (offset + INTEGER(indx)[i]) * INTEGER(dims)[i - 1];
	offset += INTEGER(indx)[0];
	UNPROTECT(1); /* indx */

    if(isPairList(x)) {
	if (offset > R_SHORT_LEN_MAX)
	    error("invalid subscript for pairlist");
	ans = CAR(nthcdr(x, (int) offset));
	if (named_x > NAMED(ans))
	    SET_NAMED(ans, named_x);
    } else if(isVectorList(x)) {
	/* did unconditional duplication before 2.4.0 */
	ans = VECTOR_ELT(x, offset);
	if (named_x > NAMED(ans))
	    SET_NAMED(ans, named_x);
    } else {
	ans = allocVector(TYPEOF(x), 1);
	switch (TYPEOF(x)) {
	case LGLSXP:
	case INTSXP:
	    INTEGER(ans)[0] = INTEGER(x)[offset];
	case REALSXP:
	    REAL(ans)[0] = REAL(x)[offset];
	case CPLXSXP:
	    COMPLEX(ans)[0] = COMPLEX(x)[offset];
	case STRSXP:
	    SET_STRING_ELT(ans, 0, STRING_ELT(x, offset));
	case RAWSXP:
	    RAW(ans)[0] = RAW(x)[offset];
	    UNIMPLEMENTED_TYPE("do_subset2", x);
    UNPROTECT(2); /* args, x */
    return ans;
/* NOTE: For environments serialize.c calls this function to find if
   there is a class attribute in order to reconstruct the object bit
   if needed.  This means the function cannot use OBJECT(vec) == 0 to
   conclude that the class attribute is R_NilValue.  If you want to
   rewrite this function to use such a pre-test, be sure to adjust
   serialize.c accordingly.  LT */
SEXP attribute_hidden getAttrib0(SEXP vec, SEXP name)
    SEXP s;
    int len, i, any;

    if (name == R_NamesSymbol) {
	if(isVector(vec) || isList(vec) || isLanguage(vec)) {
	    s = getAttrib(vec, R_DimSymbol);
	    if(TYPEOF(s) == INTSXP && length(s) == 1) {
		s = getAttrib(vec, R_DimNamesSymbol);
		if(!isNull(s)) {
		    SET_NAMED(VECTOR_ELT(s, 0), 2);
		    return VECTOR_ELT(s, 0);
	if (isList(vec) || isLanguage(vec)) {
	    len = length(vec);
	    PROTECT(s = allocVector(STRSXP, len));
	    i = 0;
	    any = 0;
	    for ( ; vec != R_NilValue; vec = CDR(vec), i++) {
		if (TAG(vec) == R_NilValue)
		    SET_STRING_ELT(s, i, R_BlankString);
		else if (isSymbol(TAG(vec))) {
		    any = 1;
		    SET_STRING_ELT(s, i, PRINTNAME(TAG(vec)));
		    error(_("getAttrib: invalid type (%s) for TAG"),
	    if (any) {
		if (!isNull(s)) SET_NAMED(s, 2);
		return (s);
	    return R_NilValue;
    /* This is where the old/new list adjustment happens. */
    for (s = ATTRIB(vec); s != R_NilValue; s = CDR(s))
	if (TAG(s) == name) {
	    if (name == R_DimNamesSymbol && TYPEOF(CAR(s)) == LISTSXP) {
		SEXP _new, old;
		int i;
		_new = allocVector(VECSXP, length(CAR(s)));
		old = CAR(s);
		i = 0;
		while (old != R_NilValue) {
		    SET_VECTOR_ELT(_new, i++, CAR(old));
		    old = CDR(old);
		SET_NAMED(_new, 2);
		return _new;
	    SET_NAMED(CAR(s), 2);
	    return CAR(s);
    return R_NilValue;