Beispiel #1
// Write a bitmap (BMP) format file
bool Image::writeFileBMP(const char* const filename, const char* const path)
   static const unsigned int BITMAPFILE_SIZE = (MAX_PATH_LEN+MAX_FILENAME_LEN);
   char bitmapFile[BITMAPFILE_SIZE];
   bitmapFile[0] = '\0';

   // append path name
   const char* p1 = path;
   if (p1 != nullptr && std::strlen(path) > 0) {
      base::utStrcat(bitmapFile, sizeof(bitmapFile), p1);
      base::utStrcat(bitmapFile, sizeof(bitmapFile), "/");

   // append file name
   const char* p2 = filename;
   if (p2 != nullptr && std::strlen(p2) > 0) {
      base::utStrcat(bitmapFile, sizeof(bitmapFile), p2);

   // Do we have a full path name?
   if (std::strlen(bitmapFile) <= 1) {
      if (isMessageEnabled(MSG_ERROR)) {
         std::cerr << "Image::writeFileBMP(): invalid file name: " << bitmapFile << std::endl;
      return false;

   // Create the output stream
   auto fout = new std::ofstream();

   // Open the output file
   fout->open(bitmapFile, std::ios::out | std::ios::binary);
   if ( !(fout->is_open()) ) {
      if (isMessageEnabled(MSG_ERROR)) {
         std::cerr << "Image::writeFileBMP(): unable to open bitmap file: " << bitmapFile << std::endl;
      return false;

   unsigned short bfType(0);
   unsigned int   bfSize(0);
   unsigned short bfReserved1(0);
   unsigned short bfReserved2(0);
   unsigned int   bfOffBits(0);

   unsigned int bitmapFileHdrSize =
      sizeof(bfType) + sizeof(bfSize) + sizeof(bfReserved1) + sizeof(bfReserved2) + sizeof(bfOffBits);

   // Number of bytes per row of pixels
   size_t widthBytes = getWidth() * getNumComponents();

   // Offset to bitmap data
   unsigned int offset = bitmapFileHdrSize + sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER_X);

   // Image size
   unsigned int isize = getHeight() * static_cast<unsigned int>(widthBytes);

   // File size (active bytes)
   unsigned int size = isize + offset;

   // File size (4 byte words)
   unsigned int sizew = (size + 3)/4;

   // Total file size (with padding)
   unsigned int tsize = sizew*4;

   // Number of padding bytes at the end if the file to give a even word boundary
   unsigned int filePadding = tsize - size;

   // ---
   // Write the bitmap file header (BITMAPFILEHEADER)
   // ---
   bfType = 0x4D42;
   bfSize = tsize;
   bfReserved1 = 0;
   bfReserved2 = 0;
   bfOffBits = offset;

   fout->write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&bfType),      sizeof(bfType));
   fout->write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&bfSize),      sizeof(bfSize));
   fout->write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&bfReserved1), sizeof(bfReserved1));
   fout->write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&bfReserved2), sizeof(bfReserved2));
   fout->write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&bfOffBits),   sizeof(bfOffBits));

   // ---
   // Write the bitmap file info
   // ---
   bmfi.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER_X);
   bmfi.biWidth = getWidth();
   bmfi.biHeight = getHeight();
   bmfi.biPlanes = 1;
   bmfi.biBitCount = getNumComponents() * 8;
   bmfi.biCompression = BI_RGB;
   bmfi.biSizeImage = 0;
   bmfi.biXPelsPerMeter = getXResolutionPPM();
   bmfi.biYPelsPerMeter = getYResolutionPPM();
   bmfi.biClrUsed = 0;
   bmfi.biClrImportant = 0;
   fout->write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&bmfi), sizeof(bmfi));

   // ---
   // Write the pixel bit map
   // ---
      const GLubyte* bmap = getPixels();
      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < getHeight(); i++) {
         const GLubyte* p = bmap + (i * widthBytes);
         fout->write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(p), width* PIXEL_SIZE);
      if (filePadding > 0) {
         unsigned int padding = 0;
         fout->write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&padding), filePadding);

   // close the file
   delete fout;
   fout = nullptr;

   return true;
Beispiel #2
// closeConnection() -- request that the connection is closed (shutdown)
bool TcpHandler::closeConnection()
    bool success = true;

#if defined(WIN32)
    if (::closesocket(socketNum) == SOCKET_ERROR) {
    if (::shutdown(socketNum, SHUT_RDWR) == SOCKET_ERROR) {
        std::perror("TcpHandler::closeConnection(): error! \n");
        success = false;

    connected = false;
    connectionTerminated = true;

    return BaseClass::closeConnection() && success;

// -------------------------------------------------------------
// sendData() -- Send data to our connected TCP socket
// -------------------------------------------------------------
bool TcpHandler::sendData(const char* const packet, const int size)
    if (!isConnected() || hasBeenTerminated()) return false;

    if (socketNum == INVALID_SOCKET) return false;

    int result = ::send(socketNum, packet, size, 0);
    if (result == SOCKET_ERROR) {
        connected = false;
        connectionTerminated = true;
#if defined(WIN32)
        int err = WSAGetLastError();
        if (isMessageEnabled(MSG_ERROR)) {
            std::cerr << "TcpHandler::sendData(): sendto error: " << err << " hex=0x" << std::hex << err << std::dec << std::endl;
        std::perror("TcpHandler::sendData(): sendto error msg");
        if (isMessageEnabled(MSG_ERROR)) {
            std::cerr << "TcpHandler::sendData(): sendto error result: " << result << std::endl;
        return false;
    return true;

// -------------------------------------------------------------
// recvData() -- Receive data from our connected TCP socket
// -------------------------------------------------------------
unsigned int TcpHandler::recvData(char* const packet, const int maxSize)
    if (!isConnected() || hasBeenTerminated()) return 0;
    if (socketNum == INVALID_SOCKET) return 0;

    unsigned int n = 0; // default return value (no data)

    // Try to receive the data
    int result = ::recv(socketNum, packet, maxSize, 0);

    // Did we received any data?
    if (result > 0) {
        // We've received data -- all is well.
        n = static_cast<unsigned int>(result);

    // Did we receive a zero?
    else if (result == 0) {
        // Received a zero -- connection closed by other side

    // Do we have an error code?
    else if (result < 0) {
        // For error conditions, check for non-blocking and adjust result
        // to indicate there is no error
        if (errno != EAGAIN && errno != EWOULDBLOCK) {
            // Error condition! Close the conntection
            perror("TcpHandler::recvData(): ");

    return n;

} // End Basic namespace
Beispiel #3
// Read a bitmap (BMP) format file
bool Image::readFileBMP(const char* const filename, const char* const path)
   static const unsigned int BITMAPFILE_SIZE = (MAX_PATH_LEN + MAX_FILENAME_LEN);
   char bitmapFile[BITMAPFILE_SIZE];
   bitmapFile[0] = '\0';

   // append path name
   const char* p1 = path;
   if (p1 != nullptr && std::strlen(p1) > 0) {
      base::utStrcat(bitmapFile, sizeof(bitmapFile), p1);
      base::utStrcat(bitmapFile, sizeof(bitmapFile), "/");

   // append file name
   const char* p2 = filename;
   if (p2 != nullptr && std::strlen(p2) > 0) {
      base::utStrcat(bitmapFile, sizeof(bitmapFile), p2);

   // Do we have a full path name?
   if (std::strlen(bitmapFile) <= 1) {
      if (isMessageEnabled(MSG_ERROR)) {
         std::cerr << "Image::readFileBMP(): invalid file name: " << bitmapFile << std::endl;
      return false;

   if (isMessageEnabled(MSG_INFO)) {
      std::cout << "Image: Loading file: " << filename << std::endl;

   FILE* fp = std::fopen(bitmapFile,"rb");
   if (fp == nullptr) {
      if (isMessageEnabled(MSG_ERROR)) {
         std::cerr << "Image::readFileBMP: unable to open bitmap file: " << bitmapFile << std::endl;
      return false;

   // Big or little ending?  Swap if we're a big endian arch
   bool swap = checkSwap();

   // Read the bitmap file header (BITMAPFILEHEADER)
   char bfType[2];
   uint32_t  bfSize(0);
   uint16_t  bfReserved1(0);
   uint16_t  bfReserved2(0);
   uint32_t  bfOffBits(0);

   //unsigned int bitmapFileHdrSize =
   //   sizeof(bfType) + sizeof(bfSize) + sizeof(bfReserved1) + sizeof(bfReserved2) + sizeof(bfOffBits);

   size_t nItemsRead(0);
   nItemsRead = std::fread(&bfType, sizeof(char), 2, fp);

   nItemsRead = std::fread(&bfSize, sizeof(bfSize), 1, fp);
   if (swap) bfSize = convertUInt32(bfSize);

   nItemsRead = std::fread(&bfReserved1, sizeof(bfReserved1), 1, fp);
   if (swap) bfReserved1 = convertUInt16(bfReserved1);

   nItemsRead = std::fread(&bfReserved2, sizeof(bfReserved2), 1, fp);
   if (swap) bfReserved2 = convertUInt16(bfReserved2);

   nItemsRead = std::fread(&bfOffBits, sizeof(bfOffBits), 1, fp);
   if (swap) bfOffBits = convertUInt32(bfOffBits);

   if (bfType[0] != 'B' || bfType[1] != 'M') {
      // Not a bitmap file
      if (isMessageEnabled(MSG_ERROR)) {
         std::cerr << "Image::readFileBMP(1): invalid bitmap file: " << bitmapFile << std::endl;
      return false;

   // Read the bitmap file info
   nItemsRead = std::fread(&bmfi, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER_X), 1, fp);

   if (swap) {
      bmfi.biSize = convertUInt32(bmfi.biSize);
      bmfi.biWidth = convertInt32(bmfi.biWidth);
      bmfi.biHeight = convertInt32(bmfi.biHeight);
      bmfi.biPlanes = convertUInt16(bmfi.biPlanes);
      bmfi.biBitCount = convertUInt16(bmfi.biBitCount);
      bmfi.biCompression = convertUInt32(bmfi.biCompression);
      bmfi.biSizeImage = convertUInt32(bmfi.biSizeImage);
      bmfi.biXPelsPerMeter = convertInt32(bmfi.biXPelsPerMeter);
      bmfi.biYPelsPerMeter = convertInt32(bmfi.biYPelsPerMeter);
      bmfi.biClrUsed = convertUInt32(bmfi.biClrUsed);
      bmfi.biClrImportant = convertUInt32(bmfi.biClrImportant);

   if (bmfi.biSize != sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER_X) || bmfi.biPlanes != 1) {
      // Not a bitmap file
      if (isMessageEnabled(MSG_ERROR)) {
         std::cerr << "Image::readFileBMP(2): invalid bitmap file: " << bitmapFile << std::endl;
      return false;

   // set width & height (truncates to powers of two)

   // set resolution

   // Read the colors
   GLubyte* bmap = nullptr;
   if (bmfi.biBitCount == 24) {
      bmap = readRgbValuesBMP(fp, bfOffBits, &bmfi);
   else if (bmfi.biBitCount == 8){
      bmap = readColorValuesBMP(fp, bfOffBits, &bmfi);
   else if (bmfi.biBitCount == 4){
      if (isMessageEnabled(MSG_WARNING)) {
         std::cerr << "Image::readFileBMP: can not load a 16 color bitmap!" << std::endl;

   if (bmap == nullptr) {
      if (isMessageEnabled(MSG_WARNING)) {
         std::cerr << "Image::readFileBMP(3): invalid bitmap file: " << bitmapFile << std::endl;

   // close the file

   // Set the pixel bit map
   if (bmap != nullptr) setPixels(bmap);

   return (bmap != nullptr);
Beispiel #4
// irRequestSignature() -- Send an IR query packet at all active players to request an IR signature
void IrSeeker::irRequestSignature(IrQueryMsg* const irQuery)
   // Need something to store the required data for the IR signatures and someone to send to

   Tdb* tdb0 = getCurrentTDB();
   Player* ownship = getOwnship();
   if (irQuery == 0 || tdb0 == 0 || ownship == 0) {
      // Clean up and leave
      if (tdb0 != 0) tdb0->unref();

   // ---
   // Compute gimbal boresight data for our targets
   // ---

   // FAB - cannot use ownHdgOnly
   unsigned int ntgts = tdb0->computeBoresightData();
   if (ntgts > MAX_PLAYERS) ntgts = MAX_PLAYERS;

   // ---
   // If we have targets
   // ---
   const osg::Vec3d* losG = tdb0->getGimbalLosVectors();
   if (ntgts > 0 && losG != 0) {

      // Fetch the required data arrays from the TargetDataBlock
      const double* ranges = tdb0->getTargetRanges();
      const double* rngRates = tdb0->getTargetRangeRates();
      const double* anglesOffBoresight = tdb0->getBoresightErrorAngles();
      const osg::Vec3d* losO2T = tdb0->getLosVectors();
      const osg::Vec3d* losT2O = tdb0->getTargetLosVectors();
      Player** targets = tdb0->getTargets();
      LCreal maximumRange = irQuery->getMaxRangeNM()*Basic::Distance::NM2M;

      // ---
      // Send query packets to the targets
      // ---
      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ntgts; i++) {

         // filter on sensor max range 
         // can't filter on sensor range in processPlayers - different sensors can have different max range
         if (maximumRange > 0.0 && ranges[i] > maximumRange)

         // Get a free query packet
         IrQueryMsg* query = freeQueryStack.pop();

         if (query == 0) { 
            query = new IrQueryMsg();
            //if (ownship->getID() != 1) {
            //    static tcnt = 0;
            //    tcnt++;

            //if (isMessageEnabled(MSG_INFO)) {
            //    std::cout << "new IrQueryMsg(" << this << "): " << tcnt << ", inused: " << inUseEmQueue.entries() << ", em = " << em << std::endl;


         // Send the IR query message to the other player
         if (query != 0) {

            // a) Copy the template query msg
            *query = *irQuery;

            // b) Set target unique data

            query->setRange( LCreal(ranges[i]) );
            query->setLosVec( losO2T[i] );
            query->setTgtLosVec( losT2O[i] );
            query->setRangeRate( LCreal(rngRates[i]) );
            query->setAngleOffBoresight( LCreal(anglesOffBoresight[i]) );

            query->setGimbalAzimuth( LCreal(getAzimuth()) );
            query->setGimbalElevation( LCreal(getElevation()) );

            // c) Send the query to the target
            targets[i]->event(IR_QUERY, query);

            // d) Dispose of the query
            if (query->getRefCount() <= 1) {
               // Recycle the query packet
               if (freeQueryStack.isNotFull()) {
               else {
            else {
               // Store for future reference
               if (inUseQueryQueue.isNotFull()) {
               else {
                  // Just forget it
         else {
            // When we couldn't get a free query packet
            if (isMessageEnabled(MSG_WARNING)) {
               std::cerr << "Iw Seeker: OUT OF Query messages!" << std::endl;

   // Unref() the TDB
Beispiel #5
void MergingIrSensor::mergeIrReturns()
   int numRecords = storedMessagesQueue.entries();
   if (numRecords > 0) {

      //int* deleteArray = new int [numRecords];
      //if (deleteArray == 0) {
      //   if (isMessageEnabled(MSG_ERROR)) {
      //      std::cerr << "Error: Allocation memory failure in IrSensor::mergeIrReturns" << std::endl;
      //   }
      //else {
         //for (int i=0; i < numRecords; i++) {
         //   deleteArray[i] = 0;

         // Traverse the stored message queue using peek (). Examine every
         // message. Compare every stored message against every OTHER stored
         // message. If the two are too close together, merge the two signals
         // and mark the second message in the delete array.
         // Proceed through the loop, ignoring all messages marked "deleted"
         // in the delete array.
         numRecords = storedMessagesQueue.entries();

         if (isMessageEnabled(MSG_DEBUG)) {
            std::cout << "IrSensor: numRecords returned " << numRecords << std::endl;

         for (int i=0; i < numRecords; i++) {
               //if (deleteArray[i] == 0) {  // Do not bother processing those marked
               // for deletion -- these have already been
               // merged and must be ignored.

            IrQueryMsg* currentMsg = storedMessagesQueue.peek0(i);

            // Do not bother processing those marked
            // for deletion -- these have already been
            // merged and must be ignored.
            if (currentMsg->getQueryMergeStatus()!= IrQueryMsg::MERGED_OUT) {

               for (int j = i+1; j < numRecords; j++) {

                  IrQueryMsg* nextMsg = storedMessagesQueue.peek0(j);
                  LCreal azimuthDelta = currentMsg->getRelativeAzimuth() - nextMsg->getRelativeAzimuth();
                  LCreal elevationDelta = currentMsg->getRelativeElevation()
                     - nextMsg->getRelativeElevation();

                  if (azimuthDelta < 0)
                     azimuthDelta = -azimuthDelta;

                  if (elevationDelta < 0)
                     elevationDelta = -elevationDelta;

                  if ((azimuthDelta < azimuthBin) &&
                     (elevationDelta < elevationBin)) { // two signals are too close together
                    // for the sensor to distinguish between them;
                    // we will merge the two signals based
                    // on their weighted signal-to-noise.
                    LCreal currentRatio = 0.0;
                    LCreal nextRatio = 0.0;

                    // find current ratio.
                    if (isMessageEnabled(MSG_DEBUG)) {
                       std::cout << "IrSensor: merging target " <<  nextMsg->getTarget()->getName()->getString()
                                 << " into target " <<currentMsg->getTarget()->getName()->getString()  << std::endl;

                    if (currentMsg->getSignalToNoiseRatio() >
                       currentMsg->getBackgroundNoiseRatio()) {

                          currentRatio = currentMsg->getSignalToNoiseRatio() +

                    } else {
                       if (currentMsg->getSignalToNoiseRatio() < 0) {
                          currentRatio = -currentMsg->getSignalToNoiseRatio() -
                       } else {
                          currentRatio = -currentMsg->getSignalToNoiseRatio() -
                       } // signaltonoise < 0

                    } // if current signal > background

                    //now do the same thing for the next message.
                    if (nextMsg->getSignalToNoiseRatio() >
                       nextMsg->getBackgroundNoiseRatio()) {
                          nextRatio = nextMsg->getSignalToNoiseRatio() +
                    } else {
                       if (nextMsg->getSignalToNoiseRatio() < 0) {
                          nextRatio = -nextMsg->getSignalToNoiseRatio() -
                       } else {
                          nextRatio = -nextMsg->getSignalToNoiseRatio() -
                       } // signaltonoise < 0

                    } // if next signal > background

                    // use ratios to find weights.
                    LCreal sumRatio = currentRatio + nextRatio;

                    const LCreal currentWeight = currentRatio / sumRatio;
                    const LCreal nextWeight = 1.0 - currentWeight;

                    //combine line-of-sight vector using weights
                    currentMsg->setLosVec((currentMsg->getLosVec() * currentWeight) +
                       (nextMsg->getLosVec() * nextWeight));

                    // combine position
                    currentMsg->setPosVec((currentMsg->getPosVec() * currentWeight) +
                       (nextMsg->getPosVec() * nextWeight));

                    // combine velocity
                    currentMsg->setVelocityVec((currentMsg->getVelocityVec() * currentWeight) +
                       (nextMsg->getVelocityVec() * nextWeight));

                    // combine acceleration
                    currentMsg->setAccelVec((currentMsg->getAccelVec() * currentWeight) +
                       (nextMsg->getAccelVec() * nextWeight));

                    // combine signal to noise ratios.
                    sumRatio = sumRatio - currentMsg->getBackgroundNoiseRatio();
                    if (sumRatio < 0)
                       sumRatio = -sumRatio;


                    //combine Azimuth and Elevation.
                    currentMsg->setAzimuthAoi((currentMsg->getAzimuthAoi() * currentWeight) +
                       nextMsg->getAzimuthAoi() * nextWeight);

                    currentMsg->setElevationAoi((currentMsg->getElevationAoi()* currentWeight) +
                       (nextMsg->getElevationAoi() * nextWeight));

                    currentMsg->setAngleAspect((currentMsg->getAngleAspect() * currentWeight) +
                       (nextMsg->getAngleAspect() * nextWeight));

                    currentMsg->setRelativeAzimuth((currentMsg->getRelativeAzimuth() * currentWeight) +
                       (nextMsg->getRelativeAzimuth() * nextWeight));

                    currentMsg->setRelativeElevation((currentMsg->getRelativeElevation() * currentWeight) +
                       (nextMsg->getRelativeElevation() * nextWeight));

                    // signal that this report has merged targets

                    //deleteArray[j] = 1;  // now that we have merged this signal with the
                    // Ith signal, it must be deleted. It will not
                    // be passed on to the track manager.

                    //if (isMessageEnabled(MSG_INFO)) {
                    //std::cout << "IrSensor: End Merge" << std::endl;

                  } // if we merge
               } // end for j = i + 1;
            } // End if delete Array
            else { // debug - this target ws merged into another
               int x=0;
         } // end for i = 0;
         //delete[] deleteArray;
      //} // newArray is not null.
   } // numRecords > 0
// Open the data file
bool FileReader::openFile()
   // When we're already open, just return
   if (isOpen()) return true;

   // local flags (default is success)
   bool tOpened = true;
   bool tFailed = false;

   // Need a file name
   if (filename == nullptr || filename->len() ==  0) {
      if (isMessageEnabled(MSG_ERROR)) {
         std::cerr << "FileReader::openFile(): Unable to open data file: no file name" << std::endl;
      tOpened = false;
      tFailed = true;
   else {

      // Allocate space for the full file name
      size_t nameLength = 0;
      if (pathname != nullptr) {
         nameLength += pathname->len();     // add the length of the path name
         nameLength += 1;                         // add a character for the slash
      nameLength += filename->len();           // add the length of the file name
      nameLength += 1;                         // Add one for the null(0) at the end of the string

      char* fullname = new char[nameLength];
      fullname[0] = '\0';

      // Create the (initial) full file name
      if (pathname != nullptr && pathname->len() > 0) {
         lcStrcat(fullname, nameLength ,*pathname);
         lcStrcat(fullname, nameLength, "/");

      // Make sure that it exists
      bool validName = doesFileExist(fullname);

      // When we have a valid file name ...
      if ( validName ) {
         // Make sure we have an input stream
         if (sin == nullptr) sin = new std::ifstream();

         // Open the file (binary input mode)
         sin->open(fullname, std::ios_base::in | std::ios_base::binary );

         if (isMessageEnabled(MSG_INFO)) {
            std::cout << "FileReader::openFile() Opening data file = " << fullname << std::endl;

         if (sin->fail()) {
            if (isMessageEnabled(MSG_ERROR)) {
               std::cerr << "FileReader::openFile(): Failed to open data file: " << fullname << std::endl;
            tOpened = false;
            tFailed = true;


      delete[] fullname;

   fileOpened = tOpened;
   fileFailed = tFailed;
   return fileOpened;
// Read basic information about this cell from the file headers
bool DtedFile::readDtedHeaders(std::istream& in)
    // Read in the User Header Label (UHL) record
    dtedUhlRecord uhl;<char*>(&uhl), sizeof(uhl));
    if ( || in.gcount() < sizeof(uhl))
        if (isMessageEnabled(MSG_ERROR)) {
           std::cerr << "DtedFile::readDtedHeaders: error reading UHL record." << std::endl;
        return false;
    if (std::strncmp(uhl.recognition_sentinel, UHL_RECOGNITION_SENTINEL, sizeof(uhl.recognition_sentinel)) != 0)
        if (isMessageEnabled(MSG_ERROR)) {
           std::cerr << "DtedFile::readDtedHeaders: invalid recognition sentinel in UHL record." << std::endl;
        return false;
    if (uhl.fixed_by_standard[0] != UHL_FIXED_BY_STANDARD_BYTE)
        if (isMessageEnabled(MSG_ERROR)) {
           std::cerr << "DtedFile::readDtedHeaders: invalid fixed_by_standard byte in UHL record." << std::endl;
        return false;

    // Read in the Data Set Identification (DSI) record
    dtedDsiRecord dsi;<char*>(&dsi), sizeof(dsi));
    if ( || in.gcount() < sizeof(dsi))
        if (isMessageEnabled(MSG_ERROR)) {
           std::cerr << "DtedFile::readDtedHeaders: error reading DSI record." << std::endl;
        return false;

    // Read in the Accuracy Description (ACC) record
    dtedAccRecord acc;<char*>(&acc), sizeof(acc));
    if ( || in.gcount() < sizeof(acc))
        if (isMessageEnabled(MSG_ERROR)) {
        std::cerr << "DtedFile::readDtedHeaders: error reading ACC record." << std::endl;
        return false;

    // Extract the latitude and longitude of cell's SW corner.
    // DTED cells are always 1 degree by 1 degree,
    // and always start on an integer degree.
    int swcLatitude(0);
    int swcLongitude(0);
    std::sscanf(uhl.origin_latitude, "%3d", &swcLatitude);
    std::sscanf(uhl.origin_longitude, "%3d", &swcLongitude);
    if (uhl.origin_latitude[7] == 'S')
        swcLatitude = -1*swcLatitude;
    if (uhl.origin_longitude[7] == 'W')
        swcLongitude = -1*swcLongitude;
    setLatitudeSW( swcLatitude );
    setLongitudeSW( swcLongitude );
    setLatitudeNE( swcLatitude + 1 );
    setLongitudeNE( swcLongitude + 1 );

    // Extract the data intervals for latitude and longitude
    static const double TENTHS_OF_SECONDS_PER_DEGREE = 36000.0;
    int latIncr(0);
    int lonIncr(0);
    std::sscanf(uhl.data_interval_latitude, "%4d", &latIncr);
    std::sscanf(uhl.data_interval_longitude, "%4d", &lonIncr);
    latSpacing = latIncr / TENTHS_OF_SECONDS_PER_DEGREE;
    lonSpacing = lonIncr / TENTHS_OF_SECONDS_PER_DEGREE;

    // Extract the number of latitude and longitude lines
    unsigned int num_lat(0);
    unsigned int num_lon(0);
    std::sscanf(uhl.number_latitude_lines, "%4u", &num_lat);
    std::sscanf(uhl.number_longitude_lines, "%4u", &num_lon);
    nptlat = num_lat;
    nptlong = num_lon;

    return true;
Beispiel #8
// weaponGuidance() -- default guidance; using Robot Aircraft (RAC) guidance
void Missile::weaponGuidance(const LCreal dt)

   // ---
   // Control velocity:  During burn time, accel to max velocity,
   //  after burn time, deaccelerate to min velocity.
   // ---
   if (isEngineBurnEnabled()) cmdVelocity = vpMax;
   else cmdVelocity = vpMin;

   // ---
   // If the target's already dead,
   //    then don't go away mad, just go away.
   // ---
   const Player* tgt = getTargetPlayer();
   const Track* trk = getTargetTrack();
   if (trk != 0) tgt = trk->getTarget();

   if (tgt != 0 && !tgt->isActive()) return;

   osg::Vec3 los; // Target Line of Sight
   osg::Vec3 vel; // Target velocity

   // ---
   // Basic guidance
   // ---
      // ---
      // Get position and velocity vectors from the target/track
      // ---
      osg::Vec3 posx;
      calculateVectors(tgt, trk, &los, &vel, &posx);

      // compute range to target
      LCreal trng0 = trng;
      trng = los.length();

      // compute range rate,
      LCreal trdot0 = trdot;
      if (dt > 0)
         trdot = (trng - trng0)/dt;
         trdot = 0;

      // Target total velocit
      LCreal totalVel = vel.length();

      // compute target velocity parallel to LOS,
      LCreal vtplos = (los * vel/trng);

      // ---
      // guidance - fly to intercept point
      // ---

      // if we have guidance ...
      if ( isGuidanceEnabled() && trng > 0) {

         // get missile velocity (must be faster than target),
         LCreal v = vpMax;
         if (v < totalVel) v = totalVel + 1;

         // compute target velocity normal to LOS squared,
         LCreal tgtVp = totalVel;
         LCreal vtnlos2 = tgtVp*tgtVp - vtplos*vtplos;

         // and compute missile velocity parallex to LOS.
         LCreal vmplos = lcSqrt( v*v - vtnlos2 );

         // Now, use both velocities parallel to LOS to compute
         //  closure rate.
         LCreal vclos = vmplos - vtplos;

         // Use closure rate and range to compute time to intercept.
         LCreal dt1 = 0;
         if (vclos > 0) dt1 = trng/vclos;

         // Use time to intercept to extrapolate target position.
         osg::Vec3 p1 = (los + (vel * dt1));

         // Compute missile commanded heading and
         cmdHeading = lcAtan2(p1.y(),p1.x());

         // commanded pitch.
         LCreal grng = lcSqrt(p1.x()*p1.x() + p1.y()*p1.y());
         cmdPitch = -lcAtan2(p1.z(),grng);


   // ---
   // fuzing logic  (let's see if we've scored a hit)
   //  (compute range at closest point and compare to max burst radius)
   //  (use target truth data)
   // ---
      // ---
      // Get position and velocity vectors from the target (truth)
      // (or default to the values from above)
      // ---
      if (tgt != 0) {
         calculateVectors(tgt, 0, &los, &vel, 0);

      // compute range to target
      LCreal trng0 = trngT;
      trngT = los.length();

      // compute range rate,
      LCreal trdot0 = trdotT;
      if (dt > 0)
         trdotT = (trngT - trng0)/dt;
         trdotT = 0;

      // when we've just passed the target ...
      if (trdotT > 0 && trdot0 < 0 && !isDummy() && getTOF() > 2.0f) {
         bool missed = true;   // assume the worst

         // compute relative velocity vector.
         osg::Vec3 velRel = (vel - getVelocity());

         // compute missile velocity squared,
         LCreal vm2 = velRel.length2();
         if (vm2 > 0) {

            // relative range (dot) relative velocity
            LCreal rdv = los * velRel;

            // interpolate back to closest point
            LCreal ndt = -rdv/vm2;
            osg::Vec3 p0 = los + (velRel*ndt);

            // range squared at closest point
            LCreal r2 = p0.length2();

            // compare to burst radius squared
            if (r2 <= (getMaxBurstRng()*getMaxBurstRng()) ) {

               // We've detonated
               missed = false;
               setDetonationResults( DETONATE_ENTITY_IMPACT );

               // compute location of the detonation relative to the target
               osg::Vec3 p0n = -p0;
               if (tgt != 0) p0n = tgt->getRotMat() * p0n;

               // Did we hit anyone?

               // Log the event
               LCreal detRange = getDetonationRange();
               if (isMessageEnabled(MSG_INFO)) {
                  std::cout << "DETONATE_ENTITY_IMPACT rng = " << detRange << std::endl;
               if (getAnyEventLogger() != 0) {
                  TabLogger::TabLogEvent* evt = new TabLogger::LogWeaponActivity(2, getLaunchVehicle(), this, getTargetPlayer(), DETONATE_ENTITY_IMPACT, detRange); // type 2 for "detonate"

         // Did we miss the target?
         if (missed) {
            // We've detonated ...
            setDetonationResults( DETONATE_DETONATION );

            // because we've just missed the target

            // Log the event
            LCreal detRange = trngT;
            if (isMessageEnabled(MSG_INFO)) {
               std::cout << "DETONATE_OTHER rng = " << detRange << std::endl;
            if (getAnyEventLogger() != 0) {
               TabLogger::TabLogEvent* evt = new TabLogger::LogWeaponActivity(2, getLaunchVehicle(), this, getTargetPlayer(), DETONATE_DETONATION, getDetonationRange()); // type 2 for "detonate"

// -------------------------------------------------------------
// bindSocket() -- bind the socket to an address, and configure
// the send and receive buffers.
// -------------------------------------------------------------
bool PosixHandler::bindSocket()
    if (socketNum == INVALID_SOCKET) return false;

    // ---
    // Set the reuse socket attribute
    // ---
#if defined(WIN32)
        BOOL optval = getSharedFlag();
        socklen_t optlen = sizeof(optval);
        if (::setsockopt(socketNum, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (const char*) &optval, optlen) == SOCKET_ERROR) {
        int optval = getSharedFlag();
        socklen_t optlen = sizeof(optval);
        if (::setsockopt(socketNum, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &optval, optlen) == SOCKET_ERROR) {
            std::perror("PosixHandler::bindSocket(): error setsockopt(SO_REUSEADDR)\n");
            return false;

    return true;

// Set the output buffer size
bool PosixHandler::setSendBuffSize()
   if (socketNum == INVALID_SOCKET) return false;

   const unsigned int optval = sendBuffSizeKb * 1024;
   socklen_t optlen = sizeof(optval);
#if defined(WIN32)
   if (::setsockopt(socketNum, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&optval), optlen) == SOCKET_ERROR) {
   if (::setsockopt(socketNum, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, reinterpret_cast<const void*>(&optval), optlen) == SOCKET_ERROR) {
      std::perror("PosixHandler::setSendBuffSize(): error setting the send buffer size\n");
      return false;
   return true;

// Sets the input buffer size
bool PosixHandler::setRecvBuffSize()
   if (socketNum == INVALID_SOCKET) return false;

   const unsigned int optval = recvBuffSizeKb * 1024;
   socklen_t optlen = sizeof (optval);
#if defined(WIN32)
   if (::setsockopt(socketNum, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&optval), optlen) == SOCKET_ERROR) {
   if (::setsockopt(socketNum, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, reinterpret_cast<const void*>(&optval), optlen) == SOCKET_ERROR) {
      std::perror("PosixHandler::setRecvBuffSize(): error setting the receive buffer size\n");
      return false;
   return true;

// -------------------------------------------------------------
// setBlocked() -- Sets blocked I/O mode
// -------------------------------------------------------------
bool PosixHandler::setBlocked()
    if (socketNum == NET_INVALID_SOCKET) return false;

// Set the socket 'sock' to Blocking. Wait I/O.
#if defined(WIN32)
    unsigned long zz = false;
    if (::ioctlsocket(socketNum, FIONBIO, &zz) == SOCKET_ERROR) {
        return false;
    const int zz = 0;
    if (::ioctl(socketNum, FIONBIO, &zz) == SOCKET_ERROR) {
        return false;

   return true;

// -------------------------------------------------------------
// setNoWait() -- Sets no wait (non-blocking) I/O mode
// -------------------------------------------------------------
bool PosixHandler::setNoWait()
    if (socketNum == NET_INVALID_SOCKET) return false;

// Set the socket 'sock' to Non-Blocking. Nowait I/O.
#if defined(WIN32)
    unsigned long zz = true;
    if (::ioctlsocket(socketNum, FIONBIO, &zz ) == SOCKET_ERROR) {
        return false;
    const int zz = 1;
    if (::ioctl(socketNum, FIONBIO, &zz ) == SOCKET_ERROR) {
        return false;

   return true;

// -------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns true if the network handler has been initialized
// -------------------------------------------------------------
bool PosixHandler::isConnected() const
    return initialized;

// -------------------------------------------------------------
// Close (un-initialize) this network
// -------------------------------------------------------------
bool PosixHandler::closeConnection()
    initialized = false;
    return true;

// -------------------------------------------------------------
// sendData() -- Send data
// -------------------------------------------------------------
bool PosixHandler::sendData(const char* const packet, const int size)
    if (socketNum == INVALID_SOCKET) return false;

    // Send the data
    struct sockaddr_in addr;        // Working address structure
    bzero(&addr, sizeof(addr));
    addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
    addr.sin_addr.s_addr = netAddr;
    addr.sin_port = htons(port);
    socklen_t addrlen = sizeof(addr);
    int result = ::sendto(socketNum, packet, size, 0, reinterpret_cast<const struct sockaddr*>(&addr), addrlen);
    if (result == SOCKET_ERROR) {
#if defined(WIN32)
        int err = ::WSAGetLastError();
        if (isMessageEnabled(MSG_ERROR)) {
            std::cerr << "PosixHandler::sendData(): sendto error: " << err << " hex=0x" << std::hex << err << std::dec << std::endl;
        std::perror("PosixHandler::sendData(): sendto error msg");
        if (isMessageEnabled(MSG_ERROR)) {
            std::cerr << "PosixHandler::sendData(): sendto error result: " << result << std::endl;
        return false;
    return true;

// -------------------------------------------------------------
// recvData() -- Receive data and possible ignore our own
//               local port messages.
// -------------------------------------------------------------
unsigned int PosixHandler::recvData(char* const packet, const int maxSize)
   unsigned int n = 0;

   if (socketNum == INVALID_SOCKET) return 0;

   fromAddr1 = INADDR_NONE;
   fromPort1 = 0;

   bool tryAgain = true;
   while (tryAgain) {
      tryAgain = false;

      // Try to receive the data
      struct sockaddr_in raddr;       // IP address
      socklen_t addrlen = sizeof(raddr);
      int result = ::recvfrom(socketNum, packet, maxSize, 0, reinterpret_cast<struct sockaddr*>(&raddr), &addrlen);

      if (result > 0 && ignoreSourcePort != 0) {
         // Ok we have one; make sure it's not one we should ignore
         uint16_t rport = ntohs(raddr.sin_port);
         if (rport == ignoreSourcePort) {
            tryAgain = true;

      // set number of bytes received
      if (result > 0 && !tryAgain) {
         n = result;
         fromAddr1 = raddr.sin_addr.s_addr;
         fromPort1 = ntohs(raddr.sin_port);
   return n;

// Set functions

// Set the shared flag
void PosixHandler::setSharedFlag(const bool b)
   sharedFlg = b;

// Set port number
bool PosixHandler::setPort(const uint16_t n1)
   port = n1;
   return true;
Beispiel #10
// Add the NTM to our sublist of nodes.
bool NtmInputNode::add2OurLists(simulation::Ntm* const ntm)
   bool ok = false;

   // Make sure we have the correct kind of NTM ...
   rprfom::Ntm* disNtm = dynamic_cast<rprfom::Ntm*>( ntm );
   if (disNtm != nullptr) {

      // Make sure that the NTM's code for this level matches our code
      unsigned int currLevelCode = 0;
      unsigned int nextLevelCode = 0;
      switch (level) {
         case ROOT_LVL : {
            currLevelCode = 0;
            nextLevelCode = disNtm->getEntityKind();
         case KIND_LVL : {
            currLevelCode = disNtm->getEntityKind();
            nextLevelCode = disNtm->getEntityDomain();
         case DOMAIN_LVL : {
            currLevelCode = disNtm->getEntityDomain();
            nextLevelCode = disNtm->getEntityCountry();
         case COUNTRYCODE_LVL : {
            currLevelCode = disNtm->getEntityCountry();
            nextLevelCode = disNtm->getEntityCategory();
         case CATEGORY_LVL : {
            currLevelCode = disNtm->getEntityCategory();
            nextLevelCode = disNtm->getEntitySubcategory();
         case SUBCATEGORY_LVL : {
            currLevelCode = disNtm->getEntitySubcategory();
            nextLevelCode = disNtm->getEntitySpecific();
         case SPECIFIC_LVL : {
            currLevelCode = disNtm->getEntitySpecific();
            nextLevelCode = disNtm->getEntityExtra();
         case EXTRA_LVL : {
            currLevelCode = disNtm->getEntityExtra();
            nextLevelCode = 0;

      // Does our code match the NIB's entity type code for this level?
      // And the 'root' node always matches.
      bool match = (code == currLevelCode) || (level == ROOT_LVL);

      if (match) {
         bool err = false;

         // Case #1; if we're at the 'category' level or above, and all remaining codes are
         // zero, then this becomes a wild card terminal node.
            bool wild = (level >= CATEGORY_LVL);

            if (wild && level < EXTRA_LVL)        wild = (disNtm->getEntityExtra() == 0);
            if (wild && level < SPECIFIC_LVL)     wild = (disNtm->getEntitySpecific() == 0);
            if (wild && level < SUBCATEGORY_LVL)  wild = (disNtm->getEntitySubcategory() == 0);

            if (wild) {
               // wild card terminal node
               if (ourNtm == nullptr) {
                  ourNtm = disNtm;
                  ok = true;
               else if (isMessageEnabled(MSG_WARNING)) {
                  std::cerr << "Warning: duplicate incoming NTM(";
                  std::cerr << int(disNtm->getEntityKind()) << ",";
                  std::cerr << int(disNtm->getEntityDomain()) << ",";
                  std::cerr << int(disNtm->getEntityCountry()) << ",";
                  std::cerr << int(disNtm->getEntityCategory()) << ",";
                  std::cerr << int(disNtm->getEntitySubcategory()) << ",";
                  std::cerr << int(disNtm->getEntitySpecific()) << ",";
                  std::cerr << int(disNtm->getEntityExtra()) << ")";
                  std::cerr << ", second ignored" << std::endl;
                  err = true;

         // Case #2; if we're at the 'specific' level, then create a terminal node
         // for the Ntm.  The wild card case was handle in case #1.
         if (!ok && !err && level == SPECIFIC_LVL) {

            // make sure the terminal node doesn't already exist.
            bool alreadyExists = false;
            const base::List::Item* item = subnodeList->getFirstItem();
            while (item != nullptr && !alreadyExists) {
               const NtmInputNode* subnode = static_cast<const NtmInputNode*>(item->getValue());
               alreadyExists = (nextLevelCode == subnode->code);
               item = item->getNext();

            if (!alreadyExists) {
               NtmInputNode* newNode = new NtmInputNode( (level+1), nextLevelCode, disNtm );
               newNode->unref();   // ref()'d when put into the subnode list
               ok = true;
            else if (isMessageEnabled(MSG_WARNING)) {
               std::cerr << "Warning: duplicate incoming NTM(";
               std::cerr << int(disNtm->getEntityKind()) << ",";
               std::cerr << int(disNtm->getEntityDomain()) << ",";
               std::cerr << int(disNtm->getEntityCountry()) << ",";
               std::cerr << int(disNtm->getEntityCategory()) << ",";
               std::cerr << int(disNtm->getEntitySubcategory()) << ",";
               std::cerr << int(disNtm->getEntitySpecific()) << ",";
               std::cerr << int(disNtm->getEntityExtra()) << ")";
               std::cerr << ", second ignored" << std::endl;
               err = true;

         // Case #3; if we're at a level less than the 'specific' level, so try
         // to add the NTM to one of our existing subnodes.
         if (!ok && !err && level < SPECIFIC_LVL) {
            const base::List::Item* item = subnodeList->getFirstItem();
            while (item != nullptr && !ok) {
               NtmInputNode* subnode = const_cast<NtmInputNode*>(static_cast<const NtmInputNode*>(item->getValue()));
               if (nextLevelCode == subnode->code) {
                  ok = subnode->add2OurLists(disNtm);
               item = item->getNext();

         // Case #4; We didn't create a terminal node, and the NTM was added to
         // one of our existing subnodes, then create a new subnode for it.
         if (!ok && !err) {
            // Create a new node and add the NTM
            NtmInputNode* newNode = new NtmInputNode( (level+1), nextLevelCode );
            ok = newNode->add2OurLists(disNtm);
            newNode->unref();   // ref()'d when put into the subnode list


   return ok;
Beispiel #11
// Halo Font functions
// FtglHaloFont::outputText() -- FtglHaloFont output routines
void FtglHaloFont::outputText(const double x, const double y, const char* txt, const int n, const bool vf, const bool rf)
    GLfloat ocolor[4];
    glGetFloatv(GL_CURRENT_COLOR, ocolor);        

    // Make sure we have characters to print
    if (n <= 0) return;

    // Make sure we have a loaded font
    if (isNotLoaded()) {
        if (isNotLoaded()) throw new ExpInvalidFont();

    // Prepare the output text
    char cbuf[MSG_BUF_LEN];
    int nn = xferChars(cbuf,MSG_BUF_LEN,txt,n);
    if (nn <= 0) return;

    if (haloColor != 0) Graphic::lcColor3(haloColor->red(), haloColor->green(), haloColor->blue()); 
    // default to black if we have no color specified
    else glColor3f(0,0,0);

    // now render the outline font over it! 
    if (!rf) {
        if (outline != 0) {
            glTranslated(x, y, -0.01f);
            // get our current linewidth
            GLfloat lw = 0;
            glGetFloatv(GL_LINE_WIDTH, &lw);
            glScalef(GLfloat(getFontWidth()), GLfloat(getFontHeight()), 1.0f);
            if (vf) {
                // Vertical text
                GLdouble dy = getLineSpacing();
                if (getFontHeight() != 0.0) dy = getLineSpacing() / getFontHeight();
                char cc[2];
                cc[1] = '\0';
                for (int i = 0; i < nn; i++) {
                    cc[0] = cbuf[i];
                    glTranslated(0.0, -dy, 0.0);
            else {
                // Normal text
        else {
              if (isMessageEnabled(MSG_ERROR)) {
                  std::cerr << "FtglHaloFont::outputText() - no outline font available" << std::endl;


    // output the text
    FTGLPolygonFont* ftgl1 = (FTGLPolygonFont*)FTGL();   
    if (ftgl1 != 0) {
        glTranslated(x, y, 0.0);
        glScalef(GLfloat(getFontWidth()), GLfloat(getFontHeight()), 1.0f);
        if (vf) {
            // Vertical text
            GLdouble dy = getLineSpacing();
            if (getFontHeight() != 0.0) dy = getLineSpacing() / getFontHeight();
            char cc[2];
            cc[1] = '\0';
            for (int i = 0; i < nn; i++) {
                cc[0] = cbuf[i];
                glTranslated(0.0, -dy, 0.0);
        else {
            // Normal text
    else {
          if (isMessageEnabled(MSG_ERROR)) {
              std::cerr << "FtglPolygonFont::outputText() - no Polygon font available" << std::endl;
Beispiel #12
// process() -- 
void Sar::process(const LCreal dt)

    // Imaging in porgress?
   if (timer > 0) {

      // ---
      // Point the beam
      // ---
      Antenna* ant = getAntenna();
      if (ant != 0) {
         Simulation* s = getSimulation();
         double refLat = s->getRefLatitude();
         double refLon = s->getRefLongitude();

         osg::Vec3 pos;
            refLat, refLon,                           // Ref point (at sea level)
            getStarePointLatitude(), getStarePointLongitude(), getStarePointElevation(), 
            &pos); // x,y,z  NED

         // Platform (ownship) coord and then body
         osg::Vec3 posP = pos - getOwnship()->getPosition();
         osg::Vec3 posB = getOwnship()->getRotMat() * posP;

         // Convert to az/el
         LCreal tgt_az = 0.0;   // Angle (degs)
         LCreal tgt_el = 0.0;   // Angle (degs)
         xyz2AzEl(posB, &tgt_az, &tgt_el);

         // Command to that position
         LCreal az = tgt_az * (LCreal)Basic::Angle::D2RCC;
         LCreal el = tgt_el * (LCreal)Basic::Angle::D2RCC;


      // ---
      // Process timer
      // ---
      LCreal ttimer = timer - dt;
      if (ttimer <= 0) {

         // ### test -- Generate a test image ###
         Image* p = new Image();
         if (isMessageEnabled(MSG_INFO)) {
            std::cout << "Sar:: Generating test image: resolution: " << getResolution() << std::endl;
         if (getResolution() > 0) p->setResolution( getResolution() );
         else p->setResolution( 3.0f * Basic::Distance::FT2M );
         Basic::Pair* pp = new Basic::Pair("image", p);
         // ### TEST TEST 

         // Just finished!
         ttimer = 0;
      timer = ttimer;

Beispiel #13
// Serialize and write a DataRecord to a file
void FileWriter::processRecordImp(const DataRecordHandle* const handle)
   bool thisIsEodMsg = false;

   // ---
   // Open the file, if it hasn't been already ...
   // ---
   if ( !fileOpened && !fileFailed ) openFile();

   // ---
   // When the file is open and ready ...
   // --- serialize and write the data record.
   // ---
   if ( fileOpened ) {

      // The DataRecord to be sent
      const Pb::DataRecord* dataRecord = handle->getRecord();

      // Serialize the DataRecord
      std::string wireFormat;
      bool ok = dataRecord->SerializeToString(&wireFormat);

      // Write the serialized DataRecord with its length to the file
      if (ok) {
         unsigned int n = wireFormat.length();

         // Convert size to an integer string
         char nbuff[8];
         std::sprintf(nbuff, "%04d", n);

         // Convert the leading zeros to spaces
         if (nbuff[0] == '0') {
            nbuff[0] = ' ';
            if (nbuff[1] == '0') {
               nbuff[1] = ' ';
               if (nbuff[2] == '0') {
                  nbuff[2] = ' ';

         // Write the size of the serialized DataRecord as an ascii string
         sout->write(nbuff, 4);

         // Write the serialized DataRecord
         sout->write( wireFormat.c_str(), n );

      else if (isMessageEnabled(MSG_ERROR | MSG_WARNING)) {
         // If we had an error serializing the DataRecord
         std::cerr << "FileWriter::processRecordImp() -- SerializeToString() error" << std::endl;

      // Check for END_OF_DATA message
      thisIsEodMsg = (dataRecord->id() == REID_END_OF_DATA);


   // ---
   // Close the file at END_OF_DATA message
   // ---
   if (!eodFlag && thisIsEodMsg) {
      eodFlag = true;
Beispiel #14
// Read elevation data from DTED file
bool DtedFile::readDtedData(std::istream& in)
    if (nptlat < 1 || nptlong < 1)
        if (isMessageEnabled(MSG_ERROR)) {
            std::cerr << "DtedFile::readDtedData: DTED headers indicate an empty file." << std::endl;
        return false;

    // Allocate the elevation array
    columns = new short*[nptlong];
    for(unsigned int i=0; i<nptlong; i++)
        columns[i] = new short[nptlat];

    // Read the elevation array.
    for(unsigned int lon=0; lon<nptlong; lon++)
        unsigned long checksum = 0;

        // read record header
        dtedColumnHeader head;<char*>(&head), sizeof(head));
        if ( || in.gcount() < sizeof(head))
            if (isMessageEnabled(MSG_ERROR)) {
            std::cerr << "DtedFile::readDtedData: error reading column header." << std::endl;
            return false;
        for(unsigned int i=0; i<sizeof(head); i++)
            checksum += (reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(&head))[i];

        if (head.recognition_sentinel[0] != DATA_RECOGNITION_SENTINEL)
            if (isMessageEnabled(MSG_ERROR)) {
            std::cerr << "DtedFile::readDtedData: record contains invalid recognition sentinel." << std::endl;
            return false;

        // Read elevation values for record
        double minElev0 = 99999.0;
        double maxElev0 = 0.0;
        for(unsigned int lat=0; lat<nptlat; lat++)
            unsigned char values[2];
  <char*>(values), sizeof(values));
            if ( || in.gcount() < sizeof(values))
                if (isMessageEnabled(MSG_ERROR)) {
                    std::cerr << "DtedFile::readDtedData: error reading data value." << std::endl;
                return false;
            checksum += values[0] + values[1];

            short height = readValue(values[0], values[1]);
            columns[lon][lat] = height;

            // check if this is the new min or max elevation
            if (height < minElev0) minElev0 = height;
            if (height > maxElev0) maxElev0 = height;

        // Read data record footer and verify checksum
        dtedColumnFooter foot;<char*>(&foot), sizeof(foot));
        if ( || in.gcount() < sizeof(foot))
            if (isMessageEnabled(MSG_ERROR)) {
                std::cerr << "DtedFile::readDtedData: error reading column footer." << std::endl;
            return false;

        if (isVerifyChecksum()) {
           unsigned long file_cksum = readValue(foot.checksum[0], foot.checksum[1], foot.checksum[2], foot.checksum[3]);
           if (file_cksum != checksum)
               if (isMessageEnabled(MSG_ERROR)) {
                   std::cerr << "DtedFile::readDtedData: bad checksum in data record." << std::endl;
               return false;
    return true;
Beispiel #15
// Open the data file
bool PrintHandler::openFile()
   // When we're already open, just return
   if (isOpen()) return true;

   // If we don't have a file name then we're using the standard output
   if (filename == 0 || filename->len() ==  0) return true;

   // clear the old 'full' file name

   // local flags (default is success)
   bool tOpened = true;
   bool tFailed = false;

   // Allocate space for the full file name
   size_t nameLength = 0;
   if (pathname != 0) {
      nameLength += pathname->len();     // add the length of the path name
      nameLength += 1;                         // add a character for the slash
   nameLength += filename->len();           // add the length of the file name
   nameLength += 4;                         // add characters for possible version number, "_V99"
   nameLength += 1;                         // Add one for the null(0) at the end of the string

   char* fullname = new char[nameLength];
   fullname[0] = '\0';

   // Create the (initial) full file name
   if (pathname != 0 && pathname->len() > 0) {
      lcStrcat(fullname, nameLength ,*pathname);
      lcStrcat(fullname, nameLength, "/");

   // Make sure that it doesn't already exist (we don't want to over write good data).
   bool validName = !doesFileExist(fullname);
   if ( !validName ) {
      // If the file already exists, try appending a version number "v99" ..

      char* origname = new char[nameLength];
      lcStrcpy(origname, nameLength, fullname);

      validName = false;
      for (unsigned int i = 1; i <= 99 && !validName; i++) {
         std::sprintf(fullname, "%s_v%02d", origname, i);
         validName = !doesFileExist(fullname);

      if ( !validName ) {
         if (isMessageEnabled(MSG_ERROR)) {
            std::cerr << "PrintHandler::openFile(): All version of the data file already exists: " << origname << std::endl;
         tOpened = false;
         tFailed = true;
      delete[] origname;

   // When we have a valid file name ...
   if ( validName ) {

      // The file name with the path and version number

      // Make sure we have an output stream
      if (sout == 0) sout = new std::ofstream();

      // Open the file
      sout->open(fullname, std::ios_base::out);

      if (isMessageEnabled(MSG_INFO)) {
         std::cout << "PrintHandler::openFile() Opening data file = " << fullname << std::endl;

      if (sout->fail()) {
         if (isMessageEnabled(MSG_ERROR)) {
            std::cerr << "PrintHandler::openFile(): Failed to open data file: " << fullname << std::endl;
         tOpened = false;
         tFailed = true;


   delete[] fullname;

   fileOpened = tOpened;
   fileFailed = tFailed;

   return fileOpened;
// createSubWindow() -- create the screen for a subwindow
int GlutDisplay::createSubWindow(const int mainId)
   GLint  vpX(0), vpY(0);                   // our initial viewport position
   GLsizei vpWidth(0), vpHeight(0);    // our initial viewport size
   getViewport(&vpX, &vpY, &vpWidth, &vpHeight);

   // Must have a width and height
   winId = -1;
   if (vpWidth == 0 || vpHeight == 0) return winId;

   mainWinId = mainId;

   unsigned int wmode = GLUT_DOUBLE | GLUT_RGB | GLUT_ALPHA;
   if (getClearDepth() >= 0.0f) { wmode = wmode | GLUT_DEPTH; }
   if (accumBuff) { wmode = wmode | GLUT_ACCUM; }
   if (stencilBuff) { wmode = wmode | GLUT_STENCIL; }
   glutInitDisplayMode( wmode );

   winId = glutCreateSubWindow (mainWinId, vpX, vpY, vpWidth, vpHeight);
   if (winId > 0) {
      if (isMessageEnabled(MSG_INFO)) {
         std::cout << "GlutDisplay::createSubWindow() name = " << getName() << ", winId = " << winId << std::endl;

      // compute our sub-display to main display ratios
      const GlutDisplay* pMainWin = findRegisteredGlutDisplay(mainWinId);
      if (pMainWin != nullptr) {
         GLint mainWinX = 0, mainWinY = 0;
         GLsizei mainWinWidth = 0, mainWinHeight = 0;
         pMainWin->getViewport(&mainWinX, &mainWinY, &mainWinWidth, &mainWinHeight);

         const double widthRatio  = static_cast<double>(vpWidth)  / static_cast<double>(mainWinWidth);
         const double heightRatio = static_cast<double>(vpHeight) / static_cast<double>(mainWinHeight);

         const double xRatio = static_cast<double>(vpX) / static_cast<double>(mainWinWidth);
         const double yRatio = static_cast<double>(vpY) / static_cast<double>(mainWinHeight);

         swPosition.set(xRatio, yRatio);
         swSize.set(widthRatio, heightRatio);

      registerGlutDisplay(winId, this);

      // Create sub windows (if any)
      if (subDisplays() != nullptr) {
         Basic::List::Item* item = subDisplays()->getFirstItem();
         while (item != nullptr) {
            Basic::Pair* pair = dynamic_cast<Basic::Pair*>(item->getValue());
            if (pair != nullptr) {
               GlutDisplay* dobj = dynamic_cast<GlutDisplay*>( pair->object() );
               if (dobj != nullptr) dobj->createSubWindow(winId);
            item = item->getNext();
   return winId;
Beispiel #17
// Load the font for one character
GLubyte* BitmapFont::loadTypeFace(const GLint index, const GLenum reverse)
   // If no font to load, return
   if (fontMap[index] == 0)
      return 0;

   // Create the font file name
   const size_t FONTPATHNAME_LENGTH = 256;
   char fontPathname[FONTPATHNAME_LENGTH];
   if (fontDirectory() != 0)
      lcStrcpy(fontPathname, FONTPATHNAME_LENGTH, fontDirectory());
      lcStrcpy(fontPathname, FONTPATHNAME_LENGTH, "./");
   lcStrcat(fontPathname, FONTPATHNAME_LENGTH, fontMap[index]);

   // Open the font file
   FILE* fp = 0;
   if( (fp = fopen(fontPathname, "r")) ==0 ) {
      if (isMessageEnabled(MSG_ERROR)) {
         std::cerr << "BitmapFont::loadTypeFace: unable to open font file: " << fontPathname << std::endl;
      return 0;

   // used to store the num of input items successfully matched and assigned
   // by fscanf function
   int nItemsMatched;

   // Calculate the size of the font
   unsigned int width1;
   nItemsMatched = fscanf(fp, "%u\n", &width1);
   unsigned int height1;
   nItemsMatched = fscanf(fp, "%u\n", &height1);

   unsigned int numBytesWide = int(ceil(double(width1) / 8.0));
   unsigned int numFileBytes = numBytesWide * height1;
   unsigned int numFontBytes = numBytesWide * getBitmapHeight();

   GLubyte* bitmap = new GLubyte[numFontBytes];

   unsigned int i;  // index

   // Pad rest of the height
   unsigned int diff = numFontBytes - numFileBytes;
   for (i = 0; i < diff; i++) {
      bitmap[i] = reverse ? 255 : 0;

   // Read in the bitmap bytes
   for (; i < numFontBytes; i++) {
      int value;
      nItemsMatched = fscanf(fp, "0x%x\n", &value);
      bitmap[i] = reverse ? GLubyte(~value) : GLubyte(value);


   // Reverse the bitmap
   reverseBitmapOrder(bitmap, numFontBytes, numBytesWide);

   return bitmap;
Beispiel #18
// updateData() -- Update the log file
bool Logger::openFile()
    // local flags (default is success)
    bool tOpened = true;
    bool tFailed = false;

    // Need a file name
    if (filename->len() ==  0) {
        if (isMessageEnabled(MSG_ERROR)) {
           std::cerr << "Logger::openFile(): Unable to open logger file: no file name" << std::endl;
        tOpened = false;
        tFailed = true;
    else {

        // Allocate space for the full file name
        size_t len = pathname->len();   // start with the length of the path name
        len += 1;   // add a character for the slash
        len += filename->len(); // add the length of the file name
        len += 4;  // add characters for possible version number, "_V99"
        len += 1;  // Add one for the null(0) at the end of the string
		const size_t NAME_LENGTH = len;

        char* fullname = new char[NAME_LENGTH];
        fullname[0] = '\0';

        // Create the (initial) full file name
        if (pathname->len() > 0) {

        // Make sure that it doesn't already exist (we don't want to over write good data).
        bool validName = !doesFileExist(fullname);
        if ( !validName ) {
            // If the file already exists, try appending a version number "v99" ..

            char* origname = new char[NAME_LENGTH];
            lcStrcpy(origname, NAME_LENGTH, fullname);

            validName = false;
            for (unsigned int i = 1; i <= 99 && !validName; i++) {
                sprintf(fullname, "%s_v%02d", origname, i);
                validName = !doesFileExist(fullname);

            if ( !validName ) {
                if (isMessageEnabled(MSG_ERROR)) {
                  std::cerr << "Logger::openFile(): All version of the logger file already exists: " << origname << std::endl;
                tOpened = false;
                tFailed = true;
            delete[] origname;

        if ( validName ) {
            // Make sure we have an output stream
            if (lout == 0) lout = new std::ofstream();

            // Open the file
            if (isMessageEnabled(MSG_INFO)) {
               std::cout << "Logger::openFile() Opening log file = " << fullname << std::endl;
            if (lout->fail()) {
                if (isMessageEnabled(MSG_ERROR)) {
                  std::cerr << "Logger::openFile(): Failed to open log file: " << fullname << std::endl;
                tOpened = false;
                tFailed = true;
            else if (topLine != 0) {
                *lout << *topLine << std::endl;

        delete[] fullname;

    opened = tOpened;
    failed = tFailed;
    return opened;
// Read a record
const DataRecordHandle* FileReader::readRecordImp()
   DataRecordHandle* handle = nullptr;

   // First pass?  Does the file need to be opened?
   if (firstPassFlg) {
      if ( !isOpen() && !isFailed() ) {
      firstPassFlg = false;

   // When the file is open and ready ...
   if ( isOpen() && !isFailed() && !sin->eof() ) {

      // Number of bytes in the next serialized DataRecord
      unsigned int n = 0;

      // ---
      // Read the size of the next serialized DataRecord
      // ---
      char nbuff[8];
      sin->read(nbuff, 4);

      // Check for error or eof
      if ( sin->eof() || sin->fail() ) {
         fileFailed = sin->fail();
         if (fileFailed && isMessageEnabled(MSG_ERROR | MSG_WARNING)) {
            std::cerr << "FileReader::readRecord() -- error reading data record size" << std::endl;

      // Ok then get the size of the message from the buffer
      else {
         nbuff[4] = '\0';
         n = std::atoi(nbuff);

      // ---
      // Read the serialized DataRecord from the file, parse it as a DataRecord
      // and put it into a Handle.
      // ---
      if (n > 0) {

         // Read message into ibuf
         sin->read(ibuf, n);

         // Check for error or eof
         if ( sin->eof() || sin->fail() ) {
            if (isMessageEnabled(MSG_ERROR | MSG_WARNING)) {
               std::cerr << "FileReader::readRecord() -- error reading data record" << std::endl;
            fileFailed = true;

         // Ok, create the DataRecord with handle
         else {

            // Parse the DataRecord
            std::string wireFormat(ibuf, n);
            Pb::DataRecord* dataRecord = new Pb::DataRecord();
            bool ok = dataRecord->ParseFromString(wireFormat);

            // Create a handle for the DataRecord (it now has ownership)
            if (ok) {
               handle = new DataRecordHandle(dataRecord);

            // parsing error
            else if (isMessageEnabled(MSG_ERROR | MSG_WARNING)) {
               std::cerr << "FileReader::readRecord() -- ParseFromString() error" << std::endl;
               delete dataRecord;
               dataRecord = nullptr;



   return handle;
Beispiel #20
// rfTransmit() -- Transmit a RF emission packet at all active players.
void Antenna::rfTransmit(Emission* const xmit)
   // Need something to transmit and someone to send to
   Tdb* tdb = getCurrentTDB();
   Player* ownship = getOwnship();
   if (xmit == 0 || tdb == 0 || ownship == 0) {
      // Clean up and leave
      if (tdb != 0) tdb->unref();

   // ---
   // Compute gimbal boresight data for our targets
   // ---
   unsigned int ntgts = tdb->computeBoresightData();
   if (ntgts > MAX_PLAYERS) ntgts = MAX_PLAYERS;

   // ---
   // If we have targets
   // ---
   const osg::Vec3d* losG = tdb->getGimbalLosVectors();
   if (ntgts > 0 && losG != 0) {

      // ---
      // Lookup gain from antenna gain pattern, compute antenna
      // effective gain and effective radiated power.    
      // ---
      bool haveGainTgt = false;
      double gainTgt[MAX_PLAYERS];
      if (gainPattern != 0) {
         Basic::Func1* gainFunc1 = dynamic_cast<Basic::Func1*>(gainPattern);
         Basic::Func2* gainFunc2 = dynamic_cast<Basic::Func2*>(gainPattern);
         if (gainFunc2 != 0) {
            // ---
            // Antenna pattern: 2D table (az & el off antenna boresight)
            // ---

            // Compute azimuth off boresight (radians)
            const double* aazr = tdb->getBoresightAzimuthErrors();

            // Compute elevation off boresight (radians)
            const double* aelr = tdb->getBoresightElevationErrors();

            // Lookup gain in 2D table and convert from dB
            double gainTgt0[MAX_PLAYERS];
            if (gainPatternDeg) {
               for (unsigned int i1 = 0; i1 < ntgts; i1++) {
                  gainTgt0[i1] = gainFunc2->f( (aazr[i1] * Basic::Angle::R2DCC), (aelr[i1] * Basic::Angle::R2DCC) )/10.0;
            else {
               for (unsigned int i1 = 0; i1 < ntgts; i1++) {
                  gainTgt0[i1] = gainFunc2->f( aazr[i1], aelr[i1] )/10.0f;
            pow10Array(gainTgt0, gainTgt, ntgts);
            haveGainTgt = true;
         else if (gainFunc1 != 0) {
            // ---
            // Antenna Pattern: 1D table (off antenna boresight only
            // ---

            // Compute angles off antenna boresight (radians)
            const double* aar = tdb->getBoresightErrorAngles();

            // Lookup gain in 1D table and convert from dB
            double gainTgt0[MAX_PLAYERS];
            if (gainPatternDeg) {
               for (unsigned int i2 = 0; i2 < ntgts; i2++) {
                  gainTgt0[i2] = gainFunc1->f( aar[i2]*Basic::Angle::R2DCC )/10.0;
            else {
               for (unsigned int i2 = 0; i2 < ntgts; i2++) {
                  gainTgt0[i2] = gainFunc1->f( aar[i2] )/10.0f;
            pow10Array(gainTgt0, gainTgt, ntgts);
            haveGainTgt = true;
      if (!haveGainTgt) {
         // ---
         // No antenna pattern table
         // ---
         for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ntgts; i++) {
            gainTgt[i] = 1.0f;

      // Compute antenna effective gain
      double aeGain[MAX_PLAYERS];
      multArrayConst(gainTgt, getGain(), aeGain, ntgts);

      // Compute Effective Radiated Power (watts) (Equation 2-1)
      double erp[MAX_PLAYERS];
      multArrayConst(aeGain, xmit->getPower(), erp, ntgts);

      // Fetch the required data arrays from the TargetDataBlock
      const double* ranges = tdb->getTargetRanges();
      const double* rngRates = tdb->getTargetRangeRates();
      const osg::Vec3d* losO2T = tdb->getLosVectors();
      const osg::Vec3d* losT2O = tdb->getTargetLosVectors();
      Player** targets = tdb->getTargets();

      // ---
      // Send emission packets to the targets
      // ---
      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ntgts; i++) {

         // Only of power exceeds an optional threshold
         if (erp[i] > threshold) {

            // Get a free emission packet
            Emission* em(0);
            if (recycle) {
               em = freeEmStack.pop();

            bool cloned = false;
            if (em == 0) {
               // Otherwise, clone a new one 
               em = xmit->clone();
               cloned = true;

            // Send the emission to the other player
            if (em != 0) {

               // a) Copy the template emission
               if (!cloned) *em = *xmit;

               // b) Set target unique data

               em->setRange( LCreal(ranges[i]) );
               em->setRangeRate( LCreal(rngRates[i]) );

               em->setGimbalAzimuth( LCreal(getAzimuth()) );
               em->setGimbalElevation( LCreal(getElevation()) );
               em->setPower( LCreal(erp[i]) );
               em->setGain( LCreal(aeGain[i]) );
               em->setLocalPlayersOnly( isLocalPlayersOfInterestOnly() );

               // c) Send the emission to the target
               targets[i]->event(RF_EMISSION, em);

               // d) Recycle the emission
               bool recycled = false;
               if (recycle) {
                  if (inUseEmQueue.isNotFull()) {
                     // Store for future reference
                     recycled = true;

               // or just forget it
               else {

            else {
               // When we couldn't get a free emission packet
               if (isMessageEnabled(MSG_ERROR)) {
                  std::cerr << "Antenna: OUT OF EMISSIONS!" << std::endl;


   // Unref() the TDB