Beispiel #1
void actualizeNonTerminals(GrammarADT grammar) {
    int nontermquant = getQuantTerminals(grammar);
    char * nontermsfounded = NULL ;
    int nontermsfoundedsize =0;
    ProductionsADT productions = getProductions(grammar);
    int productionquant = getQuant(productions),i;
    /*detect current non terminals*/
    for (i=0; i<productionquant; i++) {
        ProductionADT p = getProduction(productions,i);
        char first = getProductionComponent(p,0);
        char sec = getProductionComponent(p,1);
        char third = getProductionComponent(p,2);
        if (isNonTerminal(first) && !containsChar(nontermsfounded,nontermsfoundedsize,first) ) {
            addChar(&nontermsfounded, &nontermsfoundedsize, first);
        if (isNonTerminal(sec) && !containsChar(nontermsfounded,nontermsfoundedsize,sec) ) {
            addChar(&nontermsfounded, &nontermsfoundedsize, sec);
        if(isNonTerminal(third) && !containsChar(nontermsfounded,nontermsfoundedsize,third)) {
            addChar(&nontermsfounded, &nontermsfoundedsize, third);
    /*actualize non terminals*/
    if( nontermsfoundedsize != nontermquant ) {
        /*there are less current non terminals*/

 ProductionParts decompose(const std::string& name, const std::string& rhs) const {
     ProductionParts production; = name;
     production.products = toSymbolSequence(rhs);
     return production;
Beispiel #3
 * Find the closure of the given set of productions.
 * @param  items -> The set of Items to be checked
 * @return the updated set of Items
std::set<Item> Parser::findClosure(std::set<Item> items) {
  std::set<Item> closure;
  for (auto item : items) {
  bool changed;
  do {
    changed = false;
    for (Item item : closure) {
      char next_char = item.production[];
      if (isNonTerminal(next_char)) {
        for (auto production : _productions) {
          if (production[0] == next_char) {
            Item new_item = {production, START_POS};
            auto result = closure.insert(new_item);
            if (result.second) {
              changed = true;
  } while (changed);
  return closure;
Beispiel #4
 * Find the follow set for each symbol.
void Parser::findFollow() {
  bool changed;
  do {
    changed = false;
    for (auto production : _productions) {
      size_t i = 0;
      char lhs = production[0];
      std::string rhs = production.substr(START_POS);
      while (i < rhs.length()) {
        bool is_non_terminal = isNonTerminal(rhs[i]);
        if (is_non_terminal && i < rhs.length() - 1) {
          std::set<char> next_first = _first[rhs[i + 1]];
          bool has_epsilon = next_first.erase(EPSILON[0]);
          addSetToFollow(rhs[i], next_first, &changed);
          if (has_epsilon) {
            addSetToFollow(rhs[i], _follow[lhs], &changed);
        } else if (is_non_terminal && i == rhs.length() - 1) {
          addSetToFollow(rhs[i], _follow[lhs], &changed);
  } while (changed);
void Grammar::computeClosure(LR1State &state, bool allowNewItems) {
  bool changed;
  do {
    changed = false;
    for(size_t i = 0; i < state.m_items.size(); i++) {
      const LR1Item &item = state.m_items[i];
      const Production &prod = getProduction(item);
      if(item.m_dot < prod.getLength() && isNonTerminal(prod.m_rightSide[item.m_dot])) { // item is A -> alfa . B beta [la]
        const GrammarSymbol &B = getSymbol(prod.m_rightSide[item.m_dot]);
        const BitSet la(first1(item));
        for(size_t p = 0; p < B.m_leftSideOf.size(); p++) {
          const LR1Item newItem(false, B.m_leftSideOf[p], 0, la); // newItem is B -> . gamma [first1(beta la)] (nonkernelitem)
          LR1Item *oldItem = state.findItem(newItem);
          if(oldItem == NULL) {
            if(!allowNewItems) {
              throwException(_T("Grammar::computeClosure:No new items allowed"));
            changed = true;
          } else {
            if(!(newItem.m_la - oldItem->m_la).isEmpty()) {
              oldItem->m_la += newItem.m_la;
              changed = true;
  } while(changed);
// Check for equal non-terminal alignment in case of SCFG rules.
// Precondition: otherTargetToSourceAlignment has the same size as m_targetToSourceAlignments.begin()->first
bool ExtractionPhrasePair::MatchesAlignment( ALIGNMENT *otherTargetToSourceAlignment ) const
  if (!hierarchicalFlag) return true;

  // all or none of the phrasePair's word alignment matrices match, so just pick one
  const ALIGNMENT *thisTargetToSourceAlignment = m_targetToSourceAlignments.begin()->first;

  assert(m_phraseTarget->size() == thisTargetToSourceAlignment->size() + 1);
  assert(thisTargetToSourceAlignment->size() == otherTargetToSourceAlignment->size());

  // loop over all symbols but the left hand side of the rule
  for (size_t i=0; i<thisTargetToSourceAlignment->size()-1; ++i) {
    if (isNonTerminal( vcbT.getWord( m_phraseTarget->at(i) ) )) {
      size_t thisAlign  = *(thisTargetToSourceAlignment->at(i).begin());
      size_t otherAlign = *(otherTargetToSourceAlignment->at(i).begin());

      if (thisTargetToSourceAlignment->at(i).size() != 1 ||
          otherTargetToSourceAlignment->at(i).size() != 1 ||
          thisAlign != otherAlign) {
        return false;

  return true;
bool Syntactic::step() throw (AnalysisError)
    if (currentToken == 0) //Fim de Sentenca
        int pos = 0;
        if (previousToken != 0)
            pos = previousToken->getPosition() + previousToken->getLexeme().size();

        currentToken = new Token(DOLLAR, "$", pos, 1);

    int a = currentToken->getId();
    int x =;


    if (x == EPSILON)
        return false;
    else if (isTerminal(x))
        if (x == a)
            if (stack.empty())
                return true;
                if (previousToken != 0)
                    delete previousToken;
                previousToken = currentToken;
                currentToken = scanner->nextToken();
                return false;
            throw SyntacticError(PARSER_ERROR[x], currentToken);
    else if (isNonTerminal(x))
        if (pushProduction(x, a))
            return false;
            throw SyntacticError(PARSER_ERROR[x], currentToken);
    else // isSemanticAction(x)
        semanticAnalyser->executeAction(x-FIRST_SEMANTIC_ACTION, previousToken);
        return false;
Beispiel #8
int isRight(GrammarADT grammar) {
    ProductionsADT productions = getProductions(grammar);
    int n = getQuant(productions);
    int i;
    for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
        ProductionADT p = getProduction(productions,i);
        char sec = getProductionComponent(p,1);
        char third = getProductionComponent(p,2);
        /*if there is a production like A->Ba, it is a left sided grammar*/
        if (isNonTerminal(sec) && isTerminal(third)) {
            return 0;
    return 1;
Beispiel #9
void removeUnproductiveProductions(GrammarADT grammar) {
    ProductionsADT  productions = getProductions(grammar);
    int i, quantproductions = getQuant(productions), productivequant=0,lastproductivequant=-1;
    char * productives = NULL;
    char * aux1 = NULL;
    while(productivequant != lastproductivequant) {
        lastproductivequant = productivequant;
        for( i=0; i< quantproductions; i++ ) {
            ProductionADT p1 = getProduction(productions,i);
            char first1 = getProductionComponent(p1,0);
            char sec1 = getProductionComponent(p1,1);
            char third1 = getProductionComponent(p1,2);
            if ( !containsChar(productives,productivequant,first1)  ) {
                if ( ( sec1 == LAMDA && third1 == LAMDA ) || /*lamda*/
                        (isTerminal(sec1) && isTerminal(third1) ) || /*both terminal*/
                        (   isTerminal(sec1) && third1 == LAMDA   ) || /*one terminal*/
                        (   isTerminal(third1) && sec1 == LAMDA   ) ||
                        /*one terminal and one productive*/
                        (isTerminal(sec1) && ( isNonTerminal(third1) && containsChar(productives,productivequant,third1) ) ) ||
                        (isTerminal(third1) && ( isNonTerminal(sec1) && containsChar(productives,productivequant,sec1) ) ) ||
                        ( sec1 == LAMDA && ( isNonTerminal(third1) && containsChar(productives,productivequant,third1) ) ) ||
                        ( third1 == LAMDA && ( isNonTerminal(sec1) && containsChar(productives,productivequant,sec1) ) )) {
                    if ( ( aux1 = realloc(productives, sizeof(char)*(productivequant+1)) ) == NULL ) {
                        fprintf(stderr, "Error doing realloc \n");
                    productives = aux1;
                    productives[productivequant++] = first1;
    /*remove non terminals and terminals that are no longer there */
Beispiel #10
void Grammar::dump(MarginFile *f) const {
  for(int i = 0; i < getSymbolCount(); i++) {
    const GrammarSymbol &sym = getSymbol(i);
    f->printf(_T("Symbol:%-20s, %4d %-11s "), sym.m_name.cstr(), sym.m_precedence, sym.getTypeString());
    if(sym.m_reachable    ) f->printf(_T("reachable "));
    if(sym.m_terminate    ) f->printf(_T("terminate "));
    if(sym.m_deriveEpsilon) f->printf(_T("derive e "));
    if(isNonTerminal(i)) {

  for(int i = 0; i < getProductionCount(); i++) {
    dump(m_productions[i], f);
void processFiles( const std::string& fileNameDirect, 
                   const std::string& fileNameIndirect, 
                   const std::string& fileNameConsolidated, 
                   const std::string& fileNameCountOfCounts, 
                   const std::string& fileNameSourceLabelSet, 
                   const std::string& fileNamePartsOfSpeechVocabulary )
  if (goodTuringFlag || kneserNeyFlag)
    loadCountOfCounts( fileNameCountOfCounts );

  // open input files
  Moses::InputFileStream fileDirect(fileNameDirect);
  UTIL_THROW_IF2(, "could not open phrase table file " << fileNameDirect);
  Moses::InputFileStream fileIndirect(fileNameIndirect);
  UTIL_THROW_IF2(, "could not open phrase table file " << fileNameIndirect);

  // open output file: consolidated phrase table
  Moses::OutputFileStream fileConsolidated;
  bool success = fileConsolidated.Open(fileNameConsolidated);
  UTIL_THROW_IF2(!success, "could not open output file " << fileNameConsolidated);

  // create properties consolidator
  // (in case any additional phrase property requires further processing)
  MosesTraining::PropertiesConsolidator propertiesConsolidator = MosesTraining::PropertiesConsolidator();
  if (sourceLabelsFlag) {
  if (partsOfSpeechFlag) {

  // loop through all extracted phrase translations
  int i=0;
  while(true) {
    if (i%100000 == 0) std::cerr << "." << std::flush;

    std::vector< std::string > itemDirect, itemIndirect;
    if (! getLine(fileIndirect, itemIndirect) ||
        ! getLine(fileDirect, itemDirect))

    // direct: target source alignment probabilities
    // indirect: source target probabilities

    // consistency checks
    UTIL_THROW_IF2(itemDirect[0].compare( itemIndirect[0] ) != 0, 
                   "target phrase does not match in line " << i << ": '" << itemDirect[0] << "' != '" << itemIndirect[0] << "'");
    UTIL_THROW_IF2(itemDirect[1].compare( itemIndirect[1] ) != 0, 
                   "source phrase does not match in line " << i << ": '" << itemDirect[1] << "' != '" << itemIndirect[1] << "'");

    // SCORES ...
    std::string directScores, directSparseScores, indirectScores, indirectSparseScores;
    breakdownCoreAndSparse( itemDirect[3], directScores, directSparseScores );
    breakdownCoreAndSparse( itemIndirect[3], indirectScores, indirectSparseScores );

    std::vector<std::string> directCounts;
    Moses::Tokenize( directCounts, itemDirect[4] );
    std::vector<std::string> indirectCounts;
    Moses::Tokenize( indirectCounts, itemIndirect[4] );
    float countF = Moses::Scan<float>(directCounts[0]);
    float countE = Moses::Scan<float>(indirectCounts[0]);
    float countEF = Moses::Scan<float>(indirectCounts[1]);
    float n1_F, n1_E;
    if (kneserNeyFlag) {
      n1_F = Moses::Scan<float>(directCounts[2]);
      n1_E = Moses::Scan<float>(indirectCounts[2]);

    // Good Turing discounting
    float adjustedCountEF = countEF;
    if (goodTuringFlag && countEF+0.99999 < goodTuringDiscount.size()-1)
      adjustedCountEF *= goodTuringDiscount[(int)(countEF+0.99998)];
    float adjustedCountEF_indirect = adjustedCountEF;

    // Kneser Ney discounting [Foster et al, 2006]
    if (kneserNeyFlag) {
      float D = kneserNey_D3;
      if (countEF < 2) D = kneserNey_D1;
      else if (countEF < 3) D = kneserNey_D2;
      if (D > countEF) D = countEF - 0.01; // sanity constraint

      float p_b_E = n1_E / totalCount; // target phrase prob based on distinct
      float alpha_F = D * n1_F / countF; // available mass
      adjustedCountEF = countEF - D + countF * alpha_F * p_b_E;

      // for indirect
      float p_b_F = n1_F / totalCount; // target phrase prob based on distinct
      float alpha_E = D * n1_E / countE; // available mass
      adjustedCountEF_indirect = countEF - D + countE * alpha_E * p_b_F;

    // drop due to MinScore thresholding
    if ((minScore0 > 0 && adjustedCountEF_indirect/countE < minScore0) ||
        (minScore2 > 0 && adjustedCountEF         /countF < minScore2)) {

    // output phrase pair
    fileConsolidated << itemDirect[0] << " ||| ";

    if (partsOfSpeechFlag) {
      // write POS factor from property
      std::vector<std::string> targetTokens;
      Moses::Tokenize( targetTokens, itemDirect[1] );
      std::vector<std::string> propertyValuePOS;
      propertiesConsolidator.GetPOSPropertyValueFromPropertiesString(itemDirect[5], propertyValuePOS);
      size_t targetTerminalIndex = 0;
      for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator targetTokensIt=targetTokens.begin();
           targetTokensIt!=targetTokens.end(); ++targetTokensIt) {
        fileConsolidated << *targetTokensIt;
        if (!isNonTerminal(*targetTokensIt)) {
          assert(propertyValuePOS.size() > targetTerminalIndex);
          fileConsolidated << "|" << propertyValuePOS[targetTerminalIndex];
        fileConsolidated << " ";
      fileConsolidated << "|||";

    } else {

      fileConsolidated << itemDirect[1] << " |||";

    // prob indirect
    if (!onlyDirectFlag) {
      fileConsolidated << " " << maybeLogProb(adjustedCountEF_indirect/countE);
      fileConsolidated << " " << indirectScores;

    // prob direct
    fileConsolidated << " " << maybeLogProb(adjustedCountEF/countF);
    fileConsolidated << " " << directScores;

    // phrase count feature
    if (phraseCountFlag) {
      fileConsolidated << " " << maybeLogProb(2.718);

    // low count feature
    if (lowCountFlag) {
      fileConsolidated << " " << maybeLogProb(std::exp(-1.0/countEF));

    // count bin feature (as a core feature)
    if (countBin.size()>0 && !sparseCountBinFeatureFlag) {
      bool foundBin = false;
      for(size_t i=0; i < countBin.size(); i++) {
        if (!foundBin && countEF <= countBin[i]) {
          fileConsolidated << " " << maybeLogProb(2.718);
          foundBin = true;
        } else {
          fileConsolidated << " " << maybeLogProb(1);
      fileConsolidated << " " << maybeLogProb( foundBin ? 1 : 2.718 );

    // alignment
    fileConsolidated << " |||";
    if (!itemDirect[2].empty()) {
      fileConsolidated << " " << itemDirect[2];;

    // counts, for debugging
    fileConsolidated << " ||| " << countE << " " << countF << " " << countEF;

    // sparse features
    fileConsolidated << " |||";
    if ("") != 0)
      fileConsolidated << " " << directSparseScores;
    if ("") != 0)
      fileConsolidated << " " << indirectSparseScores;

    // count bin feature (as a sparse feature)
    if (sparseCountBinFeatureFlag) {
      bool foundBin = false;
      for(size_t i=0; i < countBin.size(); i++) {
        if (!foundBin && countEF <= countBin[i]) {
          fileConsolidated << " cb_";
          if (i == 0 && countBin[i] > 1)
            fileConsolidated << "1_";
          else if (i > 0 && countBin[i-1]+1 < countBin[i])
            fileConsolidated << (countBin[i-1]+1) << "_";
          fileConsolidated << countBin[i] << " 1";
          foundBin = true;
      if (!foundBin) {
        fileConsolidated << " cb_max 1";

    // arbitrary key-value pairs
    fileConsolidated << " |||";
    if (itemDirect.size() >= 6) {
      propertiesConsolidator.ProcessPropertiesString(itemDirect[5], fileConsolidated);

    if (countsProperty) {
      fileConsolidated << " {{Counts " << countE << " " << countF << " " << countEF << "}}";

    fileConsolidated << std::endl;

Beispiel #12
void removeUnitaryProductions(GrammarADT grammar) {
    ProductionsADT  productions = getProductions(grammar);
    int i,j,k, productionquant = getQuant(productions), unitaryquant = 0, lastunitaryquant = 0;
    /*auxiliar array for unitary productions*/
    char * unitaries = NULL;
    /*iterate over productions and determine first unitaries:
     * the productions that have only one non terminal symbol
     * on the right side */
    for (i=0; i< productionquant; i++) {
        char first = getProductionComponent(getProduction(productions,i),0);
        char sec = getProductionComponent(getProduction(productions,i),1);
        char third = getProductionComponent(getProduction(productions,i),2);
        if ( isNonTerminal(sec) && third == LAMDA ) {
            addPair(&unitaries,&unitaryquant,first, sec);
        } else if( isNonTerminal(third) && sec == LAMDA) {
            addPair(&unitaries,&unitaryquant,first, third);
    /*iterate over unitaries, adding the closure*/
    while(unitaryquant != lastunitaryquant) {
        lastunitaryquant = unitaryquant;
        for (i=0; i<unitaryquant ; i+=2) {
            char first1 = unitaries[i];
            char sec1 = unitaries[i+1];
            for (j=0; j<unitaryquant ; j+=2) {
                char first2 = unitaries[j];
                char sec2 = unitaries[j+1];
                /*(A,B)(B,C)-> (A,C)*/
                if (sec1 == first2 ) {
                    if (!containsPair(unitaries,unitaryquant,first1,sec2) &&
                            first1 != sec2 ) { /*no sense in adding (A,A) unitaries*/
    //printf("unitaries quant: %d\n\n", unitaryquant/2);
    /*create the new productions and remove the unitaries*/
    for(i=0; i<productionquant; i++) {
        ProductionADT p1 = getProduction(productions,i);
        if ( isUnitary(p1) ) {
            char first1 = getProductionComponent(p1,0);
            char sec1 = getProductionComponent(p1,1);
            char third1 = getProductionComponent(p1,2);
            for(j=0; j<unitaryquant; j+=2) {
                char uni1 = unitaries[j];
                char uni2 = unitaries[j+1];
                //A->B and (A,B) (unitary production is localized)
                if ((first1 == uni1) && (sec1 == uni2 || third1 == uni2 )) {
                    for(k=0; k<productionquant; k++ ) {
                        ProductionADT p2 = getProduction(productions,k);
                        char first2 = getProductionComponent(p2,0);
                        char sec2 = getProductionComponent(p2,1);
                        char third2 = getProductionComponent(p2,2);
                        if(!isUnitary(p2)) {
                            if(first2 == uni2 ) {
    /*remove non terminals and terminals that are no longer there */

Beispiel #13
void convertToRight(GrammarADT grammar) {

    int i;
    int ml = FALSE;
    char oldistiguished = getDistinguished(grammar);
    /*if the grammar is already right there is no
     * reason to convert it*/
    if ( isRight(grammar) ) {

    ProductionsADT productions = getProductions(grammar);
    int quantproductions = getQuant(productions);

    for(i = 0; i < quantproductions ; i++) {
        ProductionADT p1 = getProduction(productions, i);
        char first = getProductionComponent(p1, 0);
        char sec = getProductionComponent(p1, 1);
        char third = getProductionComponent(p1, 2);
        if(isNonTerminal(sec)) {
            addProduction(productions, newProduction(sec , third, first));
    setProductions(grammar, productions);

    /*a new nonTerminal should be created ,
     * that joint the non terminals that were joined to lambda*/
    char * leftnontermssymbols = NULL;
    int size=0;
    for(i=0; i < quantproductions; i++) {
        ProductionADT p1 = getProduction(productions, i);
        char first = getProductionComponent(p1, 0);
        char sec = getProductionComponent(p1, 1);
        char third = getProductionComponent(p1, 2);
        if(sec == LAMDA && third == LAMDA) {
    /*get a new distiguished symbol*/
    char newsymbol = getNewSymbol(grammar);
    /*generate new unitary productions*/
    for(i=0; i<size; i++) {
        ProductionADT newprod = newProduction(newsymbol,leftnontermssymbols[i],LAMDA);
        addProduction(productions, newprod);
    /*remove all old lambda productions*/
    for(i=0; i<getQuant(productions); i++) {
        ProductionADT p = getProduction(productions,i);
        char sec = getProductionComponent(p,1);
        char third = getProductionComponent(p,2);
        /*if it is a lamda productions : delete*/
        if( sec == LAMDA && third == LAMDA ) {
    if(!ml) {
        addProduction(productions, newProduction(oldistiguished, LAMDA, LAMDA));


    /*remove non terminals and terminals that are no longer there */
Beispiel #14
void removeUnreachableProductions(GrammarADT grammar) {
    ProductionsADT  productions = getProductions(grammar);
    int i, quantproductions = getQuant(productions), reachablesquant=0,lastreachablesquant=0;
    char * reachables = malloc(sizeof(char));
    char * aux1 = NULL;
    /*starts only with distinguished symbol, if it is in the current productions*/
    if(inCurrentProductions(productions,getDistinguished(grammar))) {
        reachables[reachablesquant++] = getDistinguished(grammar);
    /*until something the quantity of reachables varies*/
    while (reachablesquant != lastreachablesquant) {
        lastreachablesquant = reachablesquant;
        for(i=0; i<quantproductions; i++) {
            char first = getProductionComponent(getProduction(productions,i),0);
            char sec = getProductionComponent(getProduction(productions,i),1);
            char third = getProductionComponent(getProduction(productions,i),2);
            /*if the symbol of the left is contained in the reachables, the non terminal
             * symbols of the right must be added*/
            if (containsChar(reachables,reachablesquant,first)) {
                /*if the second symbol is nonterminal and is not yet in the
                 * reachable list, it must be added*/
                if ( isNonTerminal( sec ) &&
                        !containsChar(reachables,reachablesquant,sec)) {
                    if ( ( aux1 = realloc(reachables, sizeof(char)*(reachablesquant+1)) ) == NULL ) {
                        fprintf(stderr, "Error doing realloc \n");
                    reachables = aux1;
                    reachables[reachablesquant++] = sec;
                }/*if the third symbol is nonterminal and is not yet in the
				 * reachable list, it must be added*/
                else if( isNonTerminal(third) &&
                         !containsChar(reachables,reachablesquant,third) ) {
                    if ( (aux1 = realloc(reachables, sizeof(char)*(reachablesquant+1)) ) == NULL ) {
                        fprintf(stderr, "Error doing realloc \n");
                    reachables = aux1;
                    reachables[reachablesquant++] = third;
    /*TODO: delete debug printf*/
    printf("\nReachables!!: ");
    int symsToRemovequant=0;
    /*remove the unreachable productions*/
    /*If the quantity of reachables is equal to the quantity of nonterminals,
     * nothing should be removed*/
    if (reachablesquant != getQuantNonTerminals(grammar)) {
        char * symsToRemove = NULL;
        symsToRemovequant = getDifferents(getNonTerminals(grammar),
                                          getQuantNonTerminals(grammar) ,reachables, reachablesquant, &symsToRemove);
        printf("\nTO REMOVE:");
        printArray(symsToRemove,symsToRemovequant );
        for(i=0; i<symsToRemovequant; i++) {
    /*remove non terminals and terminals that are no longer there */
