int INIFile::skipName(const unsigned char* line,int startpos) {
	while(line[startpos] != '\0') {
		if(isNormalChar(line[startpos]) || (line[startpos] == ' ') || (line[startpos] == '\t')) {
		} else {
			return startpos;
	return startpos;
bool INIFile::isValidKeyName(const std::string& keyname) {
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < keyname.size(); i++) {
        if( (!isNormalChar(keyname[i])) && (!isWhitespace(keyname[i])) ) {
            return false;

    if(isWhitespace(keyname[0]) || isWhitespace(keyname[keyname.size()-1])) {
        return false;
    return true;
bool INIFile::isValidSectionName(const std::string& sectionname) {
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < sectionname.size(); i++) {
        if( (!isNormalChar(sectionname[i])) && (!isWhitespace(sectionname[i])) ) {
            return false;

    if(isWhitespace(sectionname[0]) || isWhitespace(sectionname[sectionname.size()-1])) {
        return false;
    } else {
        return true;
bool INIFile::Key::escapingValueNeeded(const std::string& value) {
    if(value == "") {
        return true;
    } else {
        // test for non normal char
        for(unsigned int i = 0; i < value.size(); i++) {
            if(!isNormalChar(value[i])) {
                return true;
        return false;
int INIFile::skipKey(const unsigned char* line,int startpos) {
	int i = startpos;
	while(line[i] != '\0') {
		if(isNormalChar(line[i]) || isWhitespace(line[i])) {
		} else if((line[i] == ';') || (line[i] == '#') || (line[i] == '=')) {
			// begin of a comment or '='
		} else {
			// some invalid character
			return i;

	// now we go backwards
	while(i >= startpos) {
		if(isNormalChar(line[i])) {
			return i+1;
	return startpos+1;
Beispiel #6
// Name: constuctor
// Desc: 
Tag::Tag(const char** readPointer, const char* end) : m_Type(TYPE_BEGIN)

    // temp value to save attribute
    string name;
    string value;

    int state=0;                            // state
    bool done = false;                      // to break while loop
    while( *readPointer < end ) {
        char c = **readPointer;             // save the char value
        ++(*readPointer);                   // move cursor to the next

        switch(state) {
        // initial state
        case 0:        
            // read the first charactor
            switch(c) {
            case '/':   m_Type = TYPE_END;  break;
                m_Name += c;    // add first char of Element name to m_Name
                state = 1;  
        case 1:
            if(c == '>')                done = true;
            else if(isNormalChar(c))    m_Name += c;          
            else                        state = 2;          // it means whitespace, ',', '"', or invalid char
        // char after Element name
        case 2:
            if(c == '>')                
                done = true;
            else if(isNormalChar(c)) {
                name += c;                                  // it's attribute's name.
                state = 3;
        case 3:
            switch(c) {
            case '=':   state = 4;  break;
            default:    name+=c;    break;                  // 현재는 = 앞의 공백도 문자로 인식한다.
        case 4:
            switch(c) {
            case '"':   state = 5;  break;                  // value값은 항상 "안에 있다.
            default:                break;
        case 5:
            switch(c) {
            case '"':
                state = 2;
                m_Attributes.push_back( (new Attribute(name.c_str(), value.c_str())) );                
                value += c;                                 // 현재는 공백도 문자로 인식한다.
Beispiel #7
	Sets the std::string that is adressed by the section/key pair to value. If the section and/or the key does not exist it will
	be created. A valid sectionname/keyname is not allowed to contain '[',']',';' or '#' and can not start or end with
	whitespaces (' ' or '\\t').
	\param	section			sectionname
	\param	key				keyname
	\param	value			value that should be set
void IniFile::setStringValue(std::string section, std::string key, std::string value)
	CommentEntry *curEntry = nullptr;
	SectionEntry *curSection = getSection(section);
	if(curSection == nullptr) {
		// create new section
		// test for valid section name
		bool NonNormalCharFound = false;
		for(unsigned int i = 0; i < section.size(); i++) {
			if( (!isNormalChar(section[i])) && (!isWhitespace(section[i])) ) {
				NonNormalCharFound = true;
		if(isWhitespace(section[0]) || isWhitespace(section[section.size()-1])) {
			NonNormalCharFound = true;
		if(NonNormalCharFound == true) {
		    std::cerr << "IniFile: Cannot create section with name " << section << "!" << std::endl;
		std::string completeLine = "[" + section + "]";
		if((curSection = new SectionEntry(completeLine,1,section.size())) == nullptr)

		if(FirstLine == nullptr) {
			FirstLine = curSection;
		} else {
			curEntry = FirstLine;
			while(curEntry->nextEntry != nullptr) {
				curEntry = curEntry->nextEntry;
			curEntry->nextEntry = curSection;
			curSection->prevEntry = curEntry;
			curEntry = curSection;
	KeyEntry *curKey = getKey(curSection,key);
	if(curKey == nullptr) {
		// create new key
		// test for valid key name
		bool NonNormalCharFound = false;
		for(unsigned int i = 0; i < key.size(); i++) {
			if( (!isNormalChar(key[i])) && (!isWhitespace(key[i])) ) {
				NonNormalCharFound = true;
		if(isWhitespace(key[0]) || isWhitespace(key[key.size()-1])) {
			NonNormalCharFound = true;
		if(NonNormalCharFound == true) {
		    std::cerr << "IniFile: Cannot create key with name " << key << "!" << std::endl;

		std::string completeLine;
		int KeyStringStart;
		int KeyStringLength;
		int ValueStringStart;
		int ValueStringLength;
		if(value == "") {
			completeLine = key + " = \"" + value + "\"" ;
			KeyStringStart = 0;
			KeyStringLength = key.size();
			ValueStringStart = key.size()+4;
			ValueStringLength = value.size();
		} else {
			// test for non normal char
			NonNormalCharFound = false;
			for(unsigned int i = 0; i < value.size(); i++) {
				if(!isNormalChar(value[i])) {
					NonNormalCharFound = true;
			if(NonNormalCharFound == true) {
				completeLine = key + " = \"" + value + "\"" ;
				KeyStringStart = 0;
				KeyStringLength = key.size();
				ValueStringStart = key.size()+4;
				ValueStringLength = value.size();			
			} else {
				completeLine = key + " = " + value;
				KeyStringStart = 0;
				KeyStringLength = key.size();
				ValueStringStart = key.size()+3;
				ValueStringLength = value.size();			
		if((curKey = new KeyEntry(completeLine,KeyStringStart,KeyStringLength,ValueStringStart,ValueStringLength)) == nullptr)
		if(curEntry != nullptr) {
			curEntry->nextEntry = curKey;
			curKey->prevEntry = curEntry;
		} else {
			KeyEntry *pKey = curSection->KeyRoot;
			if(pKey == nullptr) {
				// Section has no key yet
				if(curSection->nextEntry == nullptr) {
					// no line after this section declaration
					curSection->nextEntry = curKey;
					curKey->prevEntry = curSection;
				} else {
					// lines after this section declaration
					curSection->nextEntry->prevEntry = curKey;
					curKey->nextEntry = curSection->nextEntry;
					curSection->nextEntry = curKey;
					curKey->prevEntry = curSection;
			} else {
				// Section already has some keys
				while(pKey->nextKey != nullptr) {
					pKey = pKey->nextKey;
				if(pKey->nextEntry == nullptr) {
					// no line after this key
					pKey->nextEntry = curKey;
					curKey->prevEntry = pKey;					
				} else {
					// lines after this section declaration
					pKey->nextEntry->prevEntry = curKey;
					curKey->nextEntry = pKey->nextEntry;
					pKey->nextEntry = curKey;
					curKey->prevEntry = pKey;
	} else {