Beispiel #1
 inline int32_t left() const {
     if (isPaired()) {
         return std::min(bam_pos(read1), bam_pos(read2));
     } else {
         return bam_pos(read1);
void LanPairingHandler::packageReceived(const NetworkPackage& np)

    bool wantsPair = np.get<bool>(QStringLiteral("pair"));

    if (wantsPair) {

        if (isPairRequested())  { //We started pairing

            qCDebug(KDECONNECT_CORE) << "Pair answer";
        } else {
            qCDebug(KDECONNECT_CORE) << "Pair request";

            if (isPaired()) { //I'm already paired, but they think I'm not


    } else { //wantsPair == false

        qCDebug(KDECONNECT_CORE) << "Unpair request";

         if (isPairRequested()) {
            Q_EMIT pairingError(i18n("Canceled by other peer"));
Beispiel #3
   * returns 0 on success, -1 on failure.
 int writeToFile(scram_fd* fp) {
     int r1 = scram_put_seq(fp, read1);
     if (r1 == 0 and isPaired()) {
         return scram_put_seq(fp, read2);
     } else {
         return r1;
Beispiel #4
 inline int32_t right() const {
     if (isPaired()) {
         return std::max(bam_pos(read1) + bam_seq_len(read1),
                 bam_pos(read2) + bam_seq_len(read2));
     } else {
         return bam_pos(read1) + bam_seq_len(read1);
Beispiel #5
void Device::reloadPlugins()
    QHash<QString, KdeConnectPlugin*> newPluginMap;
    QMultiMap<QString, KdeConnectPlugin*> newPluginsByIncomingInterface;
    QMultiMap<QString, KdeConnectPlugin*> newPluginsByOutgoingInterface;
    QSet<QString> supportedIncomingInterfaces;
    QSet<QString> supportedOutgoingInterfaces;
    QStringList unsupportedPlugins;

    if (isPaired() && isReachable()) { //Do not load any plugin for unpaired devices, nor useless loading them for unreachable devices

        KConfigGroup pluginStates = KSharedConfig::openConfig(pluginsConfigFile())->group("Plugins");

        PluginLoader* loader = PluginLoader::instance();
        const bool deviceSupportsCapabilities = !m_incomingCapabilities.isEmpty() || !m_outgoingCapabilities.isEmpty();

        foreach (const QString& pluginName, loader->getPluginList()) {
            const KPluginMetaData service = loader->getPluginInfo(pluginName);
            const QSet<QString> incomingInterfaces = KPluginMetaData::readStringList(service.rawData(), "X-KdeConnect-SupportedPackageType").toSet();
            const QSet<QString> outgoingInterfaces = KPluginMetaData::readStringList(service.rawData(), "X-KdeConnect-OutgoingPackageType").toSet();

            const bool pluginEnabled = isPluginEnabled(pluginName);

            if (pluginEnabled) {
                supportedIncomingInterfaces += incomingInterfaces;
                supportedOutgoingInterfaces += outgoingInterfaces;

            //If we don't find intersection with the received on one end and the sent on the other, we don't
            //let the plugin stay
            //Also, if no capabilities are specified on the other end, we don't apply this optimizaton, as
            //we assume that the other client doesn't know about capabilities.
            const bool capabilitiesSupported = deviceSupportsCapabilities && (!incomingInterfaces.isEmpty() || !outgoingInterfaces.isEmpty());
            if (capabilitiesSupported
                && (m_incomingCapabilities & outgoingInterfaces).isEmpty()
                && (m_outgoingCapabilities & incomingInterfaces).isEmpty()
            ) {
                qCWarning(KDECONNECT_CORE) << "not loading " << pluginName << "because of unmatched capabilities";

            if (pluginEnabled) {
                KdeConnectPlugin* plugin = m_plugins.take(pluginName);

                if (!plugin) {
                    plugin = loader->instantiatePluginForDevice(pluginName, this);

                foreach(const QString& interface, incomingInterfaces) {
                    newPluginsByIncomingInterface.insert(interface, plugin);
                foreach(const QString& interface, outgoingInterfaces) {
                    newPluginsByOutgoingInterface.insert(interface, plugin);

                newPluginMap[pluginName] = plugin;
Beispiel #6
void Device::reloadPlugins()
    QHash<QString, KdeConnectPlugin*> newPluginMap;
    QMultiMap<QString, KdeConnectPlugin*> newPluginsByIncomingInterface;
    QMultiMap<QString, KdeConnectPlugin*> newPluginsByOutgoingInterface;

    if (isPaired() && isReachable()) { //Do not load any plugin for unpaired devices, nor useless loading them for unreachable devices

        KConfigGroup pluginStates = KSharedConfig::openConfig(pluginsConfigFile())->group("Plugins");

        PluginLoader* loader = PluginLoader::instance();

        //Code borrowed from KWin
        foreach (const QString& pluginName, loader->getPluginList()) {
            QString enabledKey = pluginName + QString::fromLatin1("Enabled");

            bool isPluginEnabled = (pluginStates.hasKey(enabledKey) ? pluginStates.readEntry(enabledKey, false)
                                                            : loader->getPluginInfo(pluginName).isEnabledByDefault());

            if (isPluginEnabled) {
                KdeConnectPlugin* plugin = m_plugins.take(pluginName);
                QStringList incomingInterfaces, outgoingInterfaces;
                if (plugin) {
                    incomingInterfaces = m_pluginsByIncomingInterface.keys(plugin);
                    outgoingInterfaces = m_pluginsByOutgoingInterface.keys(plugin);
                } else {
                    const KPluginMetaData service = loader->getPluginInfo(pluginName);
                    incomingInterfaces = KPluginMetaData::readStringList(service.rawData(), "X-KdeConnect-SupportedPackageType");
                    outgoingInterfaces = KPluginMetaData::readStringList(service.rawData(), "X-KdeConnect-OutgoingPackageType");

                //If we don't find intersection with the received on one end and the sent on the other, we don't
                //let the plugin stay
                //Also, if no capabilities are specified on the other end, we don't apply this optimizaton, as
                //we assume that the other client doesn't know about capabilities.
                if (!m_incomingCapabilities.isEmpty() && !m_outgoingCapabilities.isEmpty()
                    && (m_incomingCapabilities & outgoingInterfaces.toSet()).isEmpty()
                    && (m_outgoingCapabilities & incomingInterfaces.toSet()).isEmpty()
                ) {
                    delete plugin;

                if (!plugin) {
                    plugin = loader->instantiatePluginForDevice(pluginName, this);

                foreach(const QString& interface, incomingInterfaces) {
                    newPluginsByIncomingInterface.insert(interface, plugin);
                foreach(const QString& interface, outgoingInterfaces) {
                    newPluginsByOutgoingInterface.insert(interface, plugin);
                newPluginMap[pluginName] = plugin;
Beispiel #7
    inline uint32_t fragLen() const {
        if (!isPaired()) { return 0; }
        auto leftmost1 = bam_pos(read1);
        auto leftmost2 = bam_pos(read2);

        // The length of the mapped read that is "rightmost" w.r.t. the forward strand.
        auto rightmostLen = (leftmost1 < leftmost2) ? bam_seq_len(read2) : bam_seq_len(read1);
        return std::abs(leftmost1 - leftmost2) + rightmostLen;

        //return std::abs(read1->core.isize) + std::abs(read1->core.l_qseq) + std::abs(read2->core.l_qseq);
Beispiel #8
int main (int argc, char **argv)
  LineStream ls;
  Texta tokens = NULL;
  char *line;

  int hasQual = 0;
  int hasSeqs = 0;
  int start=1;
  ls = ls_createFromFile ("-");
  while (line = ls_nextLine (ls)) {
    // Put all the lines of the SAM header in comments
    if (line[0] == '@') {
      printf ("# %s\n", line);
    // Parse each SAM entry and store into array   
    tokens = textFieldtokP (line, "\t");
    if (arrayMax (tokens) < 11) {
      textDestroy( tokens );
      ls_destroy (ls);
      die ("Invalid SAM entry: %s", line);
    SamEntry *currSamE = NULL;
    SamEntry *mateSamE = NULL;
    AllocVar(currSamE ); 

    int ret = generateSamEntry( tokens, currSamE, &hasSeqs, &hasQual );
    textDestroy( tokens );
    if ( ret==0 ) {
      if ( isPaired ( currSamE ) )
	ls_nextLine( ls ); // discarding next entry too (the mate)
      destroySamEntry( currSamE );
      freeMem( currSamE );
    if ( isPaired( currSamE ) )   {
      int hasQual2, hasSeq2;
      AllocVar( mateSamE );
      Texta secondEnd = NULL;
      secondEnd = textFieldtok (ls_nextLine( ls ) , "\t");
      ret = generateSamEntry( secondEnd, mateSamE, &hasSeq2, &hasQual2 );
      textDestroy( secondEnd );
      if( ret == 0 ) {
	destroySamEntry( currSamE );
	destroySamEntry( mateSamE );
	freeMem( currSamE );
	freeMem( mateSamE );
      if (strcmp (currSamE->qname, mateSamE->qname) != 0) {
        die ("Please note that for paired-end data, sam2mrf requires the mate pairs to be on subsequent lines. You may want to sort the SAM file first.\nEx: sort -r file.sam | sam2mrf > file.mrf\n");

    // Print MRF headers
    if( start ) {
      printf ("%s", MRF_COLUMN_NAME_BLOCKS);
      if (hasSeqs) printf("\t%s", MRF_COLUMN_NAME_SEQUENCE);
      if (hasQual) printf("\t%s", MRF_COLUMN_NAME_QUALITY_SCORES);
      printf ("\t%s\n", MRF_COLUMN_NAME_QUERY_ID);
    // Print AlignmentBlocks   
    printMrfAlignBlocks (currSamE, R_FIRST);
    if( isPaired ( currSamE ) ) {  
      printf ("|");
      printMrfAlignBlocks (mateSamE, R_SECOND);

    // Print Sequence
    if (hasSeqs) {
      if (!currSamE->seq)
        die ("Entry missing sequence column\n");
      if( currSamE->flags & S_QUERY_STRAND )
	seq_reverseComplement( currSamE->seq, strlen(currSamE->seq));
      printf ("\t%s", currSamE->seq);
      if (mateSamE) {
        if (!mateSamE->seq)
          die ("Entry missing sequence column\n");
        if( mateSamE->flags & S_MATE_STRAND )
	  seq_reverseComplement( mateSamE->seq, strlen(mateSamE->seq));
	printf ("|%s", mateSamE->seq);
    // Print quality scores
    if (hasQual) {
      if (!currSamE->qual)
        die ("Entry missing quality scores column\n");
      printf ("\t%s", currSamE->qual);
      if (mateSamE) {
        if (!mateSamE->qual)
          die ("Entry missing quality scores column\n");
        printf ("|%s", mateSamE->qual);

    // Print queryID

    if (mateSamE) {
      printf ("\t%s|%s", currSamE->qname,"2"); // No need to print out both IDs, but need the pipe symbol for consistency
    else {
      printf ("\t%s", currSamE->qname);
    destroySamEntry( currSamE );
    freeMem( currSamE ); 
    if( isPaired( currSamE ) ) {
      destroySamEntry ( mateSamE );
      freeMem( mateSamE );
  // clean up
  ls_destroy (ls);
  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Beispiel #9
void OctreeGrid::testSubdivideRandom(bool graded, bool paired) {
	bool bfs = false;
	std::vector<std::pair<int, int> > leaves, next;

	// Init: start with root cells
	for (int i = 0; i < (int) m_Cells.size(); ++i) {
		leaves.emplace_back(0, i);

	std::default_random_engine gen;
	std::uniform_real_distribution<double> distr(0, 1);

	int counter = 0;
	int nextCheck = (int) leaves.size();
	while (!leaves.empty()) {
		std::uniform_int_distribution<int> take(0, (int) leaves.size() - 1);
		int i = take(gen);
		int depth = leaves[i].first;
		int id = leaves[i].second;
		std::swap(leaves[i], leaves.back());
		if (depth < m_MaxDepth) {
			if (distr(gen) > 0.2 && cellIsLeaf(id)) {
				int newId = (int) m_Cells.size();
				splitCell(id, graded, paired);
				for (int k = 0; k < 8; ++k) {
					if (bfs) {
						next.emplace_back(depth + 1, newId++);
					} else {
						leaves.emplace_back(depth + 1, newId++);
		if (!bfs && counter == nextCheck) {
			nextCheck = (int) leaves.size();
			counter = 0;
		if (leaves.empty()) {
			std::swap(leaves, next);

	//std::shuffle(m_Cells.begin(), m_Cells.end(), std::default_random_engine());

	// logger_debug("Octree", "Graded %s", is2to1Graded());
	// logger_debug("Octree", "Build ok");
	std::cout << "Graded: " << is2to1Graded() << std::endl;
	std::cout << "Paired: " << isPaired() << std::endl;

	// logger_debug("Octree", "Num nodes: %s", m_Nodes.size());
	// logger_debug("Octree", "Num cells: %s", m_Cells.size());

	if (graded) { oct_assert(is2to1Graded()); }
	if (paired) { oct_assert(isPaired()); }
Beispiel #10
 inline bool isLeft() const { return isPaired() ? false : (isLeftOrphan() ? true : false); }