Beispiel #1
IRTranslator::passPredictedAndInferredTypes(const NormalizedInstruction& i) {
  if (!i.outStack || i.breaksTracelet) return;
  auto const jitType = Type(i.outStack->rtt);

  m_hhbcTrans.setBcOff(>offset(), false);
  if (RuntimeOption::EvalHHIRRelaxGuards) {
    if (i.outputPredicted) {
      if (i.outputPredictionStatic && jitType.notCounted()) {
        // If the prediction is from static analysis it really means jitType |
        // InitNull. When jitType is an uncounted type, we know that the value
        // will always be an uncounted type, so we assert that fact before
        // doing the real check. This allows us to relax the CheckType away
        // while still eliminating some refcounting operations.
        m_hhbcTrans.assertTypeStack(0, Type::Uncounted);

  NormalizedInstruction::OutputUse u = i.getOutputUsage(i.outStack);

  if (u == NormalizedInstruction::OutputUse::Inferred) {
    TRACE(1, "irPassPredictedAndInferredTypes: output inferred as %s\n",
    m_hhbcTrans.assertTypeStack(0, jitType);

  } else if (u == NormalizedInstruction::OutputUse::Used && i.outputPredicted) {
    // If the value was predicted statically by the front-end, it
    // means that it's either the predicted type or null.  In this
    // case, if the predicted value is not ref-counted and it's simply
    // going to be popped, then pass the information as an assertion
    // that the type is not ref-counted.  This avoid both generating a
    // type check and dec-refing the value.
    if (i.outputPredictionStatic && isPop(>op()) &&
        !jitType.maybeCounted()) {
      TRACE(1, "irPassPredictedAndInferredTypes: output inferred as %s\n",
      m_hhbcTrans.assertTypeStack(0, JIT::Type::Uncounted);
    } else {
      TRACE(1, "irPassPredictedAndInferredTypes: output predicted as %s\n",
Beispiel #2
void Token::print() const {
	if( eol() ) std::cout << "NEWLINE" ;
	else if( eof() ) std::cout << "ENDMARKER" ;
	else if( indent() ) std::cout << "INDENT";
	else if( dedent() ) std::cout << "DEDENT";
	else if( isOpenBrace() ) std::cout << " { ";
	else if( isCloseBrace() ) std::cout << " } ";
	else if( isComma() ) std::cout << " , ";
	else if( isPeriod()) std::cout<< ".";
	else if( isEqual() ) std::cout << " == ";
	else if( isNotEqual() ) std::cout << " != ";
	else if( isLessThan() ) std::cout << " < ";
	else if( isGreaterThan() ) std::cout << " > ";
	else if( isLessThanEqual() ) std::cout << " <= ";
	else if( isGreaterThanEqual() ) std::cout << " >= ";
	else if( isOpenParen() )  std::cout << " ( " ;
	else if( isCloseParen() )  std::cout << " ) " ;
	else if( isAssignmentOperator() )  std::cout << " = ";
	else if( isColon() )  std::cout << " : " ;
	else if( isMultiplicationOperator() )  std::cout << " * " ;
	else if( isAdditionOperator() )  std::cout << " + ";
	else if( isSubtractionOperator() )  std::cout << " - ";
	else if( isModuloOperator() )  std::cout << " % ";
	else if( isDivisionOperator() )  std::cout << " / ";
	else if( isFloorDivision() ) std::cout << " // ";
	else if( isOpenBrack() ) std::cout<< "[";
	else if( isCloseBrack() ) std::cout<< "]";
	else if( isName() )  std::cout << getName();
	else if( isKeyword() ) std::cout << getKeyword();
	else if( isWholeNumber() ) std::cout << getWholeNumber();
	else if( isFloat() ) std::cout << getFloat();
	else if( isString() ) std::cout << getString();
	else if( isCall() ) std::cout << "CALL " << getName();
	else if( isSub() ) std::cout << "ARRAY SUB " << getName();
	else if( isAppend() ) std::cout << "ARRAY APPEND " << getName();
	else if( isPop() ) std::cout << "ARRAY POP " << getName();
	else std::cout << "Uninitialized token.\n";