Beispiel #1
vguard<vguard<LogProb> > SumProduct::logNodeExcludedPostProb (TreeNodeIndex node, TreeNodeIndex exclude, bool normalize) const {
  Require (!isGap(node), "Attempt to find posterior probability of sequence at gapped position");
  const UnvalidatedAlphTok tok = isWild(node) ? -1 : model.tokenize(gappedCol[node]);
  vguard<LogProb> lppInit (model.alphabetSize(), isWild(node) ? 0 : -numeric_limits<double>::infinity());
  if (!isWild(node))
    lppInit[tok] = 0;
  vguard<vguard<LogProb> > v (model.components(), lppInit);
  LogProb norm = -numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
  for (int cpt = 0; cpt < components(); ++cpt) {
    vguard<LogProb>& lpp = v[cpt];
    for (auto& lp: lpp)
      lp += logCptWeight[cpt];
    for (size_t nc = 0; nc < tree.nChildren(node); ++nc) {
      const TreeNodeIndex child = tree.getChild(node,nc);
      if (child != exclude)
	for (AlphTok i = 0; i < model.alphabetSize(); ++i)
	  lpp[i] += log (E[cpt][child][i]) + logE[cpt][child];
    const TreeNodeIndex parent = tree.parentNode (node);
    for (AlphTok i = 0; i < model.alphabetSize(); ++i) {
      lpp[i] += parent == exclude
	? 0 // to add a prior for orphaned nodes, this should be log(insProb[i]), but that complicates MCMC etc
	: (log(G[cpt][node][i]) + logG[cpt][node]);
      log_accum_exp (norm, lpp[i]);
  if (normalize)
    for (auto& lpp: v)
      for (auto& lp: lpp)
	lp -= norm;
  return v;
NxI32 deleteFiles(const String &str)
  WildCard *wild = createWildCard(str.c_str());
  StringVector list;
  if ( isWild(wild) )
    FileFind ffind(wild);

  StringVector::iterator i;

  for (i=list.begin(); i!=list.end(); ++i)
#ifdef WIN32
    DeleteFileA( (*i).c_str() );
    assert(0); // not implemented on unix yet, not needed though.

  NxI32 ret = list.size();

  return ret;
Beispiel #3
bool addFilename(StringAttrArray &names,const char *name,bool sub)
    if (isWild(name)) {
        StringBuffer dir;
        const char *tail = splitDirTail(name,dir);
        if (isWild(dir.str())) {
            printf("Directory %s - cannot be wild!\n",dir.str());
            return false;
        Owned<IFile> dirf = createIFile(dir.str());
        Owned<IDirectoryIterator> iter = dirf->directoryFiles(tail,sub,false);
        StringBuffer subname;
        ForEach(*iter) {
            names.append(*new StringAttrItem(subname.str()));