bool is_lpc_available(unsigned int target_residency) { if (!lpc_enabled) return false; if (is_busy(target_residency, cpu_online_mask)) return false; if (check_hw_status(lpc_regs, lpc_reg_num)) return false; if (exynos_lpc_prepare()) return false; if (pwm_check_enable_cnt()) return false; #if defined(CONFIG_GPS_BCMxxxxx) if (check_gps_op()) return false; #endif if (check_cp_status()) return false; return true; }
void on_cvs_add_response(GtkDialog* dialog, gint response, CVSData* data) { if (is_busy(data->plugin, dialog)) return; switch (response) { case GTK_RESPONSE_OK: { GtkWidget* binary = GTK_WIDGET(gtk_builder_get_object(data->bxml, "cvs_binary")); GtkWidget* fileentry = GTK_WIDGET(gtk_builder_get_object(data->bxml, "cvs_add_filename")); const gchar* filename = gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(fileentry)); if (!check_filename(dialog, filename)) break; anjuta_cvs_add(ANJUTA_PLUGIN(data->plugin), filename, gtk_toggle_button_get_active(GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(binary)), NULL); gtk_widget_destroy(GTK_WIDGET(dialog)); cvs_data_free(data); break; } default: gtk_widget_destroy (GTK_WIDGET(dialog)); cvs_data_free(data); } }
string ask_job() { object obj, place, *inv, me = this_player(); if( is_fighting() || is_busy() ) return "我正忙着。"; if( (string)me->query("gender") != "男性" ) return "阿弥陀佛!善哉!善哉!女施主莫开老纳的玩笑。"; if( (string)me->query("class") != "bonze" ) return "阿弥陀佛!善哉!善哉!施主不是佛门弟子,还是请回吧。"; if( (int)me->query_skill("buddhism", 1) < 120 ) return "本寺只延请高僧前来讲经说佛。"; if( day_event() != "event_dawn" ) return "本寺撞钟诵经时辰已过," + RANK_D->query_respect(me) + "下次再来吧。"; if( me->query_condition("lyjob") ) return RANK_D->query_respect(me) + "已经在讲经说佛了。"; command("nod"); me->apply_condition("lyjob", 3 + random(3)); if( random((int)me->query_temp("lypoint")) > 1 && !(present("jiasha", me)) ) { obj = new("/d/hangzhou/obj/jiasha"); obj->move(me); message_vision("旁边一僧将一件红衣袈裟披在$N身上。\n", me); }
nb_smart_fight() { object target=select_opponent(); if (is_busy()) return; ccommand("perform zonghengtianxia"); return; }
void on_cvs_commit_response(GtkDialog* dialog, gint response, CVSData* data) { if (is_busy(data->plugin, dialog)) return; switch (response) { case GTK_RESPONSE_OK: { gchar* log; const gchar* rev; GtkWidget* logtext; GtkWidget* revisionentry; GtkWidget* norecurse; GtkWidget* fileentry = GTK_WIDGET(gtk_builder_get_object(data->bxml, "cvs_commit_filename")); const gchar* filename = gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(fileentry)); logtext = GTK_WIDGET(gtk_builder_get_object(data->bxml, "cvs_commit_log")); log = get_log_from_textview(logtext); if (!g_utf8_strlen(log, -1)) { gint result; GtkWidget* dlg = gtk_message_dialog_new(GTK_WINDOW(dialog), GTK_DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, GTK_MESSAGE_INFO, GTK_BUTTONS_YES_NO, _("Are you sure that you want to pass an empty log message?")); result = gtk_dialog_run(GTK_DIALOG(dlg)); if (result == GTK_RESPONSE_NO) { gtk_widget_hide(dlg); gtk_widget_destroy(dlg); break; } gtk_widget_destroy(dlg); } revisionentry = GTK_WIDGET(gtk_builder_get_object(data->bxml, "cvs_commit_revision")); rev = gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(revisionentry)); norecurse = GTK_WIDGET(gtk_builder_get_object(data->bxml, "cvs_commit_norecurse")); if (!check_filename(dialog, filename)) break; anjuta_cvs_commit(ANJUTA_PLUGIN(data->plugin), filename, log, rev, !gtk_toggle_button_get_active(GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(norecurse)), NULL); cvs_data_free(data); gtk_widget_destroy(GTK_WIDGET(dialog)); break; } default: gtk_widget_destroy (GTK_WIDGET(dialog)); cvs_data_free(data); break; } }
void on_cvs_diff_response(GtkDialog* dialog, gint response, CVSData* data) { if (is_busy(data->plugin, dialog)) return; switch (response) { case GTK_RESPONSE_OK: { const gchar* rev; int diff_type_nr; gboolean unified = FALSE; gboolean patch_style = FALSE; GtkWidget* norecurse; GtkWidget* revisionentry; GtkWidget* diff_type; GtkWidget* unified_diff; GtkWidget* fileentry = GTK_WIDGET(gtk_builder_get_object(data->bxml, "cvs_diff_filename")); const gchar* filename = g_strdup(gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(fileentry))); revisionentry = GTK_WIDGET(gtk_builder_get_object(data->bxml, "cvs_diff_revision")); rev = gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(revisionentry)); norecurse = GTK_WIDGET(gtk_builder_get_object(data->bxml, "cvs_diff_norecurse")); diff_type = GTK_WIDGET(gtk_builder_get_object(data->bxml, "cvs_diff_type")); unified_diff = GTK_WIDGET(gtk_builder_get_object(data->bxml, "cvs_unified")); diff_type_nr = gtk_combo_box_get_active(GTK_COMBO_BOX(diff_type)); if (diff_type_nr == DIFF_PATCH) { unified = TRUE; /* FIXME: rdiff do not take -u in my cvs */ /* diff = "rdiff"; */ } if (!check_filename(dialog, filename)) break; anjuta_cvs_diff(ANJUTA_PLUGIN(data->plugin), filename, rev, !gtk_toggle_button_get_active(GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(norecurse)), patch_style, unified, NULL); cvs_data_free(data); gtk_widget_destroy (GTK_WIDGET(dialog)); break; } default: cvs_data_free(data); gtk_widget_destroy (GTK_WIDGET(dialog)); break; } }
int heal_up() { if(environment() && !is_fighting() && !is_busy() && query("startroom") && file_name(environment()) != query("startroom")) { // command("say ok"); return_home(query("startroom")); return 1; } return ::heal_up() + 1; }
void PngyuMainWindow::dragEnterEvent( QDragEnterEvent *event ) { if( is_busy() ) { return; } if( event->mimeData()->hasUrls() ) { event->accept(); } }
bool BrowserWrapper::Wait() { bool is_navigating = true; //std::cout << "Navigate Events Completed." << std::endl; this->is_navigation_started_ = false; HWND dialog = this->GetActiveDialogWindowHandle(); if (dialog != NULL) { //std::cout "Found alert. Aborting wait." << std::endl; this->wait_required_ = false; return true; } // Navigate events completed. Waiting for browser.Busy != false... is_navigating = this->is_navigation_started_; VARIANT_BOOL is_busy(VARIANT_FALSE); HRESULT hr = this->browser_->get_Busy(&is_busy); if (is_navigating || FAILED(hr) || is_busy) { //std::cout << "Browser busy property is true.\r\n"; return false; } // Waiting for browser.ReadyState == READYSTATE_COMPLETE...; is_navigating = this->is_navigation_started_; READYSTATE ready_state; hr = this->browser_->get_ReadyState(&ready_state); if (is_navigating || FAILED(hr) || ready_state != READYSTATE_COMPLETE) { //std::cout << "readyState is not 'Complete'.\r\n"; return false; } // Waiting for document property != null... is_navigating = this->is_navigation_started_; CComQIPtr<IDispatch> document_dispatch; hr = this->browser_->get_Document(&document_dispatch); if (is_navigating && FAILED(hr) && !document_dispatch) { //std::cout << "Get Document failed.\r\n"; return false; } // Waiting for document to complete... CComPtr<IHTMLDocument2> doc; hr = document_dispatch->QueryInterface(&doc); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { is_navigating = this->IsDocumentNavigating(doc); } if (!is_navigating) { this->wait_required_ = false; } return !is_navigating; }
MTNJOB *mtnexec_wait() { int i; while(is_busy() && is_loop){ mtnexec_poll(); } if(is_loop){ for(i=0;i<ctx->job_max;i++){ if(ctx->job[i].pid == 0){ return(&(ctx->job[i])); } } } return(NULL); }
void on_cvs_update_response(GtkDialog* dialog, gint response, CVSData* data) { if (is_busy(data->plugin, dialog)) return; switch (response) { case GTK_RESPONSE_OK: { const gchar* revision; GtkWidget* createdir; GtkWidget* removedir; GtkWidget* norecurse; GtkWidget* removesticky; GtkWidget* revisionentry; GtkWidget* fileentry = GTK_WIDGET(gtk_builder_get_object(data->bxml, "cvs_update_filename")); const gchar* filename = g_strdup(gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(fileentry))); norecurse = GTK_WIDGET(gtk_builder_get_object(data->bxml, "cvs_update_norecurse")); removedir = GTK_WIDGET(gtk_builder_get_object(data->bxml, "cvs_removedir")); createdir = GTK_WIDGET(gtk_builder_get_object(data->bxml, "cvs_createdir")); revisionentry = GTK_WIDGET(gtk_builder_get_object(data->bxml, "cvs_update_revision")); revision = gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(revisionentry)); removesticky = GTK_WIDGET(gtk_builder_get_object(data->bxml, "cvs_removesticky")); if (!check_filename(dialog, filename)) break; anjuta_cvs_update(ANJUTA_PLUGIN(data->plugin), filename, !gtk_toggle_button_get_active(GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(norecurse)), gtk_toggle_button_get_active(GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(removedir)), gtk_toggle_button_get_active(GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(createdir)), gtk_toggle_button_get_active(GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(removesticky)), revision, NULL); cvs_data_free(data); gtk_widget_destroy(GTK_WIDGET(dialog)); break; } default: gtk_widget_destroy(GTK_WIDGET(dialog)); cvs_data_free(data); break; } }
void on_cvs_remove_response(GtkDialog* dialog, gint response, CVSData* data) { GFile* file; if (is_busy(data->plugin, dialog)) return; switch (response) { case GTK_RESPONSE_OK: { GtkWidget* fileentry = GTK_WIDGET(gtk_builder_get_object(data->bxml, "cvs_remove_filename")); const gchar* filename = gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(fileentry)); if (!check_filename(dialog, filename)) break; file = g_file_new_for_uri(gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(fileentry))); if (!g_file_delete(file, NULL, NULL)) { anjuta_util_dialog_error (GTK_WINDOW(dialog),_("Unable to delete file"), NULL); gtk_widget_destroy(GTK_WIDGET(dialog)); cvs_data_free(data); break; } g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(file)); anjuta_cvs_remove(ANJUTA_PLUGIN(data->plugin), filename, NULL); gtk_widget_destroy (GTK_WIDGET(dialog)); cvs_data_free(data); break; } default: cvs_data_free(data); gtk_widget_destroy (GTK_WIDGET(dialog)); } }
int determine_cpd(int index, int c2_index, unsigned int cpu, unsigned int target_residency) { exynos_cpu.power_down(cpu); if (index == c2_index) return c2_index; #ifdef CONFIG_ARM_EXYNOS_SMP_CPUFREQ if (disabled_cluster_power_down) return c2_index; #endif spin_lock(&cpd_lock); update_cpd_state(true, cpu); if (is_lpc_available(target_residency)) { set_lpc_flag(); s3c24xx_serial_fifo_wait(); } if (is_in_boot_cluster(cpu)) { index = c2_index; goto unlock; } if (is_busy(target_residency, cpu_coregroup_mask(cpu))) index = c2_index; else exynos_cpu_sequencer_ctrl(true); unlock: spin_unlock(&cpd_lock); return index; }
bool Browser::IsBusy() { VARIANT_BOOL is_busy(VARIANT_FALSE); HRESULT hr = this->browser_->get_Busy(&is_busy); return SUCCEEDED(hr) && is_busy == VARIANT_TRUE; }
void heart_beat() { int wimpy_ratio, to_wimpy, cnd_flag, oldbusy; mapping my; object ob; string savemyass; if(!this_object()) { return; } // command("say start heart_beat"); // command("say i am busy"+(string)query_busy()); if (query_temp("in_heart_beat")) return; my = query_entire_dbase(); // If we are dying because of mortal wounds? if( my["eff_kee"] < 0 || my["eff_sen"] < 0 || my["eff_gin"] < 0 || my["kee"] < -2 * my["dur"] || my["sen"] < -2 * my["dur"] || my["gin"] < -2 * my["dur"]) { remove_all_enemy(); die(); return; } // If we are unconcious, just return; if(query_temp("is_unconcious")) { return; } // If we're dying or falling unconcious? if( my["kee"] < 0 || my["sen"] < 0 || my["gin"] < 0) { remove_all_enemy(); unconcious(); return; } // let NPC do something in fight that won't be affected by busy...e.g talk // all actions in nb_chat will be executed in fight. They should never have busy() // as a consequence and they should be allowed to appear at same time. if (is_fighting()) if(objectp(this_object()) && !userp(this_object())) { this_object()->nb_chat(); if(!this_object()) { return; } } if (!is_busy()) { // (1) Do attack or clean up enemy if we have fleed. if(is_fighting()) { // Hey, NPC's 心神 doesn't need to be reduced here, let's save some resource // my["sen"]--; attack(); } // (2) chat() may do anything -- include destruct(this_object()) if(objectp(this_object()) && !userp(this_object())) { this_object()->chat(); if(!this_object()) { return; } } } // If busy, continue action and return here. if(is_busy()) { continue_action(); return; } if(tick--) { return; } else { tick = 5 + random(10); } cnd_flag = update_condition(); if (!living(this_object())) return; // If we are compeletely in peace, turn off heart beat. // heal_up() must be called prior to other two to make sure it is called // because the && operator is lazy :P if( ((cnd_flag & CND_NO_HEAL_UP) || !heal_up()) && !is_fighting() && !interactive(this_object())) { if(environment()) { ob = first_inventory(environment()); while(ob && !interactive(ob)) { ob = next_inventory(ob); } } if(!ob && !query("ALWAYS_ACTIVE")) set_heart_beat(0); } if(!this_object()) return; if(!interactive(this_object())) return; }
void PngyuMainWindow::execute_compress_all( bool image_optim_enabled ) { if( is_busy() ) { return; } // disable ui operation temporary set_busy_mode( true ); ui->widget_executing->setVisible( true ); ui->pushButton_exec->setVisible( false ); ui->pushButton_stop_exec->setVisible( true ); clear_compress_result(); const bool b_overwrite_enable = file_overwrite_enabled(); const bool b_force_execute_if_negative = is_force_execute_if_negative_enabled(); const pngyu::PngquantOption &option = make_pngquant_option( QString() ); const QString &pngquant_path = executable_pngquant_path(); QQueue<pngyu::CompressQueueData> queue; QTableWidget *table_widget = file_list_table_widget(); const int row_count = table_widget->rowCount(); for( int row = 0; row < row_count; ++row ) { // file list loop const QTableWidgetItem * const absolute_path_item = table_widget->item( row, pngyu::COLUMN_ABSOLUTE_PATH ); if( ! absolute_path_item ) { qWarning() << "Item is null. row: " << row; continue; } const QString &src_path = absolute_path_item->text(); const QString &dst_path = make_output_file_path_string( src_path ); pngyu::CompressQueueData data; data.src_path = src_path; data.dst_path = dst_path; data.pngquant_path = pngquant_path; data.pngquant_option = option; data.overwrite_enabled = b_overwrite_enable; data.force_execute_if_negative = b_force_execute_if_negative; data.table_widget = table_widget; data.table_row = row; queue.enqueue( data ); } // end of file list loop const int n_thread = num_thread(); QVector<ExecuteCompressWorkerThread*> workers; QMutex mutex; for( int i = 0; i < n_thread; ++i ) { ExecuteCompressWorkerThread *worker = new ExecuteCompressWorkerThread(); worker->set_queue_ptr( &queue, &mutex ); workers.push_back( worker ); } QApplication::processEvents(); for( int i = 0; i < n_thread; ++i ) { workers[i]->start( QThread::HighPriority ); } QApplication::processEvents(); for( int i = 0; i < n_thread; ++i ) { ExecuteCompressWorkerThread *worker = workers[i]; while( ! worker->wait(30) ) { if( m_stop_request ) { worker->stop_request(); } ui->spinner_exec->redraw(); ui->spinner_exec->update(); QApplication::processEvents(); } } QList<pngyu::CompressResult> result_list; for( int i = 0; i < n_thread; ++i ) { ExecuteCompressWorkerThread *worker = workers[i]; result_list += worker->compress_results(); } for( int i = 0; i < n_thread; ++i ) { ExecuteCompressWorkerThread *worker = workers[i]; delete worker; workers[i] = 0; } workers.clear(); // result qint64 total_saved_size = 0; QStringList succeed_src_filepaths; QStringList succeed_dst_filepaths; foreach( const pngyu::CompressResult &res, result_list ) { if( res.result ) { succeed_src_filepaths.push_back( res.src_path ); succeed_dst_filepaths.push_back( res.dst_path ); total_saved_size += res.src_size - res.dst_size; } } { // show result status bar const QString size_string = total_saved_size > 500 * 1024 ? pngyu::util::size_to_string_mb( total_saved_size ) : pngyu::util::size_to_string_kb( total_saved_size ); ui->statusBar->showMessage( tr("Total %1 saved").arg(size_string) ); } if( image_optim_enabled ) { pngyu::util::open_with_mac_app( succeed_dst_filepaths, executable_image_optim_path() ); } set_busy_mode( false ); ui->widget_executing->setVisible( false ); ui->pushButton_stop_exec->setVisible( false ); ui->pushButton_exec->setVisible( true ); }
void on_cvs_import_response(GtkDialog* dialog, gint response, CVSData* data) { gchar* dirname = NULL; if (is_busy(data->plugin, dialog)) return; switch (response) { case GTK_RESPONSE_OK: { GtkWidget* username; GtkWidget* password; GtkWidget* cvsroot_entry; GtkWidget* module_entry; GtkWidget* vendortag; GtkWidget* releasetag; GtkWidget* logtext; GtkWidget* typecombo; GtkFileChooser* dir; gchar* log; username = GTK_WIDGET(gtk_builder_get_object(data->bxml, "cvs_username")); password = GTK_WIDGET(gtk_builder_get_object(data->bxml, "cvs_password")); cvsroot_entry = GTK_WIDGET(gtk_builder_get_object(data->bxml, "cvs_cvsroot")); if (!check_entry(dialog, cvsroot_entry, _("CVSROOT"))) break; module_entry = GTK_WIDGET(gtk_builder_get_object(data->bxml, "cvs_module")); if (!check_entry(dialog, module_entry, _("Module"))) break; vendortag = GTK_WIDGET(gtk_builder_get_object(data->bxml, "cvs_vendor")); if (!check_entry(dialog, vendortag, _("Vendor"))) break; releasetag = GTK_WIDGET(gtk_builder_get_object(data->bxml, "cvs_release")); if (!check_entry(dialog, releasetag, _("Release"))) break; typecombo = GTK_WIDGET(gtk_builder_get_object(data->bxml, "cvs_server_type")); dir = GTK_FILE_CHOOSER(gtk_builder_get_object(data->bxml, "cvs_rootdir")); dirname = gtk_file_chooser_get_filename (dir); if (!dirname) break; logtext = GTK_WIDGET(gtk_builder_get_object(data->bxml, "cvs_import_log")); log = get_log_from_textview(logtext); if (!strlen(log)) { gint result; GtkWidget* dlg = gtk_message_dialog_new(GTK_WINDOW(dialog), GTK_DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, GTK_MESSAGE_INFO, GTK_BUTTONS_YES_NO, _("Are you sure that you do not want a log message?")); result = gtk_dialog_run(GTK_DIALOG(dlg)); gtk_widget_destroy(dlg); if (result == GTK_RESPONSE_NO) break; } anjuta_cvs_import(ANJUTA_PLUGIN(data->plugin), dirname, gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(cvsroot_entry)), gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(module_entry)), gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(vendortag)), gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(releasetag)), log, gtk_combo_box_get_active(GTK_COMBO_BOX(typecombo)), gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(username)), gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(password)), NULL); cvs_data_free(data); gtk_widget_destroy(GTK_WIDGET(dialog)); break; } default: cvs_data_free(data); gtk_widget_destroy(GTK_WIDGET(dialog)); break; } g_free(dirname); }
static void print_status(struct MPContext *mpctx) { struct MPOpts *opts = mpctx->opts; update_window_title(mpctx, false); update_vo_playback_state(mpctx); if (!opts->use_terminal) return; if (opts->quiet || !mpctx->playback_initialized || !mpctx->playing_msg_shown) { term_osd_set_status(mpctx, ""); return; } if (opts->status_msg) { char *r = mp_property_expand_escaped_string(mpctx, opts->status_msg); term_osd_set_status(mpctx, r); talloc_free(r); return; } char *line = NULL; // Playback status if (is_busy(mpctx)) { saddf(&line, "(...) "); } else if (mpctx->paused_for_cache && !opts->pause) { saddf(&line, "(Buffering) "); } else if (mpctx->paused) { saddf(&line, "(Paused) "); } if (mpctx->d_audio) saddf(&line, "A"); if (mpctx->d_video) saddf(&line, "V"); saddf(&line, ": "); // Playback position sadd_hhmmssff_u(&line, get_playback_time(mpctx), mpctx->opts->osd_fractions); double len = get_time_length(mpctx); if (len >= 0) { saddf(&line, " / "); sadd_hhmmssff(&line, len, mpctx->opts->osd_fractions); } sadd_percentage(&line, get_percent_pos(mpctx)); // other if (opts->playback_speed != 1) saddf(&line, " x%4.2f", opts->playback_speed); // A-V sync if (mpctx->d_audio && mpctx->d_video && mpctx->sync_audio_to_video) { saddf(&line, " A-V:%7.3f", mpctx->last_av_difference); if (fabs(mpctx->total_avsync_change) > 0.05) saddf(&line, " ct:%7.3f", mpctx->total_avsync_change); } #if HAVE_ENCODING double position = get_current_pos_ratio(mpctx, true); char lavcbuf[80]; if (encode_lavc_getstatus(mpctx->encode_lavc_ctx, lavcbuf, sizeof(lavcbuf), position) >= 0) { // encoding stats saddf(&line, " %s", lavcbuf); } else #endif { // VO stats if (mpctx->d_video) { if (mpctx->display_sync_active) { saddf(&line, " DS: %d/%"PRId64, mpctx->mistimed_frames_total, vo_get_delayed_count(mpctx->video_out)); } int64_t c = vo_get_drop_count(mpctx->video_out); if (c > 0 || mpctx->dropped_frames_total > 0) { saddf(&line, " Dropped: %"PRId64, c); if (mpctx->dropped_frames_total) saddf(&line, "/%d", mpctx->dropped_frames_total); } } } if (mpctx->demuxer) { int64_t fill = -1; demux_stream_control(mpctx->demuxer, STREAM_CTRL_GET_CACHE_FILL, &fill); if (fill >= 0) { saddf(&line, " Cache: "); struct demux_ctrl_reader_state s = {.ts_duration = -1}; demux_control(mpctx->demuxer, DEMUXER_CTRL_GET_READER_STATE, &s); if (s.ts_duration < 0) { saddf(&line, "???"); } else { saddf(&line, "%2ds", (int)s.ts_duration); } if (fill >= 1024 * 1024) { saddf(&line, "+%lldMB", (long long)(fill / 1024 / 1024)); } else { saddf(&line, "+%lldKB", (long long)(fill / 1024)); } } }
void heart_beat() { int wimpy_ratio, cnd_flag; mapping my; object ob; my = query_entire_dbase(); // If we are dying because of mortal wounds? if( my["eff_kee"] < 0 || my["eff_sen"] < 0 || my["eff_gin"] < 0) { remove_all_enemy(); die(); return; } // If we're dying or falling unconcious? if( my["kee"] < 0 || my["sen"] < 0 || my["gin"] < 0) { remove_all_enemy(); if( !living(this_object()) ) die(); else unconcious(); return; } // Do attack if we are fighting. if( is_busy() ) { continue_action(); // We don't want heart beat be halt eventually, so return here. return; } else { // Is it time to flee? if( is_fighting() && intp(wimpy_ratio = (int)query("env/wimpy")) && wimpy_ratio > 0 && ( my["kee"] * 100 / my["max_kee"] <= wimpy_ratio || my["sen"] * 100 / my["max_sen"] <= wimpy_ratio || my["gin"] * 100 / my["max_gin"] <= wimpy_ratio) ) GO_CMD->do_flee(this_object()); // Do attack or clean up enemy if we have fleed. attack(); } if( !userp(this_object()) ) { this_object()->chat(); // chat() may do anything -- include destruct(this_object()) if( !this_object() ) return; } if( tick-- ) return; else tick = 5 + random(10); cnd_flag = update_condition(); // If we are compeletely in peace, turn off heart beat. // heal_up() must be called prior to other two to make sure it is called // because the && operator is lazy :P if( ((cnd_flag & CND_NO_HEAL_UP) || !heal_up()) && !is_fighting() && !interactive(this_object())) { if( environment() ) { ob = first_inventory(environment()); while(ob && !interactive(ob)) ob = next_inventory(ob); } if( !ob ) set_heart_beat(0); } if( !interactive(this_object()) ) return; // Make us a bit older. Only player's update_age is defined. // Note: update_age() is no need to be called every heart_beat, it // remember how much time has passed since last call. this_object()->update_age(); if(query_idle(this_object()) > IDLE_TIMEOUT) this_object()->user_dump(DUMP_IDLE); }
void heart_beat() { int t; int period; int wimpy_ratio, cnd_flag; mapping my; object ob; object me; string prompt; int is_player; me = this_object(); my = query_entire_dbase(); if (userp(me) && living(me) && mapp(my["env"])) { // update prompt prompt = my["env"]["prompt"]; if ((prompt == "time" || prompt == "mud" || prompt == "hp") && is_waiting_command() && ! me->is_attach_system()) { write_prompt(); } } // If we're dying or falling unconcious? if (my["qi"] < 0 || my["jing"] < 0) { if (! living(me)) die(); else unconcious(); // Why does the living test? Because // The wizard may set immortal but his // qi was -1, so I don't want return, // or the continue_action will never be // called in such case. if (! me || ! living(me)) return; } if (is_p_busy()) { continue_p_busy(); } // Do attack if we are fighting. if (is_busy()) { continue_action(); // We don't want heart beat be halt eventually, so return here. } else if (living(me)) { string apply; object apply_ob; // Is it time to flee? if (is_fighting() && intp(wimpy_ratio = (int)query("env/wimpy")) && wimpy_ratio > 0 && (my["qi"] * 100 / my["max_qi"] <= wimpy_ratio || my["jing"] * 100 / my["max_jing"] <= wimpy_ratio)) { if (stringp(apply = query("env/wimpy_apply")) && objectp(apply_ob = present(apply, me)) && apply_ob->query("can_apply_for_wimpy")) { apply_ob->apply_for_wimpy(this_object()); } else GO_CMD->do_flee(this_object()); } if (query("auto_perform") || me->query_auto_perform()) { if (my["eff_jing"] > 0 && my["jing"] * 100 / my["eff_jing"] <= 70) SKILL_D("force/regenerate")->exert(me, me); if (my["eff_qi"] > 0 && my["qi"] * 100 / my["eff_qi"] <= 70) SKILL_D("force/recover")->exert(me, me); // 如果不在打架而且处于受伤状态,则自行疗伤 if (! is_fighting()) { if (my["eff_jing"] < my["max_jing"]) SKILL_D("force/inspire")->exert(me, me); if (my["eff_qi"] < my["max_qi"]) SKILL_D("force/heal")->exert(me, me); } } // Do attack or clean up enemy if we have fleed. if (is_busy()) continue_action(); else attack(); } if (my["doing"] == "scheme") // executing schedule now SCHEME_CMD->execute_schedule(me); if (! me) return; if (! (is_player = playerp(me))) { me->scan(); // scan() may do anything -- include destruct(this_object()) if (! me) return; } if ((t = time()) < next_beat) return; else next_beat = t + 5 + random(10); if (! my["not_living"]) cnd_flag = update_condition(); if (! me) return; if (! (cnd_flag & CND_NO_HEAL_UP)) cnd_flag = heal_up(); // If we are compeletely in peace, turn off heart beat. // heal_up() must be called prior to other two to make sure it is called // because the && operator is lazy :P if (! cnd_flag && ! is_player && ! keep_beat_flag && ! is_fighting() && ! is_busy() && ! interactive(this_object())) { if (environment() && query("chat_msg")) { ob = first_inventory(environment()); while (ob && ! interactive(ob)) ob = next_inventory(ob); } else ob = 0; if (! ob) set_heart_beat(0); } update_all_limb_damage(); if (! me || ! is_player) return; // Make us a bit older. Only player's update_age is defined. // Note: update_age() is no need to be called every heart_beat, it // remember how much time has passed since last call. me->update_age(); #ifdef AUTO_SAVE if (living(me)) { period = t - ((int) my["last_save"]); if (period < 0 || period > 15 * 60) { string msg; msg = HBCYN HIW "【档案存储】您的档案已经自动存盘," "欢迎访问论坛 。\n" NOR; if (! me->save()) msg = HIR "【数据保护】由于数据异常,您的档" "案本次存盘失败。\n" NOR; set("last_save", t); tell_object(me, msg); } } #endif if (! interactive(me)) return; if (my["food"] <= 0 || my["water"] <= 0) { if (environment() && ! environment()->is_chat_room() && ! wizardp(me) && ! query_condition("hunger")) { // born & enter the world apply_condition("hunger", 1); } } if (query_idle(me) > IDLE_TIMEOUT && ! wizardp(me) && (! mapp(my["env"]) || ! my["env"]["keep_idle"])) me->user_dump(DUMP_IDLE); }