Beispiel #1
    bool NodeclStaticInfo::is_constant_access( const Nodecl::NodeclBase& n ) const
        bool result = true;
        if(<Nodecl::ArraySubscript>( ) )
            Nodecl::ArraySubscript array =<Nodecl::ArraySubscript>( );

            //Check subscripted
            if ( !is_constant( array.get_subscripted( ) ))
                return false;

            // Check subscrips
            Nodecl::List subscript = array.get_subscripts( ).as<Nodecl::List>( );
            Nodecl::List::iterator it = subscript.begin( );
            for( ; it != subscript.end( ); ++it )
            {   // All dimensions must be constant
                if( !is_constant( *it ) )
                    result = false;
        return result;
Beispiel #2
optional<expr> unfold_step(type_context & ctx, expr const & e, name_set const & to_unfold, bool unfold_reducible) {
    if (!unfold_reducible && to_unfold.empty())
        return none_expr();
    if (!is_app(e) && !is_constant(e))
        return none_expr();
    expr const & fn = get_app_fn(e);
    if (!is_constant(fn))
        return none_expr();
    name const & fn_name = const_name(fn);

    bool in_to_unfold = to_unfold.contains(const_name(fn));

    if (!in_to_unfold && !unfold_reducible)
        return none_expr();

    if (is_projection(ctx.env(), const_name(fn))) {
        if (in_to_unfold) {
            type_context::transparency_scope scope(ctx, transparency_mode::Instances);
            return ctx.reduce_projection(e);
        } else {
            return none_expr();
    } else if (in_to_unfold) {
        return unfold_term(ctx.env(), e);
    } else if (unfold_reducible && is_reducible(ctx.env(), fn_name)) {
        type_context::transparency_scope scope(ctx, transparency_mode::Reducible);
        return unfold_term(ctx.env(), e);
    } else {
        return none_expr();
Beispiel #3
proof_scheme *eql_of_cst_scheme::factory(predicated_real const &real)
  if (real.pred() != PRED_EQL ||
      !is_constant(real.real()) || !is_constant(real.real2())) return NULL;
  preal_vect hyps;
  hyps.push_back(predicated_real(real.real(), PRED_BND));
  hyps.push_back(predicated_real(real.real2(), PRED_BND));
  return new eql_of_cst_scheme(real, hyps);
Beispiel #4
 edge(expr const & e, bool fn) {
     m_fn = fn;
     lean_assert(is_constant(e) || is_local(e));
     if (is_constant(e)) {
         m_kind = edge_kind::Constant;
         m_name = const_name(e);
     } else {
         m_kind = edge_kind::Local;
         m_name = mlocal_name(e);
void process_op(FILE *fout, Term t, int prec, Term type_term, Term symb_term)
  if (ARITY(symb_term) != 0) {
    fwrite_term_nl(fout, t);
    fwrite_term_nl(stderr, t);
    fatal_error("symbols in op command must have no arguments");
  else {
    Parsetype pt = NOTHING_SPECIAL;
    if (is_constant(type_term, "infix"))
      pt = INFIX;
    else if (is_constant(type_term, "infix_left"))
      pt = INFIX_LEFT;
    else if (is_constant(type_term, "infix_right"))
      pt = INFIX_RIGHT;
    else if (is_constant(type_term, "prefix"))
      pt = PREFIX;
    else if (is_constant(type_term, "prefix_paren"))
      pt = PREFIX_PAREN;
    else if (is_constant(type_term, "postfix"))
      pt = POSTFIX;
    else if (is_constant(type_term, "postfix_paren"))
      pt = POSTFIX_PAREN;
    else if (is_constant(type_term, "clear"))
    else {
      fwrite_term_nl(fout, t);
      fwrite_term_nl(stderr, t);
      fatal_error("bad parse-type in op command");
    set_parse_type(sn_to_str(SYMNUM(symb_term)), prec, pt);
}  /* process_op */
Beispiel #6
environment coercion_cmd(parser & p) {
    auto pos = p.pos();
    expr f   = p.parse_expr();
    if (!is_constant(f))
        throw parser_error("invalid 'coercion' command, constant expected", pos);
    if (p.curr_is_token(g_colon)) {;
        pos = p.pos();
        expr C = p.parse_expr();
        if (!is_constant(C))
            throw parser_error("invalid 'coercion' command, constant expected", pos);
        return add_coercion(p.env(), const_name(f), const_name(C), p.ios());
    } else {
        return add_coercion(p.env(), const_name(f), p.ios());
void LIRItem::load_nonconstant() {
  if (is_constant()) {
  } else {
Beispiel #8
 /* Try to reduce cases_on (and nonrecursive recursor) application
    if major became a constructor */
 expr visit_cases_on_app(expr const & e_0) {
     expr e = default_visit_app(e_0);
     buffer<expr> args;
     expr const & fn = get_app_args(e, args);
     bool is_cases_on            = is_cases_on_recursor(env(), const_name(fn));
     name const & rec_name       = const_name(fn);
     name const & I_name         = rec_name.get_prefix();
     unsigned nparams            = *inductive::get_num_params(env(), I_name);
     unsigned nindices           = *inductive::get_num_indices(env(), I_name);
     unsigned major_idx;
     if (is_cases_on) {
         major_idx       = nparams + 1 + nindices;
     } else {
         major_idx       = *inductive::get_elim_major_idx(env(), rec_name);
     expr major = beta_reduce(args[major_idx]);
     if (is_constructor_app(env(), major)) {
         /* Major premise became a constructor. So, we should reduce. */
         expr new_e = e;
         if (is_cases_on) {
             /* unfold cases_on */
             if (auto r = unfold_term(env(), new_e))
                 new_e = *r;
                 return e;
         /* reduce */
         if (auto r = ctx().norm_ext(new_e))
             return compiler_step_visitor::visit(beta_reduce(*r));
     return e;
Beispiel #9
 inline bool has_no_local_control(CDFGNode *node)
     || node->ntype == hls::Multiplexer
     || node->ntype == hls::Accept;
Beispiel #10
/*volatile*/ PCE<Storage>&
operator=(const volatile PCE<Storage>& x) volatile
  if (this != &x) {
    if (!s_.is_view())
      const_cast<my_cijk_type&>(cijk_) =
        const_cast<const my_cijk_type&>(x.cijk_);
    if (!s_.is_view() && is_constant(x)) {
      s_[0] = x.s_[0];
      s_ = x.s_;

    // For DyamicStorage as a view (is_owned=false), we need to set
    // the trailing entries when assigning a constant vector (because
    // the copy constructor in this case doesn't reset the size of this)
    if (s_.size() > x.s_.size())
      for (ordinal_type i=x.s_.size(); i<s_.size(); i++)
        s_[i] = value_type(0);
  return const_cast<PCE&>(*this);
Beispiel #11
optional<name> get_noncomputable_reason(environment const & env, name const & n) {
    declaration const & d = env.get(n);
    if (!d.is_definition())
        return optional<name>();
    type_checker tc(env);
    if (tc.is_prop(d.get_type()))
        return optional<name>(); // definition is a proposition, then do nothing
    expr const & v = d.get_value();
    auto ext = get_extension(env);
    bool ok  = true;
    /* quick check */
    for_each(v, [&](expr const & e, unsigned) {
            if (!ok) return false; // stop the search
            if (is_constant(e) && is_noncomputable(tc, ext, const_name(e))) {
                ok = false;
            return true;
    if (ok) {
        return optional<name>();
    /* expensive check */
    try {
        get_noncomputable_reason_fn proc(tc);
        return optional<name>();
    } catch (get_noncomputable_reason_fn::found & r) {
        return optional<name>(r.m_reason);
Beispiel #12
optional<pair<expr, constraint_seq>> projection_converter::reduce_projection(expr const & t) {
    projection_info const * info = is_projection(t);
    if (!info)
        return optional<pair<expr, constraint_seq>>();
    buffer<expr> args;
    get_app_args(t, args);
    if (args.size() <= info->m_nparams) {
        return optional<pair<expr, constraint_seq>>();
    unsigned mkidx  = info->m_nparams;
    expr const & mk = args[mkidx];
    pair<expr, constraint_seq> new_mk_cs = whnf(mk);
    expr new_mk     = new_mk_cs.first;
    expr const & new_mk_fn = get_app_fn(new_mk);
    if (!is_constant(new_mk_fn) || const_name(new_mk_fn) != info->m_constructor) {
        return optional<pair<expr, constraint_seq>>();
    buffer<expr> mk_args;
    get_app_args(new_mk, mk_args);
    unsigned i = info->m_nparams + info->m_i;
    if (i >= mk_args.size()) {
        return optional<pair<expr, constraint_seq>>();
    expr r = mk_args[i];
    r = mk_app(r, args.size() - mkidx - 1, + mkidx + 1);
    return optional<pair<expr, constraint_seq>>(r, new_mk_cs.second);
Beispiel #13
add_enum (symbol_t *enm, symbol_t *name, expr_t *val)
	symbol_t   *sym;
	type_t     *enum_type = enm->type;
	symtab_t   *enum_tab;
	int         value;

	if (name->table == current_symtab)
		error (0, "%s redefined", name->name);
	if (name->table)
		name = new_symbol (name->name);
	name->sy_type = sy_const;
	name->type = enum_type;
	enum_tab = enum_type->t.symtab;
	value = 0;
	if (enum_tab->symbols)
		value = ((symbol_t *)(enum_tab->symtail))->s.value->v.integer_val + 1;
	if (val) {
		if (!is_constant (val))
			error (val, "non-constant initializer");
		else if (!is_integer_val (val))
			error (val, "invalid initializer type");
			value = expr_integer (val);
	name->s.value = new_integer_val (value);
	symtab_addsymbol (enum_tab, name);
	sym = new_symbol_type (name->name, name->type);
	sym->sy_type = sy_const;
	sym->s.value = name->s.value;
	symtab_addsymbol (enum_tab->parent, sym);
Beispiel #14
projection_info const * projection_converter::is_projection(expr const & e) const {
    expr const & f = get_app_fn(e);
    if (is_constant(f))
        return m_proj_info.find(const_name(f));
        return nullptr;
Beispiel #15
bool Expression::is_expr_primary() const
  || is_string_literal()
  || is_identifier();
Beispiel #16
bool is_recursive_rec_app(environment const & env, expr const & e) {
    buffer<expr> args;
    name_generator ngen;
    expr const & f = get_app_args(e, args);
    if (!is_constant(f))
        return false;
    auto I_name = inductive::is_elim_rule(env, const_name(f));
    if (!I_name || !is_recursive_datatype(env, *I_name) || is_inductive_predicate(env, *I_name))
        return false;
    unsigned nparams       = *inductive::get_num_params(env, *I_name);
    unsigned nminors       = *inductive::get_num_minor_premises(env, *I_name);
    unsigned ntypeformers  = *inductive::get_num_type_formers(env, *I_name);
    buffer<buffer<bool>> is_rec_arg;
    get_rec_args(env, *I_name, is_rec_arg);
    for (unsigned i = nparams + ntypeformers, j = 0; i < nparams + ntypeformers + nminors; i++, j++) {
        buffer<bool> const & minor_is_rec_arg = is_rec_arg[j];
        expr minor = args[i];
        buffer<expr> minor_ctx;
        expr minor_body = fun_to_telescope(ngen, minor, minor_ctx, optional<binder_info>());
        unsigned sz = std::min(minor_is_rec_arg.size(), minor_ctx.size());
        if (find(minor_body, [&](expr const & e, unsigned) {
                    if (!is_local(e))
                        return false;
                    for (unsigned k = 0; k < sz; k++) {
                        if (minor_is_rec_arg[k] && mlocal_name(e) == mlocal_name(minor_ctx[k]))
                            return true;
                    return false;
            return false;
    return true;
Beispiel #17
 expr collect(expr const & e) {
     return replace(e, [&](expr const & e, unsigned) {
             if (is_metavar(e)) {
                 name const & id = mlocal_name(e);
                 if (auto r = m_meta_to_param.find(id)) {
                     return some_expr(*r);
                 } else {
                     expr type  = m_ctx.infer(e);
                     expr x     = m_ctx.push_local("_x", type);
                     m_meta_to_param.insert(id, x);
                     m_meta_to_param_inv.insert(mlocal_name(x), e);
                     return some_expr(x);
             } else if (is_local(e)) {
                 name const & id = mlocal_name(e);
                 if (!m_found_local.contains(id)) {
             } else if (is_sort(e)) {
                 return some_expr(update_sort(e, collect(sort_level(e))));
             } else if (is_constant(e)) {
                 return some_expr(update_constant(e, collect(const_levels(e))));
             return none_expr();
Beispiel #18
// Apply lazy delta-reduction and then normalizer extensions
lbool projection_converter::reduce_def_eq(expr & t_n, expr & s_n, constraint_seq & cs) {
    while (true) {
        // first, keep applying lazy delta-reduction while applicable
        lbool r = lazy_delta_reduction(t_n, s_n, cs);
        if (r != l_undef) return r;

        auto p_t = reduce_projection(t_n);
        auto p_s = reduce_projection(s_n);
        if (p_t && p_s) {
            t_n = whnf_core(p_t->first);
            s_n = whnf_core(p_s->first);
            cs += p_t->second;
            cs += p_s->second;
        } else if (p_t || p_s) {
            expr const & f_t = get_app_fn(t_n);
            expr const & f_s = get_app_fn(s_n);
            if (is_constant(f_t) && is_constant(f_s) && const_name(f_t) == const_name(f_s) &&
                (p_t || is_stuck(t_n, *m_tc)) && (p_s || is_stuck(s_n, *m_tc))) {
                // treat it as a delta-delta step
                return l_undef;
            if (p_t) {
                t_n = whnf_core(p_t->first);
                cs += p_t->second;
            } else if (p_s) {
                s_n = whnf_core(p_s->first);
                cs += p_s->second;
            } else {
        } else {
            auto new_t_n = d_norm_ext(t_n, cs);
            auto new_s_n = d_norm_ext(s_n, cs);
            if (!new_t_n && !new_s_n)
                return l_undef;
            if (new_t_n) {
                t_n = whnf_core(*new_t_n);
            if (new_s_n) {
                s_n = whnf_core(*new_s_n);
        r = quick_is_def_eq(t_n, s_n, cs);
        if (r != l_undef) return r;
Beispiel #19
String english_plural(const String& str) {
	if (str.size() > 2) {
		Char a = str.GetChar(str.size() - 2);
		Char b = str.GetChar(str.size() - 1);
		if (b == _('y') && is_constant(a)) {
			return str.substr(0, str.size() - 1) + _("ies");
		} else if (b == _('o') && is_constant(a)) {
			return str + _("es");
		} else if ((a == _('s') || a == _('c')) && b == _('h')) {
			return str + _("es");
		} else if (b == _('s')) {
			return str + _("es");
		} else {
			return str + _("s");
	return str + _("s");
static optional<head_index> to_head_index(expr type) {
    // TODO(dhs): we will want to filter this set,
    // because some constants are treated specially by this module
    // (e.g. [eq] and [not])
    expr const & f = get_app_fn(type);
    if (is_constant(f) || is_local(f))
        return optional<head_index>(head_index(f));
        return optional<head_index>();
Beispiel #21
linear_expression& linear_expression::operator/= (const linear_expression& x)
    if (is_constant())
        return *this = x / constant();

    else if (!x.is_constant())
        throw nonlinear_expression();

    return operator/=(x.constant());
Beispiel #22
void close(hid_t id, H5I_type_t type)
	if((id == -1) || (is_constant(type, id)))

		H5CPP_THROW("attempted to close bad hdf5 id: " << id);

	_close(id, type);
Beispiel #23
static optional<unsigned> is_internal_symbol(expr const & e, name const & prefix) {
    if (!is_constant(e))
        return optional<unsigned>();
    name const & n = const_name(e);
    if (n.is_atomic() || !n.is_numeral())
        return optional<unsigned>();
    if (n.get_prefix() == prefix)
        return optional<unsigned>(n.get_numeral());
        return optional<unsigned>();
action_result no_confusion_action(hypothesis_idx hidx) {
    try {
        state & s       = curr_state();
        app_builder & b = get_app_builder();
        hypothesis const & h = s.get_hypothesis_decl(hidx);
        expr type = h.get_type();
        expr lhs, rhs;
        if (!is_eq(type, lhs, rhs))
            return action_result::failed();
        lhs = whnf(lhs);
        rhs = whnf(rhs);
        optional<name> c1 = is_constructor_app(env(), lhs);
        optional<name> c2 = is_constructor_app(env(), rhs);
        if (!c1 || !c2)
            return action_result::failed();
        expr A = whnf(infer_type(lhs));
        expr I = get_app_fn(A);
        if (!is_constant(I) || !inductive::is_inductive_decl(env(), const_name(I)))
            return action_result::failed();
        name nct_name(const_name(I), "no_confusion_type");
        if (!env().find(nct_name))
            return action_result::failed();
        expr target  = s.get_target();
        expr nct     = whnf(b.mk_app(nct_name, target, lhs, rhs));
        if (c1 == c2) {
            if (!is_pi(nct))
                return action_result::failed();
            if (s.has_target_forward_deps(hidx)) {
                // TODO(Leo): we currently do not handle this case.
                // To avoid non-termination we remove the given hypothesis, if there
                // forward dependencies, we would also have to remove them.
                // Remark: this is a low priority refinement since it will not happen
                // very often in practice.
                return action_result::failed();
            unsigned num_params  = *inductive::get_num_params(env(), const_name(I));
            unsigned cnstr_arity = get_arity(env().get(*c1).get_type());
            lean_assert(cnstr_arity >= num_params);
            unsigned num_new_eqs = cnstr_arity - num_params;
            s.push_proof_step(new no_confusion_proof_step_cell(const_name(I), target, h.get_self(), num_new_eqs));
            return action_result::new_branch();
        } else {
            name nc_name(const_name(I), "no_confusion");
            expr pr = b.mk_app(nc_name, {target, lhs, rhs, h.get_self()});
            return action_result::solved(pr);
    } catch (app_builder_exception &) {
        return action_result::failed();
Beispiel #25
 virtual optional<expr> expand(expr const & m, abstract_type_context & ctx) const {
     expr const & s  = macro_arg(m, 0);
     expr new_s      = ctx.whnf(s);
     buffer<expr> c_args;
     expr const & c  = get_app_args(new_s, c_args);
     if (is_constant(c) && const_name(c) == m_constructor_name && m_idx < c_args.size()) {
         return some_expr(c_args[m_idx]);
     } else {
         // expand into recursor
         expr s_type = ctx.whnf(ctx.infer(s));
         buffer<expr> args;
         expr const & I = get_app_args(s_type, args);
         if (!is_constant(I) || length(m_ps) != length(const_levels(I)))
             return none_expr();
         expr r = instantiate_univ_params(m_val, m_ps, const_levels(I));
         return some(instantiate_rev(r, args.size(),;
Beispiel #26
void close(hid_t id)
	if((id == -1) || (is_constant(id)))

		H5CPP_THROW("attempted to close bad hdf5 id: " << id);

	H5I_type_t t = H5CPP_ERR_ON_NEG(H5Iget_type(id));
	_close(id, t);
Beispiel #27
bool binspector_parser_t::is_named_statement()
    return is_invariant() ||
           is_constant()  ||
           is_skip()      ||
           is_slot()      ||
           is_signal()    ||
           is_field(); // field should be last because atoms only
                       // require an expression which most everything
                       // falls into; the more explicit stuff should 
                       // come first.
Beispiel #28
bool is_simp_relation(environment const & env, expr const & e, expr & rel, expr & lhs, expr & rhs) {
    buffer<expr> args;
    rel = get_app_args(e, args);
    if (!is_constant(rel) || !is_simp_relation(env, const_name(rel)))
        return false;
    relation_info const * rel_info = get_relation_info(env, const_name(rel));
    if (!rel_info || rel_info->get_lhs_pos() >= args.size() || rel_info->get_rhs_pos() >= args.size())
        return false;
    lhs = args[rel_info->get_lhs_pos()];
    rhs = args[rel_info->get_rhs_pos()];
    return true;
Beispiel #29
bool has_placeholder(expr const & e) {
    return (bool) find(e, [](expr const & e, unsigned) { // NOLINT
            if (is_placeholder(e))
                return true;
            else if (is_sort(e))
                return has_placeholder(sort_level(e));
            else if (is_constant(e))
                return std::any_of(const_levels(e).begin(), const_levels(e).end(), [](level const & l) { return has_placeholder(l); });
                return false;
Beispiel #30
static inline bool is_doing_stupid_math(const bh_instruction& instr)
    return bh_type_is_integer(instr.constant.type) and
           is_constant(instr) and
               is_multiplying_by_one(instr) or
               is_dividing_by_one(instr) or
               is_adding_zero(instr) or
           ) and