Beispiel #1
// This is the menu item draw callback where you specify what each item should look like
static void menu_draw_row_callback(GContext* ctx, const Layer *cell_layer, MenuIndex *cell_index, void *data) {
  // Switch on section
  //menu_cell_basic_draw(ctx, cell_layer, "device1", NULL, NULL);
  switch (cell_index->section) {

    // Available AirPlay Devices
    case 0:
      menu_cell_basic_draw(ctx, cell_layer, airplay_devices[cell_index->row], NULL, is_device_active(airplay_devices[cell_index->row]) ? action_icon_pause : action_icon_play);
Beispiel #2
// This is the menu item draw callback where you specify what each item should look like
static void menu_draw_row_callback(GContext* ctx, const Layer *cell_layer, MenuIndex *cell_index, void *data) {
  GBitmap *icon = is_device_active(airplay_devices[cell_index->row]) ? action_icon_checkmark : NULL;
  menu_cell_basic_draw(ctx, cell_layer, airplay_devices[cell_index->row], NULL, icon);