Beispiel #1
int sig_add_address(psig_t * sig, short opcodes[256], ea_t ea, bool b, bool line, char options)
	unsigned char byte;
	unsigned char buf[200];
	uint32 s, i;
	bool call;
	bool cj;
	ea_t tea;
	flags_t f;

	if (line)
		dline_add(&sig->dl, ea, options);

	if (is_jump(sig, ea, &call, &cj))
		return -1;

	byte = get_byte_with_optimization(ea);

	if (remove_instr(byte, ea))
		return -1;


	if (!b && !call)
		if (cj)
			buf[0] = byte;
			s = 1;
			s = (uint32)get_item_size(ea);
			if (s > sizeof(buf)) s = sizeof(buf);
			get_many_bytes(ea, buf, s);

		for (i=0; i<s; i++)
			sig->crc_hash += buf[i];
			sig->crc_hash += ( sig->crc_hash << 10 );
			sig->crc_hash ^= ( sig->crc_hash >> 6 );
	else if (b)
// Name: do_find
// Desc:
void DialogReferences::do_find() {
	bool ok = false;
	edb::address_t address;
	const edb::address_t page_size = edb::v1::debugger_core->page_size();
	const QString text = ui->txtAddress->text();
	if(!text.isEmpty()) {
		ok = edb::v1::eval_expression(text, &address);

	if(ok) {
		const QList<IRegion::pointer> regions = edb::v1::memory_regions().regions();

		int i = 0;
		for(const IRegion::pointer &region: regions) {
			// a short circut for speading things up
			if(region->accessible() || !ui->chkSkipNoAccess->isChecked()) {

				const edb::address_t page_count = region->size() / page_size;
				const QVector<quint8> pages = edb::v1::read_pages(region->start(), page_count);

				if(!pages.isEmpty()) {
					const quint8 *p = &pages[0];
					const quint8 *const pages_end = &pages[0] + region->size();

					while(p != pages_end) {

						if(pages_end - p < edb::v1::pointer_size()) {

						const edb::address_t addr = p - &pages[0] + region->start();

						edb::address_t test_address(0);
						memcpy(&test_address, p, edb::v1::pointer_size());

						if(test_address == address) {
							auto item = new QListWidgetItem(edb::v1::format_pointer(addr));
							item->setData(TypeRole, 'D');
							item->setData(AddressRole, addr);

						edb::Instruction inst(p, pages_end, addr);

						if(inst) {
							switch(inst.operation()) {
							case edb::Instruction::Operation::X86_INS_MOV:
								// instructions of the form: mov [ADDR], 0xNNNNNNNN
								Q_ASSERT(inst.operand_count() == 2);

								if(inst.operands()[0].general_type() == edb::Operand::TYPE_EXPRESSION) {
									if(inst.operands()[1].general_type() == edb::Operand::TYPE_IMMEDIATE && static_cast<edb::address_t>(inst.operands()[1].immediate()) == address) {
										auto item = new QListWidgetItem(edb::v1::format_pointer(addr));
										item->setData(TypeRole, 'C');
										item->setData(AddressRole, addr);

							case edb::Instruction::Operation::X86_INS_PUSH:
								// instructions of the form: push 0xNNNNNNNN
								Q_ASSERT(inst.operand_count() == 1);

								if(inst.operands()[0].general_type() == edb::Operand::TYPE_IMMEDIATE && static_cast<edb::address_t>(inst.operands()[0].immediate()) == address) {
									auto item = new QListWidgetItem(edb::v1::format_pointer(addr));
									item->setData(TypeRole, 'C');
									item->setData(AddressRole, addr);
								if(is_jump(inst) || is_call(inst)) {
									if(inst.operands()[0].general_type() == edb::Operand::TYPE_REL) {
										if(inst.operands()[0].relative_target() == address) {
											auto item = new QListWidgetItem(edb::v1::format_pointer(addr));
											item->setData(TypeRole, 'C');
											item->setData(AddressRole, addr);

						Q_EMIT updateProgress(util::percentage(i, regions.size(), p - &pages[0], region->size()));

			} else {
				Q_EMIT updateProgress(util::percentage(i, regions.size()));
Beispiel #3
void Generator::optimize()
   bool flag = true;
   std::list<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> label_list;
   std::list<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> var_list;
      auto first_instr = commands_.begin();
      auto second_instr = ++commands_.begin();
      auto decl_it = first_instr;
      flag = false;
         if (*first_instr == cmd_wrlab && first_instr->get_first() == op_null && first_instr->get_first()->get_name() == "\ninclude source\\\n")
            decl_it = first_instr;

//       push a
//       pop b
         if(*first_instr == cmd_push && *second_instr == cmd_pop)
            // a != b -> mov b, a
            if (first_instr->get_first() != second_instr->get_first() && second_instr->get_first() == op_register)
               commands_.insert(first_instr, Instruction(cmd_mov, second_instr->get_first(), first_instr->get_first()));
               delete_instr(first_instr, second_instr);
               flag = true;
            if(first_instr->get_first() == second_instr->get_second())
               delete_instr(first_instr, second_instr);
               flag = true;

//       pop r
//       push r
//       -> delete pop && push
         if(*first_instr == cmd_pop && *second_instr == cmd_push && first_instr->get_first() == second_instr->get_first())
            delete_instr(first_instr, second_instr);
            flag = true;

//                ...
//       label1:
//       label2:
//                ...
//       -> delete label1
         if (*first_instr == cmd_wrlab && *second_instr == cmd_wrlab && first_instr->get_first() == op_label && second_instr->get_first() == op_label)
            label_list.push_back(std::make_pair(first_instr->get_first()->get_name(), second_instr->get_first()->get_name()));
            flag = true;

         //change deleted labels in jumps
         if (is_jump(first_instr->get_cmd()))
            for each(auto it in label_list)
               if (it.first == first_instr->get_first()->get_name())
                  flag = true;

//          jmp label
//       label: 
//          -> delete jmp
         if (*first_instr == cmd_jmp && *second_instr == cmd_wrlab && first_instr->get_first()->get_name() == second_instr->get_first()->get_name())
            flag = true;

//       jmp l1
//       jmp l2
//       -> delete l2

         if (*first_instr == cmd_jmp && *second_instr == cmd_jmp)
            second_instr = commands_.erase(second_instr);
            flag = true;

         //mov r, 0 -> xor r, r
         if (*first_instr == cmd_mov && first_instr->get_first() == op_register && first_instr->get_second()->get_name() == "0")
            commands_.insert(first_instr, Instruction(cmd_xor, first_instr->get_first(), first_instr->get_first()));            
            flag = true;

//       mov r, r
//       -> delete
         if (*first_instr == cmd_mov && first_instr->get_first() == first_instr->get_second())
            flag = true;

//       add r, 0 || sub r, 0
//       -> delete
         if ((*first_instr == cmd_add || *first_instr == cmd_sub) && first_instr->get_second() == "0")
            flag = true;

//       add r, 1
//       -> inc r
         if (*first_instr == cmd_add && first_instr->get_second()->get_name() == "1")
            commands_.insert(first_instr, Instruction(cmd_inc, first_instr->get_first()));
            flag = true;

//       sub r, 1
//       -> dec r
         if (*first_instr == cmd_sub && first_instr->get_second()->get_name() == "1")
            commands_.insert(first_instr, Instruction(cmd_dec, first_instr->get_first()));
            flag = true;

//       mov r, 1
//       dec r
//       -> xor r, r
         if (*first_instr == cmd_mov && *second_instr == cmd_dec && first_instr->get_first() == second_instr->get_first() && first_instr->get_second()->get_name() == "1")
            commands_.insert(first_instr, Instruction(cmd_xor, first_instr->get_first(), first_instr->get_first()));
            delete_instr(first_instr, second_instr);
            flag = true;

//       xor r, r
//       imul r, i || add a, r || sub a, r || div r, i
//       -> delete imul/add/sub 
         if (*first_instr == cmd_xor && (((*second_instr == cmd_imul || *second_instr == cmd_idiv) && first_instr->get_first() == second_instr->get_first()) ||
            ((*second_instr == cmd_add || *second_instr == cmd_sub) && first_instr->get_first() == second_instr->get_second())))
            second_instr = commands_.erase(second_instr);
            flag = true;

//       val1 dq 1.2
//       val2 dq 1.2
//       -> delete val2, and use val1 instead val2
         if (*first_instr == cmd_const_decl)
            for (auto it = decl_it; it != commands_.end(); ++it)
               if (*it == cmd_const_decl && first_instr->get_first()->get_name() != (*it).get_first()->get_name() &&
                  first_instr->get_second()->get_name() == (*it).get_second()->get_name())
                  var_list.push_back(std::make_pair(it->get_first()->get_name(), first_instr->get_first()->get_name()));
                  if (second_instr == it)
                  it = commands_.erase(it);
                  flag = true;

         if ((*first_instr == cmd_push && first_instr->get_first() == op_memory) || 
            (*first_instr == cmd_mov && first_instr->get_first() == op_register && first_instr->get_second() == op_memory))
            for each(auto it in var_list)
               if ("qword ptr " + it.first == first_instr->get_first()->get_name())
                  first_instr->get_first()->set_name("qword ptr " + it.second);
                  flag = true;
               else if ("offset " + it.first == first_instr->get_second()->get_name())
                  first_instr->get_second()->set_name("offset " + it.second);
                  flag = true;


      } while (second_instr != commands_.end());
   } while(flag);