Beispiel #1
  bool PixelMap::isPixel(const IntPoint &pixel)
    if(pixel.getX() >= size.getWidth() || pixel.getY() >= size.getHeight() || pixel.getX() < 0 || pixel.getY() < 0)
      return false;

    return is_pixel(pixel.getX(), pixel.getY());
Beispiel #2
  void PixelMap::setSize(const IntSize &size)
    u8 **nmap;

    if(size != 0)
      /* Create new map */
      nmap = new u8*[size.getHeight()];
      for(int y = 0; y < size.getHeight(); y++)
        int linelength = size.getWidth()%8 == 0 ? size.getWidth()/8 : size.getWidth()/8 + 1;

        nmap[y] = new u8[linelength];
          memset(nmap[y], 0, sizeof(*nmap[y]) * linelength);

      /* Copy content */
      if(nmap != NULL)
        for(int y = 0; y < this->size.getHeight() && y < size.getHeight(); y++)
          for(int x = 0; x < this->size.getWidth() && x < size.getWidth(); x++)
            if(is_pixel(x, y))
              set_pixel_on_map(nmap, x, y, 1);

      /* Clear old content */
      if(map != NULL)
        for(int y = 0; y < size.getHeight(); y++)
          delete map[y];
        delete map;

      /* Swap */
      map = nmap;
      map = NULL;

    this->size = size;
Beispiel #3
  bool PixelMap::isCollision(const RasterMap &rastermap, const IntPoint &pos1, const IntPoint &pos2, const IntRect &rect1, const IntRect &rect2, const Alignment &alignment1, const Alignment &alignment2) const
    int fpx, fpy; /* First pixel to check */
    int lpx, lpy; /* Last pixel to check */
    int frx, fry; /* First pixel relative to rastermap */
    IntPoint corner1(pos1), corner2(pos2);
    IntRect framerect1, framerect2;
    IntRect mrect1, mrect2;
    IntRect *cutrect;

    /* Break */
      if(map == NULL)
        return false;

    /* Translate negative axises */
      mrect1 = rect_translate_negative_axises(rect1, size);
      mrect2 = rect_translate_negative_axises(rect2, rastermap.getMapSize() * rastermap.getCellSize());

    /* Align */
      if(alignment1.getX() != 0) corner1.decX((int)(mrect1.getWidth() * alignment1.getX()));
      if(alignment1.getY() != 0) corner1.decY((int)(mrect1.getHeight() * alignment1.getY()));
      if(alignment2.getX() != 0) corner2.decX((int)(mrect2.getWidth() * alignment2.getX()));
      if(alignment2.getY() != 0) corner2.decY((int)(mrect2.getHeight() * alignment2.getY()));

    /* Framerects */
      framerect1.load(corner1.getX(), corner1.getY(), mrect1.getWidth(), mrect1.getHeight());
      framerect2.load(corner2.getX(), corner2.getY(), mrect2.getWidth(), mrect2.getHeight());

    /* Break */
        throw Exception() << "pixelmap doesn't fully cover rect";
      if(!size_to_rect(rastermap.getMapSize() * rastermap.getCellSize()).isCovering(mrect2))
        throw Exception() << "rastermap doesn't fully cover rect";

   /* Cutrect */
      if((cutrect = framerect1.getCutrect(framerect2)) == NULL)
        return false;

    /* First / last pixel to check on pixelmap */
      fpx = cutrect->getX() - (corner1.getX() - mrect1.getX());
      fpy = cutrect->getY() - (corner1.getY() - mrect1.getY());

      lpx = fpx + cutrect->getWidth() - 1;
      lpy = fpy + cutrect->getHeight() - 1;

    /* Get first pixel relative to rastermap */
      frx = cutrect->getX() - (corner2.getX() - mrect2.getX());
      fry = cutrect->getY() - (corner2.getY() - mrect2.getY());

    /* Delete cutrect */
      delete cutrect;

    /* Iterate pixels */
      for(int py = fpy, ry = fry; py <= lpy; py++, ry++)
        for(int px = fpx, rx = frx; px <= lpx; px++, rx++)
          if(is_pixel(px, py))
            int cx, cy;

            /* Get cell */
              cx = rx / rastermap.getCellSize().getWidth();
              cy = ry / rastermap.getCellSize().getHeight();

            /* Check */
              if(rastermap.isCell(IntPoint(cx, cy)))
                return true;
                int add = rastermap.getCellSize().getWidth() - (rx % rastermap.getCellSize().getWidth());
                  rx += add;
                  px += add;


    return false;
Beispiel #4
  bool PixelMap::isCollision(const RectMap &rectmap, const IntPoint &pos1, const IntPoint &pos2, const IntRect &rect1, const IntRect &rect2, const Alignment &alignment1, const Alignment &alignment2) const
    IntPoint corner1(pos1), corner2(pos2);
    IntRect framerect1, framerect2;
    IntRect mrect1, mrect2;
    IntRect *cutrect;

    /* Break */
      if(map == NULL)
        return false;

    /* Translate negative axises */
      mrect1 = rect_translate_negative_axises(rect1, size);
      mrect2 = rect_translate_negative_axises(rect2, rectmap.getSize());

    /* Align */
      if(alignment1.getX() != 0) corner1.decX((int)(mrect1.getWidth() * alignment1.getX()));
      if(alignment1.getY() != 0) corner1.decY((int)(mrect1.getHeight() * alignment1.getY()));
      if(alignment2.getX() != 0) corner2.decX((int)(mrect2.getWidth() * alignment2.getX()));
      if(alignment2.getY() != 0) corner2.decY((int)(mrect2.getHeight() * alignment2.getY()));

    /* Framerects */
      framerect1.load(corner1.getX(), corner1.getY(), mrect1.getWidth(), mrect1.getHeight());
      framerect2.load(corner2.getX(), corner2.getY(), mrect2.getWidth(), mrect2.getHeight());

    /* Break */
        throw Exception() << "pixelmap1 doesn't fully cover rect";

    /* Cutrect */
      if((cutrect = framerect1.getCutrect(framerect2)) == NULL)
        return false;

    /* Iterate rects, check pixels */
      for(int r = 0; r < rectmap.getRectCount(); r++)
        int fpx, fpy; /* First pixel to check */
        int lpx, lpy; /* Last pixel to check */

        IntRect srect = rectmap.getRect(r) + point_to_vector(corner2) - IntVector(mrect2.getX(), mrect2.getY());
        IntRect *scutrect;

        /* Clip with cutrect*/
          if((scutrect = srect.getCutrect(*cutrect)) == NULL)

        /* Pixels to check */
          fpx = scutrect->getX() - (corner1.getX() - mrect1.getX());
          fpy = scutrect->getY() - (corner1.getY() - mrect1.getY());
          lpx = fpx + scutrect->getWidth() - 1;
          lpy = fpy + scutrect->getHeight() - 1;

        /* Check pixels */
          for(int py = fpy; py <= lpy; py++)
            for(int px = fpx; px <= lpx; px++)
              if(is_pixel(px, py))
                /* Free mem */
                  delete cutrect;
                  delete scutrect;

                /* Collision detected */
                  return true;

        delete scutrect;

    delete cutrect;

    return false;

Beispiel #5
#include "filters.h"
#include <string.h>

// Black & White filters

filter_threshold(const GdkPixbuf* pixbuf     G_GNUC_UNUSED,
                 guchar*          p,
                 gint             n_channels G_GNUC_UNUSED,
                 gint             param)
	gint   t   = (is_pixel(param)) ? param : 128;
	guchar val = (guchar) pixel_val((p[R] + p[G] + p[B]) / 3);
	guchar n   = (val >= t) ? DH_WH : DH_BK;

	p[R] = n;
	p[G] = n;
	p[B] = n;

filter_random(const GdkPixbuf* pixbuf     G_GNUC_UNUSED,
              guchar*          p,
              gint             n_channels G_GNUC_UNUSED,
              gint             param      G_GNUC_UNUSED)
	guchar val = (guchar) pixel_val((p[R] + p[G] + p[B]) / 3);
	guchar n   = ((rand() % (DH_WH - DH_BK)) + DH_BK < val)
	             ? DH_WH : DH_BK;

	p[R] = n;