Beispiel #1
t_exec		*set_max_and_out(t_exec *exec, t_dlist *lcmd, int n, int *max)
  int		redir;
  int		stop;
  t_node	*tmp;
  t_node	*lredir;

  redir = 0;
  stop = 0;
  if ((tmp = cursor_to_n(lcmd, n)) == NULL)
    return (exec);
  while (tmp != NULL && stop == 0)
      if (tmp->token == SEMICOLON || tmp->token == 0)
	stop = 1;
      if (tmp->token == RCHEV || tmp->token == RDCHEV)
	  exec = is_redir(exec, lcmd, n, tmp->token);
	  redir = 1;
	  lredir = tmp;
      stop = set_stop_max_and_out(redir, tmp->token, stop);
      tmp = tmp->next;
      n += 1;
  *max = end_max_and_out(redir, lredir, n, stop);
  return (exec);
Beispiel #2
char			*skip_quotes_nb_arg(char *str, size_t *i, t_cmd *cmd)
	size_t		start;

	if (!verif_empty_quote(str, i))
		return (NULL);
	start = *i;
	while (str[*i] && !ft_isspace2(str[*i]) && !is_sep(i, str, 0, cmd))
		if (is_redir(i, str, 0, cmd) && ft_isdigit(str[*i]))
			break ;
		if (!is_escaped_char(str, *i) && is_quote_open(str[*i]))
			get_pos_after_quote(i, str);
	if (start != *i)
		return ((void*)1);
	return (NULL);
Beispiel #3
static void		skip_quotes_replace_string(t_cmd *cmd, char **str, size_t *i)
	while ((*str)[*i] && !ft_isspace2((*str)[*i]) && !is_sep(i, *str, 0, cmd))
		if ((*str)[*i] == '\\')
			if ((*str)[*i + 1])
				*str = delete_char(*str, *i + 1);
			if ((is_redir(i, *str, 0, cmd) || is_aggr(i, *str, 0)) &&
				break ;
			if (is_quote_open((*str)[*i]) && !is_escaped_char(*str, *i))
				join_inside_quote(i, str);
		if ((*str)[*i])
Beispiel #4
int get_redirection(char *s, char **ifn, char **ofn, int *ofatt)
   * Gets the redirection info from the command line and copies the
   * file names into ifn and ofn removing them from the command line.
   * The names are allocated here and passed back to the caller, on
   * malloc() failure, -1 is returned. These names are trimmed,
   * meaning they do not contain any leading or trailing whitespaces.
   * Converts remaining command line into a series of null terminated
   * strings defined by the pipe char '|'. Each string corresponds
   * to a single executable command. A double null terminates the
   * command strings.
   * Check for, but do not implement, output append redirect.
   * Return number of command strings found.

  int num = 1;
  int ch;

  char *dp = s;
  char *sp = s;


  /* find and remove all the redirections first */

  while ((ch = *dp++ = *sp++) != 0)
    switch (ch)
      case '"':               /* No redirects inside quotes */
/*      case '\'':			single quotes don't quote ska*/
          char *p;
          int len;

          /* If there is no closing quote, then go to end of line. */
          if ((p = strchr(sp, ch)) == 0)
            p = sp + strlen(sp) - 1;

          /* closing quote found, move that area */
          /* need memmove() because both areas overlap each other */
          memmove(dp, sp, len = p - sp + 1);
          dp += len;
          sp += len;


      case '<':
      case '>':
          /* MS-DOS ignores multiple redirection symbols and uses the last */
          /* redirection, so we'll emulate that and not check */

          char **op = (ch == '<') ? ifn : ofn;
          char *p;

          if ((ch == '>') && (*sp == '>'))      /* Append request ? */
            *ofatt = O_CREAT | O_APPEND | O_WRONLY;

          p = sp = ltrimcl(sp);

          while (*sp && !is_redir(*sp) && !isargdelim(*sp)) ++sp;
          free(*op);            /* ignore any previous one */
          ch = *sp;
          *sp = '\0';
          if ((*op = strdup(p)) == 0)
          {                     /* out of mem */
            return -1;

          *sp = ch;
          --dp;                 /* ignore the already copied '<' or '>' */

      case '|':

        dp[-1] = '\0';          /* overwrite the already copied '|' */

    }                           /* end switch */

  return num;