 * \brief Constructor.
tunnel::player_pending_action::player_pending_action( const std::string & str )
  std::vector<std::string> params;
  claw::text::split(params, str, '|');
  if ( params.size() == 5 ) 
      size_t t;
      std::istringstream iss0(params[0]);
      iss0 >> t;
      if ( t == start_action ) 
	pending_type = start_action;
      else if ( t == stop_action ) 
	pending_type = stop_action;
	pending_type = do_action;
      std::istringstream iss1(params[1]);
      iss1 >> date; 
      std::istringstream iss2(params[2]);
      iss2 >> player_index; 
      std::istringstream iss3(params[3]);
      iss3 >> action; 
      std::istringstream iss4(params[4]);
      iss4 >> duration;
Beispiel #2
RTC::ReturnCode_t GyroRTC::onInitialize()
  // Registration: InPort/OutPort/Service
  // <rtc-template block="registration">
  // Set InPort buffers

  // Set OutPort buffer
  addOutPort("gyro", m_gyroOut);

  // Set service provider to Ports
  // Set service consumers to Ports
  // Set CORBA Service Ports
  // </rtc-template>

  // <rtc-template block="bind_config">
  // Bind variables and configuration variable
  bindParameter("objectName", m_objectName, "none");
  //bindParameter("geometry_offset", m_offsetStr, "0,0,0,0,0,0");
  //bindParameter("maxGyro", m_maxGyro, "30.0");
  //bindParameter("minGyro", m_minGyro, "0.3");
  // </rtc-template>

  std::cout << " - Initializing GyroRTC: " << m_properties.getProperty("conf.default.objectName") << std::endl;

  std::string tubehandle = m_properties.getProperty("conf.__innerparam.tubeHandle");
  std::istringstream iss0(tubehandle);
  iss0 >> m_tubeHandle;
  std::cout << " -- TubeHandle = " << m_tubeHandle << std::endl;
  std::string objhandle = m_properties.getProperty("conf.__innerparam.objectHandle");
  std::istringstream iss1(objhandle);
  iss1 >> m_objectHandle;
  std::string buflength = m_properties.getProperty("conf.__innerparam.bufSize");
  std::istringstream iss2(buflength);
  iss2 >> m_bufferSize;
  m_pBuffer = new uint8_t[m_bufferSize];
  return RTC::RTC_OK;
Beispiel #3
 * @brief Loads a map into the game.
 * @param game the game
 * @param map the map to load
void MapLoader::load_map(Game &game, Map &map) {

  map.game = &game;

  // get the id of the map
  int id = map.get_id();

  // compute the file name, depending on the id
  std::ostringstream oss;
  oss << "maps/map" << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(4) << id << ".dat";
  const std::string &file_name = oss.str();

  // open the map file
  std::istream &map_file = FileTools::data_file_open(file_name);

  // parse the map file
  std::string line;
  TilesetId tileset_id;
  int x, y, width, height;

  // first line: map general info
  // syntax: width height world floor x y small_keys_variable tileset_id music_id
  if (!std::getline(map_file, line)) {
    Debug::die(StringConcat() << "Cannot load map '" << id << "': the file '" << file_name << "' is empty");

  std::istringstream iss0(line);
  FileTools::read(iss0, width);
  FileTools::read(iss0, height);
  FileTools::read(iss0, map.world);
  FileTools::read(iss0, map.floor);
  FileTools::read(iss0, x);
  FileTools::read(iss0, y);
  FileTools::read(iss0, map.small_keys_variable);
  FileTools::read(iss0, tileset_id);
  FileTools::read(iss0, map.music_id);

  map.location.set_size(width, height);
  map.width8 = width / 8;
  map.height8 = height / 8;
  map.location.set_xy(x, y);

  map.tileset = new Tileset(tileset_id);

  // initialize data
  MapEntities &entities = map.get_entities();
  entities.map_width8 = map.width8;
  entities.map_height8 = map.height8;
  entities.tiles_grid_size = map.width8 * map.height8;
  for (int layer = 0; layer < LAYER_NB; layer++) {

    entities.animated_tiles[layer] = new bool[entities.tiles_grid_size];
    entities.obstacle_tiles[layer] = new Obstacle[entities.tiles_grid_size];
    Obstacle initial_obstacle = (layer == LAYER_LOW) ? OBSTACLE_NONE : OBSTACLE_EMPTY;
    for (int i = 0; i < entities.tiles_grid_size; i++) {
      entities.animated_tiles[layer][i] = false;
      entities.obstacle_tiles[layer][i] = initial_obstacle;
  entities.boomerang = NULL;

  // read the entities
  while (std::getline(map_file, line)) {

    int entity_type, layer;

    std::istringstream iss(line);
    FileTools::read(iss, entity_type);
    FileTools::read(iss, layer);
    FileTools::read(iss, x);
    FileTools::read(iss, y);

    MapEntity *entity = MapEntity::creation_functions[entity_type](game, iss, Layer(layer), x, y);


  // load the script
  map.script = new MapScript(map);
  map.camera = new Camera(map);
void ComponentFactory::ParseType(Serializer& _ser, tinyxml2::XMLElement* _element)
	const natChar *type_str = _element->Attribute("type");
	ref_t type = Hash::Compute(type_str);

	if(type == s_type_ref_t)
		const natChar* value = _element->Attribute("value");
		ref_t ref;
		if(strcmp(value, "") != 0)
			ref = Hash::Compute(value);
			ref = 0;

		_ser << ref;
	else if(type == s_type_tex_t)
		const natChar* value = _element->Attribute("value");
		ref_t ref;
		if(strcmp(value, "") != 0)
			ref = Hash::Compute(value);

			// add it to preload
			TextureManager* texturemanager = GetEntity()->GetKernel()->GetLayer(Layer::s_LayerManager)->GetRootEntity()->GetComponent<TextureManager>();
			ref = 0;

		_ser << ref;
	else if(type == s_type_natBool)
		natBool value = _element->BoolAttribute("value");
		_ser << value;
	else if(type == s_type_natChar)
		const natChar* value = _element->Attribute("value");
		natChar value0 = value[0];
		_ser << value0;
	else if(type == s_type_natU8)
		const natU8* value = reinterpret_cast<const natU8*>(_element->Attribute("value"));
		natU8 value0 = value[0];
		_ser << value0;
	else if(type == s_type_natS8)
		const natS8* value = reinterpret_cast<const natS8*>(_element->Attribute("value"));
		natS8 value0 = value[0];
		_ser << value0;
	else if(type == s_type_natU16)
		natU16 value = static_cast<natU16>(_element->IntAttribute("value"));
		_ser << value;
	else if(type == s_type_natS16)
		natS16 value = static_cast<natS16>(_element->IntAttribute("value"));
		_ser << value;
	else if(type == s_type_natU32)
		natU32 value = static_cast<natU32>(_element->IntAttribute("value"));
		_ser << value;
	else if(type == s_type_natS32)
		natS32 value = static_cast<natS32>(_element->IntAttribute("value"));
		_ser << value;
	else if(type == s_type_natU64)
		natU64 value = static_cast<natU64>(_element->IntAttribute("value"));
		_ser << value;
	else if(type == s_type_natS64)
		natS64 value = static_cast<natS64>(_element->IntAttribute("value"));
		_ser << value;
	else if(type == s_type_natF32)
		natF32 value = static_cast<natF32>(_element->FloatAttribute("value"));
		_ser << value;
	else if(type == s_type_natF64)
		natF64 value = static_cast<natF64>(_element->DoubleAttribute("value"));
		_ser << value;
	else if(type == s_type_std_string)
		const natChar* value = _element->Attribute("value");
		std::string str = value;
		_ser << str;
	else if(type == s_type_glm_vec2)
		// ugly stl
		const natChar* value = _element->Attribute("value");
		std::istringstream iss(value);

		std::string value0;
		std::string value1;

		glm::vec2 ret;
		std::getline(iss, value0, ' ');
		if(!std::getline(iss, value1, ' '))
			value1 = "0";

		std::istringstream iss0(value0);
		iss0 >> ret.x;

		std::istringstream iss1(value1);
		iss1 >> ret.y;

		_ser << ret;
	else if(type == s_type_glm_vec3)