Beispiel #1
/* This function is called repetitively from the main program */
void labwork( void )
  prime = nextprime ( prime );
  display_string ( 0, itoaconv( prime ));
Beispiel #2
void exit_game()
    IEC(0) = ~0xFFFF;
    display_string(0, "                ");
    display_string(1, "   Game Over    ");

    char str[16] = "  Score: ";
    char *scr = itoaconv(score);
    for(int i = 9; *scr; str[i] = *scr++, i++);
    display_string(2, str);

Beispiel #3
/* This function is called repetitively from the main program */
void labwork( void ){
	prime = nextprime(prime);
	display_string(0, itoaconv(prime));
	int btns = getbtns();
		int sw = getsw();
		if(btns  & 0x4){
			mytime &= 0x0fff; //remove old digit
			mytime |= (sw<<12); //set new digit
		if(btns & 0x2){
			mytime &= 0xf0ff;
			mytime |= (sw<<8);
		if(btns & 0x1){
			mytime &= 0xff0f;
			mytime |= (sw<<4);
Beispiel #4
void labwork( void )
  prime = nextprime( prime );
  display_string( 0, itoaconv( prime ) );

    // If BTN2 & BTN3 is pressed at the same time a different binary number is returned.
    // If any button is pressed after getbtns() is called the status of button will not be used.
    unsigned int btns_status = getbtns();
    unsigned int sw_status = getsw();

    // BTN2 is pressed
    if (btns_status == 1) {
        mytime &= 0xff0f; //Remove third digit from my time.
        sw_status <<= 4;
        mytime += sw_status; // Add switched sw_status to third digit of mytime
    // BTN3 is pressed
    } else if (btns_status == 2) {
        mytime &= 0xf0ff;
        sw_status <<= 8;
        mytime += sw_status;
    // BTN4 is pressed
    } else if (btns_status == 4) {
        mytime &= 0x0fff;
        sw_status <<= 12;
        mytime += sw_status;

    unsigned int overflow = IFS(0);
    overflow &= 0x000100;
    overflow >>= 8;

    if (overflow == 1) {
        if (timeoutcount == 10) { // Helps getting the 'delay' correct
            timeoutcount = 0;
            time2string( textstring, mytime );
            display_string( 3, textstring );
            tick( &mytime );
            if (first_tick == 1) {
                *porte = 0;
                first_tick = 0;
            } else {
                *porte += 1;
            display_image(96, icon);
        } else {
        IFS(0) = 0; // Set flag to 0 again. NOTE: MAY NEED CHANGING IN ASSIGNMENT 3

	mytime &= 0x0000;
    unsigned int overflow = IFS(0);
    overflow &= 0x000100;
    overflow >>= 8;
    mytime += overflow;
time2string( textstring, mytime );
            display_string( 3, textstring );
