void createBonus() { if(int(game.bonuses.size()) >= game.settings.maxBonuses) return; Bonus* bonus = game.bonuses.newObject(); if(!bonus) return; for(std::size_t i = 0; i < 50000; ++i) { int ix = game.rand(C[BonusSpawnRectW]); int iy = game.rand(C[BonusSpawnRectH]); if(H[HBonusSpawnRect]) { ix += C[BonusSpawnRectX]; iy += C[BonusSpawnRectY]; } if(checkBonusSpawnPosition(ix, iy)) { int frame; if(H[HBonusOnlyHealth]) frame = 1; else if(H[HBonusOnlyWeapon]) frame = 0; else frame = game.rand(2); bonus->x = itof(ix); bonus->y = itof(iy); bonus->velY = 0; bonus->frame = frame; bonus->timer = game.rand(game.bonusRandTimer[frame][1]) + game.bonusRandTimer[frame][0]; if(frame == 0) { do { bonus->weapon = game.rand(40); // TODO: Unhardcode } while(game.settings.weapTable[bonus->weapon] == 2); } game.sobjectTypes[7].create(ix, iy, 0); return; } } // 234F game.bonuses.free(bonus); }
void AbstractFrame::load(QXmlStreamReader* e) { #if 0 assert (e); int pointcount = 1; std::string udw = "False"; dewell = 0; repeats = 1; slog()->debugStream() << "Loading static frame : "<< this; pointcount= e->attributes().value("Points").toString().toInt(); udw = e->attributes().value("Use_Dewell").toString().toStdString(); dewell = e->attributes().value("Dewell").toString().toInt(); repeats = e->attributes().value("Repeats").toString().toInt(); useDewell = (udw=="True") ? true : false; slog()->debugStream() << "Dewell : " << dewell; slog()->debugStream() << "Repeats : " << repeats; slog()->debugStream() << "Use Dewell : " << (useDewell ? "True" : "False"); data_->clear(); data_->reserve(pointcount); slog()->debugStream() << "Points : " << pointcount; e->readNextStartElement(); if (e->name() == "PointList") { slog()->debugStream()<<"Found a PointList"; e->readNext(); QByteArray ba; ba.reserve(16 * pointcount); ba = QByteArray::fromBase64(e->text().toString().toUtf8()); const char *b = ba.constData(); // ba now contains the raw binary frame // 16 bytes per point slog()->debugStream()<<"ByteArray contains : " << ba.size() << " Bytes"; for (int i=0; i < ba.size()/16; i++) { Point p; const int a = 16 * i; p.setX(itof (*(unsigned int*)(b+a))); p.setY(itof (*(unsigned int*)(b+a+4))); p.setZ(itof (*(unsigned int*)(b+a+8))); p.r = b[a+12]; p.g = b[a+13]; p.b = b[a+14]; p.blanked = b[a+15]; data_->addPoint(p); } } else { slog()->errorStream()<<"Failed to find valid point data"; } #endif }
void drain(void) { int sp_drain = random(5) + 1; if(shining) { if(ENV(TO) != user) { tell_object(ENV(TO),"The stone stops shining.\n"); darken(); return; } if(sp_drain > user->query_spell_points()) { tell_object(user,"The stone grows dark as you have no more "+ "power to channel into it.\n"); darken(); return; } tell_object(user,"You channel some power into the stone to keep "+ "it shining.\n"); user->reduce_spell_points(sp_drain); set_alarm(300.0 + itof(random(120)),0.0,"drain"); } }
void depart(void) { if(!boatman) { boatman = make(NMONSTER+"boatman"); } switch(location) { case 1: tell_room(TO,"The boatman jumps on board and sets sail for "+ "Newbie Island.\n"); tell_room(larstown,"The Boatman jumps into his sailing boat "+ "and sets sail for Newbie Island.\n"); destination = island; break; case 2: tell_room(TO,"The boatman climbs on board and sets sail for "+ "Larstown.\n"); tell_room(island,"The Boatman pushes the sailing boat out into "+ "the shallows, jumps on board, and sets sail for "+ "Larstown.\n"); destination = larstown; break; } transfer(boatman,TO); boat_object->destroy(); set_at_sea(); set_alarm(5.0 + itof(random(5)),0.0,"journey"); set_alarm(40.0,0.0,"arrive"); }
int do_light(string str) { int sp_cost = 10 + random(10); if(str == "stone" && TP->QS("attune") > 20 && ENV(TO) == TP) { if(shining) { W("The stone is already shining!\n"); return 1; } if(TP->query_spell_points() >= sp_cost) { W("You channel some power into the stone and make it shine "+ "with a warm light.\n"); S(TP->QN + " concentrates on a small stone and suddenly it "+ "starts shining with a warm light.\n"); TP->reduce_spell_points(sp_cost); user = TP; light(); set_alarm(300.0 + itof(random(120)),0.0,"drain"); } else { W("You don't have enough power to light the stone at the "+ "moment.\n"); S(TP->QN + " concentrates on a small stone but looks "+ "disappointed.\n"); return 1; } } // No mistake here. Don't want hints to people with attune < 20, // and don't want to mess up other light commands }
void journey(void) { if(!location) { tell_room(TO,journey_messages[random(sizeof(journey_messages))]); set_alarm(5.0 + itof(random(5)),0.0,"journey"); } }
// reads register(s) from controller at address to len // abel_comm_object_read(obj,"n7:90",4) // will return a ABELDataReturn // with type 0, len 4 // with num of values at n7:90,n7:91,n7:92,n7:93 ABELDataReturn* abel_comm_object_read(ABELCommObject* obj,char* addr,int len) { ABELDataReturn* out; out = abel_data_return_new(); int type; type = abel_comm_object_get_device_type(obj); int x,sts,extsts; unsigned int temp1, temp2; struct _data data; out->len=len; obj->comm1.tns = obj->comm1.tns + 4; data=protread3(obj->comm1,addr,len,type,FALSE); if (data.len == -1) { sts = data.data[0]; extsts = data.data[1]; printf ("An error occured. The PLC STS byte is %d, the EXT STS byte is %d\n",sts,extsts); if (sts != 0xf0) printf ("Primary Error code is %s\n",errors[(sts/16)]); if (extsts != 0) printf ("Extended error code is %s\n",ext_errors[extsts]); close (obj->comm1.handle); } switch (data.name.section) { case 0: if (data.name.floatdata == TRUE) { out->type=1; for (x=0;x<data.len;x=x+2) { temp1 = (data.data[x]); temp2 = (data.data[x+1]); out->flt[x]=itof(temp1,temp2); } } if (data.name.floatdata == FALSE) { out->type=0; for (x=0;x<(data.len);x++) out->num[x]=(int)data.data[x]; } break; case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: for (x=0;x<data.len;x++) printf ("%02X ",(byte)data.data[x]); printf ("\n"); } return out; }
/* * Function name: init * Description: Called when meeting an object */ void init() { ::init(); if (remove_time) { set_alarm(itof(remove_time), 0.0, stop_paralyze); } add_action(stop, "", 1); }
void tell_message(int index) { if(index < sizeof(messages)) { tell_object(ENV(TO),messages[index] + "\n"); ++index; set_alarm(15.0 + itof(random(10)),0.0,"tell_message",index); } else { ENV(ENV(TO))->land(ENV(TO)); destroy(); } }
int main() { int input = 127; printf("input is: %d\n",input); int s[] = {-12,0,123}; int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { float output = 0.0; output = itof(s[i]); printf("input is: %d\t",s[i]); printf("changed to: %f\n",output); } return 0; }
/* * Function name: call_out * Description: Add a call_out to the named function * Arguments: func - function to be called * delay - how long to wait before calling * the function * arg - optional argument to pass to the named * function when the call_out triggers * Returns: The id if the call_out */ varargs int call_out(string func, mixed delay, mixed arg) { float repeat; repeat = 0.0; if (intp(delay)) delay = itof(delay); if (delay < 0.0) { repeat = -delay; delay = repeat; } /* * Don't pass a 0 argument if no argument were specified */ if (arg) return set_alarm(delay, repeat, func, arg); return set_alarm(delay, repeat, func); }
void DepthBuffer::binTriangles4Simd(vec4f vertices[12],uint32 count) { enum { kNumLanes = 4 }; VecF32Soa transformedPos[3]; gather4Simd(transformedPos,(VecF32*)vertices); VecS32 vertexX[3],vertexY[3]; VecF32 vertexZ[3]; for(int i = 0;i<3;i++){ //Convert the floating point coordinates to integer screen space coordinates. //NB: truncate vertexX[i] = ftoi(transformedPos[i].x); vertexY[i] = ftoi(transformedPos[i].y); vertexZ[i] = transformedPos[i].z; } //Compute triangle area. VecS32 area = (vertexX[1] - vertexX[0]) * (vertexY[2] - vertexY[0]) - (vertexX[0] - vertexX[2]) * (vertexY[0] - vertexY[1]); VecF32 oneOverArea = VecF32(1.0f)/itof(area); //Setup Z for interpolation vertexZ[1] = (vertexZ[1] - vertexZ[0]) * oneOverArea; vertexZ[2] = (vertexZ[2] - vertexZ[0]) * oneOverArea; //Find bounding box for the screen space triangle VecS32 zero = VecS32(0); VecS32 minX = vmax( vmin(vmin(vertexX[0],vertexX[1]),vertexX[2]), zero); VecS32 maxX = vmin( vmax(vmax(vertexX[0],vertexX[1]),vertexX[2]), VecS32(size_.x-1) ); VecS32 minY = vmax( vmin(vmin(vertexY[0],vertexY[1]),vertexY[2]), zero); VecS32 maxY = vmin( vmax(vmax(vertexY[0],vertexY[1]),vertexY[2]), VecS32(size_.y-1) ); uint32 numLanes = std::min(count,uint32(kNumLanes)); for(uint32 i =0;i<numLanes;++i){ //Skip triangle if the area is zero if(area.lane[i] <= 0) continue; float oneOverW[3]; for(int j = 0;j<3;++j){ oneOverW[j] = transformedPos[j].w.lane[i]; } // Reject the triangle if any of its verts is behind the nearclip plane if(oneOverW[0] == 0.0f || oneOverW[1] == 0.0f || oneOverW[2] == 0.0f) continue; //Convert bounding box in terms of pixels to bounding box in terms of tiles. int32 tileMinX = minX.lane[i]/tileSize_.x;//std::max(minX.lane[i]/tileSize_.x,0); int32 tileMaxX = maxX.lane[i]/tileSize_.x;//std::min(maxX.lane[i]/tileSize_.x,tileCount_.x); int32 tileMinY = minY.lane[i]/tileSize_.y;//std::max(minY.lane[i]/tileSize_.y,0); int32 tileMaxY = maxY.lane[i]/tileSize_.y;//std::min(maxY.lane[i]/tileSize_.y,tileCount_.y); for(;tileMinY <= tileMaxY;tileMinY++){ auto tileIndex = tileMinX + tileMinY*tileCount_.x; for(auto x = tileMinX; x<= tileMaxX; x++,tileIndex++){ auto count = tileTriangleCount_[tileIndex]; if(count >= kMaxTrianglesPerTile) continue; tileTriangleCount_[tileIndex]++; BinnedTriangle& triangle =*( triangleBins_ + count + x*kMaxTrianglesPerTile + tileMinY*tileCount_.x*kMaxTrianglesPerTile); triangle.v[0].x = vertexX[0].lane[i]; triangle.v[0].y = vertexY[0].lane[i]; triangle.v[1].x = vertexX[1].lane[i]; triangle.v[1].y = vertexY[1].lane[i]; triangle.v[2].x = vertexX[2].lane[i]; triangle.v[2].y = vertexY[2].lane[i]; triangle.z[0] = vertexZ[0].lane[i]; triangle.z[1] = vertexZ[1].lane[i]; triangle.z[2] = vertexZ[2].lane[i]; } } } }
inline fixedvec itof(gvl::ivec2 v) { return fixedvec(itof(v.x), itof(v.y)); }
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { struct _comm comm; struct _data data; struct plc5stat status; int count,x,sts,extsts,type; unsigned int temp1, temp2; count=0; if (argc == 3) count = 1; if (argc == 4) count = atoi(argv[3]); if ((argc < 3) || (argc > 4)) { printf ("\nThis program will read a register from an Ethernet connected Allen Bradley\n"); printf ("PLC-5. It should also work with a Pyramid Integrator.\n\n"); printf ("Correct Usage:\nab <plc ip addr> <plc register> {<quantity>}\n"); printf ("ab n7:0 - will read one integer from N7:0 on plc\n"); printf ("ab n7:30 4 - will read four integers from N7:30 on plc\n"); printf ("\n\n"); exit (-1); } comm=abel_attach(argv[1],FALSE); if (comm.error != 0) { printf ("Could not connect. Check your address and try again.\n"); exit (-1); } status = getstatus (comm,FALSE); type = PLC5; if (status.type == 0xde) type = PLC5250; if (status.type == 0xee) type = SLC; comm.tns = comm.tns + 4; data=protread3(comm,argv[2],count,type,FALSE); if (data.len == -1) { sts = data.data[0]; extsts = data.data[1]; printf ("An error occured. The PLC STS byte is %d, the EXT STS byte is %d\n",sts,extsts); if (sts != 0xf0) printf ("Primary Error code is %s\n",errors[(sts/16)]); if (extsts != 0) printf ("Extended error code is %s\n",ext_errors[extsts]); close (comm.handle); exit (-1); } switch (data.name.section) { case 0: if (data.name.floatdata == TRUE) { for (x=0;x<data.len;x=x+2) { temp1 = (data.data[x]); temp2 = (data.data[x+1]); printf ("%f\n",itof(temp1,temp2)); } } if (data.name.floatdata == FALSE) { for (x=0;x<(data.len);x++) printf ("%d\n",(short)data.data[x]); } break; case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: for (x=0;x<data.len;x++) printf ("%02X ",(byte)data.data[x]); printf ("\n"); } close (comm.handle); exit (0); }
//Rasterize 4 pixels at once void DepthBuffer::rasterizeTile2x2(int32 x,int32 y,uint32 pass) { auto tileIndex = x + y*tileCount_.x; auto count = tileTriangleCount_[tileIndex]; tileTriangleCount_[tileIndex] = 0; auto faces = triangleBins_ + x*kMaxTrianglesPerTile + y*tileCount_.x*kMaxTrianglesPerTile; vec2i tilePos(x*tileSize_.x,y*tileSize_.y); vec2i tileEnd(tilePos + tileSize_); #ifdef ARPHEG_ARCH_X86 enum { kNumLanes = 4 }; //Flush denormals to zero _mm_setcsr( _mm_getcsr() | 0x8040 ); VecS32 colOffset(0, 1, 0, 1); VecS32 rowOffset(0, 0, 1, 1); //Process the 4 binned triangles at a time VecS32 vertexX[3]; VecS32 vertexY[3]; VecF32 vertexZ[4]; VecS32 tileMinXSimd(tilePos.x); VecS32 tileMaxXSimd(tilePos.x+tileSize_.x-2); VecS32 tileMinYSimd(tilePos.y); VecS32 tileMaxYSimd(tilePos.y+tileSize_.y-2); for(uint32 i = 0;i<count;i += kNumLanes){ uint32 numSimdTris = std::min(uint32(kNumLanes),count-i); auto f = faces+i; for(uint32 ii = 0;ii< numSimdTris;++ii){ vertexX[0].lane[ii] = f[ii].v[0].x; vertexY[0].lane[ii] = f[ii].v[0].y; vertexX[1].lane[ii] = f[ii].v[1].x; vertexY[1].lane[ii] = f[ii].v[1].y; vertexX[2].lane[ii] = f[ii].v[2].x; vertexY[2].lane[ii] = f[ii].v[2].y; vertexZ[ii] = VecF32(f[ii].z[0],f[ii].z[1],f[ii].z[2],0.0f); } // Fab(x, y) = Ax + By + C = 0 // Fab(x, y) = (ya - yb)x + (xb - xa)y + (xa * yb - xb * ya) = 0 // Compute A = (ya - yb) for the 3 line segments that make up each triangle VecS32 A0 = vertexY[1] - vertexY[2]; VecS32 A1 = vertexY[2] - vertexY[0]; VecS32 A2 = vertexY[0] - vertexY[1]; // Compute B = (xb - xa) for the 3 line segments that make up each triangle VecS32 B0 = vertexX[2] - vertexX[1]; VecS32 B1 = vertexX[0] - vertexX[2]; VecS32 B2 = vertexX[1] - vertexX[0]; // Compute C = (xa * yb - xb * ya) for the 3 line segments that make up each triangle VecS32 C0 = vertexX[1] * vertexY[2] - vertexX[2] * vertexY[1]; VecS32 C1 = vertexX[2] * vertexY[0] - vertexX[0] * vertexY[2]; VecS32 C2 = vertexX[0] * vertexY[1] - vertexX[1] * vertexY[0]; // Use bounding box traversal strategy to determine which pixels to rasterize VecS32 minX = vmax(vmin(vmin(vertexX[0], vertexX[1]), vertexX[2]), tileMinXSimd) & VecS32(~1); VecS32 maxX = vmin(vmax(vmax(vertexX[0], vertexX[1]), vertexX[2]), tileMaxXSimd); VecS32 minY = vmax(vmin(vmin(vertexY[0], vertexY[1]), vertexY[2]), tileMinYSimd) & VecS32(~1); VecS32 maxY = vmin(vmax(vmax(vertexY[0], vertexY[1]), vertexY[2]), tileMaxYSimd); //Rasterize each triangle individually for(uint32 lane = 0;lane < numSimdTris;++lane){ //Rasterize in 2x2 quads. VecF32 zz[3]; zz[0] = VecF32(vertexZ[lane].lane[0]); zz[1] = VecF32(vertexZ[lane].lane[1]); zz[2] = VecF32(vertexZ[lane].lane[2]); VecS32 a0(A0.lane[lane]); VecS32 a1(A1.lane[lane]); VecS32 a2(A2.lane[lane]); VecS32 b0(B0.lane[lane]); VecS32 b1(B1.lane[lane]); VecS32 b2(B2.lane[lane]); int32 minx = minX.lane[lane]; int32 maxx = maxX.lane[lane]; int32 miny = minY.lane[lane]; int32 maxy = maxY.lane[lane]; VecS32 col = VecS32(minx) + colOffset; VecS32 row = VecS32(miny) + rowOffset; auto rowIdx = miny*size_.x + 2 * minx; VecS32 w0_row = a0 * col + b0 * row + VecS32(C0.lane[lane]); VecS32 w1_row = a1 * col + b1 * row + VecS32(C1.lane[lane]); VecS32 w2_row = a2 * col + b2 * row + VecS32(C2.lane[lane]); //Multiply each weight by two(rasterize 2x2 quad at once). a0 = shiftl<1>(a0); a1 = shiftl<1>(a1); a2 = shiftl<1>(a2); b0 = shiftl<1>(b0); b1 = shiftl<1>(b1); b2 = shiftl<1>(b2); VecF32 zInc = itof(a1)*zz[1] + itof(a2)*zz[2]; for(int32 y = miny;y<=maxy;y+=2,rowIdx += 2 * size_.x){ auto w0 = w0_row; auto w1 = w1_row; auto w2 = w2_row; VecF32 depth = zz[0] + itof(w1)*zz[1] + itof(w2)*zz[2]; auto idx = rowIdx; for(int32 x = minx;x<=maxx;x+=2,idx+=4){ auto mask = w0|w1|w2; VecF32 previousDepth = VecF32::load(data_+idx); VecF32 mergedDepth = vmin(depth,previousDepth); previousDepth = select(mergedDepth,previousDepth,mask); previousDepth.store(data_+idx); w0+=a0; w1+=a1; w2+=a2; depth+=zInc; } w0_row += b0; w1_row += b1; w2_row += b2; } } } #endif }
/********************************************************** Description : debug print used internally Input : Buffer pointer, value to convert. Output : None ***********************************************************/ void bl_print_internal(LOG_LEVEL level, kal_char *fmt, va_list ap) { kal_int64 dval; kal_int32 ival; kal_char *p, *sval; kal_char *bp, cval; kal_int32 fract; #ifdef __ADV_DBG_PRINT__ kal_uint32 uival, uival1, uival2; kal_char *bp_old; kal_int32 i, j; #endif /* __ADV_DBG_PRINT__ */ bp= buf; *bp= 0; if((level) < debug_level) { return; } for (p= fmt; *p; p++) { if (*p != '%') { *bp++= *p; continue; } switch (*++p) { case 'd': ival= va_arg(ap, kal_int32); if (ival < 0) { *bp++= '-'; ival= -ival; } itoa (&bp, ival, 10); break; case 'o': ival= va_arg(ap, kal_int32); if (ival < 0) { *bp++= '-'; ival= -ival; } *bp++= '0'; itoa (&bp, ival, 8); break; case 'x': ival= va_arg(ap, kal_int32); if (ival < 0) { *bp++= '-'; ival= -ival; } *bp++= '0'; *bp++= 'x'; itoa (&bp, ival, 16); break; #ifdef __ADV_DBG_PRINT__ case 'u': uival= va_arg(ap, unsigned int); *bp++= '0'; *bp++= 'x'; bp_old = bp; uival1 = uival >> 16; uival2 = uival & 0x0000ffff; itoa(&bp, uival1, 16); i = (unsigned int)bp - (unsigned int)bp_old; if (i < 4) { for (j = 3; j > (3 - i); j--) { bp_old[j] = bp_old[j - (3 - i) - 1]; } for (j = 0; j <= (3 - i); j++) bp_old[j] = '0'; } bp = bp_old + 4; bp_old = bp; itoa(&bp, uival2, 16); i = (unsigned int)bp - (unsigned int)bp_old; if (i < 4) { for (j = 3; j > (3 - i); j--) { bp_old[j] = bp_old[j - (3 - i) - 1]; } for (j = 0; j <= (3 - i); j++) bp_old[j] = '0'; } bp = bp_old + 4; break; #endif /* __ADV_DBG_PRINT__ */ case 'p': ival= va_arg(ap, kal_int32); *bp++= '0'; *bp++= 'x'; itoa (&bp, ival, 16); break; case 'c': cval= va_arg(ap, kal_int32); *bp++= cval; break; case 'f': dval= va_arg(ap, kal_int64); if (dval < 0) { *bp++= '-'; dval= -dval; } if (dval >= 1.0) itoa (&bp, (kal_int32)dval, 10); else *bp++= '0'; *bp++= '.'; fract= (kal_int32)((dval- (kal_int64)(kal_int32)dval)*(kal_int64)(MAXFRACT)); itof(&bp, fract); break; case 's': for (sval = va_arg(ap, kal_char *) ; *sval ; sval++ ) *bp++= *sval; break; } } *bp= 0; for (bp= buf; *bp; bp++) { PutUARTByte(*bp); } }
void SObjectType::create(Game& game, int x, int y, int ownerIdx, WormWeapon* firedBy, WObject* from) { Common& common = *game.common; SObject& obj = *game.sobjects.newObjectReuse(); LTRACE(rand, 0, sobj, game.rand.x); LTRACE(sobj, &obj - game.sobjects.arr, cxpo, x); LTRACE(sobj, &obj - game.sobjects.arr, cypo, y); assert(numSounds < 10); if(startSound >= 0) game.soundPlayer->play(game.rand(numSounds) + startSound); for(std::size_t i = 0; i < game.viewports.size(); ++i) { Viewport& v = *game.viewports[i]; if(x > v.x && x < v.x + v.rect.width() && y > v.y && y < v.y + v.rect.height()) { if(itof(shake) > v.shake) v.shake = itof(shake); } } obj.id = id; obj.x = x - 8; obj.y = y - 8; obj.curFrame = 0; obj.animDelay = animDelay; if(flash > game.screenFlash) { game.screenFlash = flash; } Worm* owner = game.wormByIdx(ownerIdx); game.statsRecorder->damagePotential(owner, firedBy, damage); if(damage > 0) { for(std::size_t i = 0; i < game.worms.size(); ++i) { Worm& w = *game.worms[i]; int wix = ftoi(w.pos.x); int wiy = ftoi(w.pos.y); if(wix < x + detectRange && wix > x - detectRange && wiy < y + detectRange && wiy > y - detectRange) { int delta = wix - x; int power = detectRange - std::abs(delta); int powerSum = power; if(std::abs(w.vel.x) < itof(2)) // TODO: Read from EXE { if(delta > 0) w.vel.x += blowAway * power; else w.vel.x -= blowAway * power; } delta = wiy - y; power = detectRange - std::abs(delta); powerSum = (powerSum + power) / 2; if(std::abs(w.vel.y) < itof(2)) // TODO: Read from EXE { if(delta > 0) w.vel.y += blowAway * power; else w.vel.y -= blowAway * power; } int z = damage * powerSum; if(detectRange) z /= detectRange; if (from && !from->hasHit) { game.statsRecorder->hit(owner, firedBy, &w); from->hasHit = true; } if(w.health > 0) { game.doDamage(w, z, ownerIdx); game.statsRecorder->damageDealt(owner, firedBy, &w, z, false); int bloodAmount = game.settings->blood * powerSum / 100; if(bloodAmount > 0) { for(int i = 0; i < bloodAmount; ++i) { int angle = game.rand(128); common.nobjectTypes[6].create2( game, angle, w.vel / 3, w.pos, 0, w.index, firedBy); } } if(game.rand(3) == 0) { int snd = 18 + game.rand(3); // NOTE: MUST be outside the unpredictable branch below if(!game.soundPlayer->isPlaying(&w)) { game.soundPlayer->play(snd, &w); } } } } } // for( ... worms ... int objBlowAway = blowAway / 3; // TODO: Read from EXE auto wr = game.wobjects.all(); for (WObject* i; i = wr.next(); ) { Weapon const& weapon = *i->type; if(weapon.affectByExplosions) { auto ipos = ftoi(i->pos); if(ipos.x < x + detectRange && ipos.x > x - detectRange && ipos.y < y + detectRange && ipos.y > y - detectRange) { int delta = ipos.x - x; int power = detectRange - std::abs(delta); if(power > 0) { if(delta > 0) i->vel.x += objBlowAway * power; else if(delta < 0) i->vel.x -= objBlowAway * power; } delta = ipos.y - y; power = detectRange - std::abs(delta); if(power > 0) { if(delta > 0) i->vel.y += objBlowAway * power; else if(delta < 0) i->vel.y -= objBlowAway * power; } if(weapon.chainExplosion) i->blowUpObject(game, ownerIdx); } } // if( ... affectByExplosions ... } // for( ... wobjects ... auto nr = game.nobjects.all(); for (NObject* i; i = nr.next(); ) { NObjectType const& t = *i->type; if(t.affectByExplosions) { auto ipos = ftoi(i->pos); if(ipos.x < x + detectRange && ipos.x > x - detectRange && ipos.y < y + detectRange && ipos.y > y - detectRange) { int delta = ipos.x - x; int power = detectRange - std::abs(delta); if(power > 0) { if(delta > 0) i->vel.x += objBlowAway * power; else if(delta < 0) i->vel.x -= objBlowAway * power; } delta = ipos.y - y; power = detectRange - std::abs(delta); if(power > 0) { if(delta > 0) i->vel.y += objBlowAway * power; else if(delta < 0) i->vel.y -= objBlowAway * power; } Common& common = *game.common; LTRACE(nobj, &*i - game.nobjects.arr, puxp, i->vel.x); LTRACE(nobj, &*i - game.nobjects.arr, puyp, i->vel.y); } } } { int width = detectRange / 2; gvl::rect rect(x - width, y - width, x + width + 1, y + width + 1); rect.intersect(game.level.rect()); for(int y = rect.y1; y < rect.y2; ++y) for(int x = rect.x1; x < rect.x2; ++x) { if(game.level.mat(x, y).anyDirt() && game.rand(8) == 0) { PalIdx pix = game.level.pixel(x, y); int angle = game.rand(128); common.nobjectTypes[2].create2( game, angle, fixedvec(), itof(gvl::ivec2(x, y)), pix, ownerIdx, firedBy); } } } } // if(damage ... if(dirtEffect >= 0) { drawDirtEffect(common, game.rand, game.level, dirtEffect, x - 7, y - 7); if(game.settings->shadow) correctShadow(common, game.level, gvl::rect(x - 10, y - 10, x + 11, y + 11)); } auto br = game.bonuses.all(); for (Bonus* i; i = br.next(); ) { int ix = ftoi(i->x), iy = ftoi(i->y); if(ix > x - detectRange && ix < x + detectRange && iy > y - detectRange && iy < y + detectRange) { game.bonuses.free(br); common.sobjectTypes[0].create(game, ix, iy, ownerIdx, firedBy); } } // for( ... bonuses ... }
/* ** TYPECHECK ** ** Performs typechecking and conversions where appropriate . ** Prohibits mixed type expressions. */ void typecheck(sym_t *pp1, sym_t *pp2, int opval) { register int i; register sym_t *p1, *p2; p1 = pp1; p2 = pp2; i = (p1->type == CHAR_CONST & p2->type == CHAR_CONST); /* i is non-zero only if both are chars */ switch (opval) { case opCONCAT: if (!i) ov_err(NUMERIC); /* numeric in a char operator */ return; /* else no further checking is needed */ case opADD: case opSUB: if (i) return; /* make opADD and opSUB legal operators with char */ case opMUL: case opDIV: case opPOW: case opMOD: if (i) ov_err(BADCHAR); /* arithmetic operation on two character fields */ } /* first check for identical types of symbols */ if (p1->type == p2->type) { if (p1->len == p2->len) return; /* lengths are different. make p2 point to the smaller one */ if (p1->len < p2->len) { p2 = p1; p1 = pp2; } switch (p2->type) { case INT_CONST: if (p1->len == 2) { *(i2type *)&p2->value = *(i1type *)&p2->value; p2->len = 2; } else if (p1->len == 4) if (p2->len == 1) { *(i4type *)&p2->value = *(i1type *)&p2->value; p2->len = 4; } else i2toi4(p2); case CHAR_CONST: return; /* done if char or int */ case FLOAT_CONST: f8tof4(p1); return; } } /* at least one symbol is an INT_CONST or FLOAT_CONST. The other can't be a CHAR */ if (p1->type == CHAR_CONST || p2->type == CHAR_CONST) ov_err(BADMIX); /* attempting binary operation on one CHAR_CONST field with a numeric */ /* one symbol is an INT_CONST and the other a FLOAT_CONST */ if (p2->type == INT_CONST) { /* exchange so that p1 is an INT_CONST and p2 is a FLOAT_CONST */ p1 = p2; p2 = pp1; } /* p1 is an INT_CONST and p2 a FLOAT_CONST */ itof(p1); if (p2->len == 4) f8tof4(p1); }
void Game::initGame() { clearWorms(); clearViewports(); bonuses.clear(); wobjects.clear(); sobjects.clear(); bobjects.clear(); nobjects.clear(); Worm* worm1 = new Worm(&game.settings.wormSettings[0], 0, 19); Worm* worm2 = new Worm(&game.settings.wormSettings[1], 1, 20); addViewport(new Viewport(Rect(0, 0, 158, 158), worm1, 0, 504, 350)); addViewport(new Viewport(Rect(160, 0, 158+160, 158), worm2, 218, 504, 350)); addWorm(worm1); addWorm(worm2); // TODO: Move as much of this as possible into the Worm ctor for(std::size_t i = 0; i < worms.size(); ++i) { Worm& w = *worms[i]; w.makeSightGreen = false; w.lives = game.settings.lives; w.ready = true; w.movable = true; if(game.rand(2) > 0) { w.aimingAngle = itof(32); w.direction = 0; } else { w.aimingAngle = itof(96); w.direction = 1; } w.health = w.settings->health; w.visible = false; w.killedTimer = 150; w.currentWeapon = 1; // This is later changed to 0, why is it here? /* Done in WormWeapon ctor for(int i = 0; i < game.settings.selectableWeapons; ++i) { w.weapons[i].available = true; w.weapons[i].delayLeft = 0; w.weapons[i].ammo = 0; }*/ } gotChanged = false; lastKilled = 0; }