Beispiel #1
 *  xcreat - create file with specified name, attributes
 *  Function 0x3C   Fcreate
 *  Error returns   EPTHNF, EACCDN, ENHNDL
long xcreat(char *name, char attr)
    return ixcreat(name, attr & ~FA_SUBDIR);
Beispiel #2
long xmkdir(char *s) 
        register OFD *f;
        register FCB *f2;
        OFD     *fd,*f0;
        FCB     *b;
        DND     *dn;
        int     h,cl,plen;
        long    rc;

        if ((h = rc = ixcreat(s,FA_SUBDIR)) < 0)

        f = getofd(h);

        /* build a DND in the tree */

        fd = f->o_dirfil;

        b = (FCB *) ixread(fd,32L,NULLPTR);

        /* is the total path length too long? */     /* M01.01.1107.01 */

        plen = namlen( b->f_name );
        for ( dn = f->o_dnode; dn; dn = dn->d_parent )
                plen += namlen( dn->d_name );
        if ( plen >= (LEN_ZPATH-3) )
                ixdel( f->o_dnode, b, f->o_dirbyt );
                return ( EACCDN );

        if( (dn = makdnd(f->o_dnode,b)) == NULLPTR )
                ixdel( f->o_dnode, b, f->o_dirbyt );    /* M01.01.1103.01 */
                return (ENSMEM);

        if( (dn->d_ofd = f0 = makofd(dn)) == (OFD*)NULLPTR )
                ixdel( f->o_dnode, b, f->o_dirbyt );    /* M01.01.1103.01 */
                f->o_dnode->d_left = NULLPTR;            /* M01.01.1103.01 */
                xmfreblk((char *)dn);
                return (ENSMEM);

        /* initialize dir cluster */

        if (nextcl(f0,1))
                ixdel( f->o_dnode, b, f->o_dirbyt );    /* M01.01.1103.01 */
                f->o_dnode->d_left = NULLPTR;            /* M01.01.1103.01 */
                freednd(dn);                    /* M01.01.1031.02 */

        f2 = dirinit(dn);                       /* pointer to dirty dir block */

        /* write identifier */

        memcpy(f2, dots, 22);
        f2->f_attrib = FA_SUBDIR;
        f2->f_time = time;
        swpw( f2->f_time ) ;           /*  M01.01.SCC.FS.04  */
        f2->f_date = date;
        swpw( f2->f_date ) ;           /*  M01.01.SCC.FS.04  */
        cl = f0->o_strtcl;
        f2->f_clust = cl;
        f2->f_fileln = 0;

        /* write parent entry .. */

        memcpy(f2, dots, 22);
        f2->f_name[1] = '.';           /* This is .. */
        f2->f_attrib = FA_SUBDIR;
        f2->f_time = time;
        swpw( f2->f_time ) ;           /*  M01.01.SCC.FS.06  */
        f2->f_date = date;
        swpw( f2->f_date ) ;           /*  M01.01.SCC.FS.06  */
        cl = f->o_dirfil->o_strtcl;

        if (!fd->o_dnode)              /* if creating a folder in the root, the */
                cl = 0;                /*  cluster# of the .. entry must be 0   */

        f2->f_clust = cl;
        f2->f_fileln = 0;
        memcpy(f, f0, sizeof(OFD));
        f->o_flag |= O_DIRTY;
        ixclose(f,CL_DIR | CL_FULL);    /* force flush and write */
        sft[h-NUMSTD].f_own = 0;
        sft[h-NUMSTD].f_ofd = 0;