// arg is subscriber name
void jcom_core_subscriber_new_common(t_jcom_core_subscriber_common *x, t_symbol *name, t_symbol *subscriber_type)
	t_atom 	a;
	x->subscriber_type = subscriber_type;
	x->custom_subscribe = NULL;
	x->hub = NULL;
	x->module_name = _sym_nothing;

	// we call the function directly here rather than use object_attr_setvalueof() 
	// because parameters with pattr bindings don't actually have their own 'name' attribute
	atom_setsym(&a, name);
	jcom_core_subscriber_attribute_common_setname(x, NULL, 1, &a);
	x->container = jamoma_object_getpatcher((t_object*)x);
	// set up the jcom.receive the listens to broadcast messages from the hub
	atom_setsym(&a, jps_jcom_broadcast_fromHub);	
Beispiel #2
// TODO: When running in the debugger, it seems like we are iterating through this function a whole bunch of times!
// Can we put it in a qelem or something so that it only gets called once? [TAP]
// But actually, maybe it is just a Max 4.6 funky Runtime thing?  Let's take a look again when we get to Max 5
void hub_examine_context(t_hub *x)
	AtomCount	argc = 0;
	AtomPtr		argv = NULL;
	SymbolPtr	context = jamoma_patcher_getcontext(x->container);

	// Try to get OSC Name of module from an argument
	jamoma_patcher_getargs(x->container, &argc, &argv);	// <-- this call allocates memory for argv
		x->osc_name = atom_getsym(argv+(argc-1));
		x->osc_name = _sym_nothing;
	// Try to get OSC Name of module from scripting name
	if(x->osc_name == _sym_nothing)
		x->osc_name = jamoma_patcher_getvarname(x->container);

	// In this case we overwrite whatever happened above
	if(context == gensym("toplevel")){
		x->osc_name = gensym("/editing_this_module");
		x->editing = true;
		t_object*	patcher = jamoma_object_getpatcher((t_object*)x);
		t_object*	box = object_attr_getobj(patcher, jps_box);
		t_object*	ui = NULL;
		t_symbol*	objclass = NULL;
		x->editing = false;		
		ui = object_attr_getobj(patcher, gensym("firstobject"));
			objclass = object_attr_getsym(ui, gensym("maxclass"));
			if(objclass == gensym("jcom.ui"))
			ui = object_attr_getobj(ui, gensym("nextobject"));
			t_rect	boxRect;
			t_rect	uiRect;
			if(context == gensym("bpatcher")){
				object_attr_get_rect(ui, _sym_presentation_rect, &uiRect);
				object_attr_get_rect(box, _sym_patching_rect, &boxRect);
				boxRect.width = uiRect.width;
				boxRect.height = uiRect.height;
				object_attr_set_rect(box, _sym_patching_rect, &boxRect);

				object_attr_get_rect(box, _sym_presentation_rect, &boxRect);
				boxRect.width = uiRect.width;
				boxRect.height = uiRect.height;
				object_attr_set_rect(box, _sym_presentation_rect, &boxRect);
			else if(context == gensym("subpatcher")){
				object_attr_get_rect(ui, _sym_presentation_rect, &uiRect);
				object_attr_get_rect(patcher, _sym_defrect, &boxRect);
				boxRect.width = uiRect.width;
				boxRect.height = uiRect.height;
				object_attr_set_rect(patcher, _sym_defrect, &boxRect);				
				object_attr_setchar(patcher, _sym_toolbarvisible, 0);				

	object_attr_setsym(x, _sym_name, x->osc_name);

	qelem_unset(x->init_qelem);		// clear the last thing to make sure we don't call into this a bunch of times
	qelem_set(x->init_qelem);		// flag the queue for initialization
Beispiel #3
void *hub_new(t_symbol *s, long argc, t_atom *argv)
	short			i;
	long			attrstart = attr_args_offset(argc, argv);
	t_hub			*x = (t_hub *)object_alloc(s_hub_class);
	t_symbol		*name = _sym_nothing;
	t_atom			a[2];
	if(attrstart && argv)
		atom_arg_getsym(&name, 0, attrstart, argv);
		t_object*	patcher = jamoma_object_getpatcher((t_object*)x);
		t_symbol*	filepath = object_attr_getsym(patcher, _sym_filepath);
		char		pathstr[MAX_PATH_CHARS];
		char*		filename = 0;
		strncpy_zero(pathstr, filepath->s_name, MAX_PATH_CHARS);
		filename = strrchr(pathstr, '.');
		if(filename) {
			*filename = 0;	// strip the suffix by setting '.' to terminating NULL char
			filename = strrchr(pathstr, '/');
			if (filename) {
				// Our module name is the patchers name since the patcher is typically located
				// at /some/where/nameToUseForModule.maxpat
				filename++; // get rid of slash
				name = gensym(filename);
				name = gensym(pathstr);
		} else {
			// We are an unnamed jcom.hub inserted into an unsaved max patcher which has
			// no '.' in it's filename.  Just leave as untitled, at least until it is saved.
			name = gensym("Untitled");
		for(i=k_num_outlets; i > 0; i--)
			x->outlets[i-1] = outlet_new(x, 0);
		object_obex_store((void *)x, _sym_dumpout, (t_object *)x->outlets[k_outlet_dumpout]);
		x->init_qelem = qelem_new(x, (method)hub_qfn_init);

		// set default attributes
		x->attr_name = name;
		x->osc_name = _sym_nothing;
		x->attr_type = jps_control;
		x->attr_description = _sym_nothing;
		x->attr_algorithm_type = jps_default;		// poly for audio, jitter for video, control for control
		x->attr_size = jps_1U_half;
		x->attr_inspector = 0;
		x->using_wildcard = false;
		x->in_object = NULL;						// module MUST have a jcom.in object
		x->out_object = NULL;						// the jcom.out object is optional
		x->gui_object = NULL;						// jcom.remote in the gui
		x->num_parameters = 0;
		for(i=0; i<MAX_NUM_CHANNELS; i++)
			x->meter_object[i] = NULL;
		x->preset = new presetList;					// begin with no presets
		x->subscriber = new subscriberList;			// ... and no subscribers
		attr_args_process(x, argc, argv);			// handle attribute args
		x->jcom_send = NULL;
		x->jcom_receive = NULL;
		atom_setsym(a, jps_jcom_remote_fromModule);
		x->jcom_send = (t_object*)object_new_typed(_sym_box, jps_jcom_send, 1, a);
		atom_setsym(a, jps_jcom_remote_toModule);
		x->jcom_receive = (t_object*)object_new_typed(_sym_box, jps_jcom_receive, 1, a);
		object_method(x->jcom_receive, jps_setcallback, &hub_receive_callback, x);
			atom_setsym(a, gensym("notifications"));
			g_jcom_send_notifications = (t_object*)object_new_typed(_sym_box, jps_jcom_send, 1, a);
		x->container = jamoma_object_getpatcher((t_object*)x);
		// The following must be deferred because we have to interrogate our box,
		// and our box is not yet valid until we have finished instantiating the object.
		// Trying to use a loadbang method instead is also not fully successful (as of Max 5.0.6)
		defer_low(x, (method)hub_examine_context, 0, 0, 0);
	return x;