Beispiel #1
XMLByte* Base64::decodeToXMLByte(const XMLCh*         const   inputData
                                ,      XMLSize_t*             decodedLen
                                ,      MemoryManager* const   memMgr
                                ,      Conformance            conform )
    if (!inputData || !*inputData)
        return 0;

     *  Move input data to a XMLByte buffer
    XMLSize_t srcLen = XMLString::stringLen(inputData);
    XMLByte *dataInByte = (XMLByte*) getExternalMemory(memMgr, (srcLen+1) * sizeof(XMLByte));
    ArrayJanitor<XMLByte> janFill(dataInByte, memMgr ? memMgr : XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager);

    for (XMLSize_t i = 0; i < srcLen; i++)
        dataInByte[i] = (XMLByte)inputData[i];

    dataInByte[srcLen] = 0;

     * Forward to the actual decoding method to do the decoding
    *decodedLen = 0;
    return decode(dataInByte, decodedLen, memMgr, conform);
Beispiel #2
XMLCh* HexBin::decode(const XMLCh*          const   hexData
                    ,       MemoryManager*  const   manager)
    if (( hexData == 0 ) || ( *hexData == 0 )) // zero length
        return 0;

    int strLen = XMLString::stringLen(hexData);
    if ( strLen%2 != 0 )
        return 0;

    if ( !isInitialized )

    //prepare the return string
    int decodeLength = strLen/2;
    XMLCh *retVal = (XMLCh*) manager->allocate( (decodeLength + 1) * sizeof(XMLCh));
    ArrayJanitor<XMLCh> janFill(retVal, manager);
    XMLByte temp1, temp2;
    for( int i = 0; i<decodeLength; i++ ) {
        temp1 = hexNumberTable[hexData[i*2]];
        if (temp1 == (XMLByte) -1)
            return 0;
        temp2 = hexNumberTable[hexData[i*2+1]];
        if (temp2 == (XMLByte) -1)
            return 0;
        retVal[i] = (XMLCh)((temp1 << 4) | temp2);

    retVal[decodeLength] = 0;
    return retVal;
Beispiel #3
* E2-54
* Canonical-base64Binary ::= (B64 B64 B64 B64)*((B64 B64 B16 '=')|(B64 B04 '=='))? 
* B04                    ::= [AQgw]
* B16                    ::= [AEIMQUYcgkosw048]
* B64                    ::= [A-Za-z0-9+/] 
XMLCh* Base64::getCanonicalRepresentation(const XMLCh*         const   inputData
                                        ,       MemoryManager* const   memMgr
                                        ,       Conformance            conform)
    if (!inputData || !*inputData) 
        return 0;

     *  Move input data to a XMLByte buffer
    XMLSize_t srcLen = XMLString::stringLen(inputData);
    XMLByte *dataInByte = (XMLByte*) getExternalMemory(memMgr, (srcLen+1) * sizeof(XMLByte));
    ArrayJanitor<XMLByte> janFill(dataInByte, memMgr ? memMgr : XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager);

    for (XMLSize_t i = 0; i < srcLen; i++)
        dataInByte[i] = (XMLByte)inputData[i];

    dataInByte[srcLen] = 0;

     * Forward to the actual decoding method to do the decoding
    XMLSize_t decodedLength = 0;
    XMLByte*     canRepInByte = 0;
    XMLByte*     retStr = decode(
                            , &decodedLength
                            , canRepInByte
                            , memMgr
                            , conform);

    if (!retStr)
        return 0;

     * Move canonical representation to a XMLCh buffer to return
    XMLSize_t canRepLen = XMLString::stringLen((char*)canRepInByte);
    XMLCh *canRepData = (XMLCh*) getExternalMemory(memMgr, (canRepLen + 1) * sizeof(XMLCh));
    for (XMLSize_t j = 0; j < canRepLen; j++)
        canRepData[j] = (XMLCh)canRepInByte[j];

    canRepData[canRepLen] = 0;

     * Release the memory allocated in the actual decoding method
    returnExternalMemory(memMgr, retStr);
    returnExternalMemory(memMgr, canRepInByte);

    return canRepData;
Beispiel #4
XMLCh* Base64::decode(const XMLCh*         const   inputData
                    ,       unsigned int*          decodedLen
                    ,       MemoryManager* const   memMgr
                    ,       Conformance            conform )
	if (!inputData)
		return 0;

     *  Move input data to a XMLByte buffer
	unsigned int srcLen = XMLString::stringLen(inputData);
    XMLByte *dataInByte = (XMLByte*) getExternalMemory(memMgr, (srcLen+1) * sizeof(XMLByte));
    ArrayJanitor<XMLByte> janFill(dataInByte, memMgr ? memMgr : XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager);

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < srcLen; i++)
		dataInByte[i] = (XMLByte)inputData[i];

	dataInByte[srcLen] = 0;

     * Forward to the actual decoding method to do the decoding
	*decodedLen = 0;
	XMLByte *DecodedBuf = decode(dataInByte, decodedLen, memMgr, conform);

	if (!DecodedBuf)
		return 0;

     * Move decoded data to a XMLCh buffer to return
    XMLCh *toRet = (XMLCh*) getExternalMemory(memMgr, (*decodedLen+1) * sizeof(XMLCh));
    for (unsigned int j = 0; j < *decodedLen; j++)
		toRet[j] = (XMLCh)DecodedBuf[j];

	toRet[*decodedLen] = 0;

     * Release the memory allocated in the actual decoding method
    returnExternalMemory(memMgr, DecodedBuf);

    return toRet;