Beispiel #1
static int vec2_normalize(lua_State *L)
	t_jit_vec2 v1;
	double s = DBL_EPSILON;
	double m;
	/* test argument type */
	if(! lua_istable(L, 1))
		luaL_error(L, "first argument must be a table");

	table_to_vec2(L, 1, &v1);
	m = v1.x*v1.x + v1.y*v1.y;
	if (m > DBL_EPSILON)
		s = jit_math_sqrt(m);
		v1.x /= s;
		v1.y /= s;
		v1.x = s;
		v1.x = s;
	vec2_to_table(L, &v1);
	return 1;
Beispiel #2
static int vec3_intersect_line_sphere(lua_State *L)
	//input arguments
	t_jit_vec3 line_a;	//start point of line
	t_jit_vec3 line_b;	//end point of line
	t_jit_vec3 center;	//center of sphere
	float r;			//sphere radius
	//output value
	t_jit_vec3 p1;		//point of intersection if it exists
	//temp vars
	t_jit_vec3 EO;		//vector pointing from start point of line to center of sphere
	t_jit_vec3 V;		//vector pointing from the start point of the line to the end of the line
	float v, disc, d;

	/* test argument type */
	if(! lua_istable(L, 1))
		luaL_error(L, "first argument must be a table");
	if(! lua_istable(L, 2))
		luaL_error(L, "second argument must be a table");
	if(! lua_istable(L, 3))
		luaL_error(L, "third argument must be a table");
	if(! lua_isnumber(L, 4))
		luaL_error(L, "fourth argument must be a number");

	table_to_vec3(L, 1, &line_a);
	table_to_vec3(L, 2, &line_b);
	table_to_vec3(L, 3, &center);
	r = lua_tonumber(L, 4);

	jit_vec3_sub(&EO, &center, &line_a);
	jit_vec3_sub(&V, &line_b, &line_a);

	v = jit_vec3_dot(&EO, &V);
	disc = r*r - (jit_vec3_dot(&EO, &EO) - v*v);
	if (disc < 0)
		lua_pushboolean(L, 0);
		d = jit_math_sqrt(disc);
		jit_vec3_scale(&V, &V, v-d);
		jit_vec3_add(&p1, &V, &line_a);
		lua_pushboolean(L, 1);
		vec3_to_table(L, &p1);
	return 2;
Beispiel #3
void NormalizeVelocity(double *direction)
	float	hypot;
	hypot = jit_math_sqrt(direction[x] * direction[x] + direction[y] * direction[y]);// + direction[z] * direction[z] );

	if (hypot != 0.0) {
		direction[x] = direction[x] / hypot;
		direction[y] = direction[y] / hypot;
		//direction[z] = direction[z] / hypot;
t_xray_jit_levelsetseg *xray_jit_levelsetseg_new(void)
	t_xray_jit_levelsetseg *x;
	void *m;
	t_jit_matrix_info info;
	t_atom a;

	if (x=(t_xray_jit_levelsetseg *)jit_object_alloc(_xray_jit_levelsetseg_class)) {
		x->evolve = 0;
		x->smooth = 0;
		x->point[0] = 160;
		x->point[1] = 120;
		x->pointcount = 2;
		x->radius = 4;
		x->cycles = 7;
		x->Na = 7;
		x->Ng = 3;
		x->Ns = 5;
		x->gaussKernel = NULL;

		jit_atom_setlong(&a, 5);

		xray_jit_levelsetseg_Ng(x, 0L, 1, &a);

		//allocate and initialize linked-list
		DLLcreateList( &(x->L_in) );
		DLLcreateList( &(x->L_out) );

		x->inside = (t_RegionStats *)jit_getbytes(sizeof(t_RegionStats));
		x->outside = (t_RegionStats *)jit_getbytes(sizeof(t_RegionStats));

		sqrtTwoPi = jit_math_sqrt(2*jit_math_acos(-1));

		//setup backgFloat matrix
		info.type = _jit_sym_char;
		info.planecount = 1;
		x->phiName = jit_symbol_unique();
		m = jit_object_new(_jit_sym_jit_matrix, &info);
		m = jit_object_method(m, _jit_sym_register, x->phiName);

		//Register matrix name
		if(!m) error("could not allocate internal matrix!");
		jit_object_attach(x->phiName, x);
		x->phi = m;
	} else {
		x = NULL;
	return x;
float calcProb(t_RegionStats *inside, t_RegionStats *outside, uchar pixelValue)
	float insideProb, outsideProb;

	if(inside->varianceSq > 0) {
		//calculate probability in gaussian distribution
		insideProb = (1/(jit_math_sqrt(inside->varianceSq)*sqrtTwoPi))*
			jit_math_exp( -((float)pixelValue - (inside->mean))*((float)pixelValue - (inside->mean))/(2*(inside->varianceSq)));
	else {
		if( (float)pixelValue == inside->mean)
			insideProb = 1.0f;
			insideProb = 0.0f;

	if(outside->varianceSq > 0) {
		//calculate probability in gaussian distribution
		outsideProb = (1/(jit_math_sqrt(outside->varianceSq)*sqrtTwoPi))*
			jit_math_exp( -((float)pixelValue - (outside->mean))*((float)pixelValue - (outside->mean))/(2*(outside->varianceSq)));
	else {
		if( (float)pixelValue == outside->mean)
			outsideProb = 1.0f;
			outsideProb = 0.0f;

	//post("mean: %f %f", inside->mean, outside->mean);
	//post("varSQ: %f %f", inside->varianceSq, outside->varianceSq);

	//not returning the real probability but just what's needed
	//to make a decision to switch_in or switch_out
	return (insideProb > outsideProb) ? 1.1f : 0.9f;

Beispiel #6
float MatchAndAvoidNeighbors(t_jit_boids2d *flockPtr, long theBoid, double *matchNeighborVel, double *avoidNeighborVel)
	long			i, j, neighbor;
	double			distSqr;
	double			dist, distH, distV,distD;
	double			tempSpeed;
	short			numClose = 0;
	double			totalVel[2] = {0.0,0.0};

	/* Find the neighbors */	

	/* special case of one neighbor */
	if (flockPtr->neighbors == 1) {
		flockPtr->boid[theBoid].neighborDistSqr[0] = kMaxLong;
		for (i = 0; i < flockPtr->number; i++) {
			if (i != theBoid) {
				distSqr = DistSqrToPt(flockPtr->boid[theBoid].oldPos, flockPtr->boid[i].oldPos);
				/* if this one is closer than the closest so far, then remember it */
				if (flockPtr->boid[theBoid].neighborDistSqr[0] > distSqr) {
					flockPtr->boid[theBoid].neighborDistSqr[0] = distSqr;
					flockPtr->boid[theBoid].neighbor[0] = i;
	/* more than one neighbor */
	else {
		for (j = 0; j < flockPtr->neighbors; j++)
			flockPtr->boid[theBoid].neighborDistSqr[j] = kMaxLong;
		for (i = 0 ; i < flockPtr->number; i++) {
			/* if this one is not me... */
			if (i != theBoid) {
				distSqr = DistSqrToPt(flockPtr->boid[theBoid].oldPos, flockPtr->boid[i].oldPos);
				/* if distSqr is less than the distance at the bottom of the array, sort into array */
				if (distSqr < flockPtr->boid[theBoid].neighborDistSqr[flockPtr->neighbors-1]) {
					j = flockPtr->neighbors - 1;
					/* sort distSqr in to keep array in size order, smallest first */
					while ((distSqr < flockPtr->boid[theBoid].neighborDistSqr[j-1]) && (j > 0)) {
						flockPtr->boid[theBoid].neighborDistSqr[j] = flockPtr->boid[theBoid].neighborDistSqr[j - 1];
						flockPtr->boid[theBoid].neighbor[j] = flockPtr->boid[theBoid].neighbor[j - 1];
					flockPtr->boid[theBoid].neighborDistSqr[j] = distSqr;
					flockPtr->boid[theBoid].neighbor[j] = i;					

	/* Match and avoid the neighbors */	

	matchNeighborVel[x] = 0;
	matchNeighborVel[y] = 0;
	//matchNeighborVel[z] = 0;
	// set tempSpeed to old speed
	tempSpeed = flockPtr->boid[theBoid].speed;
	for (i = 0; i < flockPtr->neighbors; i++) {
		neighbor = flockPtr->boid[theBoid].neighbor[i];
		// calculate matchNeighborVel by averaging the neighbor velocities
		matchNeighborVel[x] += flockPtr->boid[neighbor].oldDir[x];
		matchNeighborVel[y] += flockPtr->boid[neighbor].oldDir[y];
		//matchNeighborVel[z] += flockPtr->boid[neighbor].oldDir[z];
		// if distance is less than preferred distance, then neighbor influences boid
		distSqr = flockPtr->boid[theBoid].neighborDistSqr[i];
		if (distSqr < flockPtr->prefDistSqr) {
			dist = jit_math_sqrt(distSqr);

			distH = flockPtr->boid[neighbor].oldPos[x] - flockPtr->boid[theBoid].oldPos[x];
			distV = flockPtr->boid[neighbor].oldPos[y] - flockPtr->boid[theBoid].oldPos[y];
			//distD = flockPtr->boid[neighbor].oldPos[z] - flockPtr->boid[theBoid].oldPos[z];
			if(dist == 0.0) dist = 0.0000001;
			totalVel[x] = totalVel[x] - distH - (distH * ((float) flockPtr->prefdist / (dist)));
			totalVel[y] = totalVel[y] - distV - (distV * ((float) flockPtr->prefdist / (dist)));
			//totalVel[z] = totalVel[z] - distD - (distV * ((float) flockPtr->prefdist / (dist)));
		if (InFront(&(flockPtr->boid[theBoid]), &(flockPtr->boid[neighbor]))) {	// adjust speed
			if (distSqr < flockPtr->prefDistSqr) 
				tempSpeed /= (flockPtr->accel / 100.0);
				tempSpeed *= (flockPtr->accel / 100.0);
		else {
			if (distSqr < flockPtr->prefDistSqr)
				tempSpeed *= (flockPtr->accel / 100.0);
				tempSpeed /= (flockPtr->accel / 100.0);
	if (numClose) {
		avoidNeighborVel[x] = totalVel[x] / numClose;
		avoidNeighborVel[y] = totalVel[y] / numClose;
		//avoidNeighborVel[z] = totalVel[z] / numClose;
	else {
		avoidNeighborVel[x] = 0;
		avoidNeighborVel[y] = 0;
		//avoidNeighborVel[z] = 0;
Beispiel #7
void jit_boids2d_calculate_ndim(t_jit_boids2d *flockPtr, long dimcount, long *dim, long planecount, 
	t_jit_matrix_info *out_minfo, char *bop)
	long i, k;
	float *fop;
	BoidPtr boid;
	double 	tempNew_x, tempNew_y;//, tempNew_z;
	double 	tempOld_x, tempOld_y;//, tempOld_z;
	double	delta_x, delta_y,/* delta_z,*/ azi,/* ele,*/ speed;
	//copy pointer so we don't have to dereference in the for loop
	boid = flockPtr->boid;
	fop = (float *)bop;
	switch(flockPtr->mode) { // newpos
		case 0:
			for(i=0; i < dim[0]; i++) {
				fop[0] = boid[i].newPos[x];
				fop[1] = boid[i].newPos[y];
				fop += planecount;
		case 1: //newpos + oldpos
			for(i=0; i < dim[0]; i++) {
				fop[0] = boid[i].newPos[x];
				fop[1] = boid[i].newPos[y];
				fop[2] = boid[i].oldPos[x];
				fop[3] = boid[i].oldPos[y];
				fop += planecount;
		case 2: //newpos + oldpos + speed-azimuth-elevation
			for(i=0; i < dim[0]; i++) {
				tempNew_x = boid[i].newPos[x];
				tempNew_y = boid[i].newPos[y];
				tempOld_x = boid[i].oldPos[x];
				tempOld_y = boid[i].oldPos[y];
				delta_x = tempNew_x - tempOld_x;
				delta_y = tempNew_y - tempOld_y;
				azi = jit_math_atan2(delta_y, delta_x) * flockPtr->r2d;
				speed = jit_math_sqrt(delta_x * delta_x + delta_y * delta_y );
				fop[0] = tempNew_x;
				fop[1] = tempNew_y;
				fop[2] = tempOld_x;
				fop[3] = tempOld_y;
				fop[4] = speed;
				fop[5] = azi;
				fop += planecount;

void xray_jit_crossproduct_calculate_ndim(t_xray_jit_crossproduct *obj, long dimcount, long planecount, long *dim,
		t_jit_matrix_info *in1_minfo, char *bip1,
		t_jit_matrix_info *in2_minfo, char *bip2,
		t_jit_matrix_info *out1_minfo, char *bop1)
	long i, j;
	long width, height;
	float *fop, *fip1, *fip2;
	double *dop, *dip1, *dip2;
	long in1colspan, in1rowspan;
	long in2colspan, in2rowspan;
	long outcolspan, outrowspan;
	float norm1, norm2;
	double dnorm1, dnorm2;

	if (dimcount<1) return; //safety

	case 1:
		dim[1] = 1;
	case 2:
		width = dim[0];
		height = dim[1];

		if (in1_minfo->type==_jit_sym_float32) {
			in1colspan = in1_minfo->dimstride[0];
			in1rowspan = in1_minfo->dimstride[1];
			in2colspan = in2_minfo->dimstride[0];
			in2rowspan = in2_minfo->dimstride[1];
			outcolspan = out1_minfo->dimstride[0];
			outrowspan = out1_minfo->dimstride[1];

			if(obj->normalize[0] == 0 && obj->normalize[1] == 0) {
				for(i=0; i < height; i++) {
					fip1 = (float *)(bip1 + i*in1rowspan);
					fip2 = (float *)(bip2 + i*in2rowspan);
					fop = (float *)(bop1 + i*outrowspan);

					//calculate crossproduct
					for(j=0; j < width; j++) {
						fop[3*j] = fip1[3*j+1]*fip2[3*j+2] - fip1[3*j+2]*fip2[3*j+1];
						fop[3*j+1] = fip1[3*j+2]*fip2[3*j] - fip1[3*j]*fip2[3*j+2];
						fop[3*j+2] = fip1[3*j]*fip2[3*j+1] - fip1[3*j+1]*fip2[3*j];
			else if(obj->normalize[0] == 1 && obj->normalize[1] == 0) {
				for(i=0; i < height; i++) {
					fip1 = (float *)(bip1 + i*in1rowspan);
					fip2 = (float *)(bip2 + i*in2rowspan);
					fop = (float *)(bop1 + i*outrowspan);

					//calculate crossproduct
					for(j=0; j < width; j++) {
						norm1 = jit_math_sqrt(fip1[3*j]*fip1[3*j] + fip1[3*j+1]*fip1[3*j+1] + fip1[3*j+2]*fip1[3*j+2]);

						if(norm1 != 0.0) {
							fop[3*j] = (fip1[3*j+1]*fip2[3*j+2] - fip1[3*j+2]*fip2[3*j+1])/norm1;
							fop[3*j+1] = (fip1[3*j+2]*fip2[3*j] - fip1[3*j]*fip2[3*j+2])/norm1;
							fop[3*j+2] = (fip1[3*j]*fip2[3*j+1] - fip1[3*j+1]*fip2[3*j])/norm1;
						else {
							fop[3*j] = 0.0;
							fop[3*j+1] = 0.0;
							fop[3*j+2] = 0.0;
			else if(obj->normalize[0] == 0 && obj->normalize[1] == 1) {
				for(i=0; i < height; i++) {
					fip1 = (float *)(bip1 + i*in1rowspan);
					fip2 = (float *)(bip2 + i*in2rowspan);
					fop = (float *)(bop1 + i*outrowspan);

					//calculate crossproduct
					for(j=0; j < width; j++) {
						norm2 = jit_math_sqrt(fip2[3*j]*fip2[3*j] + fip2[3*j+1]*fip2[3*j+1] + fip2[3*j+2]*fip2[3*j+2]);

						if(norm2 != 0.0) {
							fop[3*j] = (fip1[3*j+1]*fip2[3*j+2] - fip1[3*j+2]*fip2[3*j+1])/norm2;
							fop[3*j+1] = (fip1[3*j+2]*fip2[3*j] - fip1[3*j]*fip2[3*j+2])/norm2;
							fop[3*j+2] = (fip1[3*j]*fip2[3*j+1] - fip1[3*j+1]*fip2[3*j])/norm2;
						else {
							fop[3*j] = 0.0;
							fop[3*j+1] = 0.0;
							fop[3*j+2] = 0.0;
			else if(obj->normalize[0] == 1 && obj->normalize[1] == 1) {
				for(i=0; i < height; i++) {
					fip1 = (float *)(bip1 + i*in1rowspan);
					fip2 = (float *)(bip2 + i*in2rowspan);
					fop = (float *)(bop1 + i*outrowspan);

					//calculate crossproduct
					for(j=0; j < width; j++) {
						norm1 = jit_math_sqrt(fip1[3*j]*fip1[3*j] + fip1[3*j+1]*fip1[3*j+1] + fip1[3*j+2]*fip1[3*j+2]);
						norm2 = jit_math_sqrt(fip2[3*j]*fip2[3*j] + fip2[3*j+1]*fip2[3*j+1] + fip2[3*j+2]*fip2[3*j+2]);

						if(norm1*norm2 != 0.0) {
							fop[3*j] = (fip1[3*j+1]*fip2[3*j+2] - fip1[3*j+2]*fip2[3*j+1])/(norm1*norm2);
							fop[3*j+1] = (fip1[3*j+2]*fip2[3*j] - fip1[3*j]*fip2[3*j+2])/(norm1*norm2);
							fop[3*j+2] = (fip1[3*j]*fip2[3*j+1] - fip1[3*j+1]*fip2[3*j])/(norm1*norm2);
						else {
							fop[3*j] = 0.0;
							fop[3*j+1] = 0.0;
							fop[3*j+2] = 0.0;
		else if(in1_minfo->type==_jit_sym_float64) {
			in1colspan = in1_minfo->dimstride[0];
			in1rowspan = in1_minfo->dimstride[1];
			in2colspan = in2_minfo->dimstride[0];
			in2rowspan = in2_minfo->dimstride[1];
			outcolspan = out1_minfo->dimstride[0];
			outrowspan = out1_minfo->dimstride[1];

			if(obj->normalize[0] == 0 && obj->normalize[1] == 0) {
				for(i=0; i < height; i++) {
					dip1 = (double *)(bip1 + i*in1rowspan);
					dip2 = (double *)(bip2 + i*in2rowspan);
					dop = (double *)(bop1 + i*outrowspan);

					//calculate crossproduct
					for(j=0; j < width; j++) {
						dop[3*j] = dip1[3*j+1]*dip2[3*j+2] - dip1[3*j+2]*dip2[3*j+1];
						dop[3*j+1] = dip1[3*j+2]*dip2[3*j] - dip1[3*j]*dip2[3*j+2];
						dop[3*j+2] = dip1[3*j]*dip2[3*j+1] - dip1[3*j+1]*dip2[3*j];
			else if(obj->normalize[0] == 1 && obj->normalize[1] == 0) {
				for(i=0; i < height; i++) {
					dip1 = (double *)(bip1 + i*in1rowspan);
					dip2 = (double *)(bip2 + i*in2rowspan);
					dop = (double *)(bop1 + i*outrowspan);

					//calculate crossproduct
					for(j=0; j < width; j++) {
						dnorm1 = jit_math_sqrt(dip1[3*j]*dip1[3*j] + dip1[3*j+1]*dip1[3*j+1] + dip1[3*j+2]*dip1[3*j+2]);

						if(dnorm1 != 0.0) {
							dop[3*j] = (dip1[3*j+1]*dip2[3*j+2] - dip1[3*j+2]*dip2[3*j+1])/dnorm1;
							dop[3*j+1] = (dip1[3*j+2]*dip2[3*j] - dip1[3*j]*dip2[3*j+2])/dnorm1;
							dop[3*j+2] = (dip1[3*j]*dip2[3*j+1] - dip1[3*j+1]*dip2[3*j])/dnorm1;
						else {
							dop[3*j] = 0.0;
							dop[3*j+1] = 0.0;
							dop[3*j+2] = 0.0;
			else if(obj->normalize[0] == 0 && obj->normalize[1] == 1) {
				for(i=0; i < height; i++) {
					dip1 = (double *)(bip1 + i*in1rowspan);
					dip2 = (double *)(bip2 + i*in2rowspan);
					dop = (double *)(bop1 + i*outrowspan);

					//calculate crossproduct
					for(j=0; j < width; j++) {
						dnorm2 = jit_math_sqrt(dip2[3*j]*dip2[3*j] + dip2[3*j+1]*dip2[3*j+1] + dip2[3*j+2]*dip2[3*j+2]);

						if(dnorm2 != 0.0) {
							dop[3*j] = (dip1[3*j+1]*dip2[3*j+2] - dip1[3*j+2]*dip2[3*j+1])/dnorm2;
							dop[3*j+1] = (dip1[3*j+2]*dip2[3*j] - dip1[3*j]*dip2[3*j+2])/dnorm2;
							dop[3*j+2] = (dip1[3*j]*dip2[3*j+1] - dip1[3*j+1]*dip2[3*j])/dnorm2;
						else {
							dop[3*j] = 0.0;
							dop[3*j+1] = 0.0;
							dop[3*j+2] = 0.0;
			else if(obj->normalize[0] == 1 && obj->normalize[1] == 1) {
				for(i=0; i < height; i++) {
					dip1 = (double *)(bip1 + i*in1rowspan);
					dip2 = (double *)(bip2 + i*in2rowspan);
					dop = (double *)(bop1 + i*outrowspan);

					//calculate crossproduct
					for(j=0; j < width; j++) {
						dnorm1 = jit_math_sqrt(dip1[3*j]*dip1[3*j] + dip1[3*j+1]*dip1[3*j+1] + dip1[3*j+2]*dip1[3*j+2]);
						dnorm2 = jit_math_sqrt(dip2[3*j]*dip2[3*j] + dip2[3*j+1]*dip2[3*j+1] + dip2[3*j+2]*dip2[3*j+2]);

						if(dnorm1*dnorm2 != 0.0) {
							dop[3*j] = (dip1[3*j+1]*dip2[3*j+2] - dip1[3*j+2]*dip2[3*j+1])/(dnorm1*dnorm2);
							dop[3*j+1] = (dip1[3*j+2]*dip2[3*j] - dip1[3*j]*dip2[3*j+2])/(dnorm1*dnorm2);
							dop[3*j+2] = (dip1[3*j]*dip2[3*j+1] - dip1[3*j+1]*dip2[3*j])/(dnorm1*dnorm2);
						else {
							dop[3*j] = 0.0;
							dop[3*j+1] = 0.0;
							dop[3*j+2] = 0.0;