Beispiel #1
void project()
Beispiel #2
/*============================================================================ */
void makematrix()

const double EZI0 = Sys.EZI0;
const double *ReEZI2 = Sys.ReEZI2;
const double *ImEZI2 = Sys.ImEZI2;

const double I = Sys.I;
const double NZI0 = Sys.NZI0;
const double HFI0 = Sys.HFI0;
const double *ReHFI2 = Sys.ReHFI2;
const double *ImHFI2 = Sys.ImHFI2;

const double Ib = Sys.Ib;
const double NZI0b = Sys.NZI0b;
const double HFI0b = Sys.HFI0b;
const double *ReHFI2b = Sys.ReHFI2b;
const double *ImHFI2b = Sys.ImHFI2b;

/* Diffusion parameters */
/*--------------------------------------------- */
const double DirTilt = Sys.DirTilt;
const double *d2psi = Sys.d2psi;
const double Rxx = Diff.Rxx;
const double Ryy = Diff.Ryy;
const double Rzz = Diff.Rzz;

const double ExchangeFreq = Diff.Exchange;
const double *xlk = Diff.xlk;

/* Lband = (lptmx>=2) ? lptmx*2 : 2; */
const int Lband = 8;
/* Kband = kptmx*2; */
const int Kband = 8;
/*========================================================== */

/* Loop variables */
int L1, jK1, K1, M1, pS1, qS1, pI1, qI1, pI1b, qI1b;
int L2, jK2, K2, M2, pS2, qS2, pI2, qI2, pI2b, qI2b;
int Ld, Ls, jKd, Kd, Ks, KK;

/* Min and max values for loop variables */
int K1max, M1max, qS1max, qI1max, qI1bmax;
int L2max, jK2min, K2min, K2max, M2min, M2max;
int pS2min, qS2min, qS2max, pI2min, qI2min, qI2max, pI2bmin, qI2bmin, qI2bmax;

int iRow = 0, iCol = 0, iElement = 0;

bool Potential = Diff.maxL>=0;
bool ExchangePresent = (ExchangeFreq!=0);

double IsoDiffKdiag, IsoDiffKm2, IsoDiffKp2, PotDiff;
bool diagRC, Ld2, diagLK, diagS, diagI;
double N_L, N_K, NormFactor;
double R_EZI2, R_HFI2, R_HFI2b, a1, a1b, g1, a2, a2b, g2;
int parityLK2, L, pId, qId, pIbd, qIbd;
double Term1, Term2, X;
int pd;
bool includeRank0;
double LiouvilleElement, GammaElement, t;
double d2jjj;

const bool RhombicDiff = (Rxx!=Ryy);

if (Display) {
  mexPrintf("   Potential: %d   Exchange: %d\n",Potential, ExchangePresent);
  mexPrintf("   Lemax Lomax:   %d  %d  %d\n",Lemax,Lomax);
  mexPrintf("   jKmin Kmax Mmax:   %d  %d  %d\n",jKmin,Kmax,Mmax);
  mexPrintf("   pSmin; I Ib, pImax pIbmax:   %d;  %g  %g,  %d  %d\n",pSmin,I,Ib,pImax,pIbmax);
  mexPrintf("                NZI0a %0.3e    HFI0a %0.3e\n",NZI0,HFI0);
  mexPrintf("                NZI0b %0.3e    HFI0b %0.3e\n",NZI0b,HFI0b);
  mexPrintf("                ReHFI2a %0.3e   %0.3e   %0.3e   %0.3e   %0.3e\n",ReHFI2[0],ReHFI2[1],ReHFI2[2],ReHFI2[3],ReHFI2[4]);
  mexPrintf("                ReHFI2b %0.3e   %0.3e   %0.3e   %0.3e   %0.3e\n",ReHFI2b[0],ReHFI2b[1],ReHFI2b[2],ReHFI2b[3],ReHFI2b[4]);
  if (ImHFI2)
    mexPrintf("                ReHFI2a %0.3e   %0.3e   %0.3e   %0.3e   %0.3e\n",ImHFI2[0],ImHFI2[1],ImHFI2[2],ImHFI2[3],ImHFI2[4]);
  if (ImHFI2b)
    mexPrintf("                ReHFI2b %0.3e   %0.3e   %0.3e   %0.3e   %0.3e\n",ImHFI2b[0],ImHFI2b[1],ImHFI2b[2],ImHFI2b[3],ImHFI2b[4]);
  mexPrintf("   entering loops...\n");

/* All equation numbers refer to Meirovitch et al, J.Chem.Phys. 77 (1982) */

for (L1=0;L1<=Lemax;L1++) {
  if (isodd(L1) && (L1>Lomax)) continue;
  for (jK1=jKmin;jK1<=1;jK1+=2) {
    K1max = mini(Kmax,L1);
    for (K1=0;K1<=K1max;K1+=deltaK) {
      if ((K1==0)&&(parity(L1)!=jK1)) continue;

      /* Potential-independent part of diffusion operator */
      /*-------------------------------------------------------- */
      /* depends only on L and K and is diagonal in all except K */
      IsoDiffKdiag = (Rxx+Ryy)/2*(L1*(L1+1))+K1*K1*(Rzz-(Rxx+Ryy)/2);
      if (RhombicDiff) {
        KK = K1-2;
        IsoDiffKm2 = (Rxx-Ryy)/4*sqrt((L1-KK-1)*(L1-KK)*(L1+KK+1)*(L1+KK+2));
        KK = K1+2;
        IsoDiffKp2 = (Rxx-Ryy)/4*sqrt((L1+KK-1)*(L1+KK)*(L1-KK+1)*(L1-KK+2));
      else {
        IsoDiffKp2 = IsoDiffKm2 = 0;
      /*-------------------------------------------------------- */
      M1max = mini(Mmax,L1);
      for (M1=-M1max;M1<=M1max;M1++) {
        for (pS1=pSmin;pS1<=1;pS1++) {
          qS1max = 1 - abs(pS1);
          for (qS1=-qS1max;qS1<=qS1max;qS1+=2) {
            for (pI1 = -pImax;pI1<=pImax;pI1++) {
              qI1max = ((int)(2*I)) - abs(pI1);
              for (qI1=-qI1max;qI1<=qI1max;qI1+=2) {
                for (pI1b = -pIbmax;pI1b<=pIbmax;pI1b++) {
                  if ((MeirovitchSymm) && (DirTilt==0) && ((pI1+pI1b+pS1-M1)!=1)) continue;  /* Eq. (A47), see Misra (A13) */
                  qI1bmax = ((int)(2*Ib)) - abs(pI1b);
                  for (qI1b=-qI1bmax;qI1b<=qI1bmax;qI1b+=2) {
                    iCol = iRow;
                    diagRC = true;
                    L2max = mini(Lemax,L1+Lband);
                    for (L2=L1;L2<=L2max;L2++) {
                      if (isodd(L2)&&(L2>Lomax)) continue;
                      Ld = L1 - L2; Ls = L1 + L2;
                      Ld2 = abs(Ld)<=2;

                      /* N_L normalisation factor, see after Eq. (A11) */
                      N_L = sqrt((double)((2.0*L1+1.0)*(2.0*L2+1.0)));

                      jK2min  = (diagRC) ?  jK1 : jKmin;
                      for (jK2=jK2min;jK2<=1;jK2+=2) {
                        jKd = jK1 - jK2;
                        K2max = mini(Kmax,L2);
                        K2min = (diagRC) ? K1 : 0;
                        for (K2=K2min;K2<=K2max;K2+=deltaK) {
                          if ((K2==0)&&(parity(L2)!=jK2)) continue;
                          diagLK = (L1==L2) && (K1==K2);
                          Kd = K1 - K2;
                          Ks = K1 + K2;
                          parityLK2 = parity(L2+K2);
                          /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                          /* Pre-calculations for Liouville matrix elements, Eq. (A41)             */
                          /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                          /* R(mu=EZI,HFI;l=2), see Eq. (A42) and (A44)    */
                          /*---------------------------------------------- */
                          R_EZI2 = 0; R_HFI2 = 0; R_HFI2b = 0;
                          if (Ld2) {
                            g1 = 0; a1 = 0; a1b = 0;
                            if (abs(Kd)<=2) {
                              const double coeff = jjj(L1,2,L2,K1,-Kd,-K2);
                              /*mexPrintf("[wigner3j(%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d) %g]\n",L1,2,L2,K1,-Kd,-K2,coeff); */
                              if (jK1==jK2) {
                                g1  = coeff*ReEZI2[Kd+2];
                                a1  = coeff*ReHFI2[Kd+2];
                                a1b = coeff*ReHFI2b[Kd+2];
                              else {
                                if (ImEZI2) g1  = coeff*ImEZI2[Kd+2]*jK1;
                                if (ImHFI2) a1  = coeff*ImHFI2[Kd+2]*jK1;
                                if (ImHFI2b) a1b = coeff*ImHFI2b[Kd+2]*jK1;
                            g2 = 0; a2 = 0; a2b = 0;
                            if (abs(Ks)<=2) {
                              const double coeff = jjj(L1,2,L2,K1,-Ks,K2);
                              if (jK1==jK2) {
                                g2 = coeff*ReEZI2[Ks+2];
                                a2 = coeff*ReHFI2[Ks+2];
                                a2b = coeff*ReHFI2b[Ks+2];
                              else {
                                if (ImEZI2)  g2  = coeff*ImEZI2[Ks+2]*jK1;
                                if (ImHFI2)  a2  = coeff*ImHFI2[Ks+2]*jK1;
                                if (ImHFI2b) a2b = coeff*ImHFI2b[Ks+2]*jK1;
                            R_EZI2 = g1 + jK2*parityLK2*g2;
                            R_HFI2 = a1 + jK2*parityLK2*a2;
                            R_HFI2b = a1b + jK2*parityLK2*a2b;

                          /* N_K(K_1,K_2) normalization factor, Eq. (A43) */
                          N_K = 1.0;
                          if (K1==0) N_K /= sqrt(2.0);
                          if (K2==0) N_K /= sqrt(2.0);
                          /* Normalisation prefactor in Eq.(A40) and Eq.(A41) */
                          NormFactor = N_L*N_K*parity(M1+K1);
                          /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                          /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                          /* Potential-dependent term of diffusion operator, Eq. (A40)             */
                          /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                          PotDiff = 0;
                          if (Potential) {
                            if ((abs(Ld)<=Lband)&&(parity(Ks)==1)&&
                                (jKd==0)&&(abs(Kd)<=Kband)&&(abs(Ks)<=Kband)) {
                              for (L=0; L<=Lband; L+=2) {
                                Term1 = 0;
                                if (Kd>=-L) {
                                  X = xlk[(Kd+L)*(Diff.maxL+1) + L]; /* X^L_{K1-K2} */
                                  if (X!=0)
                                    Term1 = X * jjj(L1,L,L2,K1,-Kd,-K2);
                                Term2 = 0;
                                if (Ks<=L) {
                                  X = xlk[(Ks+L)*(Diff.maxL+1) + L]; /* X^L_{K1+K2} */
                                  if (X!=0)
                                    Term2 = parityLK2*jK2* X * jjj(L1,L,L2,K1,-Ks,K2);
                                if (Term1 || Term2)
                                  PotDiff += (Term1+Term2) * jjj(L1,L,L2,M1,0,-M1);
                              PotDiff *= NormFactor;
                              if (Display)
                                if (abs(PotDiff)>1e-10)
                                  mexPrintf(" pot (%d,%d;%d,%d): %e\n",L1,L2,K1,K2,PotDiff);
                          /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                          M2max = mini(Mmax,L2);
                          M2min = (diagRC) ? M1 : -M2max;
                          for (M2=M2min;M2<=M2max;M2++) {
                            int Md = M1 - M2;
                            bool diagLKM = diagLK && (jKd==0) && (Md==0);

                            /* Pre-compute 3j symbol in Eq. (A41) for l = 2 */
                            const double Liou3j = (Ld2) ? jjj(L1,2,L2,M1,-Md,-M2) : 0;
                            pS2min = (diagRC) ? pS1 : pSmin;
                            for (pS2=pS2min;pS2<=1;pS2++) {
                              int pSd = pS1 - pS2;
                              qS2max = 1 - abs(pS2);
                              qS2min = (diagRC) ? qS1 : -qS2max;
                              for (qS2=qS2min;qS2<=qS2max;qS2+=2) {
                                int qSd = qS1 - qS2;
                                diagS = (pS1==pS2) && (qS1==qS2);
                                pI2min = (diagRC) ? pI1 : -pImax;
                                for (pI2=pI2min;pI2<=pImax;pI2++) {
                                  pId = pI1 - pI2;
                                  qI2max = ((int)(2*I)) - abs(pI2);
                                  qI2min = (diagRC) ? qI1 : -qI2max;
                                  for (qI2=qI2min;qI2<=qI2max;qI2+=2) {
                                    qId = qI1 - qI2;
                                    pI2bmin = (diagRC) ? pI1b : -pIbmax;
                                    for (pI2b=pI2bmin;pI2b<=pIbmax;pI2b++) {
                                      if ((MeirovitchSymm) && (DirTilt==0) && ((pI2+pI2b+pS2-1)!=M2)) continue; /* Eq. (A47), see Misra (A13) */
                                      pIbd = pI1b - pI2b;
                                      qI2bmax = ((int)(2*Ib)) - abs(pI2b);
                                      qI2bmin = (diagRC) ? qI1b : -qI2bmax;
                                      for (qI2b=qI2bmin;qI2b<=qI2bmax;qI2b+=2) {
                                        qIbd = qI1b - qI2b;
                                        diagI = (pId==0) && (qId==0) && (pIbd==0) && (qIbd==0);
                                        pd = pSd + pId + pIbd; /* not sure here; Misra (A11a) */
                                        /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                                        /* Matrix element of Liouville operator (Hamiltonian superoperator)            */
                                        /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                                        /* For the rank-0 terms in (A41), the following simplifcations hold. */
                                        /* - L1==L2, K1==K2 and M1==M2, otherwise the 3j are zero */
                                        /* - The prefactor N_L*(-1)^(M1+K1) is canceled by the product of */
                                        /*   wigner3j(L,M;0,0;L,-M) within the sum and wigner3j(L,K;0,0;L,-K) from R. */
                                        /*    ( wigner3j(L,M;0,0;L,-M) = (-1)^(-M-L)/sqrt(2L+1)    */
                                        /* - The N_K factor is not needed because */
                                        /*   the l=0 ISTO components have not been transformed by */
                                        /*   the K-symmetrization. (following the formula, N_K is */
                                        /*   cancelled by R_0) */
                                        LiouvilleElement = 0;
                                        if (Ld2 && /* if |L1-L2| is not 2 or less, all 3j symbols in (A41) are zero */
                                           (abs(Md)<=2) && /* otherwise first 3j symbol in (A41) is zero */
                                           ((DirTilt!=0) || (pd==Md)) && /* no director tilt -> d2 is diagonal, i.e. d2(DirTilt)(pd,Md) zero unless pd==Md */
                                           (abs(pSd)<=1) && (abs(pId)<=1) && (abs(pIbd)<=1) && /* otherwise Clebsch-Gordans in (B7) and (B8) are zero */
                                           (abs(pSd)==abs(qSd)) && (abs(pId)==abs(qId)) && (abs(pIbd)==abs(qIbd))) {
                                          includeRank0 = diagLKM &&  /* l=0 in (A41) means L1=L2, M2-M1=0 and K2-K1=0 (3j symbols)*/
                                            (pd==0); /* ? (A41): for DirTilt=0, d2 is diagonal, and M2-M1=0 means that pd=0 */

                                          d2jjj = d2psi[(pd+2)+(Md+2)*5]*Liou3j; /* for l=2, see (A41) */
                                          /* Electronic Zeeman interaction */
                                          /*----------------------------------------- */
                                          if (diagI) { /* diagonal in nuclear subspace, i.e. pId==0 and qId==0 for all nuclei */
                                            /* Rank-2 term, Eq. (B7) and (B8) */
                                            double C2, S_g;
                                            if (pSd==0) { /* since pId==0, pSd and pSd+pId are equal */
                                              C2 = +sqrt23; /* (112|000) */
                                              S_g = pS1;
                                            else {
                                              C2 = +sqrt12;  /* (112|-10-1), (112|101) */
                                              S_g = -qSd/sqrt(2.0);
                                            LiouvilleElement += NormFactor*d2jjj*R_EZI2*(C2*S_g);
                                            /* Rank-0 term */
                                            if (includeRank0) {
                                              const double C0 = -sqrt13; /* (110|000) */
                                              LiouvilleElement += EZI0*(C0*pS1);
                                          /* Hyperfine interaction, nucleus 1 */
                                          /*----------------------------------------- */
                                          if ((I>0) && (pSd*pId==qSd*qId) && (pIbd==0) && (qIbd==0)) {
                                            /* Compute Clebsch-Gordan coeffs and S_A from Eq. (B7) */
                                            double C0, C2, S_A;
                                            C0 = 0; C2 = 0; S_A = 0;
                                            if (pId==0) {
                                              if (pSd==0) {
                                                S_A = (pS1*qI1+pI1*qS1)/2.0;
                                                C0 = -sqrt13; /* (110|000) */
                                                C2 = +sqrt23; /* (112|000) */
                                              else {
                                                S_A = -(pI1*pSd+qI1*qSd)/sqrt(8.0);
                                                C0 = 0; /* no rank 0 term */
                                                C2 = +sqrt12; /* (112|101), (112|-10-1) */
                                            else {
                                              int t = qI1*qId + pI1*pId;
                                              double KI = sqrt(I*(I+1.0)-t*(t-2.0)/4.0);
                                              if (pSd==0) {
                                                S_A = -(pS1*pId+qS1*qId)*KI/sqrt(8.0);
                                                C0 = 0; /* no rank 0 term */
                                                C2 = +sqrt12; /* (112|011), (112|0-1-1) */
                                              else {
                                                S_A = pSd*qId*KI/2.0;
                                                C0 = +sqrt13; /* (110|1-10), (110|-110) */
                                                if (pSd+pId==0)
                                                  C2 = +sqrt(1.0/6.0); /* (112|1-10), (112|-110) */
                                                  C2 = +1.0; /* (112|112), (112|-1-1-2) */
                                            /* Rank-2 term, Eq. (A41) */
                                            LiouvilleElement += NormFactor*d2jjj*R_HFI2 * (C2*S_A); /* Eq. (A41) and (B7)*/
                                            /* Rank-0 term */
                                            if (includeRank0)
                                              LiouvilleElement += HFI0*(C0*S_A);

                                          /* Hyperfine interaction, nucleus b */
                                          /*----------------------------------------- */
                                          if ((Ib>0) && (pSd*pIbd==qSd*qIbd) && (pId==0) && (qId==0)) {
                                            /* Compute Clebsch-Gordan coeffs and S_A from Eq. (B7) */
                                            double C0, C2, S_A;
                                            C0 = 0; C2 = 0; S_A = 0;
                                            if (pIbd==0) {
                                              if (pSd==0) {
                                                S_A = (pS1*qI1b+pI1b*qS1)/2.0;
                                                C0 = -sqrt13; /* (110|000) */
                                                C2 = +sqrt23; /* (112|000) */
                                              else {
                                                S_A = -(pI1b*pSd+qI1b*qSd)/sqrt(8.0);
                                                C0 = 0; /* no rank 0 term */
                                                C2 = +sqrt12; /* (112|101), (112|-10-1) */
                                            else {
                                              int t = qI1b*qIbd + pI1b*pIbd;
                                              double KIb = sqrt(Ib*(Ib+1.0)-t*(t-2.0)/4.0);
                                              if (pSd==0) {
                                                S_A = -(pS1*pIbd+qS1*qIbd)*KIb/sqrt(8.0);
                                                C0 = 0; /* no rank 0 term */
                                                C2 = +sqrt12; /* (112|011), (112|0-1-1) */
                                              else {
                                                S_A = pSd*qIbd*KIb/2.0;
                                                C0 = +sqrt13; /* (110|1-10), (110|-110) */
                                                if (pSd+pIbd==0)
                                                  C2 = +sqrt(1.0/6.0); /* (112|1-10), (112|-110) */
                                                  C2 = +1.0; /* (112|112), (112|-1-1-2) */
                                            /* Rank-2 term, Eq. (A41) */
                                            LiouvilleElement += NormFactor*d2jjj*R_HFI2b * (C2*S_A); /* Eq. (A41) and (B7)*/
                                            /* Rank-0 term */
                                            if (includeRank0)
                                              LiouvilleElement += HFI0b*(C0*S_A);
                                          /* Nuclear Zeeman interaction */
                                          /*----------------------------------------- */
                                          /* has only a rank-0 component */
                                          if (diagS && diagI && includeRank0) {
                                            const double C0 = -sqrt13; /* (110|000) */
                                            LiouvilleElement += NZI0*C0*pI1;
                                            LiouvilleElement += NZI0b*C0*pI1b;
                                        /*------------------------------------------- */
                                        /*------------------------------------------------------ */
                                        /* Matrix element of diffusion superoperator             */
                                        /*------------------------------------------------------ */
                                        GammaElement = 0;
                                        if (diagS && diagI) { /* all potential terms are diagonal in the spin space */
                                          /* Potential-independent terms, Eq. (A15) */
                                          if ((Ld==0) && (Md==0) && (jKd==0)) {
                                            if (Kd==0) GammaElement += IsoDiffKdiag;
                                            else if (Kd==+2) GammaElement += IsoDiffKm2/N_K;
                                            else if (Kd==-2) GammaElement += IsoDiffKp2/N_K;
                                          /* Potential-dependent terms, Eq. (A40) */
                                          if (Potential) {
                                            if ((Md==0) && (jKd==0))
                                              GammaElement += PotDiff;
                                        /* Exchange term */
                                        if (ExchangePresent) {
                                          if ((pSd==0) && (pId==0) && (pIbd==0) && diagLKM) {
                                            t = 0;
                                            if ((qId==0) && (qIbd==0) && (qSd==0)) t += 1.0;
                                            if ((qId==0) && (qIbd==0) && (pS1==0)) t -= 0.5;
                                            if ((pI1==0) && (pI1b==0) && (qSd==0)) t -= 1.0/(2.0*I+1)/(2.0*Ib+1);
                                            GammaElement += t*ExchangeFreq;
                                        /*------------------------------------------- */

                                        /*------------------------------------------- */
                                        /* Store element values and indices           */
                                        /*------------------------------------------- */
                                        if ((GammaElement!=0) || (LiouvilleElement!=0)) {
                                          MatrixRe[iElement] = GammaElement;
                                          MatrixIm[iElement] = -LiouvilleElement;
                                          ridx[iElement] = iRow;
                                          cidx[iElement] = iCol;
                                          if (!diagRC) {
                                            MatrixRe[iElement] = GammaElement;
                                            MatrixIm[iElement] = -LiouvilleElement;
                                            ridx[iElement] = iCol;
                                            cidx[iElement] = iRow;
                                          if (iElement>=maxElements)
                                            mexErrMsgTxt("Number of non-zero elements too large. Increase Opt.Allocation(1).");
                                        /*------------------------------------------- */
                                        diagRC = false;
                                        if (iCol>=maxRows)
                                          mexErrMsgTxt("Dimension too large. Increase Opt.Allocation(2).");

                                      } /* qI2b */
                                    } /* pI2b */
                                  } /* qI2 */
                                } /* pI2 */ 
                              } /* qS2 */
                            } /* pS2 */
                          } /* M2 */
                        } /* K2 */
                      } /* jK2 */
                    } /* L2 */ /* all column index loops */

                    if (iRow>=maxRows)
                      mexErrMsgTxt("Dimension too large. Increase Opt.Allocation(2).");
				          } /* qI1b */
				        } /* pI1b */
              } /* qI1 */
            } /* pI1 */
          } /* qS1 */
        } /* pS1 */
      } /* M1 */
    } /* K1 */
  } /* jK1 */
} /* L1; all row index loops */

nRows = iRow;
nElements = iElement;
if (Display)
  mexPrintf("       %d elements, %d rows;\n",nElements,nRows);