// TODO: are we supposed to support the 'metadata' flag? (false => fdatasync.)
static void harmony_io_fflush(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jint fd,
        jboolean metadata) {
    int rc = fsync(fd);
    if (rc == -1) {
        jniThrowIOException(env, errno);
static jint harmony_io_close(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jint fd) {
    jint rc = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(close(fd));
    if (rc == -1) {
        jniThrowIOException(env, errno);
    return rc;
static void
socket_bind_local (JNIEnv *env, jobject object, jobject fileDescriptor,
                jstring name, jint namespaceId)
    int ret;
    int fd;

    if (name == NULL) {
        jniThrowNullPointerException(env, NULL);

    fd = jniGetFDFromFileDescriptor(env, fileDescriptor);

    if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {

    ScopedUtfChars nameUtf8(env, name);

    ret = socket_local_server_bind(fd, nameUtf8.c_str(), namespaceId);

    if (ret < 0) {
        jniThrowIOException(env, errno);
static jlong harmony_io_seek(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jint fd, jlong offset,
        jint javaWhence) {
    /* Convert whence argument */
    int nativeWhence = 0;
    switch (javaWhence) {
    case 1:
        nativeWhence = SEEK_SET;
    case 2:
        nativeWhence = SEEK_CUR;
    case 4:
        nativeWhence = SEEK_END;
        return -1;

    // If the offset is relative, lseek(2) will tell us whether it's too large.
    // We're just worried about too large an absolute offset, which would cause
    // us to lie to lseek(2).
    if (offsetTooLarge(env, offset)) {
        return -1;

    jlong result = lseek(fd, offset, nativeWhence);
    if (result == -1) {
        jniThrowIOException(env, errno);
    return result;
static jint socket_read (JNIEnv *env, jobject object, jobject fileDescriptor)
    int fd;
    int err;

    if (fileDescriptor == NULL) {
        jniThrowNullPointerException(env, NULL);
        return (jint)-1;

    fd = jniGetFDFromFileDescriptor(env, fileDescriptor);

    if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
        return (jint)0;

    unsigned char buf;

    err = socket_read_all(env, object, fd, &buf, 1);

    if (err < 0) {
        jniThrowIOException(env, errno);
        return (jint)0;

    if (err == 0) {
        // end of file
        return (jint)-1;

    return (jint)buf;
/* private native void connectLocal(FileDescriptor fd,
 * String name, int namespace) throws IOException
static void
socket_connect_local(JNIEnv *env, jobject object,
                        jobject fileDescriptor, jstring name, jint namespaceId)
    int ret;
    int fd;

    fd = jniGetFDFromFileDescriptor(env, fileDescriptor);

    if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {

    ScopedUtfChars nameUtf8(env, name);

    ret = socket_local_client_connect(

    if (ret < 0) {
        jniThrowIOException(env, errno);
static jint socket_pending (JNIEnv *env, jobject object,
        jobject fileDescriptor)
    int fd;

    fd = jniGetFDFromFileDescriptor(env, fileDescriptor);

    if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
        return (jint)-1;

    int pending;
    int ret = ioctl(fd, TIOCOUTQ, &pending);

    // If this were a non-socket fd, there would be other cases to worry
    // about...

    //ALOGD("socket_pending, ioctl ret:%d, pending:%d", ret, pending);
    if (ret < 0) {
        jniThrowIOException(env, errno);
        return (jint) 0;

    return (jint)pending;
static jint
socket_getOption(JNIEnv *env, jobject object, jobject fileDescriptor, int optID)
    int ret, value;
    int opt, level;
    int fd;

    socklen_t size = sizeof(int);

    if (!java_opt_to_real(optID, &opt, &level)) {
        jniThrowIOException(env, -1);
        return 0;

    fd = jniGetFDFromFileDescriptor(env, fileDescriptor);

    if (env->ExceptionOccurred() != NULL) {
        return 0;

    switch (opt)
        case SO_LINGER:
            struct linger lingr;
            size = sizeof(lingr);
            ret = getsockopt(fd, level, opt, &lingr, &size);
            if (!lingr.l_onoff) {
                value = -1;
            } else {
                value = lingr.l_linger;
            ret = getsockopt(fd, level, opt, &value, &size);

    if (ret != 0) {
        jniThrowIOException(env, errno);
        return 0;

    return value;
//TODO change this to return an instance of LocalSocketAddress
static jobject socket_getSockName(JNIEnv *env,
        jobject object, jobject fileDescriptor)
    int err;
    int fd;

    if (fileDescriptor == NULL) {
        jniThrowNullPointerException(env, NULL);
        return NULL;

    fd = jniGetFDFromFileDescriptor(env, fileDescriptor);

    if (env->ExceptionOccurred() != NULL) {
        return NULL;

    union {
        struct sockaddr address;
        struct sockaddr_un un_address;
    } sa;

    memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(sa));

    socklen_t namelen = sizeof(sa);
    err = getsockname(fd, &(sa.address), &namelen);

    if (err < 0) {
        jniThrowIOException(env, errno);
        return NULL;

    if (sa.address.sa_family != AF_UNIX) {
        // We think we're an impl only for AF_UNIX, so this should never happen.

        jniThrowIOException(env, EINVAL);
        return NULL;

    if (sa.un_address.sun_path[0] == '\0') {
    } else {

static jlong harmony_io_writeDirect(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jint fd,
        jint buf, jint offset, jint nbytes) {
    jbyte* src = reinterpret_cast<jbyte*>(buf + offset);
    jlong rc = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(write(fd, src, nbytes));
    if (rc == -1) {
        jniThrowIOException(env, errno);
    return rc;
Beispiel #11
static void initSocketFromFdNative(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jint fd) {
    ALOGV("%s", __FUNCTION__);

    struct asocket *s = asocket_init(fd);

    if (!s) {
        ALOGV("asocket_init() failed, throwing");
        jniThrowIOException(env, errno);

    env->SetIntField(obj, field_mSocketData, (jint)s);

    jniThrowIOException(env, ENOSYS);
static jint Console_setEchoImpl(JNIEnv* env, jclass, jboolean on, jint previousState) {
    termios state;
    if (TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(tcgetattr(STDIN_FILENO, &state)) == -1) {
        jniThrowIOException(env, errno);
        return 0;
    if (on) {
        state.c_lflag = previousState;
    } else {
        previousState = state.c_lflag;
        state.c_lflag &= ~(ECHO | ECHOE | ECHOK | ECHONL);
    if (TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSAFLUSH, &state)) == -1) {
        jniThrowIOException(env, errno);
        return 0;
    return previousState;
Beispiel #13
static jint readNative(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jbyteArray jb, jint offset,
        jint length) {
    ALOGV("%s", __FUNCTION__);

    int ret;
    jbyte *b;
    int sz;
    struct asocket *s = get_socketData(env, obj);

    if (!s)
        return -1;
    if (jb == NULL) {
        jniThrowIOException(env, EINVAL);
        return -1;
    sz = env->GetArrayLength(jb);
    if (offset < 0 || length < 0 || offset + length > sz) {
        jniThrowIOException(env, EINVAL);
        return -1;

    b = env->GetByteArrayElements(jb, NULL);
    if (b == NULL) {
        jniThrowIOException(env, EINVAL);
        return -1;

    ret = asocket_read(s, &b[offset], length, -1);
    if (ret < 0) {
        jniThrowIOException(env, errno);
        env->ReleaseByteArrayElements(jb, b, JNI_ABORT);
        return -1;

    env->ReleaseByteArrayElements(jb, b, 0);
    return (jint)ret;

    jniThrowIOException(env, ENOSYS);
    return -1;
static jint harmony_io_truncate(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jint fd, jlong length) {
    if (offsetTooLarge(env, length)) {
        return -1;

    int rc = ftruncate(fd, length);
    if (rc == -1) {
        jniThrowIOException(env, errno);
    return rc;
static void android_os_Power_reboot(JNIEnv *env, jobject clazz, jstring reason)
    if (reason == NULL) {
        android_reboot(ANDROID_RB_RESTART, 0, 0);
    } else {
        const char *chars = env->GetStringUTFChars(reason, NULL);
        android_reboot(ANDROID_RB_RESTART2, 0, (char *) chars);
        env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(reason, chars);  // In case it fails.
    jniThrowIOException(env, errno);
//JNI Method Called to respond to PDU 0x16
static jboolean sendValueTextRspNative(JNIEnv *env, jobject object, jint num_attr,
                                       jbyteArray attr, jint length , jobjectArray textArray ) {
    btrc_player_setting_text_t *pAttrs = NULL;
    bt_status_t status;
    int i;
    jstring text ;
    const char* textStr;
    jbyte *arr ;

    if (!sBluetoothAvrcpInterface) return JNI_FALSE;
    if (num_attr > BTRC_MAX_ELEM_ATTR_SIZE) {
        ALOGE("sendValueTextRspNative: number of attributes exceed maximum");
        return JNI_FALSE;
    pAttrs = new btrc_player_setting_text_t[num_attr];
    if (!pAttrs) {
        ALOGE("sendValueTextRspNative: not have enough memeory");
        return JNI_FALSE;
    arr = env->GetByteArrayElements(attr, NULL);
    if (!arr) {
        delete[] pAttrs;
        jniThrowIOException(env, EINVAL);
        return JNI_FALSE;
    for (i = 0; i < num_attr ; ++i) {
        text = (jstring) env->GetObjectArrayElement(textArray, i);
        textStr = env->GetStringUTFChars(text, NULL);
        if (!textStr) {
            ALOGE("sendValueTextRspNative: GetStringUTFChars return NULL");
        pAttrs[i].id = arr[i];
        if (strlen(textStr) >= BTRC_MAX_ATTR_STR_LEN) {
        ALOGE("sendValueTextRspNative: string length exceed maximum");
        strncpy((char *)pAttrs[i].text, textStr, BTRC_MAX_ATTR_STR_LEN-1);
        pAttrs[i].text[BTRC_MAX_ATTR_STR_LEN-1] = 0;
        } else {
            strcpy((char *)pAttrs[i].text, textStr);
        env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(text, textStr);
    //Call Stack Method to Respond to PDU 0x16
    if ((status = sBluetoothAvrcpInterface->get_player_app_value_text_rsp(num_attr, pAttrs))
                                                                       != BT_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
        ALOGE("Failed get_player_app_value_text_rsp, status: %d", status);
    delete[] pAttrs;
    env->ReleaseByteArrayElements(attr, arr, 0);
    return (status == BT_STATUS_SUCCESS) ? JNI_TRUE : JNI_FALSE;
Beispiel #17
static jint availableNative(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj) {
    ALOGV("%s", __FUNCTION__);

    int available;
    struct asocket *s = get_socketData(env, obj);

    if (!s)
        return -1;

    if (ioctl(s->fd, FIONREAD, &available) < 0) {
        jniThrowIOException(env, errno);
        return -1;

    return available;

    jniThrowIOException(env, ENOSYS);
    return -1;
Beispiel #18
static void setAmpPolicyNative(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jint amppol) {

    struct asocket *s = get_socketData(env, obj);

    if (!s)

    int err;
    err = setsockopt(s->fd, SOL_BLUETOOTH, BT_AMP_POLICY, &amppol, sizeof(amppol));
    if (err) {
        ALOGV("setsockopt() failed, throwing");
        jniThrowIOException(env, errno);

    jniThrowIOException(env, ENOSYS);
 * In class com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit:
 * private static native int getpgid(int pid)
static jint com_android_internal_os_ZygoteInit_getpgid(
    JNIEnv* env, jobject clazz, jint pid)
    pid_t ret;
    ret = getpgid(pid);

    if (ret < 0) {
        jniThrowIOException(env, errno);

    return ret;
 * Reads data from a socket into buf, processing any ancillary data
 * and adding it to thisJ.
 * Returns the length of normal data read, or -1 if an exception has
 * been thrown in this function.
static ssize_t socket_read_all(JNIEnv *env, jobject thisJ, int fd,
        void *buffer, size_t len)
    ssize_t ret;
    ssize_t bytesread = 0;
    struct msghdr msg;
    struct iovec iv;
    unsigned char *buf = (unsigned char *)buffer;
    // Enough buffer for a pile of fd's. We throw an exception if
    // this buffer is too small.
    struct cmsghdr cmsgbuf[2*sizeof(cmsghdr) + 0x100];

    memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(msg));
    memset(&iv, 0, sizeof(iv));

    iv.iov_base = buf;
    iv.iov_len = len;

    msg.msg_iov = &iv;
    msg.msg_iovlen = 1;
    msg.msg_control = cmsgbuf;
    msg.msg_controllen = sizeof(cmsgbuf);

    do {
        ret = recvmsg(fd, &msg, MSG_NOSIGNAL);
    } while (ret < 0 && errno == EINTR);

    if (ret < 0 && errno == EPIPE) {
        // Treat this as an end of stream
        return 0;

    if (ret < 0) {
        jniThrowIOException(env, errno);
        return -1;

    if ((msg.msg_flags & (MSG_CTRUNC | MSG_OOB | MSG_ERRQUEUE)) != 0) {
        // To us, any of the above flags are a fatal error

        jniThrowException(env, "java/io/IOException",
                "Unexpected error or truncation during recvmsg()");

        return -1;

    if (ret >= 0) {
        socket_process_cmsg(env, thisJ, &msg);

    return ret;
Beispiel #21
extern "C" jstring Java_java_io_File_realpath(JNIEnv* env, jclass, jstring javaPath) {
    ScopedUtfChars path(env, javaPath);
    if (path.c_str() == NULL) {
        return NULL;

    std::string result;
    if (!realpath(path.c_str(), result)) {
        jniThrowIOException(env, errno);
        return NULL;
    return env->NewStringUTF(result.c_str());
static jlong harmony_io_writev(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jint fd,
        jintArray jBuffers, jintArray jOffsets, jintArray jLengths, jint size) {
    iovec* vectors = initIoVec(env, jBuffers, jOffsets, jLengths, size);
    if (vectors == NULL) {
        return -1;
    long result = writev(fd, vectors, size);
    if (result == -1) {
        jniThrowIOException(env, errno);
    delete[] vectors;
    return result;
static jint android_util_MemoryIntArray_size(JNIEnv* env, jobject clazz, jint fd) {
    if (fd < 0) {
        jniThrowException(env, "java/io/IOException", "bad file descriptor");
        return -1;

    int ashmemSize = ashmem_get_size_region(fd);
    if (ashmemSize < 0) {
        // Some other error, throw exception
        jniThrowIOException(env, errno);
        return -1;
    return ashmemSize / sizeof(std::atomic_int);
 * private native FileDescriptor
 * create_native(boolean stream)
 *               throws IOException;
static jobject
socket_create (JNIEnv *env, jobject object, jboolean stream)
    int ret;

    ret = socket(PF_LOCAL, stream ? SOCK_STREAM : SOCK_DGRAM, 0);

    if (ret < 0) {
        jniThrowIOException(env, errno);
        return NULL;

    return jniCreateFileDescriptor(env,ret);
Beispiel #25
static jstring File_realpath(JNIEnv* env, jclass, jstring javaPath) {
    ScopedUtfChars path(env, javaPath);
    if (path.c_str() == NULL) {
        return NULL;

    extern bool realpath(const char* path, std::string& resolved);
    std::string result;
    if (!realpath(path.c_str(), result)) {
        jniThrowIOException(env, errno);
        return NULL;
    return env->NewStringUTF(result.c_str());
Beispiel #26
static void abortNative(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj) {
    ALOGV("%s", __FUNCTION__);
    struct asocket *s = get_socketData(env, obj);

    if (!s)


    ALOGV("...asocket_abort(%d) complete", s->fd);
    jniThrowIOException(env, ENOSYS);
static int getConnectionStateNative(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj, jbyteArray address) {
    if (!sBluetoothInterface) return JNI_FALSE;

    jbyte *addr = env->GetByteArrayElements(address, NULL);
    if (addr == NULL) {
        jniThrowIOException(env, EINVAL);
        return JNI_FALSE;

    int ret = sBluetoothInterface->get_connection_state((bt_bdaddr_t *)addr);
    env->ReleaseByteArrayElements(address, addr, 0);

    return ret;
static jboolean java_io_File_createNewFileImpl(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jbyteArray pathBytes) {
    ScopedByteArray path(env, pathBytes);
    // On Android, we don't want default permissions to allow global access.
    ScopedFd fd(open(&path[0], O_CREAT | O_EXCL, 0600));
    if (fd.get() != -1) {
        // We created a new file. Success!
        return JNI_TRUE;
    if (errno == EEXIST) {
        // The file already exists.
        return JNI_FALSE;
    jniThrowIOException(env, errno);
    return JNI_FALSE; // Ignored by Java; keeps the C++ compiler happy.
static jlong harmony_io_readDirect(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jint fd,
        jint buf, jint offset, jint nbytes) {
    if (nbytes == 0) {
        return 0;

    jbyte* dst = reinterpret_cast<jbyte*>(buf + offset);
    jlong rc = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(read(fd, dst, nbytes));
    if (rc == 0) {
        return -1;
    if (rc == -1) {
        jniThrowIOException(env, errno);
    return rc;
static void destroyNative(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj) {
    struct asocket *s = get_socketData(env, obj);
    int fd = s->fd;

    if (!s)


    LOGV("...asocket_destroy(%d) complete", fd);
    jniThrowIOException(env, ENOSYS);