Beispiel #1
 * Runs the user operator control code. This function will be started in its own task with the
 * default priority and stack size whenever the robot is enabled via the Field Management System
 * or the VEX Competition Switch in the operator control mode. If the robot is disabled or
 * communications is lost, the operator control task will be stopped by the kernel. Re-enabling
 * the robot will restart the task, not resume it from where it left off.
 * If no VEX Competition Switch or Field Management system is plugged in, the VEX Cortex will
 * run the operator control task. Be warned that this will also occur if the VEX Cortex is
 * tethered directly to a computer via the USB A to A cable without any VEX Joystick attached.
 * Code running in this task can take almost any action, as the VEX Joystick is available and
 * the scheduler is operational. However, proper use of delay() or taskDelayUntil() is highly
 * recommended to give other tasks (including system tasks such as updating LCDs) time to run.
 * This task should never exit; it should end with some kind of infinite loop, even if empty.
void operatorControl() {

	while (1) {
		//Joystick Axis
		int C1LX = joystickGetAnalog(1, 4);
		int C1LY = joystickGetAnalog(1, 3);
		int C1RX = joystickGetAnalog(1, 1);
		int C1RY = joystickGetAnalog(1, 2);
		//Joytick button
		bool isConveyorRunning = joystickGetDigital(1, 8, JOY_DOWN);
		bool isFlyWheelRunning = joystickGetDigital(1, 7, JOY_DOWN);
	//Update motors
		motorSet(frontLeft,C1LY + C1RX);
		motorSet(frontRight,C1LY - C1RX);
		motorSet(backLeft,C1LY + C1RX);
		motorSet(backRight,C1LY - C1RX);
		motorSet(middleH, C1LX);
		if (isConveyorRunning){
			motorSet(conveyor, 127);
		if (isFlyWheelRunning){
			motorSet(leftTop, 127);
			motorSet(rightTop, 127);
			motorSet(leftBottom, -127);
			motorSet(rightBottom, -127);
Beispiel #2
void pincers(){
	if (joystickGetDigital(1, 5, JOY_UP)){// close claw
		//if ((analogRead(pince_pot_left) + analogRead(pince_pot_right))/2 < 4096){
			// we want to change speeds at a certain angle
			// that angle is 224
			// if less than 224 degrees, then go full speed
			motorSet(pincer_right, -127);
			motorSet(pincer_left, -127);
	//	}
	//	else{
			// otherwise go at a lower speed
			// will help with motor stalling when trying to hold stars and cubes

		//	motorSet(pincer_right, -50);
		//	motorSet(pincer_left, -50);
		else if (joystickGetDigital(1, 5, JOY_DOWN)){// open claw
					motorSet(pincer_right, 127);
					motorSet(pincer_left, 127);
	else {
		motorSet(pincer_right, 0);
		motorSet(pincer_left, 0);
Beispiel #3
void UC_intake() {
	if (joystickGetDigital(1, 6, JOY_UP)) {
		motorSet(Intake, 127);
	} else if (joystickGetDigital(1, 6, JOY_DOWN)) {
		motorSet(Intake, -127);
	} else {
		motorSet(Intake, 0);
Beispiel #4
int OIGetIntake2Out()
	if(numJoysticks == 2)
		return joystickGetDigital(1, 5, JOY_UP) ||
				joystickGetDigital(2, 7, JOY_UP);
		return joystickGetDigital(1, 7, JOY_UP);
Beispiel #5
int OIGetIntake1Out()
	if(numJoysticks == 2)
		return joystickGetDigital(1, 6, JOY_UP)
				|| joystickGetDigital(2, 8, JOY_UP);
		return joystickGetDigital(1, 8, JOY_UP);
Beispiel #6
int OIGetIntake2In()
	if(numJoysticks == 2)
		return joystickGetDigital(1, 5, JOY_DOWN) ||
				joystickGetDigital(2, 7, JOY_DOWN);
		return joystickGetDigital(1, 7, JOY_DOWN);
Beispiel #7
int OIGetIntake1In()
	if(numJoysticks == 2)
		return joystickGetDigital(1, 6, JOY_DOWN) ||
				joystickGetDigital(2, 8, JOY_DOWN);
		return joystickGetDigital(1, 8, JOY_DOWN);

Beispiel #8
void operatorControl() {
	/*TaskHandle kfWriter = taskRunLoop(writeKFValues, 20);

	/*forward(100, 500);
	forward(0, 500);
	forward(-100, 500);
	forward(0, 1000);


	bool running = false;
	TaskHandle kfWriter = NULL;
	while(1) {
		if (abs(joystickGetAnalog(1, 2) > 10)) {
			//forward(joystickGetAnalog(1, 2), 20);
			motorSet(frontLeft, -127);
			motorSet(middleLeft, -127 * 0.7143);
			motorSet(backLeft, 127);
			motorSet(frontRight, 127);
			motorSet(middleRight, 127 * 0.7143);
			motorSet(backRight, -127);
		} else {
			//forward(0, 20);

		if (joystickGetDigital(1, 8, JOY_DOWN)) {
			if (!running) {
				kfWriter = taskRunLoop(writeKFValues, 20);
				running = true;

		if (joystickGetDigital(1, 7, JOY_DOWN)) {
			if (running) {
				running = false;
Beispiel #9
void operatorControl() {

	while (true)


		int shouldshoot = 0;

		while (joystickGetDigital(1, 7, JOY_LEFT)){
			shouldshoot = 1;

		//start the shoot loop
		if (shouldshoot){
			shootgo = 1;
			bot = shoot;

		int shouldlift = 0;

		while (joystickGetDigital(2, 8, JOY_LEFT)){
			shouldlift = 1;

		if (shouldlift){
			if (bot == lift){
				bot = control;
			} else {
				bot = lift;

		if (bot == control){
			if (joystickGetDigital(1, 8, JOY_LEFT)){

			if (joystickGetDigital(1, 8, JOY_RIGHT)){

Beispiel #10
 void operatorControl() {
 	while (true){
 		ch3 = joystickAxes(3);
 		ch1 = joystickAxes(1);
 		drive(ch3, ch1);
 		// lift code
 		// pincer code
      motorSet(left_lift_Motor1, -127);
      motorSet(left_lift_Motor1, 0);
      motorSet(left_lift_Motor2, 127);
      motorSet(left_lift_Motor2, 0);
      motorSet(right_lift_Motor3, -127);
      motorSet(right_lift_Motor3, 0);
      motorSet(right_lift_Motor4, 127);
      motorSet(right_lift_Motor4, 0);
 * Runs the user operator control code. This function will be started in its own task with the
 * default priority and stack size whenever the robot is enabled via the Field Management System
 * or the VEX Competition Switch in the operator control mode. If the robot is disabled or
 * communications is lost, the operator control task will be stopped by the kernel. Re-enabling
 * the robot will restart the task, not resume it from where it left off.
 * If no VEX Competition Switch or Field Management system is plugged in, the VEX Cortex will
 * run the operator control task. Be warned that this will also occur if the VEX Cortex is
 * tethered directly to a computer via the USB A to A cable without any VEX Joystick attached.
 * Code running in this task can take almost any action, as the VEX Joystick is available and
 * the scheduler is operational. However, proper use of delay() or taskDelayUntil() is highly
 * recommended to give other tasks (including system tasks such as updating LCDs) time to run.
 * This task should never exit; it should end with some kind of infinite loop, even if empty.
void operatorControl() {
	int leftPower,rightPower;
	while (1) {
		if (isJoystickConnected(CONTROLLER)){
			leftPower = joystickGetAnalog(CONTROLLER,3);
			rightPower = joystickGetAnalog(CONTROLLER,2);


Beispiel #12
void calibrate(){

	if (bot == calib){
		wind(joystickGetAnalog(1, 3));

		if (joystickGetDigital(1, 7, JOY_RIGHT)){

	int oldval = leftdraw;

	//raise the left shooting value
	while (joystickGetDigital(1, 7, JOY_UP)){
		leftdraw = oldval - 5;

	//lower left shooting value
	while (joystickGetDigital(1, 7, JOY_DOWN)){
		leftdraw = oldval + 5;

	oldval = rightdraw;

	//raise right shooting value
	while (joystickGetDigital(1, 8, JOY_UP)){
		rightdraw = oldval + 5;

	//lower left shooting value
	while (joystickGetDigital(1, 8, JOY_DOWN)){
		rightdraw = oldval - 5;

	char buf[16];
	sprintf(buf, "R: %d L: %d", rightdraw, leftdraw);
	lcdSetText(uart1, 2, buf);

Beispiel #13
 * Runs the user operator control code. This function will be started in its own task with the
 * default priority and stack size whenever the robot is enabled via the Field Management System
 * or the VEX Competition Switch in the operator control mode. If the robot is disabled or
 * communications is lost, the operator control task will be stopped by the kernel. Re-enabling
 * the robot will restart the task, not resume it from where it left off.
 * If no VEX Competition Switch or Field Management system is plugged in, the VEX Cortex will
 * run the operator control task. Be warned that this will also occur if the VEX Cortex is
 * tethered directly to a computer via the USB A to A cable without any VEX Joystick attached.
 * Code running in this task can take almost any action, as the VEX Joystick is available and
 * the scheduler is operational. However, proper use of delay() or taskDelayUntil() is highly
 * recommended to give other tasks (including system tasks such as updating LCDs) time to run.
 * This task should never exit; it should end with some kind of infinite loop, even if empty.
void operatorControl() {

	while (1) {
		if(joystickGetDigital(1, 6, JOY_UP))
			motorSet(1, 127);
		else if(joystickGetDigital(1, 6, JOY_DOWN))
			motorSet(1, -127);
			motorSet(1, 0);

Beispiel #14
void lift(){
	if (joystickGetDigital(1, 6, JOY_UP)){// lift goes up
//		if(analogRead(lift_pot > 4000)){// if the lift is vertical
//			motorSet(pincer_right, 127);// open the pincers
//			motorSet(pincer_left, -127);
//			motorSet(left_lift_Motor1, 0);// stop the lift
//			motorSet(left_lift_Motor2, 0);
//			motorSet(right_lift_Motor3, 0);
//			motorSet(right_lift_Motor4, 0);
//		}

		motorSet(left_lift_Motor1, -127);//  lift goes up
		motorSet(left_lift_Motor2, 127);
		motorSet(right_lift_Motor3, -127);
		motorSet(right_lift_Motor4, 127);

	else if (joystickGetDigital(1, 6, JOY_DOWN)){
		motorSet(left_lift_Motor1, 127);
		motorSet(left_lift_Motor2, -127);
		motorSet(right_lift_Motor3, 127);
		motorSet(right_lift_Motor4, -127);
	else if (joystickGetDigital(1, 8, JOY_RIGHT)){
		motorSet(left_lift_Motor1, 50);
		motorSet(left_lift_Motor2, -50);
		motorSet(right_lift_Motor3, 50);
		motorSet(right_lift_Motor4, -50);
		motorSet(left_lift_Motor1, 0);
		motorSet(left_lift_Motor2, 0);
		motorSet(right_lift_Motor3, 0);
		motorSet(right_lift_Motor4, 0);

Beispiel #15
void UC_drive() {
	if (joystickGetDigital(1, 8, JOY_LEFT)) {
		morpheus = 1;
	} else if (joystickGetDigital(1, 8, JOY_LEFT)) {
		morpheus = 0;

	// Pneumatics
	digitalWrite(RightMorpheus, morpheus);
	digitalWrite(LeftMorpheus, morpheus);

	// Basic movement
	int channel1 = cubicMap(joystickGetAnalog(1, 1));
	int channel3 = cubicMap(joystickGetAnalog(1, 3));
	int channel4 = cubicMap(joystickGetAnalog(1, 4));
	if (morpheus == 0) {
		//motor(LeftFrontMotor1) = motor(LeftBackMotor1) = motor(LeftBackMotor2) = channel3 + TURN_SPEED * channel1;
		//motor(RightFrontMotor1) = motor(RightBackMotor1) = motor(RightBackMotor2) = channel3 - TURN_SPEED * channel1;
		// tank drive
		float morpheus1 = channel3 + TURN_SPEED * channel1;
		motorSet(LeftFrontMotor1, morpheus1);
		motorSet(LeftBackMotor1, morpheus1);
		motorSet(LeftBackMotor2, morpheus1);

		float morpheus2 = channel3 - TURN_SPEED * channel1;
		motorSet(RightFrontMotor1, morpheus2);
		motorSet(RightBackMotor1, morpheus2);
		motorSet(RightBackMotor2, morpheus2);

	} else {
		// x-drive
		motorSet(LeftFrontMotor1, channel3 + channel4 + channel1);
		motorSet(RightFrontMotor1, channel3 - channel4 - channel1);
		motorSet(LeftBackMotor1, channel3 - channel4 + channel1);
		motorSet(LeftBackMotor2, channel3 - channel4 + channel1);
		motorSet(RightBackMotor1, channel3 + channel4 - channel1);
		motorSet(RightBackMotor2, channel3 + channel4 - channel1);
Beispiel #16
void UC_arm(int safe) {
	//if (safe) {
	if (joystickGetDigital(1, 5, JOY_UP)
			&& joystickGetDigital(1, 5, JOY_DOWN)) {
	} else if (joystickGetDigital(1, 5, JOY_UP)) {  	 // bring the arm up
	} else if (joystickGetDigital(1, 5, JOY_DOWN)) {	 // bring the arm down
	} else {								// don't do anything to the arm
	/*} else {
	 if (vexRT[Btn5U] == 1 && vexRT[Btn5D] == 1) {
	 } else if (vexRT[Btn5U] == 1) {  	 // bring the arm up
	 } else if (vexRT[Btn5D] == 1) {	 // bring the arm down
	 } else {						// don't do anything to the arm
Beispiel #17
//If it is a button a 1 is returned for true and 0 for false
//otherwise a value between -127 and 127 is returned for the particular axis
int readJoystick(JoyInput button) {
	unsigned char joy = 1;
	if (button.onPartnerJoystick) {
		joy = 2;
	if ( == 1 || == 2 || == 3
			|| == 4) {
		return joystickGetAnalog(joy,;
	} else {
		if (joystickGetDigital(joy,, button.btn)) {
			return 1;
		} else {
			return 0;
Beispiel #18
void hang() {

	// engage the winch
	digitalWrite(winchPiston, 1);

	// give it a chance to engage

	int leftTicks = analogRead(potLiftLeft);
	int rightTicks = analogRead(potLiftRight);

	int changesArrayLength = STALL_TIME/HANG_DT;
	int changes[changesArrayLength]; // -1 indicates no data
	fillArray(changes, changesArrayLength, -1);

	int stallTicks = 0;

	while (true) {
		if (joystickGetDigital(1, 8, JOY_DOWN)) {

		int newLeftTicks = analogRead(potLiftLeft);
		int newRightTicks = analogRead(potLiftRight);

		if (newLeftTicks < HANG_HEIGHT && newRightTicks < HANG_HEIGHT) {
			// we're at the right height, stop

		if ((stallTicks * HANG_DT) > STALL_DELAY) {
			// do stall detection
			int change = abs(leftTicks - newLeftTicks) + abs(rightTicks - newRightTicks);
			pushArrayValue(changes, changesArrayLength, change);

			int totalChanges = sumStallChanges(changes, changesArrayLength);

			// if changes has data (>= 0) and it's stalled, stop motors
			if (totalChanges >= 0 && totalChanges < STALL_THRESHOLD) {
				// stalled, wait 3 seconds
				// clear changes
				fillArray(changes, changesArrayLength, -1);


		leftTicks = newLeftTicks;
		rightTicks = newRightTicks;




Beispiel #19
int OIBallStopperUp()
	return joystickGetDigital(1, 8, JOY_UP);
Beispiel #20
int OIShooterUp()
	return joystickGetDigital(numJoysticks, 6, JOY_UP);
Beispiel #21
int OIShooterOff()
	return joystickGetDigital(numJoysticks, 5, JOY_DOWN);
Beispiel #22
int OIFenderShoot()
	return joystickGetDigital(2, 7, JOY_RIGHT);
Beispiel #23
int OIShooterDown()
	return joystickGetDigital(numJoysticks, 5, JOY_UP);
Beispiel #24
int OIHalfCourtShoot()
	return joystickGetDigital(2, 7, JOY_LEFT);
Beispiel #25
int OIBallStopperDown()
	return joystickGetDigital(1, 8, JOY_DOWN);
Beispiel #26
int OIReduceDrive()
	return joystickGetDigital(1,6,JOY_DOWN);
Beispiel #27
void operatorControl() {

	while (1) {
		 * ================= Primary Remote =================

		ch1 = joystickGetAnalog( 1 , 1 ); // Horizontal Left Analog Stick
		ch2 = joystickGetAnalog( 1 , 2 ); // Vertical Left Analog Stick
		ch3 = joystickGetAnalog( 1 , 3 ); // Horizontal Right Analog Stick
		ch4 = joystickGetAnalog( 1 , 4 ); // Vertical Right Analog Stick

		ch5u = joystickGetDigital( 1 , 5 , JOY_UP );  // Left Top Bumper
		ch5d = joystickGetDigital( 1 , 5 , JOY_DOWN );  // Left Bottom Bumper

		ch6u = joystickGetDigital( 1 , 6 , JOY_UP );  // Right Top Bumper
		ch6d = joystickGetDigital( 1 , 6 , JOY_DOWN );  // Right Bottom Bumper

		ch7u = joystickGetDigital( 1 , 7 , JOY_UP );  // Left Keypad Top Button
		ch7d = joystickGetDigital( 1 , 7 , JOY_DOWN );  // Left Keypad Bottom Button
		ch7l = joystickGetDigital( 1 , 7 , JOY_LEFT );  // Left Keypad Left Button
		ch7r = joystickGetDigital( 1 , 7 , JOY_RIGHT );  // Left Keypad Right Button

		ch8u = joystickGetDigital( 1 , 8 , JOY_UP );  // Right Keypad Top Button
		ch8d = joystickGetDigital( 1 , 8 , JOY_DOWN );  // Right Keypad Bottom Button
		ch8l = joystickGetDigital( 1 , 8 , JOY_LEFT );  // Right Keypad Left Button
		ch8r = joystickGetDigital( 1 , 8 , JOY_RIGHT );  // Right Keypad Right Button

		 * ================= Secondary Remote =================

		sch1 = joystickGetAnalog( 2 , 1 );  // Horizontal Left Analog Stick
		sch2 = joystickGetAnalog( 2 , 2 );  // Vertical Left Analog Stick
		sch3 = joystickGetAnalog( 2 , 3 );  // Horizontal Right Analog Stick
		sch4 = joystickGetAnalog( 2 , 4 );  // Vertical Right Analog Stick

		sch5u = joystickGetDigital( 2 , 5 , JOY_UP ); // Left Top Bumper
		sch5d = joystickGetDigital( 2 , 5 , JOY_DOWN ); // Left Bottom Bumper

		sch6u = joystickGetDigital( 2 , 6 , JOY_UP ); // Right Top Bumper
		sch6d = joystickGetDigital( 2 , 6 , JOY_DOWN ); // Right Bottom Bumper

		sch7u = joystickGetDigital( 2 , 7 , JOY_UP ); // Left Keypad Top Button
		sch7d = joystickGetDigital( 2 , 7 , JOY_DOWN ); // Left Keypad Bottom Button
		sch7l = joystickGetDigital( 2 , 7 , JOY_LEFT ); // Left Keypad Left Button
		sch7r = joystickGetDigital( 2 , 7 , JOY_RIGHT ); // Left Keypad Right Button

		sch8u = joystickGetDigital( 2 , 8 , JOY_UP ); // Right Keypad Top Button
		sch8d = joystickGetDigital( 2 , 8 , JOY_DOWN ); // Right Keypad Bottom Button
		sch8l = joystickGetDigital( 2 , 8 , JOY_LEFT ); // Right Keypad Left Button
		sch8r = joystickGetDigital( 2 , 8 , JOY_RIGHT ); // Right Keypad Right Button

		 *	Location ~ Movement

		RobotBase = baseSetQuad(RobotBase, ch4, ch3, ch5u, false, ch6u, false, 80);
Beispiel #28
void operatorControl() {


	unsigned long prevWakeupTime = millis();

	// PID controller variable
	struct pid_dat arm_pid;
	initPID(&arm_pid, 2, 0.5, 0.02);

	while (1) {

		/* Stores which joysticks are connected
		 * 0 - None
		 * 1 - Only Joystick 1
		 * 2 - Only Joystick 2
		 * 3 - Both Josticks 1 and 2
		int joystickStatus = 0;
		if (isJoystickConnected(1))
			joystickStatus |= 1;
		if (isJoystickConnected(2))
			joystickStatus |= 2;

		// Local Variables
		int moveX = 0, moveY = 0, rotate = 0, arm = 0, liftSpeed = 0;
		int L, R, C;
		bool liftUp = 0, liftDw = 0, supUp = 0, supDw = 0, liftCenter = 0, liftLower = 0;

		// Subteam Definition
		int team1 = digitalRead(1);

		// Get Joystick Values based on Status
		if (joystickStatus == 3) {
			// Driving
			moveX = joystickGetAnalog(1, JOY_LX); // Movement
			moveY = joystickGetAnalog(1, JOY_LY); // Movement
			rotate = joystickGetAnalog(1, JOY_RX); // Rotate
			arm = joystickGetAnalog(2, JOY_RY);

			// Support
			supUp = joystickGetDigital(1, JOY_LBUM, JOY_DOWN);
			supDw = joystickGetDigital(1, JOY_LBUM, JOY_UP);

			// Both joysticks connected, reference as 1 or 2
			liftUp = joystickGetDigital(1, JOY_RBUM, JOY_DOWN);
			liftDw = joystickGetDigital(1, JOY_RBUM, JOY_UP);

			liftCenter = joystickGetDigital(2, JOY_RBUM, JOY_UP);
			liftLower = joystickGetDigital(2, JOY_RBUM, JOY_DOWN);
		} else {
			// Driving
			moveX = joystickGetAnalog(joystickStatus, JOY_LX); // Movement
			moveY = joystickGetAnalog(joystickStatus, JOY_LY); // Movement
			rotate = joystickGetAnalog(joystickStatus, JOY_RX); // Rotate

			// Support
			supUp = joystickGetDigital(joystickStatus, JOY_LBUM, JOY_DOWN);
			supDw = joystickGetDigital(joystickStatus, JOY_LBUM, JOY_UP);

			// Lift
			liftUp = joystickGetDigital(joystickStatus, JOY_RBUM, JOY_DOWN);
			liftDw = joystickGetDigital(joystickStatus, JOY_RBUM, JOY_UP);

		// Driving
		L = CAP(moveY + rotate, RANGE_MAX);
		R = CAP(moveY - rotate, RANGE_MAX);
		C = CAP(moveX, RANGE_MAX);
		motorSet(MC_WHEEL_L, team1 == ON ? L : L*2/3);
		motorSet(MC_WHEEL_R, team1 == ON ? -R : -R*2/3);
		motorSet(MC_WHEEL_M, team1 == ON ? -C : -C*2/3);

		// Support
		if (supDw)
			motorSet(MC_SUPPORT, team1 == ON ? -32 : 32);
		else if (supUp)
			motorSet(MC_SUPPORT, team1 == ON ? 32 : -32);
			motorSet(MC_SUPPORT, 0);

		if (team1 == ON) {
			double loc = ((MAP_INPUT(arm) + 1.0) / 2.0) * 0.9 - 0.8;
			if(liftCenter) {
				loc = -0.35;
			} else if(liftLower) {
				loc = -0.45;
			liftSpeed = -MAP_OUTPUT(computePID(loc, MAP_POT(analogRead(1)), &arm_pid ));
		if (liftUp)
			liftSpeed = LIFTSPEED;
		else if (liftDw)
			liftSpeed = -LIFTSPEED;

		if(team1 != ON) {
			liftSpeed = -liftSpeed;

		// Lift
		motorSet(MC_LIFT_BL, liftSpeed);
		motorSet(MC_LIFT_ML, liftSpeed);
		motorSet(MC_LIFT_TL, liftSpeed);
		motorSet(MC_LIFT_BR, -liftSpeed);
		motorSet(MC_LIFT_MR, -liftSpeed);
		motorSet(MC_LIFT_TR, -liftSpeed);

		// Motors can only be updated once every 20ms, therefore updating at twice the rate for better response time
		taskDelayUntil(&prevWakeupTime, 10);

Beispiel #29
void legs(){
	if (bot == lift){

		if (joystickGetDigital(2, 7, JOY_UP)){
			drinv = 1;

		if (joystickGetDigital(2, 7, JOY_DOWN)){
			drinv = -1;

		if (joystickGetDigital(2, 7, JOY_LEFT)){
			oneleg_hold = 1;
			otherleg_hold = 1;

		if (joystickGetDigital(2, 7, JOY_RIGHT)){
			oneleg_hold = 0;
			otherleg_hold = 0;

		int lflgo = joystickGetDigital(2, 5, JOY_UP);
		int lrlgo = joystickGetDigital(2, 5, JOY_DOWN);
		int rflgo = joystickGetDigital(2, 6, JOY_UP);
		int rrlgo = joystickGetDigital(2, 6, JOY_DOWN);

		if (oneleg_hold){
			if (lflgo){
				motorSet(left_front_leg, drinv * left_front_leg_speed);
			} else if (joystickGetDigital(2, 8, JOY_UP)){
				oneleg_hold = 0;
			} else {
				motorSet(left_front_leg, lflhold);
		} else {
			if (joystickGetDigital(2, 8, JOY_UP)){
				motorSet(left_front_leg, -left_front_leg_speed);
			} else if (lflgo){
				motorSet(left_front_leg, drinv * left_front_leg_speed);
			} else {
				motorSet(left_front_leg, 0);

		if (lrlgo){
			motorSet(left_rear_leg, drinv * left_rear_leg_speed);
		} else {
			if (otherleg_hold){
				motorSet(left_rear_leg, lrlhold);
			} else {
				motorSet(left_rear_leg, 0);

		if (rflgo){
			motorSet(right_front_leg, drinv * right_front_leg_speed);
		} else {
			if (otherleg_hold){
				motorSet(right_front_leg, rflhold);
			} else {
				motorSet(right_front_leg, 0);

		if (rrlgo){
			motorSet(right_rear_leg, drinv * right_rear_leg_speed);
		} else if (joystickGetDigital(2, 8, JOY_RIGHT)){
			motorSet(right_rear_leg, -right_rear_leg_speed);
		} else {
			if (otherleg_hold){
				motorSet(right_rear_leg, rrlhold);
			} else {
				motorSet(right_rear_leg, 0);

	} else {
Beispiel #30
void operatorControl()

	//encoder1= encoderInit (2,3,false);
	while (1)

			//int pot = analogRead (8);
			//printf("%d\r\n", pot);

			int encodeCount = encoderGet(encoder1);
			printf("%d\r\n", encodeCount);

			if (digitalRead(1) == LOW) // jumper 1 in = autonomous
					autonomous ();

	// declare joystick inputs/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
			int channel2 = joystickGetAnalog(1, 2); // (joystick 1, channel 2)
			int channel3 = joystickGetAnalog(1, 3); // (joystick 1, channel 4)

	// drive functions////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
			motorSet (motor1, channel2); // right drive back
			motorSet (motor2, channel2); // right drive front
			motorSet (motor10, channel3); // left drive abck
			motorSet (motor9, channel3); // left drive front

	// arm function/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

const int INPUT_RIGHT_TRIGGER = 6;
const int INPUT_LEFT_TRIGGER = 5;
const int  ARM_POWER = 127;
const int  INTAKE_POWER = 127;
			int rightTriggerUp = joystickGetDigital(1,INPUT_RIGHT_TRIGGER,JOY_UP);
			int rightTriggerDown = joystickGetDigital(1,INPUT_RIGHT_TRIGGER,JOY_DOWN);

			int leftTriggerUp = joystickGetDigital(1,INPUT_LEFT_TRIGGER,JOY_UP);
			int leftTriggerDown = joystickGetDigital(1,INPUT_LEFT_TRIGGER,JOY_DOWN);
				motorSet (motor4, ARM_POWER) ;// arm right up
				motorSet (motor3, ARM_POWER) ;// arm right down
				motorSet (motor8, ARM_POWER) ;// arm left down
				motorSet (motor7, ARM_POWER) ;// arm left up
								motorSet (motor4, 1) ;// arm right up
								motorSet (motor3, 1) ;// arm right down
								motorSet (motor8, 1) ;// arm left down
								motorSet (motor7, 1) ;// arm left up
							motorSet (motor4, -ARM_POWER) ;// arm right up
							motorSet (motor3,-ARM_POWER) ;// arm right down
							motorSet (motor8, -ARM_POWER) ;// arm left down
							motorSet (motor7, -ARM_POWER) ;// arm left up

										motorSet (motor6, - INTAKE_POWER) ;// arm right up
										motorSet (motor5,-INTAKE_POWER) ;// arm right down
			else if(leftTriggerUp)
				motorSet (motor6,  INTAKE_POWER) ;// arm right up
				motorSet (motor5, INTAKE_POWER) ;// arm right down
				motorSet (motor6,  0) ;// arm right up
				motorSet (motor5, 0) ;// arm right down

#define motor5 5 // = right intake
#define motor6 6 // = left intake

	}// operator close bracket
}// end of armbot