Beispiel #1
static void Ap_unshift(js_State *J)
	unsigned int i, top = js_gettop(J);
	unsigned int k, len;

	len = js_getlength(J, 0);

	for (k = len; k > 0; --k) {
		int from = k - 1;
		int to = k + top - 2;
		if (js_hasindex(J, 0, from))
			js_setindex(J, 0, to);
			js_delindex(J, 0, to);

	for (i = 1; i < top; ++i) {
		js_copy(J, i);
		js_setindex(J, 0, i - 1);

	js_setlength(J, 0, len + top - 1);

	js_pushnumber(J, len + top - 1);
Beispiel #2
static void Ap_sort(js_State *J)
	unsigned int len, i, k;
	int hasx, hasy, hasfn;

	len = js_getlength(J, 0);

	hasfn = js_iscallable(J, 1);

	for (i = 1; i < len; ++i) {
		k = i;
		while (k > 0 && compare(J, k - 1, k, &hasx, &hasy, hasfn) > 0) {
			if (hasx && hasy) {
				js_setindex(J, 0, k - 1);
				js_setindex(J, 0, k);
			} else if (hasx) {
				js_delindex(J, 0, k - 1);
				js_setindex(J, 0, k);
			} else if (hasy) {
				js_setindex(J, 0, k - 1);
				js_delindex(J, 0, k);

	js_copy(J, 0);
Beispiel #3
static void Ap_reverse(js_State *J)
	unsigned int len, middle, lower;

	len = js_getlength(J, 0);
	middle = len / 2;
	lower = 0;

	while (lower != middle) {
		unsigned int upper = len - lower - 1;
		int haslower = js_hasindex(J, 0, lower);
		int hasupper = js_hasindex(J, 0, upper);
		if (haslower && hasupper) {
			js_setindex(J, 0, lower);
			js_setindex(J, 0, upper);
		} else if (hasupper) {
			js_setindex(J, 0, lower);
			js_delindex(J, 0, upper);
		} else if (haslower) {
			js_setindex(J, 0, upper);
			js_delindex(J, 0, lower);

	js_copy(J, 0);
Beispiel #4
static void Ap_filter(js_State *J)
	int hasthis = js_gettop(J) >= 3;
	int k, to, len;

	if (!js_iscallable(J, 1))
		js_typeerror(J, "callback is not a function");

	to = 0;

	len = js_getlength(J, 0);
	for (k = 0; k < len; ++k) {
		if (js_hasindex(J, 0, k)) {
			js_copy(J, 1);
			if (hasthis)
				js_copy(J, 2);
			js_copy(J, -3);
			js_pushnumber(J, k);
			js_copy(J, 0);
			js_call(J, 3);
			if (js_toboolean(J, -1)) {
				js_pop(J, 1);
				js_setindex(J, -2, to++);
			} else {
				js_pop(J, 2);
Beispiel #5
static void Ap_forEach(js_State *J)
	int hasthis = js_gettop(J) >= 3;
	int k, len;

	if (!js_iscallable(J, 1))
		js_typeerror(J, "callback is not a function");

	len = js_getlength(J, 0);
	for (k = 0; k < len; ++k) {
		if (js_hasindex(J, 0, k)) {
			js_copy(J, 1);
			if (hasthis)
				js_copy(J, 2);
			js_copy(J, -3);
			js_pushnumber(J, k);
			js_copy(J, 0);
			js_call(J, 3);
			js_pop(J, 2);

Beispiel #6
static void Ap_sort(js_State *J)
	struct sortslot *array = NULL;
	int i, n, len;

	len = js_getlength(J, 0);
	if (len <= 0) {
		js_copy(J, 0);

	if (len >= INT_MAX / (int)sizeof(*array))
		js_rangeerror(J, "array is too large to sort");

	array = js_malloc(J, len * sizeof *array);

	/* Holding objects where the GC cannot see them is illegal, but if we
	 * don't allow the GC to run we can use qsort() on a temporary array of
	 * js_Values for fast sorting.

	if (js_try(J)) {
		js_free(J, array);

	n = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
		if (js_hasindex(J, 0, i)) {
			array[n].v = *js_tovalue(J, -1);
			array[n].J = J;
			js_pop(J, 1);

	qsort(array, n, sizeof *array, sortcmp);

	for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
		js_pushvalue(J, array[i].v);
		js_setindex(J, 0, i);
	for (i = n; i < len; ++i) {
		js_delindex(J, 0, i);


	js_free(J, array);

	js_copy(J, 0);
Beispiel #7
static void Ap_join(js_State *J)
	char * volatile out = NULL;
	const char *sep;
	const char *r;
	unsigned int seplen;
	unsigned int k, n, len;

	len = js_getlength(J, 0);

	if (js_isdefined(J, 1)) {
		sep = js_tostring(J, 1);
		seplen = strlen(sep);
	} else {
		sep = ",";
		seplen = 1;

	if (len == 0) {
		js_pushliteral(J, "");

	if (js_try(J)) {
		js_free(J, out);

	n = 1;
	for (k = 0; k < len; ++k) {
		js_getindex(J, 0, k);
		if (js_isundefined(J, -1) || js_isnull(J, -1))
			r = "";
			r = js_tostring(J, -1);
		n += strlen(r);

		if (k == 0) {
			out = js_malloc(J, n);
			strcpy(out, r);
		} else {
			n += seplen;
			out = realloc(out, n);
			strcat(out, sep);
			strcat(out, r);

		js_pop(J, 1);

	js_pushstring(J, out);
	js_free(J, out);
Beispiel #8
static void Ap_splice(js_State *J)
	unsigned int top = js_gettop(J);
	unsigned int len, start, del, add, k;
	double f;


	len = js_getlength(J, 0);

	f = js_tointeger(J, 1);
	if (f < 0) f = f + len;
	start = f < 0 ? 0 : f > len ? len : f;

	f = js_tointeger(J, 2);
	del = f < 0 ? 0 : f > len - start ? len - start : f;

	/* copy deleted items to return array */
	for (k = 0; k < del; ++k)
		if (js_hasindex(J, 0, start + k))
			js_setindex(J, -2, k);
	js_setlength(J, -1, del);

	/* shift the tail to resize the hole left by deleted items */
	add = top - 3;
	if (add < del) {
		for (k = start; k < len - del; ++k) {
			if (js_hasindex(J, 0, k + del))
				js_setindex(J, 0, k + add);
				js_delindex(J, 0, k + add);
		for (k = len; k > len - del + add; --k)
			js_delindex(J, 0, k - 1);
	} else if (add > del) {
		for (k = len - del; k > start; --k) {
			if (js_hasindex(J, 0, k + del - 1))
				js_setindex(J, 0, k + add - 1);
				js_delindex(J, 0, k + add - 1);

	/* copy new items into the hole */
	for (k = 0; k < add; ++k) {
		js_copy(J, 3 + k);
		js_setindex(J, 0, start + k);

	js_setlength(J, 0, len - del + add);
Beispiel #9
static void Ap_pop(js_State *J)
	unsigned int n;

	n = js_getlength(J, 0);

	if (n > 0) {
		js_getindex(J, 0, n - 1);
		js_delindex(J, 0, n - 1);
		js_setlength(J, 0, n - 1);
	} else {
		js_setlength(J, 0, 0);
Beispiel #10
static void Ap_push(js_State *J)
	unsigned int i, top = js_gettop(J);
	unsigned int n;

	n = js_getlength(J, 0);

	for (i = 1; i < top; ++i, ++n) {
		js_copy(J, i);
		js_setindex(J, 0, n);

	js_setlength(J, 0, n);

	js_pushnumber(J, n);
Beispiel #11
static void Fp_apply(js_State *J)
	int i, n;

	if (!js_iscallable(J, 0))
		js_typeerror(J, "not a function");

	js_copy(J, 0);
	js_copy(J, 1);

	n = js_getlength(J, 2);
	for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
		js_getindex(J, 2, i);

	js_call(J, n);
Beispiel #12
static void Ap_concat(js_State *J)
	unsigned int i, top = js_gettop(J);
	unsigned int n, k, len;

	n = 0;

	for (i = 0; i < top; ++i) {
		js_copy(J, i);
		if (js_isarray(J, -1)) {
			len = js_getlength(J, -1);
			for (k = 0; k < len; ++k)
				if (js_hasindex(J, -1, k))
					js_setindex(J, -3, n++);
			js_pop(J, 1);
		} else {
			js_setindex(J, -2, n++);
Beispiel #13
static void constructbound(js_State *J)
	unsigned int top = js_gettop(J);
	unsigned int i, fun, args, n;

	fun = js_gettop(J);
	js_getproperty(J, fun, "__TargetFunction__");

	args = js_gettop(J);
	js_getproperty(J, fun, "__BoundArguments__");
	n = js_getlength(J, args);
	for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
		js_getindex(J, args, i);
	js_remove(J, args);

	for (i = 1; i < top; ++i)
		js_copy(J, i);

	js_construct(J, n + top - 1);
Beispiel #14
static void Ap_slice(js_State *J)
	unsigned int len, s, e, n;
	double sv, ev;


	len = js_getlength(J, 0);
	sv = js_tointeger(J, 1);
	ev = js_isdefined(J, 2) ? js_tointeger(J, 2) : len;

	if (sv < 0) sv = sv + len;
	if (ev < 0) ev = ev + len;

	s = sv < 0 ? 0 : sv > len ? len : sv;
	e = ev < 0 ? 0 : ev > len ? len : ev;

	for (n = 0; s < e; ++s, ++n)
		if (js_hasindex(J, 0, s))
			js_setindex(J, -2, n);
Beispiel #15
static void Ap_reduceRight(js_State *J)
	int hasinitial = js_gettop(J) >= 3;
	int k, len;

	if (!js_iscallable(J, 1))
		js_typeerror(J, "callback is not a function");

	len = js_getlength(J, 0);
	k = len - 1;

	if (len == 0 && !hasinitial)
		js_typeerror(J, "no initial value");

	/* initial value of accumulator */
	if (hasinitial)
		js_copy(J, 2);
	else {
		while (k >= 0)
			if (js_hasindex(J, 0, k--))
		if (k < 0)
			js_typeerror(J, "no initial value");

	while (k >= 0) {
		if (js_hasindex(J, 0, k)) {
			js_copy(J, 1);
			js_rot(J, 4); /* accumulator on top */
			js_rot(J, 4); /* property on top */
			js_pushnumber(J, k);
			js_copy(J, 0);
			js_call(J, 4); /* calculate new accumulator */

	/* return accumulator */
Beispiel #16
static void Ap_lastIndexOf(js_State *J)
	int k, len, from;

	len = js_getlength(J, 0);
	from = js_isdefined(J, 2) ? js_tointeger(J, 2) : len - 1;
	if (from > len - 1) from = len - 1;
	if (from < 0) from = len + from;

	js_copy(J, 1);
	for (k = from; k >= 0; --k) {
		if (js_hasindex(J, 0, k)) {
			if (js_strictequal(J)) {
				js_pushnumber(J, k);
			js_pop(J, 1);

	js_pushnumber(J, -1);
Beispiel #17
static void Fp_bind(js_State *J)
	unsigned int i, top = js_gettop(J);
	unsigned int n;

	if (!js_iscallable(J, 0))
		js_typeerror(J, "not a function");

	n = js_getlength(J, 0);
	if (n > top - 2)
		n -= top - 2;
		n = 0;

	js_newcconstructor(J, callbound, constructbound, "[bind]", n);

	/* Reuse target function's prototype for HasInstance check. */
	js_getproperty(J, 0, "prototype");
	js_defproperty(J, -2, "prototype", JS_READONLY | JS_DONTENUM | JS_DONTCONF);

	/* target function */
	js_copy(J, 0);
	js_defproperty(J, -2, "__TargetFunction__", JS_READONLY | JS_DONTENUM | JS_DONTCONF);

	/* bound this */
	js_copy(J, 1);
	js_defproperty(J, -2, "__BoundThis__", JS_READONLY | JS_DONTENUM | JS_DONTCONF);

	/* bound arguments */
	for (i = 2; i < top; ++i) {
		js_copy(J, i);
		js_setindex(J, -2, i - 2);
	js_defproperty(J, -2, "__BoundArguments__", JS_READONLY | JS_DONTENUM | JS_DONTCONF);
Beispiel #18
static void Ap_shift(js_State *J)
	unsigned int k, len;

	len = js_getlength(J, 0);

	if (len == 0) {
		js_setlength(J, 0, 0);

	js_getindex(J, 0, 0);

	for (k = 1; k < len; ++k) {
		if (js_hasindex(J, 0, k))
			js_setindex(J, 0, k - 1);
			js_delindex(J, 0, k - 1);

	js_delindex(J, 0, len - 1);
	js_setlength(J, 0, len - 1);
Beispiel #19
JsonNode *
js_util_tojsonnode(js_State *state, int idx)
  const char *s;
  JsonNode *node;
  JsonNode *tmp;
  JsonObject *object;
  JsonArray *array;
  unsigned int i, length;

  node = json_node_alloc();

  if (js_isstring(state, idx))
    json_node_init_string(node, js_tostring(state, idx));

  else if (js_isnumber(state, idx))
    json_node_init_int(node, js_tointeger(state, idx));

  else if (js_isboolean(state, idx))
    json_node_init_boolean(node, js_toboolean(state, idx));

  else if (js_isarray(state, idx))
    length = js_getlength(state, idx);

    array = json_array_new();
    json_node_init_array(node, array);

    for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
      js_getindex(state, idx, i);
      tmp = js_util_tojsonnode(state, -1);

      if (tmp)
	json_array_add_element(array, tmp);

      js_pop(state, 1);


  else if (js_isobject(state, idx))
    object = json_object_new();
    json_node_init_object(node, object);

    js_pushiterator(state, idx, 1);
    while((s = js_nextiterator(state, -1)) != NULL)
      if (idx > 0) js_getproperty(state, idx, s);
      else js_getproperty(state, idx - 1, s);

      tmp = js_util_tojsonnode(state, -1);
      if (tmp)
	json_object_set_member(object, s, tmp);

      js_pop(state, 1);

    js_pop(state, 1);


    return NULL;

  return node;
Beispiel #20
int pdf_jsimp_array_len(pdf_jsimp *imp, pdf_jsimp_obj *obj)
	js_State *J = imp->J;
	return js_getlength(J, IDX(obj));