static void do_links(fz_link *link, int xofs, int yofs) { fz_rect r; float x, y; x = ui.x; y = ui.y; xofs -= page_tex.x; yofs -= page_tex.y; glBlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); glEnable(GL_BLEND); while (link) { r = link->rect; fz_transform_rect(&r, &page_ctm); if (x >= xofs + r.x0 && x < xofs + r.x1 && y >= yofs + r.y0 && y < yofs + r.y1) { = link; if (! && ui.down) = link; } if ( == link || showlinks) { if ( == link && == link) glColor4f(0, 0, 1, 0.4f); else if ( == link) glColor4f(0, 0, 1, 0.2f); else glColor4f(0, 0, 1, 0.1f); glRectf(xofs + r.x0, yofs + r.y0, xofs + r.x1, yofs + r.y1); } if ( == link && !ui.down) { if ( == link) { if (fz_is_external_link(ctx, link->uri)) open_browser(link->uri); else { jump_to_page(fz_resolve_link(ctx, doc, link->uri, NULL, NULL)); ui_needs_update = 1; } } } link = link->next; } glDisable(GL_BLEND); }
static void do_links(fz_link *link, int xofs, int yofs) { fz_rect r; float x, y; x = ui.x; y = ui.y; xofs -= page_tex.x; yofs -= page_tex.y; glBlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); glEnable(GL_BLEND); while (link) { r = link->rect; fz_transform_rect(&r, &page_ctm); if (x >= xofs + r.x0 && x < xofs + r.x1 && y >= yofs + r.y0 && y < yofs + r.y1) { = link; if (! && ui.down) = link; } if ( == link || showlinks) { if ( == link && == link) glColor4f(0, 0, 1, 0.4f); else if ( == link) glColor4f(0, 0, 1, 0.2f); else glColor4f(0, 0, 1, 0.1f); glRectf(xofs + r.x0, yofs + r.y0, xofs + r.x1, yofs + r.y1); } if ( == link && !ui.down) { if ( == link) { if (link->dest.kind == FZ_LINK_GOTO) jump_to_page(link->; else if (link->dest.kind == FZ_LINK_URI) open_browser(link->dest.ld.uri.uri); } ui_needs_update = 1; } link = link->next; } glDisable(GL_BLEND); }
static int do_outline_imp(fz_outline *node, int end, int x0, int x1, int x, int y) { int h = 0; int p = currentpage; int n = end; while (node) { if (node->dest.kind == FZ_LINK_GOTO) { p = node->; if (ui.x >= x0 && ui.x < x1 && ui.y >= y + h && ui.y < y + h + ui.lineheight) { = node; if (! && ui.down) { = node; jump_to_page(p); ui_needs_update = 1; /* we changed the current page, so force a redraw */ } } n = end; if (node->next && node->next->dest.kind == FZ_LINK_GOTO) { n = node->next->; } if (currentpage == p || (currentpage > p && currentpage < n)) { glColor4f(0.9f, 0.9f, 0.9f, 1.0f); glRectf(x0, y + h, x1, y + h + ui.lineheight); } } glColor4f(0, 0, 0, 1); ui_draw_string(ctx, x, y + h + ui.baseline, node->title); h += ui.lineheight; if (node->down) h += do_outline_imp(node->down, n, x0, x1, x + ui.lineheight, y + h); node = node->next; } return h; }
static void do_app(void) { if (ui.key == KEY_F4 && ui.mod == GLFW_MOD_ALT) quit(); if (ui.down || ui.middle || ui.right || ui.key) showinfo = 0; if (!ui.focus && ui.key) { switch (ui.key) { case 'q': quit(); break; case 'm': if (number == 0) push_history(); else if (number > 0 && number < nelem(marks)) marks[number] = currentpage; break; case 't': if (number == 0) { if (history_count > 0) pop_history(); } else if (number > 0 && number < nelem(marks)) { jump_to_page(marks[number]); } break; case 'T': if (number == 0) { if (future_count > 0) pop_future(); } break; case 'N': search_dir = -1; if (search_hit_page == currentpage) search_page = currentpage + search_dir; else search_page = currentpage; if (search_page >= 0 && search_page < fz_count_pages(ctx, doc)) { search_hit_page = -1; if (search_needle) search_active = 1; } break; case 'n': search_dir = 1; if (search_hit_page == currentpage) search_page = currentpage + search_dir; else search_page = currentpage; if (search_page >= 0 && search_page < fz_count_pages(ctx, doc)) { search_hit_page = -1; if (search_needle) search_active = 1; } break; case 'f': toggle_fullscreen(); break; case 'w': shrinkwrap(); break; case 'r': reload(); break; case 'o': toggle_outline(); break; case 'W': auto_zoom_w(); break; case 'H': auto_zoom_h(); break; case 'Z': auto_zoom(); break; case 'z': currentzoom = number > 0 ? number : DEFRES; break; case '<': currentpage -= 10 * fz_maxi(number, 1); break; case '>': currentpage += 10 * fz_maxi(number, 1); break; case ',': case KEY_PAGE_UP: currentpage -= fz_maxi(number, 1); break; case '.': case KEY_PAGE_DOWN: currentpage += fz_maxi(number, 1); break; case 'b': number = fz_maxi(number, 1); while (number--) smart_move_backward(); break; case ' ': number = fz_maxi(number, 1); while (number--) smart_move_forward(); break; case 'g': jump_to_page(number - 1); break; case 'G': jump_to_page(fz_count_pages(ctx, doc) - 1); break; case '+': currentzoom = zoom_in(currentzoom); break; case '-': currentzoom = zoom_out(currentzoom); break; case '[': currentrotate += 90; break; case ']': currentrotate -= 90; break; case 'l': showlinks = !showlinks; break; case 'i': showinfo = !showinfo; break; case '/': search_dir = 1; showsearch = 1; search_input.p = search_input.text; search_input.q = search_input.end; break; case '?': search_dir = -1; showsearch = 1; search_input.p = search_input.text; search_input.q = search_input.end; break; case KEY_UP: scroll_y -= 10; break; case KEY_DOWN: scroll_y += 10; break; case KEY_LEFT: scroll_x -= 10; break; case KEY_RIGHT: scroll_x += 10; break; } if (ui.key >= '0' && ui.key <= '9') number = number * 10 + ui.key - '0'; else number = 0; currentpage = fz_clampi(currentpage, 0, fz_count_pages(ctx, doc) - 1); currentzoom = fz_clamp(currentzoom, MINRES, MAXRES); while (currentrotate < 0) currentrotate += 360; while (currentrotate >= 360) currentrotate -= 360; if (search_hit_page != currentpage) search_hit_page = -1; /* clear highlights when navigating */ ui_needs_update = 1; ui.key = 0; /* we ate the key event, so zap it */ } }
static void run_main_loop(void) { glViewport(0, 0, window_w, window_h); glClearColor(0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f, 1.0f); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glLoadIdentity(); glOrtho(0, window_w, window_h, 0, -1, 1); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glLoadIdentity(); ui_begin(); if (search_active) { float start_time = glfwGetTime(); if (ui.key == KEY_ESCAPE) search_active = 0; /* ignore events during search */ ui.key = ui.mod = 0; ui.down = ui.middle = ui.right = 0; while (glfwGetTime() < start_time + 0.2) { search_hit_count = fz_search_page_number(ctx, doc, search_page, search_needle, search_hit_bbox, nelem(search_hit_bbox)); if (search_hit_count) { search_active = 0; search_hit_page = search_page; jump_to_page(search_hit_page); break; } else { search_page += search_dir; if (search_page < 0 || search_page == fz_count_pages(ctx, doc)) { search_active = 0; break; } } } /* keep searching later */ if (search_active) ui_needs_update = 1; } do_app(); canvas_w = window_w - canvas_x; canvas_h = window_h - canvas_y; do_canvas(); if (showinfo) do_info(); if (showoutline) do_outline(outline, canvas_x); if (showsearch) { int state = ui_input(canvas_x, 0, canvas_x + canvas_w, ui.lineheight+4, &search_input); if (state == -1) { ui.focus = NULL; showsearch = 0; } else if (state == 1) { ui.focus = NULL; showsearch = 0; search_page = -1; if (search_needle) { fz_free(ctx, search_needle); search_needle = NULL; } if (search_input.end > search_input.text) { search_needle = fz_strdup(ctx, search_input.text); search_active = 1; search_page = currentpage; } } ui_needs_update = 1; } if (search_active) { char buf[256]; sprintf(buf, "Searching page %d of %d.", search_page + 1, fz_count_pages(ctx, doc)); ui_label_draw(canvas_x, 0, canvas_x + canvas_w, ui.lineheight+4, buf); } ui_end(); glfwSwapBuffers(window); ogl_assert(ctx, "swap buffers"); }