Beispiel #1
Java_org_simgrid_msg_Host_getByName(JNIEnv * env, jclass cls,
                                         jstring jname) {
  msg_host_t host;                /* native host                                          */
  jobject jhost;                /* global reference to the java host instance returned  */

  /* get the C string from the java string */
  const char *name = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, jname, 0);
  if (name == NULL) {
  	jxbt_throw_null(env,bprintf("No host can have a null name"));
  	return NULL;
  /* get the host by name       (the hosts are created during the grid resolution) */
  host = MSG_get_host_by_name(name);

  if (!host) {                  /* invalid name */
    jxbt_throw_host_not_found(env, name);
    (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, jname, name);
    return NULL;
  (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, jname, name);

  if (!MSG_host_get_data(host)) {       /* native host not associated yet with java host */

    /* Instantiate a new java host */
    jhost = jhost_new_instance(env);

    if (!jhost) {
      jxbt_throw_jni(env, "java host instantiation failed");
      return NULL;

    /* get a global reference to the newly created host */
    jhost = jhost_ref(env, jhost);

    if (!jhost) {
      jxbt_throw_jni(env, "new global ref allocation failed");
      return NULL;
    /* Sets the java host name */
    (*env)->SetObjectField(env, jhost, jhost_field_Host_name, jname);
    /* bind the java host and the native host */
    jhost_bind(jhost, host, env);

    /* the native host data field is set with the global reference to the
     * java host returned by this function
    MSG_host_set_data(host, (void *) jhost);

  /* return the global reference to the java host instance */
  return (jobject) MSG_host_get_data(host);
Beispiel #2
Java_org_simgrid_msg_Storage_getByName(JNIEnv * env, jclass cls,
                                         jstring jname) {
  msg_storage_t storage;
  jobject jstorage;

  /* get the C string from the java string */
  if (jname == NULL) {
  	jxbt_throw_null(env,bprintf("No host can have a null name"));
  	return NULL;
  const char *name = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, jname, 0);
  storage = MSG_storage_get_by_name(name);

  if (!storage) {                  /* invalid name */
    jxbt_throw_storage_not_found(env, name);
    (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, jname, name);
    return NULL;
  (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, jname, name);

  if (!xbt_lib_get_level(storage, JAVA_STORAGE_LEVEL)) {       /* native host not associated yet with java host */

    /* Instantiate a new java storage */
    jstorage = jstorage_new_instance(env);

    if (!jstorage) {
      jxbt_throw_jni(env, "java storage instantiation failed");
      return NULL;

    /* get a global reference to the newly created storage */
    jstorage = jstorage_ref(env, jstorage);

    if (!jstorage) {
      jxbt_throw_jni(env, "new global ref allocation failed");
      return NULL;
    /* Sets the java storage name */
    (*env)->SetObjectField(env, jstorage, jstorage_field_Storage_name, jname);
    /* bind the java storage and the native storage */
    jstorage_bind(jstorage, storage, env);

    /* the native storage data field is set with the global reference to the
     * java storage returned by this function
    xbt_lib_set(storage_lib, storage->key, JAVA_STORAGE_LEVEL, (void *) jstorage);

  /* return the global reference to the java storage instance */
  return (jobject) xbt_lib_get_level(storage, JAVA_STORAGE_LEVEL);
Beispiel #3
jmethodID jxbt_get_static_smethod(JNIEnv * env, const char *classname,
                                  const char *name, const char *signature)

  jclass cls;
  jmethodID id;
  cls = jxbt_get_class(env, classname);

  if (!cls)
    return 0;

  id = (*env)->GetStaticMethodID(env, cls, name, signature);

  if (!id) {
    char *m =
        bprintf("Cannot find static method %s(%s) in %s", name, signature,

    jxbt_throw_jni(env, m);

    return 0;
  return id;
Beispiel #4
JNIEXPORT jobjectArray JNICALL Java_org_simgrid_msg_Host_getMountedStorage(JNIEnv * env, jobject jhost)
  msg_host_t host = jhost_get_native(env, jhost);
  jobject jstorage;
  jstring jname;

  if (!host) {
    jxbt_throw_notbound(env, "host", jhost);
    return 0;

  int index = 0;
  jobjectArray jtable;
  xbt_dict_t dict =  MSG_host_get_mounted_storage_list(host);
  int count = xbt_dict_length(dict);
  jclass cls = env->FindClass("org/simgrid/msg/Storage");

  jtable = env->NewObjectArray((jsize) count, cls, nullptr);

  if (!jtable) {
   jxbt_throw_jni(env, "Storages table allocation failed");
   return nullptr;

  xbt_dict_cursor_t cursor=nullptr;
  const char* mount_name;
  const char* storage_name;

  xbt_dict_foreach(dict,cursor,mount_name,storage_name) {
    jname = env->NewStringUTF(storage_name);
    jstorage = Java_org_simgrid_msg_Storage_getByName(env,cls,jname);
    env->SetObjectArrayElement(jtable, index, jstorage);
Beispiel #5
jmethodID jxbt_get_static_jmethod(JNIEnv * env, jclass cls,
                                  const char *name, const char *signature)
  jmethodID id;

  if (!cls)
    return 0;
  id = (*env)->GetStaticMethodID(env, cls, name, signature);

  if (!id) {

    jmethodID tostr_id =
        (*env)->GetMethodID(env, cls, "getName", "()Ljava/lang/String;");
    jstring jclassname =
        (jstring) (*env)->CallObjectMethod(env, cls, tostr_id, NULL);
    const char *classname = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, jclassname, 0);

    char *m =
        bprintf("Cannot find static method %s(%s) in %s", name, signature,

    (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, jclassname, classname);

    jxbt_throw_jni(env, m);

    return 0;

  return id;
Beispiel #6
JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL Java_org_simgrid_msg_Msg_environmentGetRoutingRoot(JNIEnv * env, jclass cls)
  msg_as_t as = MSG_environment_get_routing_root();
  jobject jas = jas_new_instance(env);
  if (!jas) {
    jxbt_throw_jni(env, "java As instantiation failed");
    return nullptr;
  jas = jas_ref(env, jas);
  if (!jas) {
    jxbt_throw_jni(env, "new global ref allocation failed");
    return nullptr;
  jas_bind(jas, as, env);

  return (jobject) jas;
Beispiel #7
Java_org_simgrid_msg_Process_getCurrentProcess(JNIEnv * env, jclass cls)
  msg_process_t process = MSG_process_self();
  jobject jprocess;

  if (!process) {
    jxbt_throw_jni(env, xbt_strdup("MSG_process_self() failed"));
    return NULL;

  jprocess = native_to_java_process(process);

  if (!jprocess)
    jxbt_throw_jni(env, xbt_strdup("SIMIX_process_get_jprocess() failed"));

  return jprocess;
Beispiel #8
Java_org_simgrid_msg_As_getSons(JNIEnv * env, jobject jas) {
  int index = 0;
  jobjectArray jtable;
  jobject tmp_jas;
  msg_as_t tmp_as;
  msg_as_t self_as = jas_get_native(env, jas);
  xbt_dict_t dict = MSG_environment_as_get_routing_sons(self_as);
  int count = xbt_dict_length(dict);
  jclass cls = env->FindClass("org/simgrid/msg/As");

  if (!cls) {
    return NULL;

  jtable = env->NewObjectArray((jsize) count, cls, NULL);

  if (!jtable) {
    jxbt_throw_jni(env, "Hosts table allocation failed");
    return NULL;

  xbt_dict_cursor_t cursor=NULL;
  char *key;

  xbt_dict_foreach(dict,cursor,key,tmp_as) {
    tmp_jas = jas_new_instance(env);
    if (!tmp_jas) {
      jxbt_throw_jni(env, "java As instantiation failed");
      return NULL;
    tmp_jas = jas_ref(env, tmp_jas);
    if (!tmp_jas) {
      jxbt_throw_jni(env, "new global ref allocation failed");
      return NULL;
    jas_bind(tmp_jas, tmp_as, env);

    env->SetObjectArrayElement(jtable, index, tmp_jas);

Beispiel #9
jclass jxbt_get_class(JNIEnv * env, const char *name)
  jclass cls = env->FindClass(name);

  if (not cls) {
    jxbt_throw_jni(env, std::string("Class ") + name + " not found");
    return nullptr;

  return cls;
Beispiel #10
jclass jxbt_get_class(JNIEnv * env, const char *name)
  jclass cls = (*env)->FindClass(env, name);

  if (!cls) {
    char *m = bprintf("Class %s not found", name);
    jxbt_throw_jni(env, m);
    return NULL;

  return cls;
Beispiel #11
Java_org_simgrid_msg_Host_currentHost(JNIEnv * env, jclass cls) {
  jobject jhost;

  msg_host_t host = MSG_host_self();

  if (!MSG_host_get_data(host)) {
    /* the native host not yet associated with the java host instance */

    /* instanciate a new java host instance */
    jhost = jhost_new_instance(env);

    if (!jhost) {
      jxbt_throw_jni(env, "java host instantiation failed");
      return NULL;

    /* get a global reference to the newly created host */
    jhost = jhost_ref(env, jhost);

    if (!jhost) {
      jxbt_throw_jni(env, "global ref allocation failed");
      return NULL;
    /* Sets the host name */
    const char *name = MSG_host_get_name(host);
    jobject jname = (*env)->NewStringUTF(env,name);
    (*env)->SetObjectField(env, jhost, jhost_field_Host_name, jname);
    /* Bind & store it */
    jhost_bind(jhost, host, env);
    MSG_host_set_data(host, (void *) jhost);
  } else {
    jhost = (jobject) MSG_host_get_data(host);

  return jhost;
Beispiel #12
jmethodID jxbt_get_smethod(JNIEnv * env, const char *classname, const char *name, const char *signature)
  jclass cls;
  jmethodID id;
  cls = jxbt_get_class(env, classname);

  if (not cls)
    return 0;

  id = env->GetMethodID(cls, name, signature);

  if (not id) {
    jxbt_throw_jni(env, std::string("Cannot find method") + name + "(" + signature + ") in " + classname);
    return 0;
  return id;
Beispiel #13
jfieldID jxbt_get_sfield(JNIEnv * env, const char *classname, const char *name, const char *signature)
  jclass cls = jxbt_get_class(env, classname);
  jfieldID id;

  if (not cls)
    return 0;

  id = env->GetFieldID(cls, name, signature);

  if (not id) {
    jxbt_throw_jni(env, std::string("Cannot find field") + signature + " " + name + " in " + classname);
    return 0;

  return id;
Beispiel #14
Java_org_simgrid_msg_Host_all(JNIEnv * env, jclass cls_arg)
  int index;
  jobjectArray jtable;
  jobject jhost;
  jstring jname;
  msg_host_t host;

  xbt_dynar_t table =  MSG_hosts_as_dynar();
  int count = xbt_dynar_length(table);

  jclass cls = jxbt_get_class(env, "org/simgrid/msg/Host");

  if (!cls) {
    return NULL;

  jtable = (*env)->NewObjectArray(env, (jsize) count, cls, NULL);

  if (!jtable) {
    jxbt_throw_jni(env, "Hosts table allocation failed");
    return NULL;

  for (index = 0; index < count; index++) {
    host = xbt_dynar_get_as(table,index,msg_host_t);
    jhost = (jobject) (MSG_host_get_data(host));

    if (!jhost) {
      jname = (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, MSG_host_get_name(host));

      jhost =
      		Java_org_simgrid_msg_Host_getByName(env, cls_arg, jname);
      /* FIXME: leak of jname ? */

    (*env)->SetObjectArrayElement(env, jtable, index, jhost);
  return jtable;
Beispiel #15
Java_org_simgrid_msg_Process_fromPID(JNIEnv * env, jclass cls,
                                     jint PID)
  msg_process_t process = MSG_process_from_PID(PID);

  if (!process) {
    jxbt_throw_process_not_found(env, bprintf("PID = %d",(int) PID));
    return NULL;

  jobject jprocess = native_to_java_process(process);

  if (!jprocess) {
    jxbt_throw_jni(env, "get process failed");
    return NULL;

  return jprocess;
Beispiel #16
jmethodID jxbt_get_static_jmethod(JNIEnv * env, jclass cls, const char *name, const char *signature)
  jmethodID id;

  if (not cls)
    return 0;
  id = env->GetStaticMethodID(cls, name, signature);

  if (not id) {
    jmethodID tostr_id = env->GetMethodID(cls, "getName", "()Ljava/lang/String;");
    jstring jclassname = (jstring) env->CallObjectMethod(cls, tostr_id, nullptr);
    const char *classname = env->GetStringUTFChars(jclassname, 0);

    env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(jclassname, classname);

    jxbt_throw_jni(env, std::string("Cannot find static method") + name + "(" + signature + ") in " + classname);
    return 0;

  return id;
Beispiel #17
Java_org_simgrid_msg_Storage_all(JNIEnv * env, jclass cls_arg)
  int index;
  jobjectArray jtable;
  jobject jstorage;
  jstring jname;
  msg_storage_t storage;

  xbt_dynar_t table =  MSG_storages_as_dynar();
  int count = xbt_dynar_length(table);

  jclass cls = jxbt_get_class(env, "org/simgrid/msg/Storage");

  if (!cls) {
    return NULL;

  jtable = (*env)->NewObjectArray(env, (jsize) count, cls, NULL);

  if (!jtable) {
    jxbt_throw_jni(env, "Storages table allocation failed");
    return NULL;

  for (index = 0; index < count; index++) {
    storage = xbt_dynar_get_as(table,index,msg_storage_t);
    jstorage = (jobject) (xbt_lib_get_level(storage, JAVA_STORAGE_LEVEL));

    if (!jstorage) {
      jname = (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, MSG_storage_get_name(storage));
      jstorage = Java_org_simgrid_msg_Storage_getByName(env, cls_arg, jname);

    (*env)->SetObjectArrayElement(env, jtable, index, jstorage);
  return jtable;
Beispiel #18
jfieldID jxbt_get_sfield(JNIEnv * env, const char *classname,
                         const char *name, const char *signature)
  jclass cls = jxbt_get_class(env, classname);
  jfieldID id;

  if (!cls)
    return 0;

  id = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, cls, name, signature);

  if (!id) {
    char *m = bprintf("Cannot find field %s %s in %s", signature, name,

    jxbt_throw_jni(env, m);

    return 0;

  return id;
Beispiel #19
Java_org_simgrid_msg_Process_create(JNIEnv * env,
                                    jobject jprocess_arg,
                                    jobject jhostname)

  jobject jprocess;             /* the global reference to the java process instance    */
  jstring jname;                /* the name of the java process instance                */
  const char *name;             /* the C name of the process                            */
  const char *hostname;
  msg_process_t process;          /* the native process to create                         */
  msg_host_t host;                /* Where that process lives */

  hostname = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, jhostname, 0);

  /* get the name of the java process */
  jname = jprocess_get_name(jprocess_arg, env);
  if (!jname) {
            xbt_strdup("Internal error: Process name cannot be NULL"));

  /* bind/retrieve the msg host */
  host = MSG_host_by_name(hostname);

  if (!(host)) {    /* not bound */
    jxbt_throw_host_not_found(env, hostname);

  /* create a global java process instance */
  jprocess = jprocess_new_global_ref(jprocess_arg, env);
  if (!jprocess) {
    jxbt_throw_jni(env, "Can't get a global ref to the java process");

  /* build the C name of the process */
  name = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, jname, 0);
  name = xbt_strdup(name);

  /* Retrieve the kill time from the process */
  jdouble jkill = (*env)->GetDoubleField(env, jprocess, jprocess_field_Process_killTime);
  /* Actually build the MSG process */
  process = MSG_process_create_with_environment(name,
						(xbt_main_func_t) jprocess,
						/*data*/ jprocess,
						/*argc, argv, properties*/
  MSG_process_set_kill_time(process, (double)jkill);
  /* bind the java process instance to the native process */
  jprocess_bind(jprocess, process, env);

  /* release our reference to the process name (variable name becomes invalid) */
  //FIXME : This line should be uncommented but with mac it doesn't work. BIG WARNING
  //(*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, jname, name);
  (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, jhostname, hostname);

  /* sets the PID and the PPID of the process */
  (*env)->SetIntField(env, jprocess, jprocess_field_Process_pid,(jint) MSG_process_get_PID(process));
  (*env)->SetIntField(env, jprocess, jprocess_field_Process_ppid, (jint) MSG_process_get_PPID(process));
  /* sets the Host of the process */
  jobject jhost = Java_org_simgrid_msg_Host_getByName(env,NULL,jhostname);

  (*env)->SetObjectField(env, jprocess, jprocess_field_Process_host, jhost);