Beispiel #1
KeySet * elektraMetaArrayToKS (Key * key, const char * metaName)
	const Key * meta = keyGetMeta (key, metaName);
	if (!meta) return NULL;

	KeySet * result = ksNew (0, KS_END);

	if (keyString (meta)[0] != '#')
		ksAppendKey (result, (Key *)meta);
		ksRewind (result);
		return result;
	ksAppendKey (result, keyDup (meta));
	Key * currentKey = keyDup (meta);
	keyAddName (currentKey, "#");
	elektraArrayIncName (currentKey);
	Key * curMeta = NULL;
	while ((curMeta = (Key *)keyGetMeta (key, keyName (currentKey))) != NULL)
		ksAppendKey (result, keyDup (curMeta));
		elektraArrayIncName (currentKey);
	keyDel (currentKey);
	ksRewind (result);
	return result;
static void writeLineComments(Key *key, FILE *fp)
	// TODO: this is really inefficient
	KeySet *metaKeys = elektraKeyGetMetaKeySet(key);
	Key *commentParent = keyNew("comment", KEY_META_NAME, KEY_END);
	KeySet *comments = elektraArrayGet(commentParent, metaKeys);

	Key *current;
	while ((current = ksNext (comments)))
		if (strcmp (keyName (current), "comment/#0"))
			Key *spaceKey = keyDup (current);
			keyAddBaseName (spaceKey, "space");
			Key *startKey = keyDup (current);
			keyAddBaseName (startKey, "start");
			const char *spaces = getMetaValue (key, keyName (spaceKey));
			const char *start = getMetaValue (key, keyName (startKey));
			const char *comment = getMetaValue (key, keyName (current));
			keyDel (spaceKey);
			keyDel (startKey);
			writeComment (spaces, start, comment, fp);
			fprintf (fp, "\n");

Beispiel #3
static KeySet * nextPackage (FILE * fp, Key * parentKey)
	char * line = elektraMalloc (DPKG_LINE_MAX);
	KeySet * package = ksNew (500, KS_END);
	Key * lastKey = NULL;
	Key * baseKey = NULL;
	int notDone = 0;
	while (fgets (line, DPKG_LINE_MAX, fp) != NULL)
		if (*line == '\n') break;
		if (*line == ' ')
			if (strchr (line, '\n'))
				notDone = 0;
				notDone = 1;
			appendToKey (lastKey, line);
		else if (notDone)
			if (strchr (line, '\n')) notDone = 0;
			appendToKey (lastKey, line);
			if (!strchr (line, '\n')) notDone = 1;
			char * section = line;
			char * data = strchr (line, ':');
			if (data) *data = '\0';
			++data;		     // skip :
			++data;		     // skip whitespace
			strtok (data, "\n"); // remove newline
			if (!strcmp (section, "Package"))
				baseKey = keyDup (parentKey);
				keyAddBaseName (baseKey, data);
				lastKey = baseKey;
				ksAppendKey (package, baseKey);
				Key * key = keyDup (baseKey);
				keyAddBaseName (key, section);
				keySetString (key, data);
				lastKey = key;
				ksAppendKey (package, key);
		memset (line, 0, DPKG_LINE_MAX);
	elektraFree (line);
	return package;
Beispiel #4
static void setSectionNumber(Key *parentKey, Key *key, KeySet *ks)
	if (!strcmp(keyBaseName(key), INTERNAL_ROOT_SECTION))
		Key *tmpKey = keyDup(key);
		keySetMeta(tmpKey, "ini/section", "0");
		keySetMeta(key, "ini/section", "0");
		keySetString(tmpKey, 0);
		ksAppendKey(ks, tmpKey);

	Key *lookupKey = keyDup(key);
	Key *lastKey = keyDup(lookupKey);

	while (1)
		if (!strcmp(keyName(lookupKey), keyName(parentKey)))
			if (keyGetMeta(parentKey, "ini/lastSection"))
				long previousSection = atol(keyString(keyGetMeta(parentKey, "ini/lastSection")));
				char buffer[21]; //20 digits (long) + \0
				snprintf(buffer, sizeof (buffer), "%ld", previousSection);
				keySetMeta(parentKey, "ini/lastSection", buffer);
				keySetMeta(key, "ini/section", buffer);
				keySetMeta(parentKey, "ini/lastSection", "1");
				keySetMeta(parentKey, "ini/section", "0");
				keySetMeta(key, "ini/section", "1");
			keySetMeta(lastKey, "ini/section", keyString(keyGetMeta(key, "ini/section")));
			ksAppendKey(ks, lastKey);
		if (keyGetMeta(ksLookup(ks, lookupKey, KDB_O_NONE), "ini/section"))
			keySetMeta(key, "ini/section", keyString(keyGetMeta(ksLookup(ks, lookupKey, KDB_O_NONE), "ini/section")));
		keySetName(lastKey, keyName(lookupKey));
		keyAddName(lookupKey, "..");
Beispiel #5
 * @internal
 * Add plugin at placement to list plugin configuration and apply it.
 * @param  list      List plugin
 * @param  plugin    Plugin to add
 * @param  placement Placement name
 * @retval 0 on error
 * @retval 0 on success
static int listAddPlugin (Plugin * list, Plugin * plugin, char * placement)
	ELEKTRA_NOT_NULL (placement);

	KeySet * newConfig = ksDup (list->config);

	// Find name for next item in plugins array
	Key * configBase = keyNew ("user/plugins", KEY_END);
	KeySet * array = elektraArrayGet (configBase, newConfig);
	Key * pluginItem = elektraArrayGetNextKey (array);
	ELEKTRA_NOT_NULL (pluginItem);
	keySetString (pluginItem, plugin->name);
	keyDel (configBase);

	// Create key with plugin handle
	Key * pluginHandle = keyDup (pluginItem);
	keyAddName (pluginHandle, "handle");
	keySetBinary (pluginHandle, &plugin, sizeof (plugin));

	// Create key with plugin placement
	char * placementType = placementToListPositionType (placement);
	if (placementType == NULL)
		keyDel (configBase);
		keyDel (pluginItem);
		keyDel (pluginHandle);
		return 0;
	Key * pluginPlacements = keyDup (pluginItem);
	keyAddName (pluginPlacements, "placements/");
	keyAddName (pluginPlacements, placementType);
	keySetString (pluginPlacements, placement);

	// Append keys to list plugin configuration
	ksAppendKey (newConfig, pluginItem);
	ksAppendKey (newConfig, pluginHandle);
	ksAppendKey (newConfig, pluginPlacements);

	ksDel (array);
	ksDel (list->config);

	// Apply new configuration
	list->config = newConfig;
	list->kdbOpen (list, NULL);

	return 1;
Beispiel #6
int elektraLineRead (FILE * fp, KeySet * returned)
    char * value = NULL;
    size_t len = 0;
    ssize_t n = 0;
    Key * read = NULL;

    // Read in each line
    while ((n = getline (&value, &len, fp)) != -1)
        // Remove trailing newline
        if (value[n - 1] == '\n')
            value[n - 1] = '\0';
        read = keyDup (ksTail (returned));
        if (elektraArrayIncName (read) == -1)
            elektraFree (value);
            keyDel (read);
            return -1;
        keySetString (read, value);

        ksAppendKey (returned, read);
    elektraFree (value);

    return 1;
Beispiel #7
 * @brief Remove ___empty_map if thats the only thing which would be
 *        returned.
 * @param returned to remove the key from
static void elektraYajlParseSuppressEmpty (KeySet * returned, Key * parentKey)
	if (ksGetSize (returned) == 2)
		Key * lookupKey = keyDup (parentKey);
		keyAddBaseName (lookupKey, "___empty_map");
		Key * toRemove = ksLookup (returned, lookupKey, KDB_O_POP);

		if (toRemove)
			printf ("remove %s\n", keyName (toRemove));
			ksRewind (returned);
			Key * cur;
			while ((cur = ksNext (returned)) != 0)
				printf ("key %s has value %s\n", keyName (cur), keyString (cur));

			printf ("did not find %s\n", keyName (lookupKey));
			ksRewind (returned);
		if (toRemove)
			keyDel (toRemove);
		keyDel (lookupKey);
Beispiel #8
 * @internal
 * Read placement list from plugin.
 * The returned string needs to be freed.
 * @param  plugin Plugin
 * @return        Space separated list of placement names
static char * getPluginPlacementList (Plugin * plugin)

	// Get placements from plugin
	Key * pluginInfo = keyNew ("system/elektra/modules/", KEY_END);
	keyAddBaseName (pluginInfo, plugin->name);
	KeySet * ksResult = ksNew (0, KS_END);
	plugin->kdbGet (plugin, ksResult, pluginInfo);

	Key * placementsKey = keyDup (pluginInfo);
	keyAddBaseName (placementsKey, "infos");
	keyAddBaseName (placementsKey, "placements");
	Key * placements = ksLookup (ksResult, placementsKey, 0);
	if (placements == NULL)
		ELEKTRA_LOG_WARNING ("could not read placements from plugin");
		return 0;
	char * placementList = elektraStrDup (keyString (placements));

	keyDel (pluginInfo);
	keyDel (placementsKey);
	ksDel (ksResult);

	return placementList;
static void test_keyValue (const size_t storagePlugin, const char * tmpFile)
	Key * parentKey = keyNew (TEST_ROOT_KEY, KEY_VALUE, tmpFile, KEY_END);
	open_storage_plugin (storagePlugin);
	Plugin * plugin = plugins[storagePlugin];

	KeySet * ks = metaTestKeySet ();
	const char * name = "user/tests/storage/specialkey";
	size_t valueSize = 42;
	void * value = elektraMalloc (valueSize);
	memset (value, 42, valueSize);

	Key * key = keyNew (name, KEY_END);
	keySetBinary (key, value, valueSize);
	ksAppendKey (ks, keyDup (key));
	succeed_if (plugin->kdbSet (plugin, ks, parentKey) == 1, "kdbSet was not successful");
	succeed_if (plugin->kdbGet (plugin, ks, parentKey) == 1, "kdbGet was not successful");

	Key * found = ksLookupByName (ks, name, 0);
	succeed_if (found, "did not find key");
	compare_key (key, found);

	elektraFree (value);
	keyDel (parentKey);
	ksDel (ks);
	keyDel (key);
	closeStoragePlugin (storagePlugin);
Beispiel #10
static KeySet * getGlobKeys (Key * parentKey, KeySet * keys, enum GlobDirection direction)
	KeySet * glob = ksNew (0, KS_END);
	Key * k = 0;
	size_t parentsize = keyGetNameSize (parentKey);

	Key * userGlobConfig = 0;
	Key * systemGlobConfig = 0;
	Key * userDirGlobConfig = 0;
	Key * systemDirGlobConfig = 0;

	userGlobConfig = keyNew ("user/glob", KEY_END);
	systemGlobConfig = keyNew ("system/glob", KEY_END);
	switch (direction)
	case GET:
		userDirGlobConfig = keyNew ("user/glob/get", KEY_END);
		systemDirGlobConfig = keyNew ("system/glob/get", KEY_END);
	case SET:
		userDirGlobConfig = keyNew ("user/glob/set", KEY_END);
		systemDirGlobConfig = keyNew ("system/glob/set", KEY_END);

	while ((k = ksNext (keys)) != 0)
		/* use only glob keys for the current direction */
		if (keyIsDirectBelow (userGlobConfig, k) || keyIsDirectBelow (systemGlobConfig, k) ||
		    keyIsDirectBelow (userDirGlobConfig, k) || keyIsDirectBelow (systemDirGlobConfig, k))
			keySetMeta (k, "glob/flags", getGlobFlags (keys, k));

			/* Look if we have a string */
			size_t valsize = keyGetValueSize (k);
			if (valsize < 2) continue;

			/* We now know we want that key.
			 Dup it to not change the configuration. */
			Key * ins = keyDup (k);
			/* Now look if we want cascading for the key */
			if (keyString (k)[0] == '/')
				char * newstring = elektraMalloc (valsize + parentsize);
				strcpy (newstring, keyName (parentKey));
				strcat (newstring, keyString (k));
				keySetString (ins, newstring);
				elektraFree (newstring);
			ksAppendKey (glob, ins);

	keyDel (userGlobConfig);
	keyDel (systemGlobConfig);
	keyDel (userDirGlobConfig);
	keyDel (systemDirGlobConfig);

	return glob;
static void test_keySetName (const size_t storagePlugin, const char * tmpFile)
	Key * parentKey = keyNew (TEST_ROOT_KEY, KEY_VALUE, tmpFile, KEY_END);
	open_storage_plugin (storagePlugin);
	Plugin * plugin = plugins[storagePlugin];

	KeySet * ks = metaTestKeySet ();
	succeed_if (plugin->kdbSet (plugin, ks, parentKey) == 1, "kdbSet was not successful");
	succeed_if (plugin->kdbGet (plugin, ks, parentKey) == 1, "kdbGet was not successful");

	Key * found = ksLookupByName (ks, "user/tests/storage/b", 0);
	succeed_if (found, "did not find key");

	Key * duplicate = keyDup (found);
	keySetName (duplicate, "user/tests/storage/z");
	keySetString (duplicate, "zzz");

	KeySet * expected = metaTestKeySet ();
	compare_keyset (ks, expected);

	ksDel (expected);
	keyDel (duplicate);
	keyDel (parentKey);
	ksDel (ks);
	closeStoragePlugin (storagePlugin);
Beispiel #12
// keyRel2 helper, turns key into a cascading key ( removes namespace)
Key * keyAsCascading (const Key * key)
	if (keyName (key)[0] == '/')
		return keyDup (key);
		const char * name = keyName (key);
		const char * ptr = strchr (name, '/');
		if (!ptr)
			return keyNew ("/", KEY_CASCADING_NAME, KEY_END);
			ssize_t length = keyGetNameSize (key);
			if ((ptr - name) == (length - 1))
				return keyNew ("/", KEY_CASCADING_NAME, KEY_END);
				return keyNew (ptr, KEY_CASCADING_NAME, KEY_END);
Beispiel #13
static void test_lookupNoOverride ()
	printf ("Test lookup with override not found\n");

	// clang-format off
	Key *specKey = keyNew("/test/lift/limit",
			KEY_META, "default", "1",
			KEY_META, "override/#0", "/test/person_lift/limit",
			KEY_META, "override/#1", "/test/material_lift/limit",
			KEY_META, "override/#2", "/test/heavy_material_lift/limit",
	// clang-format on
	Key * dup = keyDup (specKey);

	Key * k1 = 0;
	Key * k2 = 0;
	KeySet * ks = ksNew (20, k1 = keyNew ("user/test/lift/limit", KEY_VALUE, "22", KEY_END),
			     k2 = keyNew ("/test/person_lift/limit", KEY_CASCADING_NAME, KEY_VALUE, "10", KEY_END), KS_END);

	succeed_if (ksLookup (ks, specKey, KDB_O_SPEC) == k1, "found wrong key");
	succeed_if (ksLookup (ks, dup, KDB_O_SPEC) == k1, "found wrong key");
	elektraKeySetName (dup, "/test/lift/limit", KEY_CASCADING_NAME);
	succeed_if (ksLookup (ks, dup, KDB_O_SPEC) == k1, "found wrong key");
	succeed_if (ksLookup (ks, dup, KDB_O_SPEC | KDB_O_CREATE) == k1, "found wrong key");

	keyDel (specKey);
	ksDel (ks);
	keyDel (dup);
Beispiel #14
void check_reversibility (const char * msg)
	Key * decode = keyNew ("user/test", KEY_VALUE, msg, KEY_END);

	CHexData * hd = calloc (1, sizeof (CHexData));
	hd->hd['\0'] = 1;
	hd->hd['\n'] = 1;
	hd->hd['\\'] = 1;
	hd->hd[' '] = 1;
	hd->hd['='] = 1;
	hd->hd[';'] = 1;
	hd->hd['#'] = 1;
	hd->escape = '\\';

	char buf[1000];
	hd->buf = buf;

	Key * encode = keyDup (decode);
	elektraHexcodeEncode (encode, hd);

	elektraHexcodeDecode (encode, hd);
	compare_key (encode, decode);

	elektraFree (hd);
	keyDel (decode);
	keyDel (encode);
Beispiel #15
 * @brief Takes the first key and cuts off this common part
 * for all other keys, instead name will be prepended
 * @return a new allocated keyset with keys in user namespace.
 * The first key is removed in the resulting keyset.
KeySet* elektraRenameKeys(KeySet *config, const char* name)
	Key *root;
	Key *cur;
	ssize_t rootSize = 0;


	root = ksNext (config);
	rootSize = keyGetNameSize(root);

	keyDel (ksLookup (config, root, KDB_O_POP));

	KeySet *newConfig = ksNew(ksGetSize(config), KS_END);
	if (rootSize == -1) return newConfig;

	while ((cur = ksPop(config)) != 0)
		Key *dupKey = keyDup(cur);
		keySetName(dupKey, name);
		keyAddName(dupKey, keyName(cur)+rootSize-1);
		ksAppendKey(newConfig, dupKey);

	return newConfig;
Beispiel #16
char * elektraMetaArrayToString (Key * key, const char * metaName, const char * delim)
	char * result = NULL;
	Key * lookupElem = keyDup (keyGetMeta (key, metaName));
	keyAddBaseName (lookupElem, "#0");
	Key * elem = (Key *)keyGetMeta (key, keyName (lookupElem));
	if (elem != NULL)
		elektraRealloc ((void **)&result, keyGetValueSize (elem));
		snprintf (result, keyGetValueSize (elem), "%s", keyString (elem));
	elektraArrayIncName (lookupElem);
	elem = (Key *)keyGetMeta (key, keyName (lookupElem));
	while (elem != NULL)
		elektraRealloc ((void **)&result,
				elektraStrLen (result) + keyGetValueSize (elem) + 1); // String (incl. +2 times \0) + delimiter + whitespace
		strcat (result, delim);
		strcat (result, keyString (elem));
		elektraArrayIncName (lookupElem);
		elem = (Key *)keyGetMeta (key, keyName (lookupElem));
	keyDel (lookupElem);
	return result;
Beispiel #17
static void validateWildcardSubs (KeySet * ks, Key * key, Key * specKey)
	const Key * requiredMeta = keyGetMeta (specKey, "required");
	if (!requiredMeta) return;
	Key * tmpParent = keyDup (key);
	keySetBaseName (tmpParent, 0);
	Key * parent = ksLookup (ks, tmpParent, KDB_O_NONE);
	keyDel (tmpParent);
	if (parent == NULL) return;
	KeySet * ksCopy = ksDup (ks);
	KeySet * subKeys = ksCut (ksCopy, parent);
	Key * cur;
	long subCount = 0;
	while ((cur = ksNext (subKeys)) != NULL)
		if (keyIsDirectBelow (parent, cur)) ++subCount;
	long required = atol (keyString (requiredMeta));
	if (required != subCount)
		char buffer[MAX_CHARS_IN_LONG + 1];
		snprintf (buffer, sizeof (buffer), "%ld", subCount);
		keySetMeta (parent, "conflict/invalid/subcount", buffer);

	ksDel (subKeys);
	ksDel (ksCopy);
Beispiel #18
 * @brief return only those keys from the given
 * keyset that pass the supplied filter function
 * with the supplied argument
 * @param result the keyset that should contain the filtered keys
 * @param input the keyset whose keys should be filtered
 * @param filter a function pointer to a function that will be used to
 * filter the keyset. A key will be taken if the function returns a value
 * greater than 0.
 * @param argument an argument that will be passed to the filter function
 * each time it is called
 * @return the number of filtered keys if the filter function always
 * returned a positive value, -1 otherwise
 * @retval NULL on NULL pointer
int elektraKsFilter (KeySet *result, KeySet *input, int (*filter) (const Key *k, void *argument), void *argument)
	if (!result) return -1;

	if (!input) return -1;

	if (!filter) return -1;

	int rc = 0;
	int ret = 0;
	Key *current;

	cursor_t cursor = ksGetCursor (input);
	ksRewind (input);
	while ((current = ksNext (input)) != 0)
		rc = filter (current, argument);
		if (rc <= -1) return -1;
		else if (rc > 0)
			++ ret;
			ksAppendKey(result, keyDup (current));
	ksSetCursor(input, cursor);
	return ret;
Beispiel #19
static void test_withoutConfig()
	Key *parentKey = keyNew ("user/tests/rename", KEY_END);
	Key *parentKeyCopy = keyDup(parentKey);
	KeySet *conf = ksNew (0, KS_END);

	KeySet *ks = createSimpleTestKeys();
	ksAppendKey(ks, parentKey);

	succeed_if(plugin->kdbGet (plugin, ks, parentKey) >= 1,
			"call to kdbGet was not successful");
	succeed_if(output_error (parentKey), "error in kdbGet");
	succeed_if(output_warnings (parentKey), "warnings in kdbGet");

	KeySet *expected = createSimpleTestKeys();
	ksAppendKey(expected, parentKeyCopy);

	compareKeySets(ks, expected);
	keyDel (parentKey);
	keyDel (parentKeyCopy);
Beispiel #20
 * @brief sets mountpoint
 * @param backend where the mountpoint should be set
 * @param elektraConfig the config where the mountpoint can be found
 * @param [out] errorKey the name also has the mountpoint set
 * @pre ksCurrent() is root key
 * @post ksCurrent() is root key
 * @retval -1 if no mountpoint is found or memory allocation problem
 * @retval 0 on success
int elektraBackendSetMountpoint(Backend *backend, KeySet *elektraConfig, Key *errorKey)
	Key * root = ksCurrent(elektraConfig);
	Key * searchMountpoint = keyDup(root);
	keyAddBaseName(searchMountpoint, "mountpoint");
	Key * foundMountpoint = ksLookup(elektraConfig, searchMountpoint, 0);
	keyDel (searchMountpoint);
	ksLookup(elektraConfig, root, 0); // reset ksCurrent()

	if (!foundMountpoint)
			"Could not find mountpoint within root %s",
		return -1;

	backend->mountpoint = keyNew("",
			KEY_VALUE, keyBaseName(root), KEY_END);
	elektraKeySetName(backend->mountpoint, keyString(foundMountpoint),

	keySetName(errorKey, keyName(backend->mountpoint));

	if (!backend->mountpoint)
			"Could not create mountpoint with name %s and value %s",
			keyString(foundMountpoint), keyBaseName(root));
		return -1;

	return 0;
Beispiel #21
static int iniSectionToElektraKey (void *vhandle, const char *section)
	CallbackHandle *handle = (CallbackHandle *)vhandle;
	Key *appendKey = keyDup (handle->parentKey);
	keySetMeta(appendKey, "ini/lastSection", 0);
	createUnescapedKey(appendKey, section);
	Key *existingKey = NULL;
	if ((existingKey = ksLookup(handle->result, appendKey, KDB_O_NONE)))
			ELEKTRA_SET_ERRORF(140, handle->parentKey, "Section name: %s\n", section);
			return 0;
		keySetMeta(existingKey, "ini/duplicate", "");
		return 1;
	setSectionNumber(handle->parentKey, appendKey, handle->result);
	setOrderNumber(handle->parentKey, appendKey);
	keySetBinary(appendKey, 0, 0);	
	flushCollectedComment (handle, appendKey);
	ksAppendKey(handle->result, appendKey);

	return 1;
Beispiel #22
static void flushConvertedKeys (Key * target, KeySet * converted, KeySet * orig)
    if (ksGetSize (converted) == 0) return;

    ksRewind (converted);
    Key * current;
    Key * appendTarget;

    while ((current = ksNext (converted)))
        appendTarget = target;
        const char * metaName = keyString (keyGetMeta (current, CONVERT_METANAME));

        Key * currentDup = keyDup (current);
        Key * targetDup = keyDup (appendTarget);
        keySetBaseName (currentDup, 0);
        keySetBaseName (targetDup, 0);

        /* the convert key request to be converted to a key
         * on the same level, but the target is below or above
        if (keyGetMeta (current, CONVERT_APPEND_SAMELEVEL) && keyCmp (currentDup, targetDup))
            appendTarget = 0;

        keyDel (currentDup);
        keyDel (targetDup);

        /* no target key was found of the target
         * was discarded for some reason. Revert to the parent
        if (!appendTarget)
            appendTarget = findNearestParent (current, orig);

        elektraKeyAppendMetaLine (appendTarget, metaName, keyString (current));
        removeKeyFromResult (current, target, orig);

    ksClear (converted);
Beispiel #23
 * @internal
 * Remove plugin at all placements from list plugin configuration and apply it.
 * @param  list   List plugin
 * @param  plugin Plugin to remove
 * @retval 0 on error
 * @retval 1 on success
static int listRemovePlugin (Plugin * list, Plugin * plugin)

	KeySet * newConfig = ksDup (list->config);

	Key * configBase = keyNew ("user/plugins", KEY_END);
	KeySet * array = elektraArrayGet (configBase, newConfig);

	// Find the plugin with our handle
	Key * current;
	ksRewind (array);
	while ((current = ksNext (array)) != NULL)
		Key * handleLookup = keyDup (current);
		keyAddBaseName (handleLookup, "handle");
		Key * handle = ksLookup (newConfig, handleLookup, 0);
		keyDel (handleLookup);

		if (handle)
			Plugin * handleValue = (*(Plugin **) keyValue (handle));
			if (handleValue == plugin)
				// Remove plugin configuration
				KeySet * cut = ksCut (newConfig, current);
				ksDel (cut);
	ksDel (array);

	// Renumber array items
	KeySet * sourceArray = elektraArrayGet (configBase, newConfig);
	Key * renumberBase = keyNew ("user/plugins/#", KEY_END);
	ksRewind (sourceArray);
	while ((current = ksNext (sourceArray)) != NULL)
		// Create new array item base name e.g. "user/plugins/#0"
		elektraArrayIncName (renumberBase);
		moveKeysRecursive (keyName (current), keyName (renumberBase), newConfig);

	keyDel (configBase);
	keyDel (renumberBase);
	ksDel (sourceArray);
	ksDel (list->config);

	// Apply new configuration
	list->config = newConfig;
	list->kdbOpen (list, NULL);

	return 1;
 * Set the raw string value of an array element key.
 * @param elektra The Elektra instance to use.
 * @param name    The (relative) name of the array.
 * @param index   The index of the array element.
 * @param value   The raw value to set.
 * @param type    The type to set in the metadata of the (array element) key.
 * @param error   Pointer to an ElektraError. Will be set in case saving fails.
void elektraSetRawStringArrayElement (Elektra * elektra, const char * name, size_t index, const char * value, KDBType type,
				      ElektraError ** error)
	CHECK_ERROR (elektra, error);
	elektraSetArrayLookupKey (elektra, name, index);
	Key * const key = keyDup (elektra->lookupKey);
	keySetMeta (key, "type", type);
	keySetString (key, value);

	elektraSaveKey (elektra, key, error);
Beispiel #25
void elektraMetaArrayAdd (Key * key, const char * metaName, const char * value)
	const Key * meta = keyGetMeta (key, metaName);
	Key * arrayKey;
	if (!meta)
		keySetMeta (key, metaName, "#0");
		arrayKey = keyDup (keyGetMeta (key, metaName));
		keySetString (arrayKey, 0);
		keyAddBaseName (arrayKey, "#");
		arrayKey = keyDup (meta);
		keyAddBaseName (arrayKey, keyString (meta));
	elektraArrayIncName (arrayKey);
	keySetMeta (key, keyName (arrayKey), value);
	keySetMeta (key, metaName, keyBaseName (arrayKey));
	keyDel (arrayKey);
Beispiel #26
static void elektraAddUname (KeySet * returned, Key * parentKey)
	Key * dir;
	Key * key = keyDup (parentKey);
	ksAppendKey (returned, key);

	struct utsname buf;

	uname (&buf); // TODO: handle error

	dir = keyDup (parentKey);
	keyAddBaseName (dir, "sysname");
	keySetString (dir, buf.sysname);
	ksAppendKey (returned, dir);

	dir = keyDup (parentKey);
	keyAddBaseName (dir, "nodename");
	keySetString (dir, buf.nodename);
	ksAppendKey (returned, dir);

	dir = keyDup (parentKey);
	keyAddBaseName (dir, "release");
	keySetString (dir, buf.release);
	ksAppendKey (returned, dir);

	dir = keyDup (parentKey);
	keyAddBaseName (dir, "version");
	keySetString (dir, buf.version);
	ksAppendKey (returned, dir);

	dir = keyDup (parentKey);
	keyAddBaseName (dir, "machine");
	keySetString (dir, buf.machine);
	ksAppendKey (returned, dir);
Beispiel #27
 * @internal
 * Create a new key with a different root or common name.
 * Does not modify `key`. The new key needs to be freed after usage.
 * Preconditions: The key name starts with `source`.
 * Example:
 * ```
 * Key * source = keyNew("user/plugins/foo/placements/get", KEY_END);
 * Key * dest = renameKey ("user/plugins/foo", "user/plugins/bar", source);
 * succeed_if_same_string (keyName(dest), "user/plugins/bar/placements/get");
 * ```
 * @param  source Part of the key name to replace
 * @param  dest   Replaces `source`
 * @param  key    key
 * @return        key with new name
static Key * renameKey (const char * source, const char * dest, Key * key)
	const char * name = keyName (key);
	char * baseKeyNames = strndup (name + strlen (source), strlen (name));

	Key * moved = keyDup (key);
	keySetName (moved, dest);
	keyAddName (moved, baseKeyNames);

	elektraFree (baseKeyNames);

	return moved;
Beispiel #28
static int iniSectionToElektraKey (void *vconfig, const char *section)
	Configuration *config = (Configuration *)vconfig;

	Key *appendKey = keyDup (config->parentKey);

	keyAddBaseName(appendKey, section);
	writeCommentToMeta (config, appendKey);
	ksAppendKey(config->result, appendKey);

	return 1;
Beispiel #29
static KeySet * pwentToKS (struct passwd * pwd, Key * parentKey, SortBy index)
	KeySet * ks = ksNew (0, KS_END);
	Key * append = keyNew (keyName (parentKey), KEY_END);
	if (index == UID)
		snprintf (id, sizeof (id), "%u", pwd->pw_uid);
		keyAddBaseName (append, id);
		keySetBinary (append, 0, 0);
		ksAppendKey (ks, keyDup (append));
		keyAddBaseName (append, "name");
		keySetString (append, pwd->pw_name);
		keyAddBaseName (append, pwd->pw_name);
		keySetBinary (append, 0, 0);
		ksAppendKey (ks, keyDup (append));
		snprintf (id, sizeof (id), "%u", pwd->pw_uid);
		keyAddBaseName (append, "uid");
		keySetString (append, id);
	ksAppendKey (ks, keyDup (append));
	keySetString (append, 0);
	keySetBaseName (append, "shell");
	keySetString (append, pwd->pw_shell);
	ksAppendKey (ks, keyDup (append));
	keySetString (append, 0);
	keySetBaseName (append, "home");
	keySetString (append, pwd->pw_dir);
	ksAppendKey (ks, keyDup (append));
	keySetString (append, 0);
	keySetBaseName (append, "gid");
	snprintf (id, sizeof (id), "%u", pwd->pw_gid);
	keySetString (append, id);
	ksAppendKey (ks, keyDup (append));
	keySetString (append, 0);
	keySetBaseName (append, "passwd");
	keySetString (append, pwd->pw_passwd);
	ksAppendKey (ks, keyDup (append));
	keySetString (append, 0);
	keySetBaseName (append, "gecos");
	keySetString (append, pwd->pw_gecos);
	ksAppendKey (ks, keyDup (append));
	keyDel (append);
	return ks;
Beispiel #30
static const char * getGlobFlags (KeySet * keys, Key * globKey)
	Key * flagKey = keyDup (globKey);
	keyAddBaseName (flagKey, "flags");
	Key * flagResult = ksLookup (keys, flagKey, KDB_O_NONE);
	keyDel (flagKey);

	if (flagResult)
		return keyString (flagResult);

	return 0;