Beispiel #1
static idinfo_t *ibs_get_list(const char *secret, const char *pid, const char *ptype, const char *ctype, int *n)
    char url[1024], *rst;
    idinfo_t *ids = 0;
    int len, i;
    kson_t *kson;
    *n = 0;
    sprintf(url, "%s/%s/%s/%s/%s?access_token=%s", ibs_url, ibs_prefix, ptype, pid, ctype, secret);
    rst = ibs_read_all(url, &len);
    if ((kson = kson_parse(rst)) != 0) {
        const kson_node_t *p, *q;
        if ((p = kson_by_path(kson->root, 2, "Response", "Items")) != 0) {
            ids = malloc(p->n * sizeof(idinfo_t));
            *n = p->n;
            for (i = 0; i < p->n; ++i) {
                ids[i].id = ids[i].name = 0;
                if ((q = kson_by_path(p, 2, i, "Id")))
                    ids[i].id = strdup(q->v.str);
                if ((q = kson_by_path(p, 2, i, "Name")))
                    ids[i].name = strdup(q->v.str);
    return ids;
Beispiel #2
static int ibs_by_sample(const char *secret, const char *sid, const char *pid, const char *pname)
    char url[1024], *rst;
    int len, i, n = 0;
    kson_t *kson;
    sprintf(url, "%s/%s/samples/%s/files?access_token=%s", ibs_url, ibs_prefix, sid, secret);
    rst = ibs_read_all(url, &len);
    if ((kson = kson_parse(rst)) != 0) {
        const kson_node_t *p, *q;
        char *id;
        int64_t size;
        if ((p = kson_by_path(kson->root, 2, "Response", "Items")) != 0) {
            for (i = 0; i < p->n; ++i) {
                if ((q = kson_by_path(p, 2, i, "Id")) == 0) continue;
                id = q->v.str;
                if ((q = kson_by_path(p, 2, i, "Size")) == 0) continue;
                size = atoll(q->v.str);
                if ((q = kson_by_path(p, 2, i, "Name")) == 0) continue;
                printf("%s\t%s\t%lld\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", id, q->v.str, (long long)size, sid, pid, pname);
    return n;
Beispiel #3
kson_t *kson_parse(const char *json)
    kson_t *kson;
    int error;
    kson = (kson_t*)calloc(1, sizeof(kson_t));
    kson->root = kson_parse_core(json, &kson->n_nodes, &error, 0);
    if (error) {
        return 0;
    return kson;
Beispiel #4
char *ibs_get_userID(const char *secret)
    char url[1024], *rst, *id = 0;
    int len;
    kson_t *kson;
    sprintf(url, "%s/%s/oauthv2/token/current?access_token=%s", ibs_url, ibs_prefix, secret);
    rst = ibs_read_all(url, &len);
    if ((kson = kson_parse(rst)) != 0) {
        const kson_node_t *p;
        if ((p = kson_by_path(kson->root, 3, "Response", "UserResourceOwner", "Id")) != 0)
            id = strdup(p->v.str);
    return id;
Beispiel #5
int64_t ibs_download(const char *secret, const char *id, int is_stdout)
    char url[1024], *rst, *fn = 0;
    uint8_t *buf = 0;
    kurl_t *ku = 0;
    FILE *fp = 0;
    int l;
    int64_t size = 0, start = 0, write_size = 0;
    kson_t *kson;

    // get file name and file size
    sprintf(url, "%s/%s/files/%s?access_token=%s", ibs_url, ibs_prefix, id, secret);
    rst = ibs_read_all(url, 0);
    if ((kson = kson_parse(rst)) != 0) {
        const kson_node_t *p;
        if ((p = kson_by_path(kson->root, 2, "Response", "Name")) != 0)
            fn = strdup(p->v.str);
        if ((p = kson_by_path(kson->root, 2, "Response", "Size")) != 0)
            size = atoll(p->v.str);
    if (fn == 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "[E::%s] failed to find file '%s'.\n", __func__, id);
        return -1;
    fprintf(stderr, "[M::%s] file name: %s; size: %lld\n", __func__, id, (long long)size);

    if (!is_stdout) {
        struct stat s;
        if (stat(fn, &s) == 0) {
            start = s.st_size;
            if (start == size) {
                fprintf(stderr, "[W::%s] file '%s' is complete. Download skipped.\n", __func__, fn);
                goto ret_getfile;
            } else fprintf(stderr, "[W::%s] file '%s' exists but incomplete. Start from offset %lld.\n", __func__, fn, (long long)start);
    } else fp = stdout;
    sprintf(url, "%s/%s/files/%s/content?access_token=%s", ibs_url, ibs_prefix, id, secret);
    if ((ku = kurl_open(url, 0)) == 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "[E::%s] failed to establish the connection.\n", __func__);
        goto ret_getfile;
    if (start > 0 && kurl_seek(ku, start, SEEK_SET) < 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "[E::%s] file '%s' present, but 'range' is not supported. Please manually delete the file first.\n", __func__, fn);
        goto ret_getfile;
    if (!is_stdout) {
        if (fn && (fp = fopen(fn, "ab")) == 0) {
            fprintf(stderr, "[E::%s] failed to create file '%s' in the working directory.\n", __func__, fn);
            goto ret_getfile;
        } else fprintf(stderr, "[M::%s] writing/appending to file '%s'...\n", __func__, fn);

    buf = malloc(IBS_BUFSIZE);
    while ((l = kurl_read(ku, buf, IBS_BUFSIZE)) > 0)
        write_size += fwrite(buf, 1, l, fp);
    fprintf(stderr, "[M::%s] %lld bytes transferred.\n", __func__, (long long)write_size);

    if (fp && fp != stdout) fclose(fp);
    if (ku) kurl_close(ku);
    if (fn) free(fn);
    return size;