Beispiel #1
void display()
	/* If we are using DGR, send or receive data to keep multiple
	 * processes/computers synchronized. */

	/* Get current frames per second calculations. */
	float fps = kuhl_getfps(&fps_state);

	if(dgr_is_enabled() == 0 || dgr_is_master())
		// If DGR is being used, only display dgr counter if we are
		// the master process.

		// Check if FPS value was just updated by kuhl_getfps()
		if(fps_state.frame == 0)
			char label[1024];
			snprintf(label, 1024, "FPS: %0.1f", fps);

			/* Delete old label if it exists */
			if(fpsLabel != 0) 
				glDeleteTextures(1, &fpsLabel);

			/* Make a new label */
			float labelColor[3] = { 1,1,1 };
			float labelBg[4] = { 0,0,0,.3 };
			/* Change the last parameter (point size) to adjust the
			 * size of the texture that the text is rendered in to. */
			fpsLabelAspectRatio = kuhl_make_label(label,
			                                      labelColor, labelBg, 24);

			if(fpsLabel != 0)
				kuhl_geometry_texture(&labelQuad, fpsLabel, "tex", 1);
	/* Ensure the slaves use the same render style as the master
	 * process. */
	dgr_setget("style", &renderStyle, sizeof(int));

	/* Render the scene once for each viewport. Frequently one
	 * viewport will fill the entire screen. However, this loop will
	 * run twice for HMDs (once for the left eye and once for the
	 * right. */
	for(int viewportID=0; viewportID<viewmat_num_viewports(); viewportID++)

		/* Where is the viewport that we are drawing onto and what is its size? */
		int viewport[4]; // x,y of lower left corner, width, height
		viewmat_get_viewport(viewport, viewportID);
		glViewport(viewport[0], viewport[1], viewport[2], viewport[3]);

		/* Clear the current viewport. Without glScissor(), glClear()
		 * clears the entire screen. We could call glClear() before
		 * this viewport loop---but on order for all variations of
		 * this code to work (Oculus support, etc), we can only draw
		 * after viewmat_begin_eye(). */
		glScissor(viewport[0], viewport[1], viewport[2], viewport[3]);
		glClearColor(.2,.2,.2,0); // set clear color to grey
		glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); // turn on depth testing

		/* Turn on blending (note, if you are using transparent textures,
		   the transparency may not look correct unless you draw further
		   items before closer items.). */
		glBlendEquationSeparate(GL_FUNC_ADD, GL_FUNC_ADD);

		/* Get the view or camera matrix; update the frustum values if needed. */
		float viewMat[16], perspective[16];
		viewmat_get(viewMat, perspective, viewportID);

		/* Send the perspective projection matrix to the vertex program. */
		                   1, // number of 4x4 float matrices
		                   0, // transpose
		                   perspective); // value

		float modelMat[16];
		float modelview[16];
		mat4f_mult_mat4f_new(modelview, viewMat, modelMat); // modelview = view * model

		/* Send the modelview matrix to the vertex program. */
		                   1, // number of 4x4 float matrices
		                   0, // transpose
		                   modelview); // value

		glUniform1i(kuhl_get_uniform("renderStyle"), renderStyle);
		// Copy far plane value into vertex program so we can render depth buffer.
		float f[6]; // left, right, bottom, top, near>0, far>0
		projmat_get_frustum(f, viewport[2], viewport[3]);
		glUniform1f(kuhl_get_uniform("farPlane"), f[5]);

		kuhl_geometry_draw(modelgeom); /* Draw the model */
			/* Save current line width */
			GLfloat origLineWidth;
			glGetFloatv(GL_LINE_WIDTH, &origLineWidth);
			glLineWidth(4); // make lines thick
			/* Object coordinate system origin */
			kuhl_geometry_draw(origingeom); /* Draw the origin marker */

			/* World coordinate origin */
			mat4f_copy(modelview, viewMat);
			                   1, // number of 4x4 float matrices
			                   0, // transpose
			                   modelview); // value
			kuhl_geometry_draw(origingeom); /* Draw the origin marker */

			/* Restore line width */

		if(dgr_is_enabled() == 0 || dgr_is_master())

			/* The shape of the frames per second quad depends on the
			 * aspect ratio of the label texture and the aspect ratio of
			 * the window (because we are placing the quad in normalized
			 * device coordinates). */
			int windowWidth, windowHeight;
			viewmat_window_size(&windowWidth, &windowHeight);
			float windowAspect = windowWidth / (float)windowHeight;
			float stretchLabel[16];
			mat4f_scale_new(stretchLabel, 1/8.0 * fpsLabelAspectRatio / windowAspect, 1/8.0, 1);

			/* Position label in the upper left corner of the screen */
			float transLabel[16];
			mat4f_translate_new(transLabel, -.9, .8, 0);
			mat4f_mult_mat4f_new(modelview, transLabel, stretchLabel);
			glUniformMatrix4fv(kuhl_get_uniform("ModelView"), 1, 0, modelview);

			/* Make sure we don't use a projection matrix */
			float identity[16];
			glUniformMatrix4fv(kuhl_get_uniform("Projection"), 1, 0, identity);

			/* Don't use depth testing and make sure we use the texture
			 * rendering style */
			glUniform1i(kuhl_get_uniform("renderStyle"), 1);
			kuhl_geometry_draw(&labelQuad); /* Draw the quad */

		glUseProgram(0); // stop using a GLSL program.

	} // finish viewport loop
	/* Update the model for the next frame based on the time. We
	 * convert the time to seconds and then use mod to cause the
	 * animation to repeat. */
	int time = glutGet(GLUT_ELAPSED_TIME);
	dgr_setget("time", &time, sizeof(int));
	kuhl_update_model(modelgeom, 0, ((time%10000)/1000.0));

	/* Check for errors. If there are errors, consider adding more
	 * calls to kuhl_errorcheck() in your code. */

	//kuhl_video_record("videoout", 30);
	/* Ask GLUT to call display() again. We shouldn't call display()
	 * ourselves recursively because it will not leave time for GLUT
	 * to call other callback functions for when a key is pressed, the
	 * window is resized, etc. */
/** Called by GLUT whenever the window needs to be redrawn. This
 * function should not be called directly by the programmer. Instead,
 * we can call glutPostRedisplay() to request that GLUT call display()
 * at some point. */
void display()
	/* If we are using DGR, send or receive data to keep multiple
	 * processes/computers synchronized. */

	/* Get current frames per second calculations. */
	float fps = kuhl_getfps(&fps_state);

	if(dgr_is_enabled() == 0 || dgr_is_master())
		// If DGR is being used, only display dgr counter if we are
		// the master process.

		// Check if FPS value was just updated by kuhl_getfps()
		if(fps_state.frame == 0)
			msg(INFO, "FPS: %0.1f", fps);
	/* Render the scene once for each viewport. Frequently one
	 * viewport will fill the entire screen. However, this loop will
	 * run twice for HMDs (once for the left eye and once for the
	 * right. */
	for(int viewportID=0; viewportID<viewmat_num_viewports(); viewportID++)

		/* Where is the viewport that we are drawing onto and what is its size? */
		int viewport[4]; // x,y of lower left corner, width, height
		viewmat_get_viewport(viewport, viewportID);
		glViewport(viewport[0], viewport[1], viewport[2], viewport[3]);

		/* Clear the current viewport. Without glScissor(), glClear()
		 * clears the entire screen. We could call glClear() before
		 * this viewport loop---but on order for all variations of
		 * this code to work (Oculus support, etc), we can only draw
		 * after viewmat_begin_eye(). */
		glScissor(viewport[0], viewport[1], viewport[2], viewport[3]);
		glClearColor(.2,.2,.2,0); // set clear color to grey
		glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); // turn on depth testing

		/* Turn on blending (note, if you are using transparent textures,
		   the transparency may not look correct unless you draw further
		   items before closer items.). */
		glBlendEquationSeparate(GL_FUNC_ADD, GL_FUNC_ADD);

		/* Get the view or camera matrix; update the frustum values if needed. */
		float viewMat[16], perspective[16];
		viewmat_get(viewMat, perspective, viewportID);

		/* Send the perspective projection matrix to the vertex program. */
		                   1, // number of 4x4 float matrices
		                   0, // transpose
		                   perspective); // value

		for(int i=1; i<global_argc; i++)
			drawObject(i, viewMat);

		glUseProgram(0); // stop using a GLSL program.

	} // finish viewport loop
	/* Update the model for the next frame based on the time. We
	 * convert the time to seconds and then use mod to cause the
	 * animation to repeat. */
	int time = glutGet(GLUT_ELAPSED_TIME);
	dgr_setget("time", &time, sizeof(int));
	kuhl_update_model(modelgeom, 0, ((time%10000)/1000.0));

	/* Check for errors. If there are errors, consider adding more
	 * calls to kuhl_errorcheck() in your code. */

	//kuhl_video_record("videoout", 30);
	/* Ask GLUT to call display() again. We shouldn't call display()
	 * ourselves recursively because it will not leave time for GLUT
	 * to call other callback functions for when a key is pressed, the
	 * window is resized, etc. */