void OBBRayPicking::screenPosToWorldRay(
	int mouseX, int mouseY,             // Mouse position, in pixels, from bottom-left corner of the window
	int screenWidth, int screenHeight,  // Window size, in pixels
	const glm::mat4 &ViewMatrix,               // Camera position and orientation
	const glm::mat4 &ProjectionMatrix,         // Camera parameters (ratio, field of view, near and far planes)
	glm::vec3 &out_origin,              // Ouput : Origin of the ray. /!\ Starts at the near plane, so if you want the ray to start at the camera's position instead, ignore this.
	glm::vec3 &out_direction            // Ouput : Direction, in world space, of the ray that goes "through" the mouse.

	// The ray Start and End positions, in Normalized Device Coordinates
	glm::vec4 lRayStart_NDC(
		((float)mouseX / (float)screenWidth - 0.5f) * 2.0f, // [0,1024] -> [-1,1]
		((float)mouseY / (float)screenHeight - 0.5f) * 2.0f, // [0, 768] -> [-1,1]
		-1.0, // The near plane maps to Z=-1 in Normalized Device Coordinates
	glm::vec4 lRayEnd_NDC(
		((float)mouseX / (float)screenWidth - 0.5f) * 2.0f,
		((float)mouseY / (float)screenHeight - 0.5f) * 2.0f,

	// The Projection matrix goes from Camera Space to NDC.
	// So inverse(ProjectionMatrix) goes from NDC to Camera Space.
	glm::mat4 InverseProjectionMatrix = glm::inverse(ProjectionMatrix);

	// The View Matrix goes from World Space to Camera Space.
	// So inverse(ViewMatrix) goes from Camera Space to World Space.
	glm::mat4 InverseViewMatrix = glm::inverse(ViewMatrix);

	glm::vec4 lRayStart_camera = InverseProjectionMatrix * lRayStart_NDC;    lRayStart_camera /= lRayStart_camera.w;
	glm::vec4 lRayStart_world = InverseViewMatrix       * lRayStart_camera; lRayStart_world /= lRayStart_world.w;
	glm::vec4 lRayEnd_camera = InverseProjectionMatrix * lRayEnd_NDC;      lRayEnd_camera /= lRayEnd_camera.w;
	glm::vec4 lRayEnd_world = InverseViewMatrix       * lRayEnd_camera;   lRayEnd_world /= lRayEnd_world.w;

	// Faster way (just one inverse)
	//glm::mat4 M = glm::inverse(ProjectionMatrix * ViewMatrix);
	//glm::vec4 lRayStart_world = M * lRayStart_NDC; lRayStart_world/=lRayStart_world.w;
	//glm::vec4 lRayEnd_world   = M * lRayEnd_NDC  ; lRayEnd_world  /=lRayEnd_world.w;

	glm::vec3 lRayDir_world(lRayEnd_world - lRayStart_world);
	lRayDir_world = glm::normalize(lRayDir_world);

	out_origin = glm::vec3(lRayStart_world);
	out_direction = glm::normalize(lRayDir_world);
	void screenPosToWorldRay(
		int mouseX,
		int mouseY,
        int screenWidth,
		int screenHeight,
        const glm::mat4 &viewMatrix,
        const glm::mat4 &projectionMatrix,
        glm::vec3& out_origin,
        glm::vec3& out_direction)
        glm::vec4 lRayStart_NDC(
                ((float)mouseX/(float)screenWidth  - 0.5f) * 2.0f,
                ((float)mouseY/(float)screenHeight - 0.5f) * 2.0f,
        glm::vec4 lRayEnd_NDC(
                ((float)mouseX/(float)screenWidth  - 0.5f) * 2.0f,
                ((float)mouseY/(float)screenHeight - 0.5f) * 2.0f,

        glm::mat4 InverseProjectionMatrix = glm::inverse(projectionMatrix);        
        glm::mat4 InverseViewMatrix = glm::inverse(viewMatrix);
        glm::vec4 lRayStart_camera = InverseProjectionMatrix * lRayStart_NDC;    lRayStart_camera/=lRayStart_camera.w;
        glm::vec4 lRayStart_world  = InverseViewMatrix       * lRayStart_camera; lRayStart_world /=lRayStart_world.w;
        glm::vec4 lRayEnd_camera   = InverseProjectionMatrix * lRayEnd_NDC;      lRayEnd_camera  /=lRayEnd_camera.w;
        glm::vec4 lRayEnd_world    = InverseViewMatrix       * lRayEnd_camera;   lRayEnd_world   /=lRayEnd_world.w;

        glm::vec3 lRayDir_world(lRayEnd_world - lRayStart_world);
        lRayDir_world = glm::normalize(lRayDir_world);

        out_origin = glm::vec3(lRayStart_world);
        out_direction = glm::normalize(lRayDir_world);