String EditCtrl::DoGetCaptionWithCaret()const
		String l_caption( m_caption.begin(), m_caretIt.internal() );
		l_caption += _T( '|' );

		if ( m_caretIt != m_caption.end() )
			l_caption += String( m_caretIt.internal(), m_caption.end() );

		return l_caption;
	void EditCtrl::DoDeleteCharAtCaret()
		if ( m_caretIt != m_caption.end() )
			size_t l_diff = std::distance( StringUtils::Utf8Iterator( m_caption.begin() ), m_caretIt );
			String l_caption( m_caption.cbegin(), m_caretIt.internal() );
			StringUtils::Utf8Iterator l_it = m_caretIt;

			if ( ++l_it != m_caption.end() )
				l_caption += String( l_it.internal(), m_caption.cend() );

			m_caption = l_caption;
			m_caretIt = StringUtils::Utf8Iterator( m_caption.begin() ) + l_diff;
AppTabDialog::AppTabDialog( QWidget *p_parent, const QString &captionKey,
        const char *p_name, const QString &acceptKey, const QString &rejectKey ) :
    QTabDialog( p_parent, p_name, true,
        WStyle_Customize |          // Use following flags
        WStyle_SysMenu |            // System menu in upper left
        WStyle_Title |              // Window title
        WStyle_MinMax |             // Min/max in system menu
        WStyle_Dialog |             // Modal toplevel window
        WStyle_NormalBorder ),      // Resizeable corners
    // Set the dialog caption
    QString l_caption("");
    translate( l_caption, captionKey );
    setCaption( appWindow()->m_program + " "
              + appWindow()->m_version + " " + l_caption );

    // Add the standard QTabDialog Ok button.
    QString text("");
    translate( text, acceptKey );
    setOkButton( text );
    connect( this, SIGNAL( applyButtonPressed() ),
             this, SLOT( store() ) );

    // Optionally add the QTabDialog cancel button.
    if ( ! rejectKey.isNull() && ! rejectKey.isEmpty() )
        translate( text, rejectKey );
        setCancelButton( text );
        connect( this, SIGNAL( cancelButtonPressed() ),
                 this, SLOT( reject() ) );
    // Create the context menu.
    m_contextMenu = new QPopupMenu( this, "m_contextMenu" );
    Q_CHECK_PTR( m_contextMenu );
    translate( text, "AppDialog:ContextMenu:Print" );
    int mid = m_contextMenu->insertItem( text );
    m_contextMenu->setItemParameter( mid, ContextPrintDialog );
AppDialog::AppDialog( QWidget *p_parent, const QString &captionKey,
        const QString &pictureFile, const QString &pictureName,
        const QString &htmlFile,    const char *p_name,
        const QString &acceptKey,   const QString &rejectKey,
        const QString &clearKey,    const QString &wizardKey ) :
    QDialog( p_parent, p_name, true,
        WStyle_Customize |          // Use the following flags:
        WStyle_SysMenu |            // System menu in upper left
        WStyle_Title |              // Window title
        WStyle_MinMax |             // Min/max in system menu
        WStyle_Dialog |             // Modal toplevel window
        WStyle_NormalBorder ),      // Resizeable corners
    // Set the dialog caption
    QString l_caption("");
    translate( l_caption, captionKey );
    setCaption( appWindow()->m_program + " "
              + appWindow()->m_version + " " + l_caption );

    // Divide the dialog window into top and bottom sections.
    m_pageLayout = new QVBoxLayout( this, 10, 10, "m_pageLayout" );
    Q_CHECK_PTR( m_pageLayout);

    // Top section contains the AppPage.
    m_page = new AppPage( this, pictureFile, pictureName, htmlFile, p_name );
    checkmem( __FILE__, __LINE__, m_page, "AppPage appPage", 1 );
    m_pageLayout->addWidget( m_page );

    // The bottom section contains a row of buttons.
    m_buttonBox = new QHBox( this, "m_buttonBox" );
    Q_CHECK_PTR( m_buttonBox );
    m_pageLayout->addWidget( m_buttonBox );

    // Accept button
    QString text("");
    translate( text, acceptKey );
    m_acceptBtn = new QPushButton( text, m_buttonBox, "m_acceptBtn" );
    Q_CHECK_PTR( m_acceptBtn );
    connect( m_acceptBtn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( store() ) );
    // Clear button
    if ( ! clearKey.isNull() && ! clearKey.isEmpty() )
        translate( text, clearKey );
        m_clearBtn = new QPushButton( text, m_buttonBox, "m_clearBtn" );
        Q_CHECK_PTR( m_clearBtn );
        connect( m_clearBtn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( clear() ) );
    // Wizard button
    if ( ! wizardKey.isNull() && ! wizardKey.isEmpty() )
        translate( text, wizardKey );
        m_wizardBtn = new QPushButton( text, m_buttonBox, "m_wizardBtn" );
        Q_CHECK_PTR( m_wizardBtn );
        connect( m_wizardBtn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( wizard() ) );
    // Cancel button
    if ( ! rejectKey.isNull() && ! rejectKey.isEmpty() )
        translate( text, rejectKey );
        m_rejectBtn = new QPushButton( text, m_buttonBox, "m_rejectBtn" );
        Q_CHECK_PTR( m_rejectBtn );
        connect( m_rejectBtn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( reject() ) );
    // Find the widest button
    int l_width = m_acceptBtn->sizeHint().width();
    QWidget *widest = m_acceptBtn;
    if ( m_rejectBtn && m_rejectBtn->sizeHint().width() > l_width )
        l_width = m_rejectBtn->sizeHint().width();
        widest = m_rejectBtn;
    if ( m_clearBtn && m_clearBtn->sizeHint().width() > l_width )
        l_width = m_clearBtn->sizeHint().width();
        widest = m_clearBtn;
    if ( m_wizardBtn && m_wizardBtn->sizeHint().width() > l_width )
        l_width = m_wizardBtn->sizeHint().width();
        widest = m_wizardBtn;
    // Make all buttons the same size as the widest button.
    m_acceptBtn->setFixedSize( widest->sizeHint() );
    if ( m_rejectBtn )
        m_rejectBtn->setFixedSize( widest->sizeHint() );
    if ( m_clearBtn )
        m_clearBtn->setFixedSize( widest->sizeHint() );
    if ( m_wizardBtn )
        m_wizardBtn->setFixedSize( widest->sizeHint() );
    m_buttonBox->setFixedHeight( m_buttonBox->sizeHint().height() );

    // Create the context menu.
    m_contextMenu = new QPopupMenu( this, "m_contextMenu" );
    Q_CHECK_PTR( m_contextMenu );

    translate( text, "AppDialog:ContextMenu:Print" );
    int mid = m_contextMenu->insertItem( text );
    m_contextMenu->setItemParameter( mid, ContextPrintDialog );