Beispiel #1
int main (int argc, char **argv) {
  // parse args
  struct arguments arguments;
  arguments.argc = 0;
  argp_parse (&argp, argc, argv, 0, 0, &arguments);
  char *filename = arguments.args[0];

  LClosure *closure = l_closure_new(NULL);

  LValue* f = l_value_new(L_STR_TYPE, closure);
  f->core.str = make_stringbuf((char*)filename);
  l_closure_set(closure, "-script", f, true);

  LValue *arg;
  LValue *args = l_value_new(L_LIST_TYPE, closure);
  args->core.list = create_vector();
  int i;
  for(i=1; i<arguments.argc; i++) {
    arg = l_value_new(L_STR_TYPE, closure);
    arg->core.str = make_stringbuf(arguments.args[i]);
    vector_add(args->core.list, arg, sizeof(arg));
  l_closure_set(closure, "-args", args, true);

  l_eval_path(filename, closure);

Beispiel #2
LValue *l_eval_call_args(LNode *node, LValue *func, LClosure *outer_closure, LClosure *inner_closure) {
  int i, argc;
  LValue *v, *args_val, **ref;
  LNode **args;

  if(node != NULL) {
    argc = node->exprc;
    args = node->exprs;
  } else {
    argc = 0;
    args = NULL;

  if(outer_closure != inner_closure) {
    // initialize all args to nil
    for(i=0; i<func->core.func.argc; i++) {
      v = l_value_new(L_NIL_TYPE, inner_closure);
      l_closure_set(inner_closure, func->core.func.args[i]->val, v, true);

  // setup the arguments
  args_val = l_value_new(L_LIST_TYPE, inner_closure);
  args_val->core.list = create_vector();

  LValue ***args_ref = malloc(sizeof(LValue**) * argc);

  // set all passed args
  for(i=0; i<argc; i++) {
    if(args[i]->type == L_VAR_TYPE) { // pass vars by reference
      ref = l_closure_get_ref(outer_closure, args[i]->val);
      if(ref != NULL) {
        args_ref[i] = ref;
        v = *ref;
      } else {
        // handle error
        l_eval_var_node(args[i], outer_closure);
    } else { // eval as normal and set the value
      v = l_eval_node(args[i], outer_closure);
      ref = malloc(sizeof(LValue*));
      *ref = v;
      args_ref[i] = ref;
    // append to 'args' variable
    vector_add(args_val->core.list, v, sizeof(v));

  for(i=0; i<func->core.func.argc; i++) {
    l_ref_put(inner_closure->locals, func->core.func.args[i]->val, args_ref[i]);

  l_closure_set(inner_closure, "args", args_val, true);

  return args_val;
Beispiel #3
void l_eval_path(const char *filename, LClosure *closure) {
  FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "r");
  if(fp == NULL) {
    printf("An error occurred while opening the file %s.\n", filename);

  LValue* f = l_value_new(L_STR_TYPE, closure);
  f->core.str = make_stringbuf((char*)filename);
  l_closure_set(closure, "-filename", f, true);

  stringbuf *source = make_stringbuf("");
  source->str = saferead(fp);

  l_eval(source->str, filename, closure);
Beispiel #4
LValue *l_eval_assign_node(LNode *node, LClosure *closure) {
  LValue *value = l_eval_node(node->exprs[0], closure);
  l_closure_set(closure, node->val, value, false);
  return value;
Beispiel #5
LValue *l_eval_call_node(LNode *node, LValue *func, LClosure *closure) {

  if(func == NULL) func = l_eval_var_node(node, closure);

  char *name = (node != NULL) ? node->val : "";

  LValue *value, *args_val;
  LNode *expr;
  int i;

  // create a running scope to hold arguments
  // and a reference to self (for recursion)
  // TODO this may not be necessary (can't we just do `cl=func->core.func.closure`?)
  LClosure *cl = l_closure_clone(func->core.func.closure, node);


  l_debug(L_DEBUG_CALL) {
    if(node) printf(">>> entering %s on line %d in %s\n", name, node->line_no, node->source_file);
    else printf(">>> entering %s\n", name);

  if(strcmp(name, "") != 0)
    l_closure_set(cl, name, func, true);

  args_val = l_eval_call_args(node, func, closure, cl);

  if(func->core.func.ptr != NULL) {
    // native C code
    if(!setjmp(cl->jmp)) {
      value = func->core.func.ptr(args_val, cl);
    } else {
      // function called longjmp to initiate a tail call
      l_debug(L_DEBUG_CALL) printf("^^^ reached end of %s (longjmp tail call)\n", name);
      node = NULL;
      func = l_closure_get(cl, "--tail-call--");
      closure = cl;
      l_closure_backfill(func->core.func.closure, cl, node);
      name = "";
      goto tail_loop;
  } else {
    // Lydia code
    int exprc = func->core.func.exprc;
    if(exprc > 0) {
      // eval all but the last expression
      for(i=0; i<exprc-1; i++) {
        expr = func->core.func.exprs[i];
        value = l_eval_node(expr, cl);
      expr = func->core.func.exprs[exprc-1];
      if(expr->type == L_CALL_TYPE) { // tail call
        l_debug(L_DEBUG_CALL) printf("^^^ reached end of %s (tail call)\n", name);
        node = expr;
        func = l_eval_var_node(node, cl);
        closure = cl;
        l_closure_backfill(func->core.func.closure, cl, node);
        name = node->val;
        goto tail_loop;
      } else {
        value = l_eval_node(expr, cl);
    } else {
      value = l_value_new(L_NIL_TYPE, cl);


  l_debug(L_DEBUG_CALL) printf("<<< returning from %s\n", name);

  return value;
Beispiel #6
// sets misc global vars
void l_create_globals(LClosure *closure) {
  l_closure_set(closure, "nil",   l_value_new(L_NIL_TYPE,   closure), false);
  l_closure_set(closure, "false", l_value_new(L_FALSE_TYPE, closure), false);
  l_closure_set(closure, "true",  l_value_new(L_TRUE_TYPE,  closure), false);
Beispiel #7
// inserts given function as given name in given closure
void l_insert_func(char *name, struct LValue* (*ptr)(struct LValue*, LClosure*), LClosure *closure) {
  LValue *f = l_func_new(ptr, closure);
  l_closure_set(closure, name, f, false);