bool Flyer::charPoll( double dt ) { shadow_prop->setLoc(loc); // Moving in altitute axis h += v_h * dt; if( gravity != 0 ){ v_h += gravity * dt; } if( h < 0 ) { land(); return false; } // Where to draw draw_offset.y = h; loc += v * dt; if( !flyerPoll(dt)){ return false; } // Landing (ex. blaster hit) if( gotToGoal() ){ land(); return false; } last_loc = loc; return true; }
literalt aig_prop_baset::lselect(literalt a, literalt b, literalt c) { // a?b:c = (a AND b) OR (/a AND c) if(a.is_true()) return b; if(a.is_false()) return c; if(b==c) return b; // This produces unnecessary clauses and variables // See convert_node for where this overhead is removed return lor(land(a, b), land(neg(a), c)); }
literalt z3_propt::lselect(literalt a, literalt b, literalt c) { // a?b:c = (a AND b) OR (/a AND c) if(a==const_literal(true)) return b; if(a==const_literal(false)) return c; if(b==c) return b; bvt bv; bv.reserve(2); bv.push_back(land(a, b)); bv.push_back(land(lnot(a), c)); return lor(bv); }
literalt aig_prop_baset::lxor(literalt a, literalt b) { if(a.is_false()) return b; if(b.is_false()) return a; if(a.is_true()) return neg(b); if(b.is_true()) return neg(a); if(a==b) return const_literal(false); if(a==neg(b)) return const_literal(true); // This produces up to three nodes! // See convert_node for where this overhead is removed return lor(land(a, neg(b)), land(neg(a), b)); }
literalt cnft::land(const bvt &bv) { if(bv.size()==0) return const_literal(true); if(bv.size()==1) return bv[0]; if(bv.size()==2) return land(bv[0], bv[1]); forall_literals(it, bv) if(it->is_false()) return *it; if(is_all(bv, const_literal(true))) return const_literal(true); bvt new_bv; eliminate_duplicates(bv, new_bv); bvt lits(2); literalt literal=new_variable(); lits[1]=neg(literal); forall_literals(it, new_bv) { lits[0]=pos(*it); lcnf(lits); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { double elapsedTime; double finalVelocity; int optionLetter; parameters.maxThrust = setDefaultDouble("MAX_THRUST", MAX_THRUST_DEFAULT); while((optionLetter = getopt(argc, argv, "t:")) != -1) { switch(optionLetter){ case 't': parameters.maxThrust = strtod(optarg, NULL); break; default: assert(0); } } land(&finalVelocity, &elapsedTime); printf("final velocity: %.1f m/s\n", finalVelocity); if (fabs(finalVelocity) > 2.0) printf("you crashed!\n"); else printf("safe landing\n"); printf(" elapsed time: %.2f s\n", elapsedTime); return 0; }
int main(){ int size = 6; int arr[size]; int arr1[6]={1,2,3,4,5,6}; int arr2[6]={-11,-12,-13,-14,-15,-16}; int res[6]; int i; fillRand3(arr, size); for (i = 0; i < size; i++) printf("%d\t", arr[i]); printf("\nrez = %d\n",checkRand3(arr, size)); printf("sred = %.3f\n",meanValue(arr, size)); printf("min = %d\n", minValue(arr, size)); printf("index= %i\n", meanIndex(arr, size)); printf("index = %d\n", minIndex(arr, size)); printf("elem = %d\n", maxOccurance(arr, size)); printf("res = %d\n", diff(arr1, arr2, res, size)); sub(arr1, arr2, res, size); for (i=0;i<size;i++) printf("%d\t", res[i]); printf("\neq= %d\n", eq(arr1, arr2, size)); land(arr1, arr2, res, size); for (i=0;i<size;i++) printf("%d\t", res[i]); return 0; }
void Emergency_exit (int signum) { land(); close_commands_socket(); exit(signum); }
void ATCommandHandler::move() { FlightInput fi; int i = 0; /*while (i < 10) { atc.move(-0.4, 0, 0, 0); i++; }*/ while (i < 200) { fi.listen(); std::cout << "Sending move on ATCommands" << std::endl; atc.move(fi.pitch, fi.roll, fi.yaw, fi.throttle); i++; } land(); std::cin.ignore(); }
void VisualBird::drive() { //update flight status eye->updateFlightStatus(); ROS_DEBUG("%.3f %.3f %.3f", eye->getTargetVel().x, eye->getTargetVel().y, eye->getTargetVel().z); //check whether arrived at start point checkStartPoint(); //check landing condition land(); if (norm(vectorMinus(eye->getCurrentPoint(), shiftOrigin)) < 150 && !landing && !circleStart) { ROS_INFO("Start virtual target"); targetCircleCenter = eye->getCurrentPoint(); targetCircleCenter.y += radius + 50; currTheta = 0; circleStart = true; } if (circleStart && !landing) { targetPoint.x = targetCircleCenter.x + radius * sin(currTheta); targetPoint.y = targetCircleCenter.y - radius * cos(currTheta); targetPosLog.push_back(targetPoint); targetVel.x = radius * omega * cos(currTheta)/1000.; targetVel.y = radius * omega * sin(currTheta)/1000.; targetVel.z = 0; targetVelLog.push_back(targetVel); targetAcc.x = - radius * omega * omega * sin(currTheta)/1000.; targetAcc.y = radius * omega * omega * cos(currTheta)/1000.; targetAcc.z = 0; targetAccLog.push_back(targetAcc); currTheta += omega/freq; //ROS_INFO("Virtual target at %.3f %.3f %.3f", targetPoint.x, targetPoint.y, targetPoint.z); } if (!hover) nav->updatePVA(scalarProduct(0.001,vectorMinus(eye->getCurrentPoint(),shiftOrigin)),scalarProduct(0.001,vectorMinus(targetPoint,shiftOrigin)),scalarProduct(0.001,eye->getCurrentVel()),targetVel,targetAcc); invokeController(); visualTarget.push_back(targetPoint); geometry_msgs::PointStamped msg; msg.header.frame_id = "world"; msg.point.x = targetPoint.x/1000; msg.point.y = targetPoint.y/1000; msg.point.z = targetPoint.z/1000; msg.header.stamp = ros::Time::now(); target_pub.publish(msg); double secs =ros::Time::now().toSec(); timeLog.push_back(secs); counter ++; }
::Ice::DispatchStatus jderobot::Quadrotor::___land(::IceInternal::Incoming& __inS, const ::Ice::Current& __current) { __checkMode(::Ice::Normal, __current.mode);>skipEmptyEncaps(); land(__current); return ::Ice::DispatchOK; }
int main( ) { struct airport a ; int i, pri, curtime, endtime ; double expectarrive, expectdepart ; struct plane temp ; system ( "cls" ) ; initairport ( &a ); start ( &endtime, &expectarrive, &expectdepart ) ; for ( curtime = 1 ; curtime <= endtime ; curtime++ ) { pri = randomnumber ( expectarrive ) ; for ( i = 1 ; i <= pri ; i++ ) { newplane ( &a, curtime, ARRIVE ) ; if ( apfull ( a, 'l' ) ) refuse ( &a, ARRIVE ) ; else apaddqueue( &a, 'l' ) ; } pri = randomnumber ( expectdepart ) ; for ( i = 1 ; i <= pri ; i++ ) { newplane ( &a, curtime, DEPART ) ; if ( apfull ( a, 't' ) ) refuse ( &a, DEPART ) ; else apaddqueue ( &a, 't' ) ; } if ( ! ( apempty ( a, 'l' ) ) ) { temp = apdelqueue ( &a, 'l' ) ; land ( &a, temp, curtime ) ; } else { if ( ! ( apempty ( a, 't' ) ) ) { temp = apdelqueue ( &a, 't' ) ; fly ( &a, temp, curtime ) ; } else idle ( &a, curtime ) ; } } conclude ( &a, endtime ) ; return 0 ; }
void ArdroneInterface::readNav(const ardrone_autonomy::Navdata::ConstPtr & Nav) { nav_data_ = *Nav; if (nav_data_.batteryPercent < emergency_battery_level_ && !emergency_) { emergency_ = true; std::cout << "Emergency Landing" << std::endl; land(); } }
void SonarBird::drive() { sonar->updateFlightStatus(); land(); invokeController(); counter ++; }
void ATCommandHandler::run() { std::cout << std::endl << "AtCommand handler started and working" << std::endl; navDataDemoMode(); fTrim(); takeOff(); watchdog(); move(); land(); }
void ArdroneInterface::hoveringTimeOut(){ ros::Time time0 = ros::Time::now(); while (!checkHovering()) { if(ros::Time::now() > time0 + ros::Duration(take_off_time_)) { land (); break; } } }
literalt aig_prop_baset::lor(const bvt &bv) { literalt literal=const_literal(true); // Introduces N-1 extra nodes for N bits // See convert_node for where this overhead is removed forall_literals(it, bv) literal=land(neg(*it), literal); return neg(literal); }
literalt z3_propt::land(literalt a, literalt b) { if(a==const_literal(true)) return b; if(b==const_literal(true)) return a; if(a==const_literal(false)) return const_literal(false); if(b==const_literal(false)) return const_literal(false); if(a==b) return a; literalt o=new_variable(); land(a, b, o); return o; }
void *thread_func(void *arg) { struct plane *p = arg; while (p->alive) { wait_for_perm(p, 0); land(p); usleep(10000); wait_for_perm(p, 1); start(p); usleep(10000); } return NULL; }
void VisualBird::drive() { //update flight status eye->updateFlightStatus(); ROS_DEBUG("%.3f %.3f %.3f", eye->getTargetVel().x, eye->getTargetVel().y, eye->getTargetVel().z); nav->updatePVA(scalarProduct(0.001,vectorMinus(eye->getCurrentPoint(),shiftOrigin)),eye->getTargetPos(),scalarProduct(0.001,eye->getCurrentVel()),eye->getTargetVel(),0); //ROS_DEBUG("%.3f %.3f %.3f",vectorMinus(eye->getCurrentPoint(),shiftOrigin).x,vectorMinus(eye->getCurrentPoint(),shiftOrigin).y,vectorMinus(eye->getCurrentPoint(),shiftOrigin).z); //check whether arrived at start point //checkStartPoint(); //hover to points //hoverFlight(); //check landing condition land(); //check out range condition //safeOutRange(); //ROS_INFO("DISTANCE %f",norm(vectorMinus(eye->getCurrentPoint(), shiftOrigin))); //ROS_INFO("Target %f %f %f", targetPoint.x, targetPoint.y, targetPoint.z); if (norm(vectorMinus(eye->getCurrentPoint(), shiftOrigin)) < 150 && !landing && visual_feedback && !start_visual) { ROS_INFO("VISUAL GUIDANCE Initiated"); start_visual = true; double secs =ros::Time::now().toSec(); timeTable.push_back(secs); } if (start_visual && !visualBuffer.empty() && !landing && !hover) { ROS_INFO("VISUAL GUIDANCE In Effect"); double secs =ros::Time::now().toSec(); timeTable.push_back(secs); switchHover(); //Notice that here switchHover is not used because we want to have z stabiled with integral feedback } //call hover controller or path controller according to (bool hover) invokeController(); visualTarget.push_back(targetPoint); double secs =ros::Time::now().toSec(); timeLog.push_back(secs); counter ++; }
ml_art *ml_read_land_art(int land_id) { assert(ml_inited); assert(land_id >= 0 && land_id < art_idx->entry_count); int offset = art_idx->entries[land_id].offset; int length = art_idx->entries[land_id].length; ml_art *art = NULL; land(art_idx->entries[land_id].offset, art_idx->entries[land_id].length, &art, true); return art; }
void FlightControl::flightPlan() { static unsigned long start = 0; static bool isFirstRun = true; static uint8_t step = 0; if (!isExecutingFlightPlan) return; if (isFirstRun) { step = 0; start = millis(); isFirstRun = false; } unsigned long elapsedTime = millis() - start; switch(step) { case 0: if (elapsedTime < 6000) break; turn(180); step++; break; // case 1: // if (elapsedTime < 12000) // break; // turn(90); // step++; // break; // case 2: // if (elapsedTime < 18000) // break; // turn(90); // step++; // break; case 1: if (elapsedTime < 12000) break; land(); step++; break; case 2: step = 0; start = 0; isFirstRun = true; isExecutingFlightPlan = false; break; } }
CharmListZR stringToInt(PairingGroup & group, string strID, int z, int l) { /* 1. hash string. */ CharmListZR zrlist; // = new CharmListZR; ZR intval; Big mask( pow(Big(2), l) - 1 ); ZR id = group.hashListToZR(strID); /* 2. cut up result into zz pieces of ll size */ for(int i = 0; i < z; i++) { intval = land(id, mask); zrlist.append(intval); id = id >> l; // shift to the right by ll bits } return zrlist; }
int main () { // ----- Required Code ------------------------- //Create new control thread pthread_t ControlThread; if(pthread_create(&ControlThread, NULL, DroneControl, NULL)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error creating thread\n"); return 1; } // --------------------------------------------- // The Following is an example of a basic flight // Currently speeds have to be +/- 0.05,0.1,0.2 or 0.5 takeOff(); //take off sleep(5); //Allows time for takeoff and settle before commands come in rotateRight(0.5); //Rotate Right at 50% speed sleep(2); //For 2 Seconds hover(); //Hover in place sleep(3); //For 3 Seconds land(); //Land // End Basic Flight Plan // ---- Recommended Code ------------------------ terminateThread(); //Terminate Control Thread (should be called ONLY //after landing for the last time) // Stops Program terminating early by waiting for control thread // to terminate properly. if(pthread_join(ControlThread, NULL)) { return 1; } //--------------------------------------------- return 0; }
void *run_airplane(void *parameters) { thread_args_t *args; int airplane_id; args = (thread_args_t *) parameters; airplane_id = args->airplane_id; while(1) { request_landing(airplane_id); land(airplane_id); stop(airplane_id); request_start(airplane_id); start(airplane_id); fly(airplane_id); } return NULL; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { double elapsedTime; double finalVelocity; int optionLetter; options.maxThrust = setDefaultDouble("MAX_THRUST", MAX_THRUST_DEFAULT); options.initialVelocity = setDefaultDouble("INITIAL_VELOCITY", INITIAL_VELOCITY_DEFAULT); options.initialFuel = setDefaultDouble("INITIAL_FUEL", INITIAL_FUEL_DEFAULT); options.gravity = setDefaultDouble("GRAVITY", GRAVITY_DEFAULT); options.initialHeight = setDefaultDouble("INITIAL_HEIGHT", INITIAL_HEIGHT_DEFAULT); while((optionLetter = getopt(argc, argv, "t:,v:,f:,g:,h:")) != -1) { switch(optionLetter){ case 't': options.maxThrust = strtod(optarg, NULL); break; case 'v': options.initialVelocity = strtod(optarg, NULL); break; case 'f': options.initialFuel = strtod(optarg, NULL); break; case 'g': options.gravity = strtod(optarg, NULL); break; case 'h': options.initialHeight = strtod(optarg, NULL); break; default: assert(0); } } land(&finalVelocity, &elapsedTime); printf("final velocity: %.1f m/s\n", finalVelocity); if (fabs(finalVelocity) > 2.0) printf("you crashed!\n"); else printf("safe landing\n"); printf(" elapsed time: %.2f s\n", elapsedTime); return 0; }
int main(){ int size = 8; int arr[size]; int arr1[8]={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}; int arr2[8]={11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18}; int res[8]; int index; int i; srand(time(NULL)); fillRand1(arr, size); for (i=0;i<size;i++) printf("%d\t", arr[i]); checkRand1(arr, size); printf("\n CheckRand = %d\n",checkRand1(arr, size)); meanValue(arr, size); printf("Average value = %.3f\n",meanValue(arr, size)); minValue(arr, size); printf("Min value = %d\n", minValue(arr, size)); meanIndex(arr, size); printf("Index values near the average value = %d\n", meanIndex(arr, size)); minIndex(arr, size); printf("Min index = %i \n ", minIndex(arr,size)); maxOccurance(arr, size); printf("Value, which is most common in the array = %d\n", maxOccurance(arr, size)); diff(arr1, arr2, res, size); printf("Diff = %d\n", diff(arr1, arr2, res, size)); mult(arr1,arr2,res,size); printf("Mult\n"); for (i=0;i<size;i++) printf("%d\t", res[i]); printf("\n"); lt(arr1,arr2,size); printf("Less than = %d\n", lt(arr1, arr2, size)); land(arr1,arr2,res,size); for (i=0;i<size;i++) printf("%d\t", res[i]); return 0; }
vector<int> numIslands2(int m, int n, vector<pair<int, int>>& positions) { vector<int> res; vector<int> parent(m*n,0); vector<int> size(m*n,1); vector<bool> land(m*n,0); for(int i = 0; i < parent.size(); ++i) parent[i] = i; int total = 0; for(auto pos: positions) { ++total; int index = pos.first*n + pos.second; land[index] = true; if(pos.second && land[index-1]) { Union(index, index-1, parent, size, total); } if(pos.second < n - 1 && land[index+1]){ Union(index, index+1, parent, size, total); } if(pos.first && land[index-n]) { Union(index, index-n, parent, size, total); } if(pos.first < m - 1 && land[index+n]){ Union(index, index+n, parent, size, total); } res.push_back(total); } return res; }
LPCTSTR CGrayMapBlockState::GetTileName( DWORD dwID ) // static { ADDTOCALLSTACK("CGrayMapBlockState::GetTileName"); if ( dwID == 0 ) { return( "<null>" ); } TCHAR * pStr = Str_GetTemp(); if ( dwID < TERRAIN_QTY ) { CGrayTerrainInfo land( static_cast<WORD>(dwID) ); strcpy( pStr, land.m_name ); } else { dwID -= TERRAIN_QTY; CGrayItemInfo item(static_cast<ITEMID_TYPE>(dwID)); strcpy( pStr, item.m_name ); } return( pStr ); }
literalt z3_propt::land(const bvt &bv) { if(bv.size()==0) return const_literal(true); if(bv.size()==1) return bv[0]; if(bv.size()==2) return land(bv[0], bv[1]); for(unsigned i=0; i<bv.size(); i++) if(bv[i]==const_literal(false)) return const_literal(false); if(is_all(bv, const_literal(true))) return const_literal(true); bvt new_bv; eliminate_duplicates(bv, new_bv); literalt literal=new_variable(); for(unsigned int i=0; i<new_bv.size(); ++i) { bvt lits; lits.reserve(2); lits.push_back(pos(new_bv[i])); lits.push_back(neg(literal)); lcnf(lits); } bvt lits; lits.reserve(new_bv.size()+1); for(unsigned int i=0; i<new_bv.size(); ++i) lits.push_back(neg(new_bv[i])); lits.push_back(pos(literal)); lcnf(lits); return literal; }