// Converts a WMS tile coordinate (z,x,y) into a mercator bounding box
inline void xyzToMercator(
    const int x, const int y, const int z, double &minx, double &miny, double &maxx, double &maxy)
    xyzToWGS84(x, y, z, minx, miny, maxx, maxy);

    minx = static_cast<double>(clamp(util::FloatLongitude(minx))) * DEGREE_TO_PX;
    miny = latToY(clamp(util::FloatLatitude(miny))) * DEGREE_TO_PX;
    maxx = static_cast<double>(clamp(util::FloatLongitude(maxx))) * DEGREE_TO_PX;
    maxy = latToY(clamp(util::FloatLatitude(maxy))) * DEGREE_TO_PX;
inline double degreeToPixel(FloatLatitude lat, unsigned zoom)
    const double shift = (1u << zoom) * TILE_SIZE;
    const double b = shift / 2.0;
    const double y = b * (1. - latToY(lat) / 180.);
    return y;
void planetEtchApp::initCities() {
    ofxCsv csv;
    numCities = csv.numRows;
    cities = new city[numCities];
    unsigned long cityIndex = 0;
    float x;
    float y;
    for(int i=0; i<numCities; i++) {
        /*cout << endl << csv.data[i][0] << endl;
        cout << "pop = " << csv.data[i][COL_POP] << endl;
        cout << "x = " << csv.data[i][COL_X] << endl;
        cout << "y = " << csv.data[i][COL_Y] << endl;
        //x = adjustX(ofToFloat(csv.data[i][COL_X]));
        //y = adjustY(ofToFloat(csv.data[i][COL_Y]));
        x = ofToFloat(csv.data[i][OUTPUT_COL_LNG]);
        y = ofToFloat(csv.data[i][OUTPUT_COL_LAT]);
        x = lngToX(x);
        y = latToY(y);
        x = adjustX(x);
        y = adjustY(y);
        cout << "x = ";
        cout << x;
        cout << endl;
        cout << "y = ";
        cout << y;
        cout << endl;
        string countryString = csv.getString(i, OUTPUT_COL_COUNTRY);
        unsigned long hashID = hash(countryString.c_str());
        float pop =  ofToFloat(csv.data[i][OUTPUT_COL_POP]);
        (cities+i)->setVars( /*CANVAS_WIDTH/4 + x/2*/x, y, pop, hashID);  // pop not used right now

        //(cities+i)->setVars( /*CANVAS_WIDTH/4 + x/2*/x, y, ofToFloat(csv.data[i][COL_POP]), ofToInt(csv.data[i][COL_COUNTRY]));  // pop not used right now
inline double latToYapprox(const FloatLatitude latitude)
    if (latitude < FloatLatitude(-70.) || latitude > FloatLatitude(70.))
        return latToY(latitude);

    // Approximate the inverse Gudermannian function with the Padé approximant [11/11]: deg → deg
    // Coefficients are computed for the argument range [-70°,70°] by Remez algorithm |err|_∞=3.387e-12
    const auto x = static_cast<double>(latitude);
        horner(x, 0.00000000000000000000000000e+00,  1.00000000000089108431373566e+00,  2.34439410386997223035693483e-06,
                 -3.21291701673364717170998957e-04, -6.62778508496089940141103135e-10,  3.68188055470304769936079078e-08,
                  6.31192702320492485752941578e-14, -1.77274453235716299127325443e-12, -2.24563810831776747318521450e-18,
                  3.13524754818073129982475171e-17,  2.09014225025314211415458228e-23, -9.82938075991732185095509716e-23) /
        horner(x, 1.00000000000000000000000000e+00,  2.34439410398970701719081061e-06, -3.72061271627251952928813333e-04,
                 -7.81802389685429267252612620e-10,  5.18418724186576447072888605e-08,  9.37468561198098681003717477e-14,
                 -3.30833288607921773936702558e-12, -4.78446279888774903983338274e-18,  9.32999229169156878168234191e-17,
                  9.17695141954265959600965170e-23, -8.72130728982012387640166055e-22, -3.23083224835967391884404730e-28);
Beispiel #5
 * compute an approximative distance to a segment. Useful to estimate 
 * distance to a gate.
 * Parameters: lat/long of point, then lat and long of A & B defining the
 * segment, and pointers to lat/long of closest point
double distance_to_line_dichotomy_xing(double latitude, double longitude,
				       double latitude_a, double longitude_a,
				       double latitude_b, double longitude_b,
				       double *x_latitude, double *x_longitude){
  double p1_latitude, p1_longitude, p2_latitude, p2_longitude;
  double ortho_p1, ortho_p2;
  double limit;

  limit = PI/(180*60*1852); // 1m precision

#ifdef DEBUG
  printf("Longitude A: %.2f Longitude B: .%2f\n", radToDeg(longitude_a),
#endif /* DEBUG */
  if (fabs(longitude_a - longitude_b) > PI) {
    if (longitude_a > longitude_b) {
      if (longitude_a > 0.0) {
	longitude_a -= TWO_PI;
      } else {
	longitude_b += TWO_PI;
    } else {
      if (longitude_b > 0.0) {
	longitude_b -= TWO_PI;
      } else {
	longitude_a += TWO_PI;
#ifdef DEBUG
  printf("AB NORM: Longitude A: %.2f Longitude B: %2f\n", 
	 radToDeg(longitude_a), radToDeg(longitude_b));
  printf("Point: Longitude: %.2f\n", radToDeg(longitude));
#endif /* DEBUG */

  p1_latitude  = latitude_a;
  p1_longitude = longitude_a;
  p2_latitude  = latitude_b;
  p2_longitude = longitude_b;

  ortho_p1 = ortho_distance(latitude, longitude, p1_latitude, p1_longitude);
  ortho_p2 = ortho_distance(latitude, longitude, p2_latitude, p2_longitude);

  // ending test on distance between two points.
  while (__distance((p1_latitude-p2_latitude), (p1_longitude-p2_longitude)) > 
	 limit) {
    if (ortho_p1 < ortho_p2) {
      p2_longitude = (p1_longitude+p2_longitude)/2;
      p2_latitude = yToLat((latToY(p1_latitude)+latToY(p2_latitude))/2);
    } else {
      p1_longitude = (p1_longitude+p2_longitude)/2;
      p1_latitude = yToLat((latToY(p1_latitude)+latToY(p2_latitude))/2);
    ortho_p1 = ortho_distance(latitude, longitude, p1_latitude, p1_longitude);
    ortho_p2 = ortho_distance(latitude, longitude, p2_latitude, p2_longitude);
  if (ortho_p1 < ortho_p2) {
    *x_latitude  = p1_latitude;
    *x_longitude = p1_longitude;
    return ortho_p1;
  *x_latitude  = p2_latitude;
  *x_longitude = p2_longitude;
  return ortho_p2;
Beispiel #6
 * compute an approximative distance to a segment. Useful to estimate 
 * distance to a gate. It is at best an approximation, as the intersection
 * algorithm is not valid for long distances
 * Parameters: lat/long of point, then lat and long of A & B defining the
 * segment
double distance_to_line_ratio_xing(double latitude, double longitude,
				   double latitude_a, double longitude_a,
				   double latitude_b, double longitude_b,
				   double *x_latitude, double *x_longitude,
				   double *ab_ratio) {
  double dist_a, dist_b, max_dist, ab_dist, t_dist;
  double ortho_a, ortho_b;
  double t_latitude;
  double longitude_x, latitude_x, intersect;
  double longitude_y, latitude_y;
  double xing_latitude, xing_longitude;

  ortho_a = ortho_distance(latitude, longitude, latitude_a, longitude_a);
  ortho_b = ortho_distance(latitude, longitude, latitude_b, longitude_b);

  t_latitude = latToY(latitude);
  latitude_a = latToY(latitude_a);
  latitude_b = latToY(latitude_b);
  /* some normalization */
  /* normalize the line */
#ifdef DEBUG
  printf("Longitude A: %.2f Longitude B: .%2f\n", radToDeg(longitude_a),
#endif /* DEBUG */
  if (fabs(longitude_a - longitude_b) > PI) {
    if (longitude_a > longitude_b) {
      if (longitude_a > 0.0) {
	longitude_a -= TWO_PI;
      } else {
	longitude_b += TWO_PI;
    } else {
      if (longitude_b > 0.0) {
	longitude_b -= TWO_PI;
      } else {
	longitude_a += TWO_PI;
#ifdef DEBUG
  printf("AB NORM: Longitude A: %.2f Longitude B: %2f\n", 
	 radToDeg(longitude_a), radToDeg(longitude_b));
  printf("Point: Longitude: %.2f\n", radToDeg(longitude));
#endif /* DEBUG */
  /* then the point */
  if ((fabs(longitude-longitude_a)>PI) && (fabs(longitude-longitude_b)>PI)) {
    if (longitude < longitude_a) {
      longitude += TWO_PI;
    } else {
      longitude -= TWO_PI;
#ifdef DEBUG
  printf("Point NORM: Longitude: %.2f\n", radToDeg(longitude));
#endif /* DEBUG */  
  dist_a = __distance((t_latitude-latitude_a), (longitude-longitude_a));
  dist_b = __distance((t_latitude-latitude_b), (longitude-longitude_b));
  ab_dist = __distance((latitude_a-latitude_b),(longitude_a-longitude_b));
  max_dist = fmax(dist_a, dist_b);
  /* we construct a line form the point, orthogonal to the segment, long of
     at least max_dist */
  latitude_x = t_latitude + (longitude_a - longitude_b) * max_dist / ab_dist;
  longitude_x = longitude + (latitude_b - latitude_a) * max_dist / ab_dist;
  latitude_y = t_latitude + (longitude_b - longitude_a) * max_dist / ab_dist;
  longitude_y = longitude + (latitude_a - latitude_b) * max_dist / ab_dist;

#ifdef DEBUG
  printf("Intersect point: Latitude X: %.2f, Longitude X: %.2f\n",
	 radToDeg(yToLat(latitude_x)), radToDeg(longitude_x));
  printf("Intersect point: Latitude Y: %.2f, Longitude Y: %.2f\n",
	 radToDeg(yToLat(latitude_y)), radToDeg(longitude_y));

#endif /* DEBUG */  

  intersect = __intersects_no_norm(latitude_a, longitude_a, 
				   latitude_b, longitude_b,
				   latitude_y, longitude_y, 
				   latitude_x, longitude_x,
				   &xing_latitude, &xing_longitude);
  if (intersect>=INTER_MIN_LIMIT && intersect<=INTER_MAX_LIMIT) { 
    *x_latitude  = yToLat(xing_latitude);
    *x_longitude = xing_longitude; 
#ifdef DEBUG
  printf("Intersect point: Latitude X: %.2f\n", radToDeg(*x_latitude));
  printf("Intersect point: Longitude Y: %.2f\n", radToDeg(*x_longitude));
  printf("Orig point: Latitude X: %.2f\n", radToDeg(latitude));
  printf("Orig point: Longitude Y: %.2f\n", radToDeg(longitude));
#endif /* DEBUG */ 
    t_dist = ortho_distance(latitude, longitude, *x_latitude, *x_longitude);
#ifdef DEBUG
    printf("Min dist: %.3f, found dist: %.3f\n", max_dist, t_dist);
    printf("Ortho_a: %.3f, Ortho_b: %.3f\n", ortho_a, ortho_b);
#endif /* DEBUG */
    if (t_dist < ortho_a && t_dist < ortho_b) {
      *ab_ratio = intersect;
      return t_dist;
  if (ortho_a < ortho_b) {
    *x_latitude = yToLat(latitude_a);
    *x_longitude = longitude_a;
    *ab_ratio = -1.0;
    return ortho_a;
  *x_latitude = yToLat(latitude_b);
  *x_longitude = longitude_b;
  *ab_ratio = -2.0;
  return ortho_b;