Beispiel #1
  Name:     lcd_init_4d
  Purpose:  initialize the LCD module for a 4-bit data interface
  Entry:    equates (LCD instructions) set up for the desired operation
  Exit:     no parameters
  Notes:    uses time delays rather than checking the busy flag
void lcd_init_4d(void)
// Power-up delay
    _delay_ms(100);                                 // initial 100 mSec delay

// Set up the RS and E lines for the 'lcd_write_4' subroutine.
    lcd_RS_port &= ~(1<<lcd_RS_bit);                // select the Instruction Register (RS low)
    lcd_E_port &= ~(1<<lcd_E_bit);                  // make sure E is initially low

// Reset the LCD controller
    lcd_write_4(lcd_FunctionSet8bit);                 // first part of reset sequence
    _delay_ms(10);                                  // 4.1 mS delay (min)

    lcd_write_4(lcd_FunctionSet8bit);                 // second part of reset sequence
    _delay_us(200);                                 // 100uS delay (min)

    lcd_write_4(lcd_FunctionSet8bit);                 // third part of reset sequence
    _delay_us(200);                                 // this delay is omitted in the data sheet
    lcd_write_4(lcd_functionSet4bit);               // set 4-bit mode
    _delay_us(5);                                  // 40uS delay (min)

// Function Set instruction
    lcd_write_instruction_4d(lcd_functionSet4bit);   // set mode, lines, and font
    _delay_us(40);                                  // 40uS delay (min)

// Clear Display instruction
    lcd_write_instruction_4d(lcd_clear);             // clear display RAM
    _delay_ms(5);                                   // 1.64 mS delay (min)

// Display On/Off Control instruction
	lcd_write_instruction_4d(lcd_displayOn);         // turn the display ON
	_delay_us(40);                                  // 40uS delay (min)

// ; Entry Mode Set instruction
    lcd_write_instruction_4d(lcd_entryMode);         // set desired shift characteristics
    _delay_us(40);                                  // 40uS delay (min)
Beispiel #2
  Name:     lcd_init_4d
  Purpose:  initialize the LCD module for a 4-bit data interface
  Entry:    equates (LCD instructions) set up for the desired operation
  Exit:     no parameters
  Notes:    uses time delays rather than checking the busy flag
void lcd_init_4d(void)
// configure the microprocessor pins for the data lines
    lcd_D7_ddr |= (1<<lcd_D7_bit);                  // 4 data lines - output
    lcd_D6_ddr |= (1<<lcd_D6_bit);
    lcd_D5_ddr |= (1<<lcd_D5_bit);
    lcd_D4_ddr |= (1<<lcd_D4_bit);

// configure the microprocessor pins for the control lines
    lcd_E_ddr |= (1<<lcd_E_bit);                    // E line - output
    lcd_RS_ddr |= (1<<lcd_RS_bit);                  // RS line - output
//	lcd_RW_ddr |= (1<<lcd_RW_bit);                  // RS line - output
//	lcd_RW_port &= ~(1<<lcd_RW_bit);
// Power-up delay
    _delay_ms(100);                                 // initial 40 mSec delay

// IMPORTANT - At this point the LCD module is in the 8-bit mode and it is expecting to receive  
//   8 bits of data, one bit on each of its 8 data lines, each time the 'E' line is pulsed.
// Since the LCD module is wired for the 4-bit mode, only the upper four data lines are connected to 
//   the microprocessor and the lower four data lines are typically left open.  Therefore, when 
//   the 'E' line is pulsed, the LCD controller will read whatever data has been set up on the upper 
//   four data lines and the lower four data lines will be high (due to internal pull-up circuitry).
// Fortunately the 'FunctionReset' instruction does not care about what is on the lower four bits so  
//   this instruction can be sent on just the four available data lines and it will be interpreted 
//   properly by the LCD controller.  The 'lcd_write_4' subroutine will accomplish this if the 
//   control lines have previously been configured properly.

// Set up the RS and E lines for the 'lcd_write_4' subroutine.
    lcd_RS_port &= ~(1<<lcd_RS_bit);                // select the Instruction Register (RS low)
    lcd_E_port &= ~(1<<lcd_E_bit);                  // make sure E is initially low

// Reset the LCD controller
    lcd_write_4(lcd_FunctionReset);                 // first part of reset sequence
    _delay_ms(10);                                  // 4.1 mS delay (min)

    lcd_write_4(lcd_FunctionReset);                 // second part of reset sequence
    _delay_us(200);                                 // 100uS delay (min)

    lcd_write_4(lcd_FunctionReset);                 // third part of reset sequence
    _delay_us(200);                                 // this delay is omitted in the data sheet

// Preliminary Function Set instruction - used only to set the 4-bit mode.
// The number of lines or the font cannot be set at this time since the controller is still in the
//  8-bit mode, but the data transfer mode can be changed since this parameter is determined by one 
//  of the upper four bits of the instruction.
    lcd_write_4(lcd_FunctionSet4bit);               // set 4-bit mode
    _delay_us(80);                                  // 40uS delay (min)

// Function Set instruction
    lcd_write_instruction_4d(lcd_FunctionSet4bit);   // set mode, lines, and font
    _delay_us(80);                                  // 40uS delay (min)

// The next three instructions are specified in the data sheet as part of the initialization routine, 
//  so it is a good idea (but probably not necessary) to do them just as specified and then redo them 
//  later if the application requires a different configuration.

// Display On/Off Control instruction
    lcd_write_instruction_4d(lcd_DisplayOff);        // turn display OFF
    _delay_us(80);                                  // 40uS delay (min)

// Clear Display instruction
    lcd_write_instruction_4d(lcd_Clear);             // clear display RAM
    _delay_ms(4);                                   // 1.64 mS delay (min)

// ; Entry Mode Set instruction
    lcd_write_instruction_4d(lcd_EntryMode);         // set desired shift characteristics
    _delay_us(80);                                  // 40uS delay (min)

// This is the end of the LCD controller initialization as specified in the data sheet, but the display
//  has been left in the OFF condition.  This is a good time to turn the display back ON.
// Display On/Off Control instruction
    lcd_write_instruction_4d(lcd_DisplayOn);         // turn the display ON
    _delay_us(80);                                  // 40uS delay (min)

Beispiel #3
/******************************* Main Program Code *************************/
int main(void)
	// configure the microprocessor pins for the data lines
	lcd_D7_ddr |= (1<<lcd_D7_bit);                  // 4 data lines - output
	lcd_D6_ddr |= (1<<lcd_D6_bit);
	lcd_D5_ddr |= (1<<lcd_D5_bit);
	lcd_D4_ddr |= (1<<lcd_D4_bit);

	// configure the microprocessor pins for the control lines
	lcd_E_ddr |= (1<<lcd_E_bit);                    // E line - output
	lcd_RS_ddr |= (1<<lcd_RS_bit);                  // RS line - output
	// configure the microprocessor pins for the pushbutton
	pushbutton_ddr &= (1<<pushbutton_bit);
	pushbutton_port |= (1<<pushbutton_bit);
	// initialize adc
	ADMUX = ((1<<REFS0)|(1<<MUX2)|(1<<MUX0));				// Aref = Vcc, select ADC5
	ADCSRA = ((1<<ADEN)|(1<<ADPS2)|(1<<ADPS1)|(1<ADPS0));	// Prescaler div factor = 128
	// initialize the LCD controller as determined by the defines (LCD instructions)
	lcd_init_4d();                                  // initialize the LCD display for a 4-bit interface
	// initialize TWI
	// initialize thermometer
	// display the first line of information
	// set cursor to start of second line
	lcd_write_instruction_4d(lcd_setCursor | lcd_lineTwo);
	_delay_us(40);                                  // 40 uS delay (min)

	// Code for interfacing with the serial connection
	char str[25];
	int yy,mm,dd;
	sei();					// Enable global interrupts
	uart_init();			// Initialize the USART using baud rate 9600
	uart_printstr(sdata);		// Print a string from SRAM
	uart_printstr(fdata);		// Print a string from FLASH

	getDate(&yy,&mm,&dd);	// Get date from user
	sprintf(str,"Date: %d/%d/%d\n",yy,mm,dd);

	// endless loop
		uart_printstr(sdata);		// Print a string from SRAM
		// replace with check for button press function
			mode_new = (mode + 1) % 3;
		if(mode_new != mode)
			// clear lcd
			// display the first line of information
			// set cursor to start of first line
			lcd_write_instruction_4d(lcd_setCursor | lcd_lineOne);
			_delay_us(40);                                  // 40 uS delay (min
			// set cursor to start of second line
			lcd_write_instruction_4d(lcd_setCursor | lcd_lineTwo);
			_delay_us(40);                                  // 40 uS delay (min)
			if (mode_new == 0)
				voltage = read_ADC();
			else if (mode_new == 1)
				frequency = 10 * freq_cntr_get_frequency();
				temp_calcTemp(); // test thermometer
		mode = mode_new;
	return 0;
Beispiel #4
/******************************* Main Program Code *************************/
int main(void)
	// configure the microprocessor pins for the data lines
	lcd_D7_ddr |= (1<<lcd_D7_bit);                  // 4 data lines - output
	lcd_D6_ddr |= (1<<lcd_D6_bit);
	lcd_D5_ddr |= (1<<lcd_D5_bit);
	lcd_D4_ddr |= (1<<lcd_D4_bit);

	// configure the microprocessor pins for the control lines
	lcd_E_ddr |= (1<<lcd_E_bit);                    // E line - output
	lcd_RS_ddr |= (1<<lcd_RS_bit);                  // RS line - output
	// configure the microprocessor pins for the pushbutton
	pushbutton_ddr &= (1<<pushbutton_bit);
	pushbutton_port |= (1<<pushbutton_bit);
	// initialize adc
	ADMUX = ((1<<REFS0)|(1<<MUX2)|(1<<MUX0));				// Aref = Vcc, select ADC5
	ADCSRA = ((1<<ADEN)|(1<<ADPS2)|(1<<ADPS1)|(1<ADPS0));	// Prescaler div factor = 128
	// initialize the LCD controller as determined by the defines (LCD instructions)
	lcd_init_4d();                                  // initialize the LCD display for a 4-bit interface

	// display the first line of information
	// set cursor to start of second line
	lcd_write_instruction_4d(lcd_setCursor | lcd_lineTwo);
	_delay_us(40);                                  // 40 uS delay (min)
	if (mode == 0)
	else if (mode == 1)

	// Code for interfacing with the serial connection
	char str[25];
	int yy,mm,dd;
	sei();                  // Enable interrupts

	usart_init();           // Initialize the USART

	// Get the date, make a formatted string, and then
	// send via the USART.

	sprintf(str,"Date: %d/%d/%d\n",yy,mm,dd);

	// I2C code	
	//i2c_init();				// initialize I2C library
	// endless loop
			mode_new = (mode + 1) % 3;
		if(mode_new != mode)
			// set cursor to start of second line
			lcd_write_instruction_4d(lcd_setCursor | lcd_lineTwo);
			_delay_us(40);                                  // 40 uS delay (min)
			if (mode_new == 0)
			else if (mode_new == 1)
		mode = mode_new;
	return 0;