static void ServiceDestructor
    void* objPtr
    le_dls_Link_t* linkPtr = NULL;

    Service_t* servicePtr = objPtr;

    le_hashmap_Remove(ServiceMapRef, &servicePtr->id);

    /* Release the close handlers dls */
        linkPtr = le_dls_PopTail(&servicePtr->closeListPtr);

        if (linkPtr)
            SessionEventHandler_t* closeEventPtr = CONTAINER_OF(linkPtr, SessionEventHandler_t, link);

            /* Delete the reference */
            le_ref_DeleteRef(HandlersRefMap, closeEventPtr->ref);

            /* Release the memory */
    while (linkPtr);

    /* Release the open handlers dls */
        linkPtr = le_dls_PopTail(&servicePtr->openListPtr);

        if (linkPtr)
            SessionEventHandler_t* openEventPtr = CONTAINER_OF(linkPtr, SessionEventHandler_t, link);

            /* Delete the reference */
            le_ref_DeleteRef(HandlersRefMap, openEventPtr->ref);

    while (linkPtr);
Beispiel #2
static le_result_t TestDoublyLinkLists(size_t maxListSize)
    // Node definition.
    typedef struct
        le_dls_Link_t link;
        uint32_t id;  

    int i;
    le_dls_List_t list0, list1;
    le_dls_Link_t* removedLinksPtr0[REMOVE_SIZE] = {NULL};
    le_dls_Link_t* removedLinksPtr1[REMOVE_SIZE] = {NULL};

    printf("*** Unit Test for le_doublyLinkedList module. ***\n");

    // Multiple list creation
    // Initialize the lists
    list0 = LE_DLS_LIST_INIT;
    list1 = LE_DLS_LIST_INIT;
    printf("Two doubly linked lists were successfully created.\n");

    // Attempt to query empty list
    if ( (le_dls_Peek(&list0) != NULL) || (le_dls_PeekTail(&list0) != NULL) ||
         (le_dls_Pop(&list0) != NULL) || (le_dls_PopTail(&list0) != NULL) )
        printf("Query of empty list failed: %d", __LINE__);
        return LE_FAULT;
    printf("Query of empty list correct.\n");

    // Node insertions
        idRecord_t* newNodePtr;
        // Insert to the tail
        for (i = 0; i < maxListSize; i++)
            // Create the new node
            newNodePtr = (idRecord_t*)malloc(sizeof(idRecord_t));
            newNodePtr->id = i;
            // Initialize the link.
            newNodePtr->link = LE_DLS_LINK_INIT;

            // Insert the new node to the tail.
            le_dls_Queue(&list0, &(newNodePtr->link));
        printf("%zu nodes were added to the tail of list0.\n", maxListSize);
        // Insert to the head
        for (i = 0; i < maxListSize; i++)
            // Create the new node
            newNodePtr = (idRecord_t*)malloc(sizeof(idRecord_t));
            newNodePtr->id = i;
            // Initialize the link.
            newNodePtr->link = LE_DLS_LINK_INIT;

            // Insert the new node to the tail.
            le_dls_Stack(&list1, &(newNodePtr->link));
        printf("%zu nodes were added to the head of list1.\n", maxListSize);

    // Check that all the nodes have been added properly
        idRecord_t* nodePtr;
        le_dls_Link_t* link0Ptr = le_dls_Peek(&list0);
        le_dls_Link_t* link1Ptr = le_dls_PeekTail(&list1);
        if ( (link0Ptr == NULL) || (link1Ptr == NULL) )
            printf("Link error: %d", __LINE__);
            return LE_FAULT;
        i = 0;
            // Get the node from list 0
            nodePtr = CONTAINER_OF(link0Ptr, idRecord_t, link);

            // Check the node.
            if ( nodePtr->id != i)
                printf("Link error: %d", __LINE__);
                return LE_FAULT;

            // Get the node from list 1
            nodePtr = CONTAINER_OF(link1Ptr, idRecord_t, link);

            // Check the node.
            if ( nodePtr->id != i)
                printf("Link error: %d", __LINE__);
                return LE_FAULT;

            // Move to the next node.
            link0Ptr = le_dls_PeekNext(&list0, link0Ptr);
            link1Ptr = le_dls_PeekPrev(&list1, link1Ptr);

        } while (link0Ptr != NULL);
        // Make sure everything is correct.
        if ( (i != maxListSize) || (link1Ptr != NULL) )
            printf("Link error: %d", __LINE__);
            return LE_FAULT;
    printf("Checked that all nodes added to the head and tails are all correct.\n");

    // Remove random nodes

    //seed the random number generator with the clock
    srand((unsigned int)clock());
        // Start at the end of the lists and randomly remove links.
        le_dls_Link_t* linkToRemovePtr;
        le_dls_Link_t* link0Ptr = le_dls_PeekTail(&list0);
        le_dls_Link_t* link1Ptr = le_dls_Peek(&list1);
        int r0 = 0;
        int r1 = 0;
            // For list 0
            if ( (rand() < REMOVE_THRESHOLD) && (r0 < REMOVE_SIZE) )
                // Mark this node for removal.
                linkToRemovePtr = link0Ptr;
                // Move to the next node.
                link0Ptr = le_dls_PeekPrev(&list0, link0Ptr);
                // Remove the node.
                le_dls_Remove(&list0, linkToRemovePtr);
                // Store the removed node for later use.
                removedLinksPtr0[r0++] = linkToRemovePtr;
                // Just move one
                link0Ptr = le_dls_PeekPrev(&list0, link0Ptr);
            // For list 1
            if ( (rand() < REMOVE_THRESHOLD) && (r1 < REMOVE_SIZE) )
                // Mark this node for removal.
                linkToRemovePtr = link1Ptr;
                // Move to the next node.
                link1Ptr = le_dls_PeekNext(&list1, link1Ptr);
                // Remove the node.
                le_dls_Remove(&list1, linkToRemovePtr);
                // Store the removed node for later use.
                removedLinksPtr1[r1++] = linkToRemovePtr;
                // Just move to the next node
                link1Ptr = le_dls_PeekNext(&list1, link1Ptr);
        } while (link0Ptr != NULL);
        printf("Randomly removed %d nodes from list0.\n", r0);
        printf("Randomly removed %d nodes from list1.\n", r1);

    // Check that the proper nodes were removed
        int numNodesRemoved = 0;
        // For list 0.
        // Check that the nodes in the removed nodes are indeed not in the list.
        for (i = 0; i < REMOVE_SIZE; i++)
            if (removedLinksPtr0[i] == NULL)
            if (le_dls_IsInList(&list0, removedLinksPtr0[i]))
                printf("Node removal incorrect: %d", __LINE__);
                return LE_FAULT;
        // Compare the list count.
        if ( (numNodesRemoved != maxListSize - le_dls_NumLinks(&list0)) || (le_dls_NumLinks(&list0) == maxListSize) )
            printf("Node removal incorrect: %d", __LINE__);
            return LE_FAULT;
        // For list 1.
        // Check that the nodes in the removed nodes are indeed not in the list.
        numNodesRemoved = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < REMOVE_SIZE; i++)
            if (removedLinksPtr1[i] == NULL)
            if (le_dls_IsInList(&list1, removedLinksPtr1[i]))
                printf("Node removal incorrect: %d", __LINE__);
                return LE_FAULT;
        // Compare the list count.
        if ( (numNodesRemoved != maxListSize - le_dls_NumLinks(&list1)) || (le_dls_NumLinks(&list1) == maxListSize) )
            printf("Node removal incorrect: %d", __LINE__);
            return LE_FAULT;
    printf("Checked that nodes were removed correctly.\n");
    // Add the randomly removed nodes back in.
        idRecord_t *nodePtr, *removedNodePtr;
        le_dls_Link_t* linkPtr;
        // For list 0.
        for (i = 0; i < REMOVE_SIZE; i++)
            if (removedLinksPtr0[i] == NULL)
            removedNodePtr = CONTAINER_OF(removedLinksPtr0[i], idRecord_t, link);
            if (removedNodePtr->id == maxListSize-1)
                le_dls_Queue(&list0, removedLinksPtr0[i]);
                // Search the list for the place to insert this.            
                linkPtr = le_dls_PeekTail(&list0);
                    // Get the node
                    nodePtr = CONTAINER_OF(linkPtr, idRecord_t, link);
                    // Find the id that is just before this one.
                    if (nodePtr->id == removedNodePtr->id + 1)
                        le_dls_AddBefore(&list0, linkPtr, removedLinksPtr0[i]);
                    linkPtr = le_dls_PeekPrev(&list0, linkPtr);
                } while (linkPtr != NULL);
        // For list 1.
        for (i = 0; i < REMOVE_SIZE; i++)
            if (removedLinksPtr1[i] == NULL)
            removedNodePtr = CONTAINER_OF(removedLinksPtr1[i], idRecord_t, link);
            if (removedNodePtr->id == maxListSize-1)
                le_dls_Stack(&list1, removedLinksPtr1[i]);
                // Search the list for the place to insert this.            
                linkPtr = le_dls_Peek(&list1);
                    // Get the node
                    nodePtr = CONTAINER_OF(linkPtr, idRecord_t, link);
                    // Find the id that is just before this one.
                    if (nodePtr->id == removedNodePtr->id + 1)
                        le_dls_AddAfter(&list1, linkPtr, removedLinksPtr1[i]);
                    linkPtr = le_dls_PeekNext(&list1, linkPtr);
                } while (linkPtr != NULL);
    printf("Added all randomly removed nodes back in.\n");
    //Check that the list is correct.
        idRecord_t* nodePtr;
        le_dls_Link_t* link0Ptr = le_dls_Peek(&list0);
        le_dls_Link_t* link1Ptr = le_dls_PeekTail(&list1);
        if ( (link0Ptr == NULL) || (link1Ptr == NULL) )
            printf("Link error: %d", __LINE__);
            return LE_FAULT;
        i = 0;
            // Get the node from list 0
            nodePtr = CONTAINER_OF(link0Ptr, idRecord_t, link);

            // Check the node.
            if ( nodePtr->id != i)
                printf("Link error: %d", __LINE__);
                return LE_FAULT;
            // Get the node from list 1
            nodePtr = CONTAINER_OF(link1Ptr, idRecord_t, link);

            // Check the node.
            if ( nodePtr->id != i)
                printf("Link error: %d", __LINE__);
                return LE_FAULT;
            // Move to the next node.
            link0Ptr = le_dls_PeekNext(&list0, link0Ptr);
            link1Ptr = le_dls_PeekPrev(&list1, link1Ptr);
        } while (link0Ptr != NULL);
        // Make sure everything is correct.
        if ( (i != maxListSize) || (link1Ptr != NULL) )
            printf("Link error: %d", __LINE__);
            return LE_FAULT;
    printf("Checked that all nodes are now added back in in the correct order.\n");
    // Swap nodes.
        //Swap all the nodes in the list so the list is in reverse order.
        le_dls_Link_t* linkPtr, *tmpLinkPtr;
        le_dls_Link_t* otherlinkPtr;    
        idRecord_t* nodePtr, *otherNodePtr;

        // For list 0.
        linkPtr = le_dls_Peek(&list0);
        otherlinkPtr = le_dls_PeekTail(&list0);    
        for (i = 0; i < (le_dls_NumLinks(&list0) / 2); i++)
            nodePtr = CONTAINER_OF(linkPtr, idRecord_t, link);
            otherNodePtr = CONTAINER_OF(otherlinkPtr, idRecord_t, link);
            if (nodePtr->id < otherNodePtr->id) 
                le_dls_Swap(&list0, linkPtr, otherlinkPtr);
            // switch the pointers back but not the links.
            tmpLinkPtr = linkPtr;
            linkPtr = otherlinkPtr;
            otherlinkPtr = tmpLinkPtr;
            linkPtr = le_dls_PeekNext(&list0, linkPtr);
            otherlinkPtr = le_dls_PeekPrev(&list0, otherlinkPtr);

        // For list 1.
        linkPtr = le_dls_Peek(&list1);
        otherlinkPtr = le_dls_PeekTail(&list1);    
        for (i = 0; i < (le_dls_NumLinks(&list1) / 2); i++)
            nodePtr = CONTAINER_OF(linkPtr, idRecord_t, link);
            otherNodePtr = CONTAINER_OF(otherlinkPtr, idRecord_t, link);
            if (nodePtr->id > otherNodePtr->id) 
                le_dls_Swap(&list1, linkPtr, otherlinkPtr);
            // switch the pointers back but not the links.
            tmpLinkPtr = linkPtr;
            linkPtr = otherlinkPtr;
            otherlinkPtr = tmpLinkPtr;
            linkPtr = le_dls_PeekNext(&list1, linkPtr);
            otherlinkPtr = le_dls_PeekPrev(&list1, otherlinkPtr);
    printf("Reversed the order of both lists using swap.\n");
    //Check that the list is correct.
        idRecord_t* nodePtr;
        le_dls_Link_t* link0Ptr = le_dls_PeekTail(&list0);
        le_dls_Link_t* link1Ptr = le_dls_Peek(&list1);
        if ( (link0Ptr == NULL) || (link1Ptr == NULL) )
            printf("Link error: %d", __LINE__);
            return LE_FAULT;
        i = 0;
            // Get the node from list 0
            nodePtr = CONTAINER_OF(link0Ptr, idRecord_t, link);

            // Check the node.
            if ( nodePtr->id != i)
                printf("Link error: %d", __LINE__);
                return LE_FAULT;
            // Get the node from list 1
            nodePtr = CONTAINER_OF(link1Ptr, idRecord_t, link);

            // Check the node.
            if ( nodePtr->id != i)
                printf("Link error: %d", __LINE__);
                return LE_FAULT;

            // Move to the next node.
            link0Ptr = le_dls_PeekPrev(&list0, link0Ptr);
            link1Ptr = le_dls_PeekNext(&list1, link1Ptr);
        } while (link0Ptr != NULL);
        // Make sure everything is correct.
        if ( (i != maxListSize) || (link1Ptr != NULL) )
            printf("Link error: %d", __LINE__);
            return LE_FAULT;
    printf("Checked that all nodes are now correctly in the reverse order.\n");

    // Pop nodes.
        //pop all of list0 except for one node.  Save the first node using swap before the pop.
        for (i = maxListSize; i > 1; i--)
            // get the first two links.
            le_dls_Link_t* linkPtr = le_dls_Peek(&list0);
            le_dls_Link_t* otherlinkPtr = le_dls_PeekNext(&list0, linkPtr);

            // swap the first two links.
            le_dls_Swap(&list0, linkPtr, otherlinkPtr);

            // pop the first link.
        //pop half the list.
        for (i = 0; i < (maxListSize / 2); i++)
    printf("Popped all the nodes except one from the head of list0.\n");
    printf("Popped half the nodes from the tail of list1.\n");
    // Check that the list is still in tact.
        idRecord_t* nodePtr;
        // For list 0.
        le_dls_Link_t* linkPtr = le_dls_Peek(&list0); 
        nodePtr = CONTAINER_OF(linkPtr, idRecord_t, link);

        if (nodePtr->id != maxListSize-1)
            printf("Link error: %d", __LINE__);

        // Check that the number of links left is correct.
        if (le_dls_NumLinks(&list0) != 1)
            printf("Wrong number of links: %d", __LINE__);
            return LE_FAULT;
        // For list1.
        linkPtr = le_dls_Peek(&list1); 
        i = 0;
            nodePtr = CONTAINER_OF(linkPtr, idRecord_t, link);
            if (nodePtr->id != i++)
                printf("Link error: %d", __LINE__);
                return LE_FAULT;
            linkPtr = le_dls_PeekNext(&list1, linkPtr);
        } while(linkPtr != NULL);
        // Check that the number of links left is correct.
        if (i != maxListSize - (maxListSize / 2))
            printf("Wrong number of links: %d", __LINE__);
            return LE_FAULT;
    printf("Checked that all nodes were properly popped from the lists.\n");

    // Check for list corruption.
        le_dls_Link_t* linkPtr;
        if (le_dls_IsListCorrupted(&list1))
            printf("List1 is corrupt but shouldn't be: %d", __LINE__);
            return LE_FAULT;

        // Access one of the links directly.  This should corrupt the list.
        linkPtr = le_dls_PeekTail(&list1);
        linkPtr = le_dls_PeekPrev(&list1, linkPtr);
        linkPtr->prevPtr = linkPtr;

        if (!le_dls_IsListCorrupted(&list1))
            printf("List1 is not corrupted but should be: %d", __LINE__);
            return LE_FAULT;

    printf("Checked lists for corruption.\n");

    printf("*** Unit Test for le_doublyLinkedList module passed. ***\n");
    return LE_OK;