void test_conlitron_learner_3d()
		C2A_Model* P = NULL;
		C2A_Model* Q = NULL;
		readOffFile(P, "../data/cup.off");
		readOffFile(Q, "../data/spoon.off");


		ContactSpaceR3 contactspace(P, Q, 0.05 * (P->radius + Q->radius));
		std::vector<ContactSpaceSampleData> contactspace_samples = contactspace.uniform_sample(10000);

		std::ofstream out("space_test_3d.txt");
		asciiWriter(out, contactspace_samples);

		DataVector w(3);
		w[0] = 1; w[1] = 1; w[2] = 1;
		MulticonlitronLearner learner(w, 0.01);
		learner.use_approximate_dist = false;

		tools::Profiler::Begin("learn without approximate knn");
		learner.learn(contactspace_samples, 3);
		tools::Profiler::End("learn without approximate knn");

		std::cout << learner.model.numOfHyperPlanes() << std::endl;

		std::cout << contactspace_samples.size() << ": " << empiricalErrorRatio(contactspace_samples, learner) << " " << errorRatioOnGrid(contactspace, learner, 50) << std::endl;

		delete P;
		delete Q;
void TestWithPrimaryAttr() {
    config.sort_by_attr = 0;
    ModelLearner learner(schema, config);
    MockAttr attr(1);
    Tuple tuple(3); 
    tuple.attr[0] = tuple.attr[1] = tuple.attr[2] = &attr;
    while (1) {
        if (!learner.RequireMoreIterations())
    std::vector<size_t> attr_vec = learner.GetOrderOfAttributes();
    if (attr_vec[0] != 0 || attr_vec[1] != 2 || attr_vec[2] != 1)
        std::cerr << attr_vec[1] << "Model Learner w/ Primary Attr Unit Test Failed!\n";
    std::unique_ptr<Model> a(learner.GetModel(0));
    std::unique_ptr<Model> b(learner.GetModel(1));
    std::unique_ptr<Model> c(learner.GetModel(2));
    if (a->GetTargetVar() != 0 || a->GetPredictorList().size() != 0 || Check(a.get()) != 111)
        std::cerr << "Model Learner w/ Primary Attr Unit Test Failed!\n";
    if (b->GetTargetVar() != 1 || b->GetPredictorList().size() != 1 ||
        b->GetPredictorList()[0] != 2 || Check(b.get()) != 10)
        std::cerr << "Model Learner w/ Primary Attr Unit Test Failed!\n";
    if (c->GetTargetVar() != 2 || c->GetPredictorList().size() != 0 || Check(c.get()) != 111) 
        std::cerr << "Model Learner w/ Primary Attr Unit Test Failed!\n";
Beispiel #3
void drawSquare() {
	std::vector< std::vector<int> > points = {{-6, 95, 50}, {6, 95, 50}, {6, 100, 30}, {-6, 100, 30}};
	rl::FidoControlSystem learner(1, {0}, {1}, 4);

	int currentIndex = 0;
	while(true) {
		int newIndex = (int)(5*learner.chooseBoltzmanActionDynamic({currentIndex*0.2})[0]);
		learner.applyReinforcementToLastAction(1 - 0.5*fabs(newIndex-currentIndex), {currentIndex*0.2});

    bool isGood = true;
    for(int a = 0; a < 4; a++) {
      std::cout << int(learner.chooseBoltzmanAction({a*0.25}, 0)[0]*4) << "\n";
      std::cout << "Corr: " << (a+1 > 3 ? 0 : a+1) << "\n";
       if(int(learner.chooseBoltzmanAction({a*0.25}, 0)[0]*4) != a+1 > 3 ? 0 : a+1) isGood = false;
     if(isGood) break;
    currentIndex = newIndex;
Beispiel #4
void run_learn_predict_test(bool& ok) {
	test_tool t("test/digits/learn_predict", ok);

	typedef recognition_problem p;

	reexp::lang<p> lang;
	reexp::data<p> data(lang, sample_dim());
	setup_reg<p>(lang, data);

	reexp::stats<p> stats(data);

	reexp::learner<p> learner(lang, stats);

	int rounds = 3;

	for (int i = 0; i < rounds; i++) {
		float before = stats.ndl();
		if (!learner.add_exp()) break;
		t<<"expression added."<<checkl;
		float after = stats.ndl();
		t<<"info "<<before<<" -> "<<after<<checkl<<checkl;

	t<<checkl<<"learning done."<<checkl<<checkl;

	print_scan(t, lang, stats);

	reexp::pinfo info;
	reexp::lang_info<p> li(info, lang);

	t<<"vars:\n\n"<<li.drawn_vars_tostring(cvarid::x, cvarid::y);

	print_pixels(t, data.var(varid::pixel));
	for (int i = 0; i < rounds; i++) {
		print_pixels(t, data.var(varid::digit9 + i + 1));

	print_prediction<p>(t, stats);
Beispiel #5
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    // prepare the random number generator
    // instantiate a reinforcement learner for the torso, checking for state transition at 5Hz (200ms period)
    Learner learner("icubSim","torso",200);

    // pick some random states (poses) and add them to the state space of the learner
    Point_d q(3,CGAL::ORIGIN);
    for (int i=0; i<6; i++){
        std::list<double> thisState;
        for (int j=0; j<3; j++) thisState.push_back((double)rand()/RAND_MAX);
        Point_d q(thisState.size(),thisState.begin(),thisState.end());
    // send control commands and keep track of the current state as the robot moves
    // wait for the robot to relax into the attractor for the current state
    // take random actions... the learner will learn an MDP for the bodypart
    while (true) {
    //std::vector<const Learner::State*> states = learner.getStates();
    printf("All finished\n");
    return 1;
Beispiel #6
int main()
    // Generate some data
    plJointDistribution orig = make_model();
    generate_data(orig, "model_asia.csv", 10000);
    plCSVDataDescriptor dataset("model_asia.csv", orig.get_variables());
    plNodeScoreBIC node_score(dataset);
    std::cout << "Original model: " << orig << std::endl
              << "BIC score of the original model on the whole dataset: "
              << node_score(orig) << std::endl;
    save("model_asia", orig);

  plSymbol A("A", PL_BINARY_TYPE); // visit to Asia?
  plSymbol S("S", PL_BINARY_TYPE); // Smoker?
  plSymbol T("T", PL_BINARY_TYPE); // has Tuberculosis
  plSymbol L("L", PL_BINARY_TYPE); // has Lung cancer
  plSymbol B("B", PL_BINARY_TYPE); // has Bronchitis
  plSymbol O("O", PL_BINARY_TYPE); // has tuberculosis Or cancer
  plSymbol X("X", PL_BINARY_TYPE); // positive X-Ray
  plSymbol D("D", PL_BINARY_TYPE); // Dyspnoea?

  plVariablesConjunction variables = A^S^T^L^B^O^X^D;
  plCSVDataDescriptor dataset("model_asia.csv", variables);
  plStructureLearner learner(variables);

  // Learn the dependancy structure between our variables from the
  // dataset, using the Directed Maximum Spanning Tree algorithm.
  unsigned int root_index = 0; // using 'A' as the root node.
  std::vector<plSymbol> order;
  plEdgeScoreBIC edge_score(dataset);
  bool result = learner.DMST(edge_score, order, variables[root_index]);
  plJointDistribution result_dmst = learner.get_joint_distribution(dataset);

  // Apply the GS algorithm with BIC score on the same dataset.
  // Use the output of the DMST algo as a starting point.
  plNodeScoreBIC node_score(dataset);
  plJointDistribution result_gs = learner.get_joint_distribution(dataset);

  std::cout << "DMST-BIC obtained the following model: " << result_dmst
            << std::endl
            << "BIC score of the learned model on the whole dataset: "
            << node_score(result_dmst) << std::endl;

  std::cout << "DMST + GS obtained the following model: " << result_gs
            << std::endl
            << "BIC score of the learned model on the whole dataset: "
            << node_score(result_gs) << std::endl;

  save("dmst_bic", result_dmst);
  save("dmst-gs_bic", result_gs);

  // On Windows (Visual C++, MinGW) only.
#if defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32)
  std::cout << "Press any key to terminate..." << std::endl;

  return 0;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {

  // random seed initialization

  // Let us build some fake data. The input set is int, and the output
  // set is a double. In our fake data, input is choosen randomly in
  // [0..100[, and output is choosen randomly in [0,1[. Let us store
  // the data set in some vector.

  silly::DataSet basis(DATA_SIZE);
  for(auto& data : basis)
    data = {gaml::random::uniform(0,100),gaml::random::uniform(0,1)};

  // Let us display the data, using the provided stl-like output iterators.
  auto parser           = gaml::make_JSON_parser<silly::Data>();
  auto outputDataStream = gaml::make_output_data_stream(std::cout, parser);
  auto out              = gaml::make_output_iterator(outputDataStream);
  std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;

  // Now, let us train our algorithm on this database.

  // First create a learner
  silly::Learner learner;

  // Second get a predictor from the learner and the example dataset
  auto predictor = learner(basis.begin(),basis.end(),
  // lambda functions could have been used instead of input_of_data and output_of_data.

  // The predictor built by the learning process behaves as a function.
  std::cout << "Learnt constant = " << predictor(0) << std::endl;

  // let us now measure the empirical risk of the learnt predictor on
  // the basis. 

  // We use the quadratic loss to set up an predictor evaluator. It
  // fits the concept gaml::concept::PredictorEvaluator.
  auto predictor_evaluator = gaml::risk::empirical(gaml::loss::Quadratic<double>());
  // The evaluator can then evaluate our predictor on the data basis.
  double risk = predictor_evaluator(predictor,
  std::cout << "Empirical risk  = " << risk << std::endl;

  // The library also provides tools for evaluating learning
  // algorithms, instead of predictors. This is typically what cross
  // validation does.
  auto algo_evaluator = gaml::risk::cross_validation(gaml::loss::Quadratic<double>(),
  double real = algo_evaluator(learner,
  std::cout << "Real risk  = " << real << std::endl;

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Beispiel #8
void itp_solver::get_itp_core (expr_ref_vector &core)
    scoped_watch _t_ (m_itp_watch);

    typedef obj_hashtable<expr> expr_set;
    expr_set B;
    for (unsigned i = m_first_assumption, sz = m_assumptions.size(); i < sz; ++i) {
        expr *a = m_assumptions.get (i);
        app_ref def(m);
        if (is_proxy(a, def)) { B.insert(def.get()); }
        B.insert (a);

    proof_ref pr(m);
    pr = get_proof ();

    if (!m_new_unsat_core) {
        // old code
        farkas_learner learner_old;

        learner_old.get_lemmas (pr, B, core);
        elim_proxies (core);
        simplify_bounds (core); // XXX potentially redundant
    } else {
        // new code
        unsat_core_learner learner(m);

        if (m_farkas_optimized) {
            if (true) // TODO: proper options
                unsat_core_plugin_farkas_lemma_optimized* plugin_farkas_lemma_optimized = alloc(unsat_core_plugin_farkas_lemma_optimized, learner,m);
                unsat_core_plugin_farkas_lemma_bounded* plugin_farkas_lemma_bounded = alloc(unsat_core_plugin_farkas_lemma_bounded, learner,m);

        } else {
            unsat_core_plugin_farkas_lemma* plugin_farkas_lemma = alloc(unsat_core_plugin_farkas_lemma, learner, m_split_literals, m_farkas_a_const);

        if (m_minimize_unsat_core) {
            unsat_core_plugin_min_cut* plugin_min_cut = alloc(unsat_core_plugin_min_cut, learner, m);
        } else {
            unsat_core_plugin_lemma* plugin_lemma = alloc(unsat_core_plugin_lemma, learner);

        learner.compute_unsat_core(pr, B, core);

        elim_proxies (core);
        simplify_bounds (core); // XXX potentially redundant

//            // debug
//            expr_ref_vector core2(m);
//            unsat_core_learner learner2(m);
//            unsat_core_plugin_farkas_lemma* plugin_farkas_lemma2 = alloc(unsat_core_plugin_farkas_lemma, learner2, m_split_literals);
//            learner2.register_plugin(plugin_farkas_lemma2);
//            unsat_core_plugin_lemma* plugin_lemma2 = alloc(unsat_core_plugin_lemma, learner2);
//            learner2.register_plugin(plugin_lemma2);
//            learner2.compute_unsat_core(pr, B, core2);
//            elim_proxies (core2);
//            simplify_bounds (core2);
//            IF_VERBOSE(2,
//                       verbose_stream () << "Itp Core:\n"
//                       << mk_pp (mk_and (core), m) << "\n";);
//            IF_VERBOSE(2,
//                       verbose_stream () << "Itp Core2:\n"
//                       << mk_pp (mk_and (core2), m) << "\n";);
        //SASSERT(mk_and (core) == mk_and (core2));

               verbose_stream () << "Itp Core:\n"
               << mk_pp (mk_and (core), m) << "\n";);
	void test_conlitron_learner_3d_rotation_approximate_knn()
		C2A_Model* P = NULL;
		C2A_Model* Q = NULL;
		readOffFile(P, "../data/cup.off");
		readOffFile(Q, "../data/spoon.off");


		ContactSpaceSE3Euler2 contactspace(P, Q, 0.05 * (P->radius + Q->radius));
		std::vector<ContactSpaceSampleData> contactspace_samples = contactspace.uniform_sample(10000);

		std::ofstream out("space_test_3d_rotation.txt");
		asciiWriter(out, contactspace_samples);

		DataVector w(6);
		w[0] = 1; w[1] = 1; w[2] = 1; w[3] = 1; w[4] = 1; w[5] = 1;
		MulticonlitronLearner learner(w, 0.01);
		learner.use_approximate_dist = true;

		tools::Profiler::Begin("learn with approximate knn");
		learner.learn(contactspace_samples, 6);
		tools::Profiler::End("learn with approximate knn");

		std::cout << learner.model.numOfHyperPlanes() << std::endl;

		std::cout << contactspace_samples.size() << ": " << empiricalErrorRatio(contactspace_samples, learner) << " " << errorRatioOnGrid(contactspace, learner, 5) << std::endl;

		MulticonlitronLearner learner2(w, 0.01, 1, 1);
		learner2.use_approximate_dist = true;

		tools::Profiler::Begin("learn with approximate knn");
		learner2.learn(contactspace_samples, 6);
		tools::Profiler::End("learn with approximate knn");

		std::cout << learner2.model.numOfHyperPlanes() << std::endl;

		std::cout << contactspace_samples.size() << ": " << empiricalErrorRatio(contactspace_samples, learner2) << " " << errorRatioOnGrid(contactspace, learner2, 5) << std::endl;

		MulticonlitronLearner learner3(w, 0.01, 5, 5);
		learner3.use_approximate_dist = true;

		tools::Profiler::Begin("learn with approximate knn");
		learner3.learn(contactspace_samples, 6);
		tools::Profiler::End("learn with approximate knn");

		std::cout << learner3.model.numOfHyperPlanes() << std::endl;

		std::cout << contactspace_samples.size() << ": " << empiricalErrorRatio(contactspace_samples, learner3) << " " << errorRatioOnGrid(contactspace, learner3, 5) << std::endl;

		MulticonlitronLearner learner4(w, 0.01, 10, 10);
		learner4.use_approximate_dist = true;

		tools::Profiler::Begin("learn with approximate knn");
		learner4.learn(contactspace_samples, 6);
		tools::Profiler::End("learn with approximate knn");

		std::cout << learner4.model.numOfHyperPlanes() << std::endl;

		std::cout << contactspace_samples.size() << ": " << empiricalErrorRatio(contactspace_samples, learner4) << " " << errorRatioOnGrid(contactspace, learner4, 5) << std::endl;

		delete P;
		delete Q;

Beispiel #10
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    google::ParseCommandLineFlags(&argc, &argv, true);
    if(FLAGS_seed > 0)
    using Estimate = FFMEstimate<BasicParameter>;
    std::unique_ptr<Estimate> learner(new Estimate());
        Problem tr_prob;
        Problem va_prob(FLAGS_validate_path, FLAGS_bias);
        std::vector<Problem> prob_vec;
            tr_prob.load_data(FLAGS_train_path, FLAGS_bias);
            learner->fit(tr_prob, va_prob);

            double sum_prob = 0.0;
            uint32_t validate_size = va_prob.all_y.size();
            FILE *file = nullptr;
            if(validate_size > 0)
                std::string pred_path = FLAGS_validate_path + ".ffm.out";
                printf("start otuput predict to %s\n", pred_path.c_str());
                file = open_c_file(pred_path, "w");
                for(auto i = 0; i < validate_size; ++i)
                    auto &f = va_prob.all_f[i];
                    double prob = learner->predict(f, 0, false, 2);
                    sum_prob += prob;
                    fprintf(file, "%lf\n", prob);
                printf("average prob: %lf\n", sum_prob/validate_size);
                std::string pred_path = FLAGS_train_path + ".ffm.out";
                printf("start otuput predict to %s\n", pred_path.c_str());
                file = open_c_file(pred_path, "w");

                uint32_t train_size = tr_prob.all_y.size();
                if(train_size == 0)
                    tr_prob.load_data(FLAGS_train_path, FLAGS_bias);
                for(auto i = 0; i < train_size; ++i)
                    auto &f = tr_prob.all_f[i];
                    double prob = learner->predict(f);
                    sum_prob += prob;
                    fprintf(file, "%lf\n", prob);
                printf("average prob: %lf\n", sum_prob/train_size);
        return 0;
    catch (std::exception const &exc)
        std::cerr << "Exception caught " << exc.what() << "\n";