Beispiel #1
/// \brief Vespucci::Math::Quantification::FindBandwidthMat
/// \param X
/// \param abscissa
/// \param min
/// \param max
/// \param midlines
/// \param baselines
/// \return
/// Finds the bandwidth of every column of a arma::matrix.
arma::vec Vespucci::Math::Quantification::FindBandwidthMat(const arma::mat &X, arma::vec abscissa, double &min, double &max, arma::mat &midlines, arma::mat &baselines, arma::uvec &boundaries)
    double delta = std::abs(abscissa(1) - abscissa(0));
    arma::uvec left_bound = find(((min-delta) <= abscissa) && (abscissa <= (min+delta)));
    arma::uvec right_bound = find(((max-delta) <= abscissa) && (abscissa <= (max+delta)));

    arma::uword min_index = left_bound(0);
    arma::uword max_index = right_bound(0);
    boundaries << min_index << arma::endr << max_index;

    min = abscissa(min_index);
    max = abscissa(max_index);

    arma::uword size = abscissa.subvec(min_index, max_index).n_elem;
    arma::vec results(X.n_cols);
    midlines.set_size(X.n_cols, size);
    baselines.set_size(X.n_cols, size);
    arma::vec midline;
    arma::vec baseline;
    for (arma::uword i = 0; i < X.n_cols; ++i){
        results(i) = FindBandwidth(X.col(i), min_index, max_index, midline, baseline, delta);
        midlines.row(i) = midline;
        baselines.row(i) = baseline;

    return results;
  void ElutionPeakDetection::findLocalExtrema(const MassTrace& tr, const Size& num_neighboring_peaks, std::vector<Size>& chrom_maxes, std::vector<Size>& chrom_mins)
    std::vector<double> smoothed_ints_vec(tr.getSmoothedIntensities());

    Size mt_length(smoothed_ints_vec.size());

    if (mt_length != tr.getSize())
      throw Exception::InvalidValue(__FILE__, __LINE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, "MassTrace was not smoothed before! Aborting...", String(smoothed_ints_vec.size()));

    // first make sure that everything is cleared

    // Extract RTs from the chromatogram and store them into into vectors for index access

    // std::cout << "neighboring peaks: " << num_neighboring_peaks << std::endl;

    //  Store indices along with smoothed_ints to keep track of the peak order
    std::multimap<double, Size> intensity_indices;
    boost::dynamic_bitset<> used_idx(mt_length);

    for (Size i = 0; i < mt_length; ++i)
      intensity_indices.insert(std::make_pair(smoothed_ints_vec[i], i));

    for (std::multimap<double, Size>::const_iterator c_it = intensity_indices.begin(); c_it != intensity_indices.end(); ++c_it)
      double ref_int = c_it->first;
      Size ref_idx = c_it->second;

      if (!(used_idx[ref_idx]) && ref_int > 0.0)
        bool real_max = true;

        // iterate up the RT
        Size start_idx(0);

        if (ref_idx > num_neighboring_peaks)
          start_idx = ref_idx - num_neighboring_peaks;

        Size end_idx = ref_idx + num_neighboring_peaks;

        if (end_idx > mt_length)
          end_idx = mt_length;

        for (Size j = start_idx; j < end_idx; ++j)
          if (used_idx[j])
            real_max = false;

          if (j == ref_idx)

          if (smoothed_ints_vec[j] > ref_int)
            real_max = false;

        if (real_max)

          for (Size j = start_idx; j < end_idx; ++j)
            used_idx[j] = true;


    std::sort(chrom_maxes.begin(), chrom_maxes.end());

    if (chrom_maxes.size() > 1)

      Size i(0), j(1);
      //for (Size i = 0; i < chrom_maxes.size() - 1; ++i)

      while (i < j && j < chrom_maxes.size())
        // bisection
        Size left_bound(chrom_maxes[i] + 1);
        Size right_bound(chrom_maxes[j] - 1);

        while ((left_bound + 1) < right_bound)
          double mid_dist((right_bound - left_bound) / 2.0);

          Size mid_element_idx(left_bound + std::floor(mid_dist));

          double mid_element_int = smoothed_ints_vec[mid_element_idx];

          if (mid_element_int <= smoothed_ints_vec[mid_element_idx + 1])
            right_bound = mid_element_idx;
          else // or to the right...
            left_bound = mid_element_idx;


        Size min_rt((smoothed_ints_vec[left_bound] < smoothed_ints_vec[right_bound]) ? left_bound : right_bound);

        // check for valley depth between chromatographic peaks
        double min_int(1.0);
        if (smoothed_ints_vec[min_rt] > min_int)
          min_int = smoothed_ints_vec[min_rt];

        double left_max_int(smoothed_ints_vec[chrom_maxes[i]]);
        double right_max_int(smoothed_ints_vec[chrom_maxes[j]]);

        double left_rt(tr[chrom_maxes[i]].getRT());
        double mid_rt(tr[min_rt].getRT());
        double right_rt(tr[chrom_maxes[j]].getRT());

        double left_dist(std::fabs(mid_rt - left_rt));
        double right_dist(std::fabs(right_rt - mid_rt));
        double min_dist(min_fwhm_ / 2.0);

        // out debug info
        // std::cout << tr.getLabel() << ": i,j " << i << "," << j << ":" << left_max_int << " min: " << min_int << " " << right_max_int << " l " << left_rt << " r " << right_rt << " m " << mid_rt << std::endl;

        if (left_max_int / min_int >= 2.0
           && right_max_int / min_int >= 2.0
           && left_dist >= min_dist
           && right_dist >= min_dist)

          // std::cout << "min added!" << std::endl;
          i = j;
          // keep one of the chrom_maxes, iterate the other
          if (left_max_int > right_max_int)
            i = j;

        // chrom_mins.push_back(min_rt);
