bool tutorial_game::init() { // TODO: clean up old tutorial calendar::turn = HOURS(12); // Start at noon for( auto &elem : tutorials_seen ) elem = false; // Set the scent map to 0 for (int i = 0; i < SEEX * MAPSIZE; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < SEEX * MAPSIZE; j++) g->scent(i, j) = 0; } g->temperature = 65; // We use a Z-factor of 10 so that we don't plop down tutorial rooms in the // middle of the "real" game world g->u.normalize(); g->u.str_cur = g->u.str_max; g->u.per_cur = g->u.per_max; g->u.int_cur = g->u.int_max; g->u.dex_cur = g->u.dex_max; for (int i = 0; i < num_hp_parts; i++) { g->u.hp_cur[i] = g->u.hp_max[i]; } //~ default name for the tutorial g-> = _("John Smith"); g-> = profession::generic(); int lx = 50, ly = 50; // overmap terrain coordinates g->cur_om = &overmap_buffer.get(0, 0); for (int i = 0; i < OMAPX; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < OMAPY; j++) { g->cur_om->ter( i, j, -1 ) = "rock"; // Start with the overmap revealed g->cur_om->seen( i, j, 0 ) = true; } } g->cur_om->ter(lx, ly, 0) = "tutorial"; g->cur_om->ter(lx, ly, -1) = "tutorial"; g->cur_om->clear_mon_groups(); // to submap coordinates as it is supposed to be g->levx = lx * 2; g->levy = ly * 2; g->u.toggle_trait("QUICK"); item lighter("lighter", 0); lighter.invlet = 'e'; g->u.inv.add_item(lighter); g->u.skillLevel("gun").level(5); g->u.skillLevel("melee").level(5); g->m.load(g->levx, g->levy, 0, true, g->cur_om); g->levz = 0; g->u.setx( 2 ); g->u.sety( 4 ); // This shifts the view to center the players pos g->update_map(&(g->u)); return true; }
//==================== void bevel(bool sunken, int pos) { if (--pos < 0) return; int w = width, h = height; int nx = w - 2*pos - 1; int ny = h - 2*pos - 1; if (nx <= 0 || ny <= 0) return; int f1 = DELTA_BEVEL; int f2 = DELTA_BEVELCORNER; if (sunken) f1 = -f1, f2 = -f2; make_delta_table (f1); unsigned char *p; int d, e, n; p = pixels + (pos + w * pos) * 4; d = ny * w * 4; e = 4; n = nx; while (--n) { p += e; darker(p); lighter(p+d); } p += e; modify(p,-f2); // bottom-right corner pixel d = nx * 4; e = w * 4; n = ny; while (--n) { p += e; darker(p); lighter(p-d); } p += e; modify(p-d, f2); // top-left corner pixel }
bool tutorial_game::init() { // TODO: clean up old tutorial calendar::turn = HOURS( 12 ); // Start at noon for( auto &elem : tutorials_seen ) { elem = false; } g->scent.reset(); g->temperature = 65; // We use a Z-factor of 10 so that we don't plop down tutorial rooms in the // middle of the "real" game world g->u.normalize(); g->u.str_cur = g->u.str_max; g->u.per_cur = g->u.per_max; g->u.int_cur = g->u.int_max; g->u.dex_cur = g->u.dex_max; for( int i = 0; i < num_hp_parts; i++ ) { g->u.hp_cur[i] = g->u.hp_max[i]; } const oter_id rock( "rock" ); //~ default name for the tutorial g-> = _( "John Smith" ); g-> = profession::generic(); // overmap terrain coordinates const int lx = 50; const int ly = 50; auto &starting_om = overmap_buffer.get( 0, 0 ); for( int i = 0; i < OMAPX; i++ ) { for( int j = 0; j < OMAPY; j++ ) { starting_om.ter( i, j, -1 ) = rock; // Start with the overmap revealed starting_om.seen( i, j, 0 ) = true; } } starting_om.ter( lx, ly, 0 ) = oter_id( "tutorial" ); starting_om.ter( lx, ly, -1 ) = oter_id( "tutorial" ); starting_om.clear_mon_groups(); g->u.toggle_trait( trait_id( "QUICK" ) ); item lighter( "lighter", 0 ); lighter.invlet = 'e'; g->u.inv.add_item( lighter, true, false ); g->u.set_skill_level( skill_id( "gun" ), 5 ); g->u.set_skill_level( skill_id( "melee" ), 5 ); g->load_map( omt_to_sm_copy( tripoint( lx, ly, 0 ) ) ); g->u.setx( 2 ); g->u.sety( 4 ); // This shifts the view to center the players pos g->update_map( g->u ); return true; }
CGColor CGColor::darker(float factor) { if ( factor <= 0 ) // invalid darkness factor return *this; else if ( factor < 100 ) // makes color lighter return lighter( 10000.0/factor ); float h, s, v; getHSV( h, s, v ); v = (v*100.0)/factor; CGColor c; c.setFromHSV( h, s, v ); return c; }
//==================== void bevel(bool sunken, int pos, int exception) { if (--pos < 0) return; int w = width, h = height; int nx = w - 2*pos - 1; int ny = h - 2*pos - 1; if (nx <= 0 || ny <= 0) return; int f1 = DELTA_BEVEL; int f2 = DELTA_BEVELCORNER; if (sunken) f1 = -f1, f2 = -f2; make_delta_table (f1); unsigned char *p; int d, e, n; p = pixels + (pos + w * pos) * 4; d = ny * w * 4; e = 4; n = nx; if (exception == BEVEL_EXCEPT_LEFT) darker(p); while (--n) { p += e; if (exception != BEVEL_EXCEPT_BOTTOM) darker(p); if (exception != BEVEL_EXCEPT_TOP) lighter(p+d); } p += e; if (exception == BEVEL_EXCEPT_BOTTOM) darker(p); else if (exception == BEVEL_EXCEPT_RIGHT) darker(p), lighter(p+d); else modify(p,-f2); // bottom-right corner pixel d = nx * 4; e = w * 4; n = ny; if (exception == BEVEL_EXCEPT_BOTTOM) lighter(p-d); while (--n) { p += e; if (exception != BEVEL_EXCEPT_RIGHT) darker(p); if (exception != BEVEL_EXCEPT_LEFT) lighter(p-d); } p += e; if (exception == BEVEL_EXCEPT_TOP) darker(p), lighter(p-d); else if (exception == BEVEL_EXCEPT_LEFT) lighter(p-d); else modify(p-d, f2); // top-left corner pixel }
void Window::drawWindow(Renderer2D &out, IRect rect, FColor color, int outline) { FColor lighter(color.rgb() * 1.2f, color.a); FColor darker(color.rgb() * 0.8f, color.a); int aoutline = fwk::abs(outline); if(outline) { int2 hsize(rect.width(), aoutline); int2 vsize(aoutline, rect.height()); FColor col1 = outline < 0? darker : lighter; out.addFilledRect(IRect(rect.min, rect.min + hsize), col1); out.addFilledRect(IRect(rect.min, rect.min + vsize), col1); int2 p1(rect.min.x, rect.max.y - aoutline); int2 p2(rect.max.x - aoutline, rect.min.y); FColor col2 = outline < 0? lighter : darker; out.addFilledRect(IRect(p1, p1 + hsize), col2); out.addFilledRect(IRect(p2, p2 + vsize), col2); } int2 off(aoutline, aoutline); out.addFilledRect(inset(rect, off, off), color); }
void ManhattanStyle::drawControl(ControlElement element, const QStyleOption *option, QPainter *painter, const QWidget *widget) const { if (!panelWidget(widget)) return d->style->drawControl(element, option, painter, widget); switch (element) { case CE_MenuBarItem: painter->save(); if (const QStyleOptionMenuItem *mbi = qstyleoption_cast<const QStyleOptionMenuItem *>(option)) { QColor highlightOutline = StyleHelper::borderColor().lighter(120); bool act = mbi->state & State_Selected && mbi->state & State_Sunken; bool dis = !(mbi->state & State_Enabled); StyleHelper::menuGradient(painter, option->rect, option->rect); QStyleOptionMenuItem item = *mbi; item.rect = mbi->rect; QPalette pal = mbi->palette; pal.setBrush(QPalette::ButtonText, dis ? Qt::gray : Qt::black); item.palette = pal; QCommonStyle::drawControl(element, &item, painter, widget); QRect r = option->rect; if (act) { // Fill| QColor baseColor = StyleHelper::baseColor(); QLinearGradient grad(option->rect.topLeft(), option->rect.bottomLeft()); grad.setColorAt(0, baseColor.lighter(120)); grad.setColorAt(1, baseColor.lighter(130)); painter->fillRect(option->rect.adjusted(1, 1, -1, 0), grad); // Outline painter->setPen(QPen(highlightOutline, 0)); painter->drawLine(QPoint(r.left(), + 1), QPoint(r.left(), r.bottom())); painter->drawLine(QPoint(r.right(), + 1), QPoint(r.right(), r.bottom())); painter->drawLine(QPoint(r.left() + 1,, QPoint(r.right() - 1,; highlightOutline.setAlpha(60); painter->setPen(QPen(highlightOutline, 0)); painter->drawPoint(r.topLeft()); painter->drawPoint(r.topRight()); QPalette pal = mbi->palette; uint alignment = Qt::AlignCenter | Qt::TextShowMnemonic | Qt::TextDontClip | Qt::TextSingleLine; if (!styleHint(SH_UnderlineShortcut, mbi, widget)) alignment |= Qt::TextHideMnemonic; pal.setBrush(QPalette::Text, dis ? Qt::gray : QColor(0, 0, 0, 60)); drawItemText(painter, item.rect.translated(0, 1), alignment, pal, mbi->state & State_Enabled, mbi->text, QPalette::Text); pal.setBrush(QPalette::Text, dis ? Qt::gray : Qt::white); drawItemText(painter, item.rect, alignment, pal, mbi->state & State_Enabled, mbi->text, QPalette::Text); } } painter->restore(); break; case CE_ComboBoxLabel: if (const QStyleOptionComboBox *cb = qstyleoption_cast<const QStyleOptionComboBox *>(option)) { if (panelWidget(widget)) { QRect editRect = subControlRect(CC_ComboBox, cb, SC_ComboBoxEditField, widget); QPalette customPal = cb->palette; if (!cb->currentIcon.isNull()) { QIcon::Mode mode = cb->state & State_Enabled ? QIcon::Normal : QIcon::Disabled; QPixmap pixmap = cb->currentIcon.pixmap(cb->iconSize, mode); QRect iconRect(editRect); iconRect.setWidth(cb->iconSize.width() + 4); iconRect = alignedRect(cb->direction, Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter, iconRect.size(), editRect); if (cb->editable) painter->fillRect(iconRect, customPal.brush(QPalette::Base)); drawItemPixmap(painter, iconRect, Qt::AlignCenter, pixmap); if (cb->direction == Qt::RightToLeft) editRect.translate(-4 - cb->iconSize.width(), 0); else editRect.translate(cb->iconSize.width() + 4, 0); // Reserve some space for the down-arrow editRect.adjust(0, 0, -13, 0); } customPal.setBrush(QPalette::All, QPalette::ButtonText, QColor(0, 0, 0, 70)); QString text = option->fontMetrics.elidedText(cb->currentText, Qt::ElideRight, editRect.width()); drawItemText(painter, editRect.translated(0, 1), visualAlignment(option->direction, Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter), customPal, cb->state & State_Enabled, text, QPalette::ButtonText); customPal.setBrush(QPalette::All, QPalette::ButtonText, StyleHelper::panelTextColor()); drawItemText(painter, editRect, visualAlignment(option->direction, Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter), customPal, cb->state & State_Enabled, text, QPalette::ButtonText); } else { d->style->drawControl(element, option, painter, widget); } } break; case CE_SizeGrip: { painter->save(); QColor dark = Qt::white; dark.setAlphaF(0.1); int x, y, w, h; option->rect.getRect(&x, &y, &w, &h); int sw = qMin(h, w); if (h > w) painter->translate(0, h - w); else painter->translate(w - h, 0); int sx = x; int sy = y; int s = 4; painter->setPen(dark); if (option->direction == Qt::RightToLeft) { sx = x + sw; for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { painter->drawLine(x, sy, sx, sw); sx -= s; sy += s; } } else { for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { painter->drawLine(sx, sw, sw, sy); sx += s; sy += s; } } painter->restore(); } break; case CE_MenuBarEmptyArea: { StyleHelper::menuGradient(painter, option->rect, option->rect); painter->save(); painter->setPen(StyleHelper::borderColor()); painter->drawLine(option->rect.bottomLeft(), option->rect.bottomRight()); painter->restore(); } break; case CE_ToolBar: { QString key; key.sprintf("mh_toolbar %d %d %d", option->rect.width(), option->rect.height(), StyleHelper::baseColor().rgb());; QPixmap pixmap; QPainter *p = painter; QRect rect = option->rect; if (StyleHelper::usePixmapCache() && !QPixmapCache::find(key, pixmap)) { pixmap = QPixmap(option->rect.size()); p = new QPainter(&pixmap); rect = QRect(0, 0, option->rect.width(), option->rect.height()); } bool horizontal = option->state & State_Horizontal; // Map offset for global window gradient QPoint offset = widget->window()->mapToGlobal(option->rect.topLeft()) - widget->mapToGlobal(option->rect.topLeft()); QRect gradientSpan; if (widget) { gradientSpan = QRect(offset, widget->window()->size()); } if (horizontal) StyleHelper::horizontalGradient(p, gradientSpan, rect); else StyleHelper::verticalGradient(p, gradientSpan, rect); painter->setPen(StyleHelper::borderColor()); if (horizontal) { // Note: This is a hack to determine if the // toolbar should draw the top or bottom outline // (needed for the find toolbar for instance) QColor lighter(255, 255, 255, 40); if (widget && widget->property("topBorder").toBool()) { p->drawLine(rect.topLeft(), rect.topRight()); p->setPen(lighter); p->drawLine(rect.topLeft() + QPoint(0, 1), rect.topRight() + QPoint(0, 1)); } else { p->drawLine(rect.bottomLeft(), rect.bottomRight()); p->setPen(lighter); p->drawLine(rect.topLeft(), rect.topRight()); } } else { p->drawLine(rect.topLeft(), rect.bottomLeft()); p->drawLine(rect.topRight(), rect.bottomRight()); } if (StyleHelper::usePixmapCache() && !QPixmapCache::find(key, pixmap)) { painter->drawPixmap(rect.topLeft(), pixmap); p->end(); delete p; QPixmapCache::insert(key, pixmap); } } break; default: d->style->drawControl(element, option, painter, widget); break; } }
void ManhattanStyle::drawPrimitive(PrimitiveElement element, const QStyleOption *option, QPainter *painter, const QWidget *widget) const { if (!panelWidget(widget)) return d->style->drawPrimitive(element, option, painter, widget); bool animating = (option->state & State_Animating); int state = option->state; QRect rect = option->rect; QRect oldRect; QRect newRect; if (widget && (element == PE_PanelButtonTool) && !animating) { QWidget *w = const_cast<QWidget *> (widget); int oldState = w->property("_q_stylestate").toInt(); oldRect = w->property("_q_stylerect").toRect(); newRect = w->rect(); w->setProperty("_q_stylestate", (int)option->state); w->setProperty("_q_stylerect", w->rect()); // Determine the animated transition bool doTransition = ((state & State_On) != (oldState & State_On) || (state & State_MouseOver) != (oldState & State_MouseOver)); if (oldRect != newRect) { doTransition = false; d->animator.stopAnimation(widget); } if (doTransition) { QImage startImage(option->rect.size(), QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); QImage endImage(option->rect.size(), QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); Animation *anim = d->animator.widgetAnimation(widget); QStyleOption opt = *option; opt.state = (QStyle::State)oldState; opt.state |= (State)State_Animating; startImage.fill(0); Transition *t = new Transition; t->setWidget(w); QPainter startPainter(&startImage); if (!anim) { drawPrimitive(element, &opt, &startPainter, widget); } else { anim->paint(&startPainter, &opt); d->animator.stopAnimation(widget); } QStyleOption endOpt = *option; endOpt.state |= (State)State_Animating; t->setStartImage(startImage); d->animator.startAnimation(t); endImage.fill(0); QPainter endPainter(&endImage); drawPrimitive(element, &endOpt, &endPainter, widget); t->setEndImage(endImage); t->setDuration(130); t->setStartTime(QTime::currentTime()); } } switch (element) { case PE_PanelLineEdit: { painter->save(); if (option->state & State_Enabled) drawCornerImage(d->lineeditImage, painter, option->rect, 2, 2, 2, 2); else drawCornerImage(d->lineeditImage_disabled, painter, option->rect, 2, 2, 2, 2); if (option->state & State_HasFocus || option->state & State_MouseOver) { QColor hover = StyleHelper::baseColor(); if (state & State_HasFocus) hover.setAlpha(100); else hover.setAlpha(50); painter->setPen(QPen(hover, 1)); painter->drawRect(option->rect.adjusted(1, 1, -2 ,-2)); } painter->restore(); } break; case PE_FrameStatusBarItem: break; case PE_PanelButtonTool: { Animation *anim = d->animator.widgetAnimation(widget); if (!animating && anim) { anim->paint(painter, option); } else { bool pressed = option->state & State_Sunken || option->state & State_On; QColor shadow(0, 0, 0, 30); painter->setPen(shadow); if (pressed) { QColor shade(0, 0, 0, 40); painter->fillRect(rect, shade); painter->drawLine(rect.topLeft() + QPoint(1, 0), rect.topRight() - QPoint(1, 0)); painter->drawLine(rect.topLeft(), rect.bottomLeft()); painter->drawLine(rect.topRight(), rect.bottomRight()); // painter->drawLine(rect.bottomLeft() + QPoint(1, 0), rect.bottomRight() - QPoint(1, 0)); QColor highlight(255, 255, 255, 30); painter->setPen(highlight); } else if (option->state & State_Enabled && option->state & State_MouseOver) { QColor lighter(255, 255, 255, 37); painter->fillRect(rect, lighter); } } } break; case PE_PanelStatusBar: { painter->save(); QLinearGradient grad(option->rect.topLeft(), QPoint(, rect.bottom())); QColor startColor = StyleHelper::shadowColor().darker(164); QColor endColor = StyleHelper::baseColor().darker(130); grad.setColorAt(0, endColor); grad.setColorAt(1, endColor); painter->fillRect(option->rect, grad); painter->setPen(QColor(255, 255, 255, 60)); painter->drawLine(rect.topLeft() + QPoint(0,1), rect.topRight()+ QPoint(0,1)); painter->setPen(StyleHelper::borderColor().darker(110)); painter->drawLine(rect.topLeft(), rect.topRight()); painter->restore(); } break; case PE_IndicatorToolBarSeparator: { QColor separatorColor = StyleHelper::borderColor(); separatorColor.setAlpha(100); painter->setPen(separatorColor); const int margin = 3; if (option->state & State_Horizontal) { const int offset = rect.width()/2; painter->drawLine(rect.bottomLeft().x() + offset, rect.bottomLeft().y() - margin, rect.topLeft().x() + offset, rect.topLeft().y() + margin); } else { //Draw vertical separator const int offset = rect.height()/2; painter->setPen(QPen(option->palette.background().color().darker(110))); painter->drawLine(rect.topLeft().x() + margin , rect.topLeft().y() + offset, rect.topRight().x() - margin, rect.topRight().y() + offset); } } break; case PE_IndicatorToolBarHandle: { bool horizontal = option->state & State_Horizontal; painter->save(); QPainterPath path; int x = option->rect.x() + horizontal ? 2 : 6; int y = option->rect.y() + horizontal ? 6 : 2; static const int RectHeight = 2; if (horizontal) { while (y < option->rect.height() - RectHeight - 6) { path.moveTo(x, y); path.addRect(x, y, RectHeight, RectHeight); y += 6; } } else { while (x < option->rect.width() - RectHeight - 6) { path.moveTo(x, y); path.addRect(x, y, RectHeight, RectHeight); x += 6; } } painter->setPen(Qt::NoPen); QColor dark = StyleHelper::borderColor(); dark.setAlphaF(0.4); QColor light = StyleHelper::baseColor(); light.setAlphaF(0.4); painter->fillPath(path, light); painter->save(); painter->translate(1, 1); painter->fillPath(path, dark); painter->restore(); painter->translate(3, 3); painter->fillPath(path, light); painter->translate(1, 1); painter->fillPath(path, dark); painter->restore(); } break; case PE_IndicatorArrowUp: case PE_IndicatorArrowDown: case PE_IndicatorArrowRight: case PE_IndicatorArrowLeft: { // From windowsstyle but modified to enable AA if (option->rect.width() <= 1 || option->rect.height() <= 1) break; QRect r = option->rect; int size = qMin(r.height(), r.width()); QPixmap pixmap; QString pixmapName; pixmapName.sprintf("%s-%s-%d-%d-%d-%lld", "$qt_ia", metaObject()->className(), uint(option->state), element, size, option->palette.cacheKey()); if (!QPixmapCache::find(pixmapName, pixmap)) { int border = size/5; int sqsize = 2*(size/2); QImage image(sqsize, sqsize, QImage::Format_ARGB32); image.fill(Qt::transparent); QPainter imagePainter(&image); imagePainter.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, true); imagePainter.translate(0.5, 0.5); QPolygon a; switch (element) { case PE_IndicatorArrowUp: a.setPoints(3, border, sqsize/2, sqsize/2, border, sqsize - border, sqsize/2); break; case PE_IndicatorArrowDown: a.setPoints(3, border, sqsize/2, sqsize/2, sqsize - border, sqsize - border, sqsize/2); break; case PE_IndicatorArrowRight: a.setPoints(3, sqsize - border, sqsize/2, sqsize/2, border, sqsize/2, sqsize - border); break; case PE_IndicatorArrowLeft: a.setPoints(3, border, sqsize/2, sqsize/2, border, sqsize/2, sqsize - border); break; default: break; } int bsx = 0; int bsy = 0; if (option->state & State_Sunken) { bsx = pixelMetric(PM_ButtonShiftHorizontal); bsy = pixelMetric(PM_ButtonShiftVertical); } QRect bounds = a.boundingRect(); int sx = sqsize / 2 - - 1; int sy = sqsize / 2 - - 1; imagePainter.translate(sx + bsx, sy + bsy); if (!(option->state & State_Enabled)) { QColor foreGround(150, 150, 150, 150); imagePainter.setBrush(option->palette.mid().color()); imagePainter.setPen(option->palette.mid().color()); } else { QColor shadow(0, 0, 0, 100); imagePainter.translate(0, 1); imagePainter.setPen(shadow); imagePainter.setBrush(shadow); QColor foreGround(255, 255, 255, 210); imagePainter.drawPolygon(a); imagePainter.translate(0, -1); imagePainter.setPen(foreGround); imagePainter.setBrush(foreGround); } imagePainter.drawPolygon(a); imagePainter.end(); pixmap = QPixmap::fromImage(image); QPixmapCache::insert(pixmapName, pixmap); } int xOffset = r.x() + (r.width() - size)/2; int yOffset = r.y() + (r.height() - size)/2; painter->drawPixmap(xOffset, yOffset, pixmap); } break; default: d->style->drawPrimitive(element, option, painter, widget); break; } }
void TransformDrawEngine::SoftwareTransformAndDraw( int prim, u8 *decoded, LinkedShader *program, int vertexCount, u32 vertType, void *inds, int indexType, const DecVtxFormat &decVtxFormat, int maxIndex) { bool throughmode = (vertType & GE_VTYPE_THROUGH_MASK) != 0; bool lmode = gstate.isUsingSecondaryColor() && gstate.isLightingEnabled(); // TODO: Split up into multiple draw calls for GLES 2.0 where you can't guarantee support for more than 0x10000 verts. #if defined(MOBILE_DEVICE) if (vertexCount > 0x10000/3) vertexCount = 0x10000/3; #endif float uscale = 1.0f; float vscale = 1.0f; bool scaleUV = false; if (throughmode) { uscale /= gstate_c.curTextureWidth; vscale /= gstate_c.curTextureHeight; } else { scaleUV = !g_Config.bPrescaleUV; } bool skinningEnabled = vertTypeIsSkinningEnabled(vertType); int w = gstate.getTextureWidth(0); int h = gstate.getTextureHeight(0); float widthFactor = (float) w / (float) gstate_c.curTextureWidth; float heightFactor = (float) h / (float) gstate_c.curTextureHeight; Lighter lighter(vertType); float fog_end = getFloat24(gstate.fog1); float fog_slope = getFloat24(gstate.fog2); VertexReader reader(decoded, decVtxFormat, vertType); for (int index = 0; index < maxIndex; index++) { reader.Goto(index); float v[3] = {0, 0, 0}; float c0[4] = {1, 1, 1, 1}; float c1[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; float uv[3] = {0, 0, 1}; float fogCoef = 1.0f; if (throughmode) { // Do not touch the coordinates or the colors. No lighting. reader.ReadPos(v); if (reader.hasColor0()) { reader.ReadColor0(c0); for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { c1[j] = 0.0f; } } else { c0[0] = gstate.getMaterialAmbientR() / 255.f; c0[1] = gstate.getMaterialAmbientG() / 255.f; c0[2] = gstate.getMaterialAmbientB() / 255.f; c0[3] = gstate.getMaterialAmbientA() / 255.f; } if (reader.hasUV()) { reader.ReadUV(uv); uv[0] *= uscale; uv[1] *= vscale; } fogCoef = 1.0f; // Scale UV? } else { // We do software T&L for now float out[3], norm[3]; float pos[3], nrm[3]; Vec3f normal(0, 0, 1); reader.ReadPos(pos); if (reader.hasNormal()) reader.ReadNrm(nrm); if (!skinningEnabled) { Vec3ByMatrix43(out, pos, gstate.worldMatrix); if (reader.hasNormal()) { Norm3ByMatrix43(norm, nrm, gstate.worldMatrix); normal = Vec3f(norm).Normalized(); } } else { float weights[8]; reader.ReadWeights(weights); // Skinning Vec3f psum(0,0,0); Vec3f nsum(0,0,0); for (int i = 0; i < vertTypeGetNumBoneWeights(vertType); i++) { if (weights[i] != 0.0f) { Vec3ByMatrix43(out, pos, gstate.boneMatrix+i*12); Vec3f tpos(out); psum += tpos * weights[i]; if (reader.hasNormal()) { Norm3ByMatrix43(norm, nrm, gstate.boneMatrix+i*12); Vec3f tnorm(norm); nsum += tnorm * weights[i]; } } } // Yes, we really must multiply by the world matrix too. Vec3ByMatrix43(out, psum.AsArray(), gstate.worldMatrix); if (reader.hasNormal()) { Norm3ByMatrix43(norm, nsum.AsArray(), gstate.worldMatrix); normal = Vec3f(norm).Normalized(); } } // Perform lighting here if enabled. don't need to check through, it's checked above. float unlitColor[4] = {1, 1, 1, 1}; if (reader.hasColor0()) { reader.ReadColor0(unlitColor); } else { unlitColor[0] = gstate.getMaterialAmbientR() / 255.f; unlitColor[1] = gstate.getMaterialAmbientG() / 255.f; unlitColor[2] = gstate.getMaterialAmbientB() / 255.f; unlitColor[3] = gstate.getMaterialAmbientA() / 255.f; } float litColor0[4]; float litColor1[4]; lighter.Light(litColor0, litColor1, unlitColor, out, normal); if (gstate.isLightingEnabled()) { // Don't ignore gstate.lmode - we should send two colors in that case for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { c0[j] = litColor0[j]; } if (lmode) { // Separate colors for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { c1[j] = litColor1[j]; } } else { // Summed color into c0 for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { c0[j] = ((c0[j] + litColor1[j]) > 1.0f) ? 1.0f : (c0[j] + litColor1[j]); } } } else { if (reader.hasColor0()) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { c0[j] = unlitColor[j]; } } else { c0[0] = gstate.getMaterialAmbientR() / 255.f; c0[1] = gstate.getMaterialAmbientG() / 255.f; c0[2] = gstate.getMaterialAmbientB() / 255.f; c0[3] = gstate.getMaterialAmbientA() / 255.f; } if (lmode) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { c1[j] = 0.0f; } } } float ruv[2] = {0.0f, 0.0f}; if (reader.hasUV()) reader.ReadUV(ruv); // Perform texture coordinate generation after the transform and lighting - one style of UV depends on lights. switch (gstate.getUVGenMode()) { case GE_TEXMAP_TEXTURE_COORDS: // UV mapping case GE_TEXMAP_UNKNOWN: // Seen in Riviera. Unsure of meaning, but this works. // Texture scale/offset is only performed in this mode. if (scaleUV) { uv[0] = ruv[0]*gstate_c.uv.uScale + gstate_c.uv.uOff; uv[1] = ruv[1]*gstate_c.uv.vScale + gstate_c.uv.vOff; } else { uv[0] = ruv[0]; uv[1] = ruv[1]; } uv[2] = 1.0f; break; case GE_TEXMAP_TEXTURE_MATRIX: { // Projection mapping Vec3f source; switch (gstate.getUVProjMode()) { case GE_PROJMAP_POSITION: // Use model space XYZ as source source = pos; break; case GE_PROJMAP_UV: // Use unscaled UV as source source = Vec3f(ruv[0], ruv[1], 0.0f); break; case GE_PROJMAP_NORMALIZED_NORMAL: // Use normalized normal as source if (reader.hasNormal()) { source = Vec3f(norm).Normalized(); } else { ERROR_LOG_REPORT(G3D, "Normal projection mapping without normal?"); source = Vec3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); } break; case GE_PROJMAP_NORMAL: // Use non-normalized normal as source! if (reader.hasNormal()) { source = Vec3f(norm); } else { ERROR_LOG_REPORT(G3D, "Normal projection mapping without normal?"); source = Vec3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); } break; } float uvw[3]; Vec3ByMatrix43(uvw, &source.x, gstate.tgenMatrix); uv[0] = uvw[0]; uv[1] = uvw[1]; uv[2] = uvw[2]; } break; case GE_TEXMAP_ENVIRONMENT_MAP: // Shade mapping - use two light sources to generate U and V. { Vec3f lightpos0 = Vec3f(gstate_c.lightpos[gstate.getUVLS0()]).Normalized(); Vec3f lightpos1 = Vec3f(gstate_c.lightpos[gstate.getUVLS1()]).Normalized(); uv[0] = (1.0f + Dot(lightpos0, normal))/2.0f; uv[1] = (1.0f - Dot(lightpos1, normal))/2.0f; uv[2] = 1.0f; } break; default: // Illegal ERROR_LOG_REPORT(G3D, "Impossible UV gen mode? %d", gstate.getUVGenMode()); break; } uv[0] = uv[0] * widthFactor; uv[1] = uv[1] * heightFactor; // Transform the coord by the view matrix. Vec3ByMatrix43(v, out, gstate.viewMatrix); fogCoef = (v[2] + fog_end) * fog_slope; } // TODO: Write to a flexible buffer, we don't always need all four components. memcpy(&transformed[index].x, v, 3 * sizeof(float)); transformed[index].fog = fogCoef; memcpy(&transformed[index].u, uv, 3 * sizeof(float)); if (gstate_c.flipTexture) { transformed[index].v = 1.0f - transformed[index].v; } for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { transformed[index].color0[i] = c0[i] * 255.0f; } for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { transformed[index].color1[i] = c1[i] * 255.0f; } } // Here's the best opportunity to try to detect rectangles used to clear the screen, and // replace them with real OpenGL clears. This can provide a speedup on certain mobile chips. // Disabled for now - depth does not come out exactly the same. // // An alternative option is to simply ditch all the verts except the first and last to create a single // rectangle out of many. Quite a small optimization though. if (false && maxIndex > 1 && gstate.isModeClear() && prim == GE_PRIM_RECTANGLES && IsReallyAClear(maxIndex)) { u32 clearColor; memcpy(&clearColor, transformed[0].color0, 4); float clearDepth = transformed[0].z; const float col[4] = { ((clearColor & 0xFF)) / 255.0f, ((clearColor & 0xFF00) >> 8) / 255.0f, ((clearColor & 0xFF0000) >> 16) / 255.0f, ((clearColor & 0xFF000000) >> 24) / 255.0f, }; bool colorMask = gstate.isClearModeColorMask(); bool alphaMask = gstate.isClearModeAlphaMask(); glstate.colorMask.set(colorMask, colorMask, colorMask, alphaMask); if (alphaMask) { glstate.stencilTest.set(true); // Clear stencil // TODO: extract the stencilValue properly, see below int stencilValue = 0; glstate.stencilFunc.set(GL_ALWAYS, stencilValue, 255); } else { // Don't touch stencil glstate.stencilTest.set(false); } glstate.scissorTest.set(false); bool depthMask = gstate.isClearModeDepthMask(); int target = 0; if (colorMask || alphaMask) target |= GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT; if (depthMask) target |= GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT; glClearColor(col[0], col[1], col[2], col[3]); #ifdef USING_GLES2 glClearDepthf(clearDepth); #else glClearDepth(clearDepth); #endif glClearStencil(0); // TODO - take from alpha? glClear(target); return; }
hsl_colour hsl_colour::lighter(double aDelta) const { return lighter(1.0, aDelta); }
hsl_colour hsl_colour::with_lightness(double aNewLightness) const { return lighter(0.0, aNewLightness); }
void SoftwareTransform( int prim, int vertexCount, u32 vertType, u16 *&inds, int indexType, const DecVtxFormat &decVtxFormat, int &maxIndex, TransformedVertex *&drawBuffer, int &numTrans, bool &drawIndexed, const SoftwareTransformParams *params, SoftwareTransformResult *result) { u8 *decoded = params->decoded; FramebufferManagerCommon *fbman = params->fbman; TextureCacheCommon *texCache = params->texCache; TransformedVertex *transformed = params->transformed; TransformedVertex *transformedExpanded = params->transformedExpanded; float ySign = 1.0f; bool throughmode = (vertType & GE_VTYPE_THROUGH_MASK) != 0; bool lmode = gstate.isUsingSecondaryColor() && gstate.isLightingEnabled(); // TODO: Split up into multiple draw calls for GLES 2.0 where you can't guarantee support for more than 0x10000 verts. #if defined(MOBILE_DEVICE) if (vertexCount > 0x10000/3) vertexCount = 0x10000/3; #endif float uscale = 1.0f; float vscale = 1.0f; if (throughmode) { uscale /= gstate_c.curTextureWidth; vscale /= gstate_c.curTextureHeight; } bool skinningEnabled = vertTypeIsSkinningEnabled(vertType); const int w = gstate.getTextureWidth(0); const int h = gstate.getTextureHeight(0); float widthFactor = (float) w / (float) gstate_c.curTextureWidth; float heightFactor = (float) h / (float) gstate_c.curTextureHeight; Lighter lighter(vertType); float fog_end = getFloat24(gstate.fog1); float fog_slope = getFloat24(gstate.fog2); // Same fixup as in ShaderManager.cpp if (my_isinf(fog_slope)) { // not really sure what a sensible value might be. fog_slope = fog_slope < 0.0f ? -10000.0f : 10000.0f; } if (my_isnan(fog_slope)) { // Workaround for // Just put the fog far away at a large finite distance. // Infinities and NaNs are rather unpredictable in shaders on many GPUs // so it's best to just make it a sane calculation. fog_end = 100000.0f; fog_slope = 1.0f; } VertexReader reader(decoded, decVtxFormat, vertType); if (throughmode) { for (int index = 0; index < maxIndex; index++) { // Do not touch the coordinates or the colors. No lighting. reader.Goto(index); // TODO: Write to a flexible buffer, we don't always need all four components. TransformedVertex &vert = transformed[index]; reader.ReadPos(vert.pos); if (reader.hasColor0()) { reader.ReadColor0_8888(vert.color0); } else { vert.color0_32 = gstate.getMaterialAmbientRGBA(); } if (reader.hasUV()) { reader.ReadUV(vert.uv); vert.u *= uscale; vert.v *= vscale; } else { vert.u = 0.0f; vert.v = 0.0f; } // Ignore color1 and fog, never used in throughmode anyway. // The w of uv is also never used (hardcoded to 1.0.) } } else { // Okay, need to actually perform the full transform. for (int index = 0; index < maxIndex; index++) { reader.Goto(index); float v[3] = {0, 0, 0}; Vec4f c0 = Vec4f(1, 1, 1, 1); Vec4f c1 = Vec4f(0, 0, 0, 0); float uv[3] = {0, 0, 1}; float fogCoef = 1.0f; // We do software T&L for now float out[3]; float pos[3]; Vec3f normal(0, 0, 1); Vec3f worldnormal(0, 0, 1); reader.ReadPos(pos); if (!skinningEnabled) { Vec3ByMatrix43(out, pos, gstate.worldMatrix); if (reader.hasNormal()) { reader.ReadNrm(normal.AsArray()); if (gstate.areNormalsReversed()) { normal = -normal; } Norm3ByMatrix43(worldnormal.AsArray(), normal.AsArray(), gstate.worldMatrix); worldnormal = worldnormal.Normalized(); } } else { float weights[8]; reader.ReadWeights(weights); if (reader.hasNormal()) reader.ReadNrm(normal.AsArray()); // Skinning Vec3f psum(0, 0, 0); Vec3f nsum(0, 0, 0); for (int i = 0; i < vertTypeGetNumBoneWeights(vertType); i++) { if (weights[i] != 0.0f) { Vec3ByMatrix43(out, pos, gstate.boneMatrix+i*12); Vec3f tpos(out); psum += tpos * weights[i]; if (reader.hasNormal()) { Vec3f norm; Norm3ByMatrix43(norm.AsArray(), normal.AsArray(), gstate.boneMatrix+i*12); nsum += norm * weights[i]; } } } // Yes, we really must multiply by the world matrix too. Vec3ByMatrix43(out, psum.AsArray(), gstate.worldMatrix); if (reader.hasNormal()) { normal = nsum; if (gstate.areNormalsReversed()) { normal = -normal; } Norm3ByMatrix43(worldnormal.AsArray(), normal.AsArray(), gstate.worldMatrix); worldnormal = worldnormal.Normalized(); } } // Perform lighting here if enabled. don't need to check through, it's checked above. Vec4f unlitColor = Vec4f(1, 1, 1, 1); if (reader.hasColor0()) { reader.ReadColor0(&unlitColor.x); } else { unlitColor = Vec4f::FromRGBA(gstate.getMaterialAmbientRGBA()); } if (gstate.isLightingEnabled()) { float litColor0[4]; float litColor1[4]; lighter.Light(litColor0, litColor1, unlitColor.AsArray(), out, worldnormal); // Don't ignore gstate.lmode - we should send two colors in that case for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { c0[j] = litColor0[j]; } if (lmode) { // Separate colors for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { c1[j] = litColor1[j]; } } else { // Summed color into c0 (will clamp in ToRGBA().) for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { c0[j] += litColor1[j]; } } } else { if (reader.hasColor0()) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { c0[j] = unlitColor[j]; } } else { c0 = Vec4f::FromRGBA(gstate.getMaterialAmbientRGBA()); } if (lmode) { // c1 is already 0. } } float ruv[2] = {0.0f, 0.0f}; if (reader.hasUV()) reader.ReadUV(ruv); // Perform texture coordinate generation after the transform and lighting - one style of UV depends on lights. switch (gstate.getUVGenMode()) { case GE_TEXMAP_TEXTURE_COORDS: // UV mapping case GE_TEXMAP_UNKNOWN: // Seen in Riviera. Unsure of meaning, but this works. // We always prescale in the vertex decoder now. uv[0] = ruv[0]; uv[1] = ruv[1]; uv[2] = 1.0f; break; case GE_TEXMAP_TEXTURE_MATRIX: { // Projection mapping Vec3f source; switch (gstate.getUVProjMode()) { case GE_PROJMAP_POSITION: // Use model space XYZ as source source = pos; break; case GE_PROJMAP_UV: // Use unscaled UV as source source = Vec3f(ruv[0], ruv[1], 0.0f); break; case GE_PROJMAP_NORMALIZED_NORMAL: // Use normalized normal as source source = normal.Normalized(); if (!reader.hasNormal()) { ERROR_LOG_REPORT(G3D, "Normal projection mapping without normal?"); } break; case GE_PROJMAP_NORMAL: // Use non-normalized normal as source! source = normal; if (!reader.hasNormal()) { ERROR_LOG_REPORT(G3D, "Normal projection mapping without normal?"); } break; } float uvw[3]; Vec3ByMatrix43(uvw, &source.x, gstate.tgenMatrix); uv[0] = uvw[0]; uv[1] = uvw[1]; uv[2] = uvw[2]; } break; case GE_TEXMAP_ENVIRONMENT_MAP: // Shade mapping - use two light sources to generate U and V. { Vec3f lightpos0 = Vec3f(&lighter.lpos[gstate.getUVLS0() * 3]).Normalized(); Vec3f lightpos1 = Vec3f(&lighter.lpos[gstate.getUVLS1() * 3]).Normalized(); uv[0] = (1.0f + Dot(lightpos0, worldnormal))/2.0f; uv[1] = (1.0f + Dot(lightpos1, worldnormal))/2.0f; uv[2] = 1.0f; } break; default: // Illegal ERROR_LOG_REPORT(G3D, "Impossible UV gen mode? %d", gstate.getUVGenMode()); break; } uv[0] = uv[0] * widthFactor; uv[1] = uv[1] * heightFactor; // Transform the coord by the view matrix. Vec3ByMatrix43(v, out, gstate.viewMatrix); fogCoef = (v[2] + fog_end) * fog_slope; // TODO: Write to a flexible buffer, we don't always need all four components. memcpy(&transformed[index].x, v, 3 * sizeof(float)); transformed[index].fog = fogCoef; memcpy(&transformed[index].u, uv, 3 * sizeof(float)); transformed[index].color0_32 = c0.ToRGBA(); transformed[index].color1_32 = c1.ToRGBA(); // The multiplication by the projection matrix is still performed in the vertex shader. // So is vertex depth rounding, to simulate the 16-bit depth buffer. } } // Here's the best opportunity to try to detect rectangles used to clear the screen, and // replace them with real clears. This can provide a speedup on certain mobile chips. // // An alternative option is to simply ditch all the verts except the first and last to create a single // rectangle out of many. Quite a small optimization though. // Experiment: Disable on PowerVR (see issue #6290) // TODO: This bleeds outside the play area in non-buffered mode. Big deal? Probably not. bool reallyAClear = false; if (maxIndex > 1 && prim == GE_PRIM_RECTANGLES && gstate.isModeClear()) { int scissorX2 = gstate.getScissorX2() + 1; int scissorY2 = gstate.getScissorY2() + 1; reallyAClear = IsReallyAClear(transformed, maxIndex, scissorX2, scissorY2); } if (reallyAClear && gl_extensions.gpuVendor != GPU_VENDOR_POWERVR) { // && g_Config.iRenderingMode != FB_NON_BUFFERED_MODE) { // If alpha is not allowed to be separate, it must match for both depth/stencil and color. Vulkan requires this. bool alphaMatchesColor = gstate.isClearModeColorMask() == gstate.isClearModeAlphaMask(); bool depthMatchesStencil = gstate.isClearModeAlphaMask() == gstate.isClearModeDepthMask(); if (params->allowSeparateAlphaClear || (alphaMatchesColor && depthMatchesStencil)) { result->color = transformed[1].color0_32; // Need to rescale from a [0, 1] float. This is the final transformed value. result->depth = ToScaledDepth((s16)(int)(transformed[1].z * 65535.0f)); result->action = SW_CLEAR; return; } } // This means we're using a framebuffer (and one that isn't big enough.) if (gstate_c.curTextureHeight < (u32)h && maxIndex >= 2) { // Even if not rectangles, this will detect if either of the first two are outside the framebuffer. // HACK: Adding one pixel margin to this detection fixes issues in Assassin's Creed : Bloodlines, // while still keeping BOF working (see below). const float invTexH = 1.0f / gstate_c.curTextureHeight; // size of one texel. bool tlOutside; bool tlAlmostOutside; bool brOutside; // If we're outside heightFactor, then v must be wrapping or clamping. Avoid this workaround. // If we're <= 1.0f, we're inside the framebuffer (workaround not needed.) // We buffer that 1.0f a little more with a texel to avoid some false positives. tlOutside = transformed[0].v <= heightFactor && transformed[0].v > 1.0f + invTexH; brOutside = transformed[1].v <= heightFactor && transformed[1].v > 1.0f + invTexH; // Careful: if br is outside, but tl is well inside, this workaround still doesn't make sense. // We go with halfway, since we overestimate framebuffer heights sometimes but not by much. tlAlmostOutside = transformed[0].v <= heightFactor && transformed[0].v >= 0.5f; if (tlOutside || (brOutside && tlAlmostOutside)) { // Okay, so we're texturing from outside the framebuffer, but inside the texture height. // Breath of Fire 3 does this to access a render surface at an offset. const u32 bpp = fbman->GetTargetFormat() == GE_FORMAT_8888 ? 4 : 2; const u32 prevH = texCache->AttachedDrawingHeight(); const u32 fb_size = bpp * fbman->GetTargetStride() * prevH; const u32 prevYOffset = gstate_c.curTextureYOffset; if (texCache->SetOffsetTexture(fb_size)) { const float oldWidthFactor = widthFactor; const float oldHeightFactor = heightFactor; widthFactor = (float) w / (float) gstate_c.curTextureWidth; heightFactor = (float) h / (float) gstate_c.curTextureHeight; // We've already baked in the old gstate_c.curTextureYOffset, so correct. const float yDiff = (float) (prevH + prevYOffset - gstate_c.curTextureYOffset) / (float) h; for (int index = 0; index < maxIndex; ++index) { transformed[index].u *= widthFactor / oldWidthFactor; // Inverse it back to scale to the new FBO, and add 1.0f to account for old FBO. transformed[index].v = (transformed[index].v / oldHeightFactor - yDiff) * heightFactor; } } } } // Step 2: expand rectangles. drawBuffer = transformed; numTrans = 0; drawIndexed = false; if (prim != GE_PRIM_RECTANGLES) { // We can simply draw the unexpanded buffer. numTrans = vertexCount; drawIndexed = true; } else { bool useBufferedRendering = g_Config.iRenderingMode != FB_NON_BUFFERED_MODE; if (useBufferedRendering) ySign = -ySign; float flippedMatrix[16]; if (!throughmode) { memcpy(&flippedMatrix, gstate.projMatrix, 16 * sizeof(float)); const bool invertedY = useBufferedRendering ? (gstate_c.vpHeight < 0) : (gstate_c.vpHeight > 0); if (invertedY) { flippedMatrix[1] = -flippedMatrix[1]; flippedMatrix[5] = -flippedMatrix[5]; flippedMatrix[9] = -flippedMatrix[9]; flippedMatrix[13] = -flippedMatrix[13]; } const bool invertedX = gstate_c.vpWidth < 0; if (invertedX) { flippedMatrix[0] = -flippedMatrix[0]; flippedMatrix[4] = -flippedMatrix[4]; flippedMatrix[8] = -flippedMatrix[8]; flippedMatrix[12] = -flippedMatrix[12]; } } //rectangles always need 2 vertices, disregard the last one if there's an odd number vertexCount = vertexCount & ~1; numTrans = 0; drawBuffer = transformedExpanded; TransformedVertex *trans = &transformedExpanded[0]; const u16 *indsIn = (const u16 *)inds; u16 *newInds = inds + vertexCount; u16 *indsOut = newInds; maxIndex = 4 * vertexCount; for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i += 2) { const TransformedVertex &transVtxTL = transformed[indsIn[i + 0]]; const TransformedVertex &transVtxBR = transformed[indsIn[i + 1]]; // We have to turn the rectangle into two triangles, so 6 points. // This is 4 verts + 6 indices. // bottom right trans[0] = transVtxBR; // top right trans[1] = transVtxBR; trans[1].y = transVtxTL.y; trans[1].v = transVtxTL.v; // top left trans[2] = transVtxBR; trans[2].x = transVtxTL.x; trans[2].y = transVtxTL.y; trans[2].u = transVtxTL.u; trans[2].v = transVtxTL.v; // bottom left trans[3] = transVtxBR; trans[3].x = transVtxTL.x; trans[3].u = transVtxTL.u; // That's the four corners. Now process UV rotation. if (throughmode) RotateUVThrough(trans); else RotateUV(trans, flippedMatrix, ySign); // Triangle: BR-TR-TL indsOut[0] = i * 2 + 0; indsOut[1] = i * 2 + 1; indsOut[2] = i * 2 + 2; // Triangle: BL-BR-TL indsOut[3] = i * 2 + 3; indsOut[4] = i * 2 + 0; indsOut[5] = i * 2 + 2; trans += 4; indsOut += 6; numTrans += 6; } inds = newInds; drawIndexed = true; // We don't know the color until here, so we have to do it now, instead of in StateMapping. // Might want to reconsider the order of things later... if (gstate.isModeClear() && gstate.isClearModeAlphaMask()) { result->setStencil = true; if (vertexCount > 1) { // Take the bottom right alpha value of the first rect as the stencil value. // Technically, each rect could individually fill its stencil, but most of the // time they use the same one. result->stencilValue = transformed[indsIn[1]].color0[3]; } else { result->stencilValue = 0; } } } result->action = SW_DRAW_PRIMITIVES; }
void ManhattanStyle::drawControl(ControlElement element, const QStyleOption *option, QPainter *painter, const QWidget *widget) const { if (!panelWidget(widget)) return QProxyStyle::drawControl(element, option, painter, widget); switch (element) { case CE_Splitter: painter->fillRect(option->rect, Utils::StyleHelper::borderColor()); break; case CE_TabBarTabShape: // Most styles draw a single dark outline. This looks rather ugly when combined with our // single pixel dark separator so we adjust the first tab to compensate for this if (const QStyleOptionTabV3 *tab = qstyleoption_cast<const QStyleOptionTabV3 *>(option)) { QStyleOptionTabV3 adjustedTab = *tab; if (tab->cornerWidgets == QStyleOptionTab::NoCornerWidgets && ( tab->position == QStyleOptionTab::Beginning || tab->position == QStyleOptionTab::OnlyOneTab)) { if (option->direction == Qt::LeftToRight) adjustedTab.rect = adjustedTab.rect.adjusted(-1, 0, 0, 0); else adjustedTab.rect = adjustedTab.rect.adjusted(0, 0, 1 ,0); } QProxyStyle::drawControl(element, &adjustedTab, painter, widget); return; } break; case CE_MenuBarItem: painter->save(); if (const QStyleOptionMenuItem *mbi = qstyleoption_cast<const QStyleOptionMenuItem *>(option)) { QColor highlightOutline = Utils::StyleHelper::borderColor().lighter(120); bool act = mbi->state & State_Selected && mbi->state & State_Sunken; bool dis = !(mbi->state & State_Enabled); Utils::StyleHelper::menuGradient(painter, option->rect, option->rect); QStyleOptionMenuItem item = *mbi; item.rect = mbi->rect; QPalette pal = mbi->palette; pal.setBrush(QPalette::ButtonText, dis ? Qt::gray : Qt::black); item.palette = pal; QCommonStyle::drawControl(element, &item, painter, widget); QRect r = option->rect; if (act) { // Fill| QColor baseColor = Utils::StyleHelper::baseColor(); QLinearGradient grad(option->rect.topLeft(), option->rect.bottomLeft()); grad.setColorAt(0, baseColor.lighter(120)); grad.setColorAt(1, baseColor.lighter(130)); painter->fillRect(option->rect.adjusted(1, 1, -1, 0), grad); // Outline painter->setPen(QPen(highlightOutline, 0)); painter->drawLine(QPoint(r.left(), + 1), QPoint(r.left(), r.bottom())); painter->drawLine(QPoint(r.right(), + 1), QPoint(r.right(), r.bottom())); painter->drawLine(QPoint(r.left() + 1,, QPoint(r.right() - 1,; highlightOutline.setAlpha(60); painter->setPen(QPen(highlightOutline, 0)); painter->drawPoint(r.topLeft()); painter->drawPoint(r.topRight()); QPalette pal = mbi->palette; uint alignment = Qt::AlignCenter | Qt::TextShowMnemonic | Qt::TextDontClip | Qt::TextSingleLine; if (!styleHint(SH_UnderlineShortcut, mbi, widget)) alignment |= Qt::TextHideMnemonic; pal.setBrush(QPalette::Text, dis ? Qt::gray : QColor(0, 0, 0, 60)); drawItemText(painter, item.rect.translated(0, 1), alignment, pal, mbi->state & State_Enabled, mbi->text, QPalette::Text); pal.setBrush(QPalette::Text, dis ? Qt::gray : Qt::white); drawItemText(painter, item.rect, alignment, pal, mbi->state & State_Enabled, mbi->text, QPalette::Text); } } painter->restore(); break; case CE_ComboBoxLabel: if (const QStyleOptionComboBox *cb = qstyleoption_cast<const QStyleOptionComboBox *>(option)) { if (panelWidget(widget)) { painter->save(); QRect editRect = subControlRect(CC_ComboBox, cb, SC_ComboBoxEditField, widget); QPalette customPal = cb->palette; if (!cb->currentIcon.isNull()) { QIcon::Mode mode = cb->state & State_Enabled ? QIcon::Normal : QIcon::Disabled; QPixmap pixmap = cb->currentIcon.pixmap(cb->iconSize, mode); QRect iconRect(editRect); iconRect.setWidth(cb->iconSize.width() + 4); iconRect = alignedRect(cb->direction, Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter, iconRect.size(), editRect); if (cb->editable) painter->fillRect(iconRect, customPal.brush(QPalette::Base)); drawItemPixmap(painter, iconRect, Qt::AlignCenter, pixmap); if (cb->direction == Qt::RightToLeft) editRect.translate(-4 - cb->iconSize.width(), 0); else editRect.translate(cb->iconSize.width() + 4, 0); // Reserve some space for the down-arrow editRect.adjust(0, 0, -13, 0); } QString text = option->fontMetrics.elidedText(cb->currentText, Qt::ElideRight, editRect.width()); if ((option->state & State_Enabled)) { painter->setPen(QColor(0, 0, 0, 70)); painter->drawText(editRect.adjusted(1, 0, -1, 0), Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter, text); } else { painter->setOpacity(0.8); } painter->setPen(Utils::StyleHelper::panelTextColor()); painter->drawText(editRect.adjusted(1, 0, -1, 0), Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter, text); painter->restore(); } else { QProxyStyle::drawControl(element, option, painter, widget); } } break; case CE_SizeGrip: { painter->save(); QColor dark = Qt::white; dark.setAlphaF(0.1); int x, y, w, h; option->rect.getRect(&x, &y, &w, &h); int sw = qMin(h, w); if (h > w) painter->translate(0, h - w); else painter->translate(w - h, 0); int sx = x; int sy = y; int s = 4; painter->setPen(dark); if (option->direction == Qt::RightToLeft) { sx = x + sw; for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { painter->drawLine(x, sy, sx, sw); sx -= s; sy += s; } } else { for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { painter->drawLine(sx, sw, sw, sy); sx += s; sy += s; } } painter->restore(); } break; case CE_MenuBarEmptyArea: { Utils::StyleHelper::menuGradient(painter, option->rect, option->rect); painter->save(); painter->setPen(Utils::StyleHelper::borderColor()); painter->drawLine(option->rect.bottomLeft(), option->rect.bottomRight()); painter->restore(); } break; case CE_ToolBar: { QRect rect = option->rect; bool horizontal = option->state & State_Horizontal; rect = option->rect; // Map offset for global window gradient QPoint offset = widget->window()->mapToGlobal(option->rect.topLeft()) - widget->mapToGlobal(option->rect.topLeft()); QRect gradientSpan; if (widget) gradientSpan = QRect(offset, widget->window()->size()); bool drawLightColored = lightColored(widget); if (horizontal) Utils::StyleHelper::horizontalGradient(painter, gradientSpan, rect, drawLightColored); else Utils::StyleHelper::verticalGradient(painter, gradientSpan, rect, drawLightColored); if (!drawLightColored) painter->setPen(Utils::StyleHelper::borderColor()); else painter->setPen(QColor(0x888888)); if (horizontal) { // Note: This is a hack to determine if the // toolbar should draw the top or bottom outline // (needed for the find toolbar for instance) QColor lighter(Utils::StyleHelper::sidebarHighlight()); if (drawLightColored) lighter = QColor(255, 255, 255, 180); if (widget && widget->property("topBorder").toBool()) { painter->drawLine(rect.topLeft(), rect.topRight()); painter->setPen(lighter); painter->drawLine(rect.topLeft() + QPoint(0, 1), rect.topRight() + QPoint(0, 1)); } else { painter->drawLine(rect.bottomLeft(), rect.bottomRight()); painter->setPen(lighter); painter->drawLine(rect.topLeft(), rect.topRight()); } } else { painter->drawLine(rect.topLeft(), rect.bottomLeft()); painter->drawLine(rect.topRight(), rect.bottomRight()); } } break; default: QProxyStyle::drawControl(element, option, painter, widget); break; } }
void ManhattanStyle::drawPrimitive(PrimitiveElement element, const QStyleOption *option, QPainter *painter, const QWidget *widget) const { if (!panelWidget(widget)) return QProxyStyle::drawPrimitive(element, option, painter, widget); bool animating = (option->state & State_Animating); int state = option->state; QRect rect = option->rect; QRect oldRect; QRect newRect; if (widget && (element == PE_PanelButtonTool) && !animating) { QWidget *w = const_cast<QWidget *> (widget); int oldState = w->property("_q_stylestate").toInt(); oldRect = w->property("_q_stylerect").toRect(); newRect = w->rect(); w->setProperty("_q_stylestate", (int)option->state); w->setProperty("_q_stylerect", w->rect()); // Determine the animated transition bool doTransition = ((state & State_On) != (oldState & State_On) || (state & State_MouseOver) != (oldState & State_MouseOver)); if (oldRect != newRect) { doTransition = false; d->animator.stopAnimation(widget); } if (doTransition) { QImage startImage(option->rect.size(), QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); QImage endImage(option->rect.size(), QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); Animation *anim = d->animator.widgetAnimation(widget); QStyleOption opt = *option; opt.state = (QStyle::State)oldState; opt.state |= (State)State_Animating; startImage.fill(0); Transition *t = new Transition; t->setWidget(w); QPainter startPainter(&startImage); if (!anim) { drawPrimitive(element, &opt, &startPainter, widget); } else { anim->paint(&startPainter, &opt); d->animator.stopAnimation(widget); } QStyleOption endOpt = *option; endOpt.state |= (State)State_Animating; t->setStartImage(startImage); d->animator.startAnimation(t); endImage.fill(0); QPainter endPainter(&endImage); drawPrimitive(element, &endOpt, &endPainter, widget); t->setEndImage(endImage); if (oldState & State_MouseOver) t->setDuration(150); else t->setDuration(75); t->setStartTime(QTime::currentTime()); } } switch (element) { case PE_IndicatorDockWidgetResizeHandle: painter->fillRect(option->rect, Utils::StyleHelper::borderColor()); break; case PE_FrameDockWidget: QCommonStyle::drawPrimitive(element, option, painter, widget); break; case PE_PanelLineEdit: { painter->save(); // Fill the line edit background QRect filledRect = option->rect.adjusted(1, 1, -1, -1); painter->setBrushOrigin(filledRect.topLeft()); painter->fillRect(filledRect, option->palette.base()); if (option->state & State_Enabled) Utils::StyleHelper::drawCornerImage(d->lineeditImage, painter, option->rect, 5, 5, 5, 5); else Utils::StyleHelper::drawCornerImage(d->lineeditImage_disabled, painter, option->rect, 5, 5, 5, 5); if (option->state & State_HasFocus || option->state & State_MouseOver) { QColor hover = Utils::StyleHelper::baseColor(); if (state & State_HasFocus) hover.setAlpha(100); else hover.setAlpha(50); painter->setPen(QPen(hover, 1)); painter->drawRect(option->rect.adjusted(1, 1, -2 ,-2)); } painter->restore(); } break; case PE_FrameStatusBarItem: break; case PE_PanelButtonTool: { Animation *anim = d->animator.widgetAnimation(widget); if (!animating && anim) { anim->paint(painter, option); } else { bool pressed = option->state & State_Sunken || option->state & State_On; QColor shadow(0, 0, 0, 30); painter->setPen(shadow); if (pressed) { QColor shade(0, 0, 0, 40); painter->fillRect(rect, shade); painter->drawLine(rect.topLeft() + QPoint(1, 0), rect.topRight() - QPoint(1, 0)); painter->drawLine(rect.topLeft(), rect.bottomLeft()); painter->drawLine(rect.topRight(), rect.bottomRight()); // painter->drawLine(rect.bottomLeft() + QPoint(1, 0), rect.bottomRight() - QPoint(1, 0)); QColor highlight(255, 255, 255, 30); painter->setPen(highlight); } else if (option->state & State_Enabled && option->state & State_MouseOver) { QColor lighter(255, 255, 255, 37); painter->fillRect(rect, lighter); } if (option->state & State_HasFocus && (option->state & State_KeyboardFocusChange)) { QColor highlight = option->palette.highlight().color(); highlight.setAlphaF(0.4); painter->setPen(QPen(highlight.lighter(), 1)); highlight.setAlphaF(0.3); painter->setBrush(highlight); painter->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing); QRectF rect = option->rect; rect.translate(0.5, 0.5); painter->drawRoundedRect(rect.adjusted(2, 2, -3, -3), 2, 2); } } } break; case PE_PanelStatusBar: { painter->save(); QLinearGradient grad(option->rect.topLeft(), QPoint(, rect.bottom())); QColor startColor = Utils::StyleHelper::shadowColor().darker(164); QColor endColor = Utils::StyleHelper::baseColor().darker(130); grad.setColorAt(0, startColor); grad.setColorAt(1, endColor); painter->fillRect(option->rect, grad); painter->setPen(QColor(255, 255, 255, 60)); painter->drawLine(rect.topLeft() + QPoint(0,1), rect.topRight()+ QPoint(0,1)); painter->setPen(Utils::StyleHelper::borderColor().darker(110)); painter->drawLine(rect.topLeft(), rect.topRight()); painter->restore(); } break; case PE_IndicatorToolBarSeparator: { QColor separatorColor = Utils::StyleHelper::borderColor(); separatorColor.setAlpha(100); painter->setPen(separatorColor); const int margin = 6; if (option->state & State_Horizontal) { const int offset = rect.width()/2; painter->drawLine(rect.bottomLeft().x() + offset, rect.bottomLeft().y() - margin, rect.topLeft().x() + offset, rect.topLeft().y() + margin); } else { //Draw vertical separator const int offset = rect.height()/2; painter->setPen(QPen(option->palette.background().color().darker(110))); painter->drawLine(rect.topLeft().x() + margin , rect.topLeft().y() + offset, rect.topRight().x() - margin, rect.topRight().y() + offset); } } break; case PE_IndicatorToolBarHandle: { bool horizontal = option->state & State_Horizontal; painter->save(); QPainterPath path; int x = option->rect.x() + (horizontal ? 2 : 6); int y = option->rect.y() + (horizontal ? 6 : 2); static const int RectHeight = 2; if (horizontal) { while (y < option->rect.height() - RectHeight - 6) { path.moveTo(x, y); path.addRect(x, y, RectHeight, RectHeight); y += 6; } } else { while (x < option->rect.width() - RectHeight - 6) { path.moveTo(x, y); path.addRect(x, y, RectHeight, RectHeight); x += 6; } } painter->setPen(Qt::NoPen); QColor dark = Utils::StyleHelper::borderColor(); dark.setAlphaF(0.4); QColor light = Utils::StyleHelper::baseColor(); light.setAlphaF(0.4); painter->fillPath(path, light); painter->save(); painter->translate(1, 1); painter->fillPath(path, dark); painter->restore(); painter->translate(3, 3); painter->fillPath(path, light); painter->translate(1, 1); painter->fillPath(path, dark); painter->restore(); } break; case PE_IndicatorArrowUp: case PE_IndicatorArrowDown: case PE_IndicatorArrowRight: case PE_IndicatorArrowLeft: { Utils::StyleHelper::drawArrow(element, painter, option); } break; default: QProxyStyle::drawPrimitive(element, option, painter, widget); break; } }
void ManhattanStyle::drawControl(ControlElement element, const QStyleOption *option, QPainter *painter, const QWidget *widget) const { if (!panelWidget(widget)) return QProxyStyle::drawControl(element, option, painter, widget); switch (element) { case CE_Splitter: painter->fillRect(option->rect, StyleHelper::borderColor()); break; case CE_TabBarTabShape: // Most styles draw a single dark outline. This looks rather ugly when combined with our // single pixel dark separator so we adjust the first tab to compensate for this if (const QStyleOptionTabV3 *tab = qstyleoption_cast<const QStyleOptionTabV3 *>(option)) { QStyleOptionTabV3 adjustedTab = *tab; if (tab->cornerWidgets == QStyleOptionTab::NoCornerWidgets && ( tab->position == QStyleOptionTab::Beginning || tab->position == QStyleOptionTab::OnlyOneTab)) { if (option->direction == Qt::LeftToRight) adjustedTab.rect = adjustedTab.rect.adjusted(-1, 0, 0, 0); else adjustedTab.rect = adjustedTab.rect.adjusted(0, 0, 1 ,0); } QProxyStyle::drawControl(element, &adjustedTab, painter, widget); return; } break; case CE_MenuBarItem: painter->save(); if (const QStyleOptionMenuItem *mbi = qstyleoption_cast<const QStyleOptionMenuItem *>(option)) { QColor highlightOutline = StyleHelper::borderColor().lighter(120); bool act = mbi->state & State_Sunken; bool dis = !(mbi->state & State_Enabled); StyleHelper::menuGradient(painter, option->rect, option->rect); QStyleOptionMenuItem item = *mbi; item.rect = mbi->rect; QPalette pal = mbi->palette; pal.setBrush(QPalette::ButtonText, dis ? Qt::gray : Qt::black); item.palette = pal; QCommonStyle::drawControl(element, &item, painter, widget); QRect r = option->rect; if (act) { // Fill| QColor baseColor = StyleHelper::baseColor(); QLinearGradient grad(option->rect.topLeft(), option->rect.bottomLeft()); grad.setColorAt(0, baseColor.lighter(120)); grad.setColorAt(1, baseColor.lighter(130)); painter->fillRect(option->rect.adjusted(1, 1, -1, 0), grad); // Outline painter->setPen(QPen(highlightOutline, 0)); painter->drawLine(QPoint(r.left(), + 1), QPoint(r.left(), r.bottom())); painter->drawLine(QPoint(r.right(), + 1), QPoint(r.right(), r.bottom())); painter->drawLine(QPoint(r.left() + 1,, QPoint(r.right() - 1,; highlightOutline.setAlpha(60); painter->setPen(QPen(highlightOutline, 0)); painter->drawPoint(r.topLeft()); painter->drawPoint(r.topRight()); QPalette pal = mbi->palette; uint alignment = Qt::AlignCenter | Qt::TextShowMnemonic | Qt::TextDontClip | Qt::TextSingleLine; if (!styleHint(SH_UnderlineShortcut, mbi, widget)) alignment |= Qt::TextHideMnemonic; pal.setBrush(QPalette::Text, dis ? Qt::gray : QColor(0, 0, 0, 60)); drawItemText(painter, item.rect.translated(0, 1), alignment, pal, mbi->state & State_Enabled, mbi->text, QPalette::Text); pal.setBrush(QPalette::Text, dis ? Qt::gray : Qt::white); drawItemText(painter, item.rect, alignment, pal, mbi->state & State_Enabled, mbi->text, QPalette::Text); } } painter->restore(); break; case CE_ComboBoxLabel: if (const QStyleOptionComboBox *cb = qstyleoption_cast<const QStyleOptionComboBox *>(option)) { if (panelWidget(widget)) { painter->save(); QRect editRect = subControlRect(CC_ComboBox, cb, SC_ComboBoxEditField, widget); QPalette customPal = cb->palette; bool drawIcon = !(widget && widget->property("hideicon").toBool()); if (!cb->currentIcon.isNull() && drawIcon) { QIcon::Mode mode = cb->state & State_Enabled ? QIcon::Normal : QIcon::Disabled; QPixmap pixmap = cb->currentIcon.pixmap(cb->iconSize, mode); QRect iconRect(editRect); iconRect.setWidth(cb->iconSize.width() + 4); iconRect = alignedRect(cb->direction, Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter, iconRect.size(), editRect); if (cb->editable) painter->fillRect(iconRect, customPal.brush(QPalette::Base)); drawItemPixmap(painter, iconRect, Qt::AlignCenter, pixmap); if (cb->direction == Qt::RightToLeft) editRect.translate(-4 - cb->iconSize.width(), 0); else editRect.translate(cb->iconSize.width() + 4, 0); // Reserve some space for the down-arrow editRect.adjust(0, 0, -13, 0); } QLatin1Char asterisk('*'); int elideWidth = editRect.width(); bool notElideAsterisk = widget && widget->property("notelideasterisk").toBool() && cb->currentText.endsWith(asterisk) && option->fontMetrics.width(cb->currentText) > elideWidth; QString text; if (notElideAsterisk) { elideWidth -= option->fontMetrics.width(asterisk); text = asterisk; } text.prepend(option->fontMetrics.elidedText(cb->currentText, Qt::ElideRight, elideWidth)); if ((option->state & State_Enabled)) { painter->setPen(QColor(0, 0, 0, 70)); painter->drawText(editRect.adjusted(1, 0, -1, 0), Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter, text); } else { painter->setOpacity(0.8); } painter->setPen(StyleHelper::panelTextColor()); painter->drawText(editRect.adjusted(1, 0, -1, 0), Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter, text); painter->restore(); } else { QProxyStyle::drawControl(element, option, painter, widget); } } break; case CE_SizeGrip: { painter->save(); QColor dark = Qt::white; dark.setAlphaF(0.1); int x, y, w, h; option->rect.getRect(&x, &y, &w, &h); int sw = qMin(h, w); if (h > w) painter->translate(0, h - w); else painter->translate(w - h, 0); int sx = x; int sy = y; int s = 4; painter->setPen(dark); if (option->direction == Qt::RightToLeft) { sx = x + sw; for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { painter->drawLine(x, sy, sx, sw); sx -= s; sy += s; } } else { for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { painter->drawLine(sx, sw, sw, sy); sx += s; sy += s; } } painter->restore(); } break; case CE_MenuBarEmptyArea: { StyleHelper::menuGradient(painter, option->rect, option->rect); painter->save(); painter->setPen(StyleHelper::borderColor()); painter->drawLine(option->rect.bottomLeft(), option->rect.bottomRight()); painter->restore(); } break; case CE_ToolBar: { QRect rect = option->rect; bool horizontal = option->state & State_Horizontal; rect = option->rect; // Map offset for global window gradient QPoint offset = widget->window()->mapToGlobal(option->rect.topLeft()) - widget->mapToGlobal(option->rect.topLeft()); QRect gradientSpan; if (widget) gradientSpan = QRect(offset, widget->window()->size()); bool drawLightColored = lightColored(widget); if (horizontal) StyleHelper::horizontalGradient(painter, gradientSpan, rect, drawLightColored); else StyleHelper::verticalGradient(painter, gradientSpan, rect, drawLightColored); if (!drawLightColored) painter->setPen(StyleHelper::borderColor()); else painter->setPen(QColor(0x888888)); if (horizontal) { // Note: This is a hack to determine if the // toolbar should draw the top or bottom outline // (needed for the find toolbar for instance) QColor lighter(StyleHelper::sidebarHighlight()); if (drawLightColored) lighter = QColor(255, 255, 255, 180); if (widget && widget->property("topBorder").toBool()) { painter->drawLine(rect.topLeft(), rect.topRight()); painter->setPen(lighter); painter->drawLine(rect.topLeft() + QPoint(0, 1), rect.topRight() + QPoint(0, 1)); } else { painter->drawLine(rect.bottomLeft(), rect.bottomRight()); painter->setPen(lighter); painter->drawLine(rect.topLeft(), rect.topRight()); } } else { painter->drawLine(rect.topLeft(), rect.bottomLeft()); painter->drawLine(rect.topRight(), rect.bottomRight()); } } break; #if defined(Q_OS_MAC) case CE_ToolButtonLabel: if (const QStyleOptionToolButton *tb = qstyleoption_cast<const QStyleOptionToolButton *>(option)) { QStyleOptionToolButton myTb = *tb; myTb.state &= ~State_AutoRaise; QRect cr = tb->rect; bool needText = false; int alignment = 0; bool down = tb->state & (State_Sunken | State_On); // The down state is special for QToolButtons in a toolbar on the Mac // The text is a bit bolder and gets a drop shadow and the icons are also darkened. // This doesn't really fit into any particular case in QIcon, so we // do the majority of the work ourselves. if (!(tb->features & QStyleOptionToolButton::Arrow)) { Qt::ToolButtonStyle tbstyle = tb->toolButtonStyle; if (tb->icon.isNull() && !tb->text.isEmpty()) tbstyle = Qt::ToolButtonTextOnly; switch (tbstyle) { case Qt::ToolButtonTextOnly: { needText = true; alignment = Qt::AlignCenter; break; } case Qt::ToolButtonIconOnly: case Qt::ToolButtonTextBesideIcon: case Qt::ToolButtonTextUnderIcon: { QRect pr = cr; QIcon::Mode iconMode = (tb->state & State_Enabled) ? QIcon::Normal : QIcon::Disabled; QIcon::State iconState = (tb->state & State_On) ? QIcon::On : QIcon::Off; QPixmap pixmap = tb->icon.pixmap(tb->rect.size().boundedTo(tb->iconSize), iconMode, iconState); // Draw the text if it's needed. if (tb->toolButtonStyle != Qt::ToolButtonIconOnly) { needText = true; if (tb->toolButtonStyle == Qt::ToolButtonTextUnderIcon) { QMainWindow *mw = widget ? qobject_cast<QMainWindow *>(widget->window()) : 0; if (mw && mw->unifiedTitleAndToolBarOnMac()) { pr.setHeight(pixmap.size().height() / pixmap.devicePixelRatio()); cr.adjust(0, pr.bottom() + 1, 0, 1); } else { pr.setHeight(pixmap.size().height() / pixmap.devicePixelRatio() + 6); cr.adjust(0, pr.bottom(), 0, -3); } alignment |= Qt::AlignCenter; } else { pr.setWidth(pixmap.width() / pixmap.devicePixelRatio() + 8); cr.adjust(pr.right(), 0, 0, 0); alignment |= Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter; } } proxy()->drawItemPixmap(painter, pr, Qt::AlignCenter, pixmap); break; } default: Q_ASSERT(false); break; } if (needText) { QPalette pal = tb->palette; QPalette::ColorRole role = QPalette::WindowText; if (!proxy()->styleHint(SH_UnderlineShortcut, tb, widget)) alignment |= Qt::TextHideMnemonic; if (tbstyle == Qt::ToolButtonTextOnly || (tbstyle != Qt::ToolButtonTextOnly && !down)) { painter->drawText(cr, alignment, tb->text); if (down && tbstyle == Qt::ToolButtonTextOnly) { pal = QApplication::palette("QMenu"); pal.setCurrentColorGroup(tb->palette.currentColorGroup()); role = QPalette::HighlightedText; } } proxy()->drawItemText(painter, cr, alignment, pal, tb->state & State_Enabled, tb->text, role); } } else { QProxyStyle::drawControl(element, option, painter, widget); } } break; #endif default: QProxyStyle::drawControl(element, option, painter, widget); break; } }