int main() { FILE *fpt1,*fpt2; char fname[120];/*存贮文件名*/ int fill1,fill2;/*分别记录两个文件当前行读入并输出的字符数*/ // clrscr(); printf("Enter file 1 name.\n"); scanf("%s",fname); fpt1=fopen(fname,"r");/*打开文件1*/ if(fpt1==NULL) { printf("Can't open file %s.\n",fname); exit(1); } printf("Enter file 2 name.\n"); scanf("%s",fname); fpt2=fopen(fname,"r");/*打开文件2*/ if(fpt2==NULL) { printf("Can't open file %s.\n",fname); fclose(fpt1); exit(2); } while(!feof(fpt1)||!feof(fpt2))/*在有文件还未结束时循环*/ { fill1=fill2=0; if(!feof(fpt1)) fill1=readline(fpt1);/*在文件未结束时读文件*/ printf("%*c",TXTWIDTH-fill1+TXTGAP,''); if(!feof(fpt2)) fill2=readline(fpt2);/*在文件未结束时读文件*/ printf("%*c%2d\n",TXTWIDTH-fill2+4,'',fill1+fill2); linecount();/*调用行计数函数*/ } puts("\n Press any key to quit..."); getch(); }
void mkoas_init(char *prsfile, SGMNT_PRS *sgmnt_prs, ENHNC_PRS *enhnc_prs, int *rors_slit_range_thresh, float *r92a_discard_thresh, RGAR_PRS *rgar_prs, int *ascii_oas, int *update_freq, int *clobber_oas_file, FILE **fp_proc_images_list, int *n_oas, char *oas_file) { char *datadir, proc_images_list[200], str[400]; /* Reads first the oas (orientation arrays) parms file, then the mkoas additional-parms default file, then the required user parms file. Checks that every parm was set. */ memset(&mkoas_setflags, 0, sizeof(mkoas_setflags)); datadir = get_datadir(); sprintf(str, "%s/parms/oas.prs", datadir); mkoas_readparms(str, sgmnt_prs, enhnc_prs, rors_slit_range_thresh, r92a_discard_thresh, rgar_prs, ascii_oas, update_freq, clobber_oas_file, proc_images_list, oas_file); sprintf(str, "%s/parms/mkoas.prs", datadir); mkoas_readparms(str, sgmnt_prs, enhnc_prs, rors_slit_range_thresh, r92a_discard_thresh, rgar_prs, ascii_oas, update_freq, clobber_oas_file, proc_images_list, oas_file); mkoas_readparms(prsfile, sgmnt_prs, enhnc_prs, rors_slit_range_thresh, r92a_discard_thresh, rgar_prs, ascii_oas, update_freq, clobber_oas_file, proc_images_list, oas_file); mkoas_check_parms_allset(); strcpy(str, tilde_filename(proc_images_list, 0)); *n_oas = linecount(str); *fp_proc_images_list = fopen_ch(str, "rb"); }
static int read_group() { char *p; int n, m; int grouptab_len; int commas; char **grmem; // Read user group file into memory group = read_file("/etc/group", &group_len); if (!group) return -1; // Calculate the number of entries in user group file n = linecount(group); // The total number of group members entries is at most the number of commas // plus the number of lines commas = 0; p = group; while (*p) if (*p++ == ',') commas++; // Allocate memory for user group table grouptab_len = n * sizeof(struct group) + (commas + n * 2) * sizeof(char *); grouptab = vmalloc(NULL, grouptab_len, MEM_RESERVE | MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, 'UDB'); if (!grouptab) return -1; grmem = (char **) (grouptab + n * sizeof(struct group)); // Build user group table entries p = group; n = 0; m = 0; while (*p) { char *next = nextline(p); grouptab[n].gr_name = p; p = skip(p, ':'); grouptab[n].gr_passwd = p; p = skip(p, ':'); grouptab[n].gr_gid = atoi(p); p = skip(p, ':'); grouptab[n].gr_mem = &grmem[m]; while (*p) { grmem[m++] = p; p = skip(p, ','); } grmem[m++] = NULL; p = next; n++; } // Protect group memory if (vmprotect(group, passwd_len, PAGE_READONLY) < 0) return -1; if (vmprotect(grouptab, grouptab_len, PAGE_READONLY) < 0) return -1; group_cnt = n; return 0; }
void read_red_dist(void) { ////// // Reads redshift distribution and creates // array for interpolation FILE *fdist; double *zarr,*dndz_dist_arr; int n_z_dist; int ii; fdist=fopen(fnamedNdz,"r"); if(fdist==NULL) error_open_file(fnamedNdz); print_info("*** Reading redshift selection function "); #ifdef _VERBOSE print_info("from file %s",fnamedNdz); #endif //_VERBOSE print_info("\n"); n_z_dist=linecount(fdist); rewind(fdist); dndz_dist_arr=(double *)my_malloc(n_z_dist*sizeof(double)); zarr=(double *)my_malloc(n_z_dist*sizeof(double)); for(ii=0;ii<n_z_dist;ii++) { int sr=fscanf(fdist,"%lf %lf",&(zarr[ii]),&(dndz_dist_arr[ii])); if(sr!=2) error_read_line(fnamedNdz,ii+1); if(dndz_dist_arr[ii]>=dist_max) dist_max=dndz_dist_arr[ii]; } fclose(fdist); dist_max*=1.1; dndz_set=1; #ifdef _DEBUG char dfname[64]="debug_dndz.dat"; fdist=fopen(dfname,"w"); if(fdist==NULL) error_open_file(dfname); for(ii=0;ii<n_z_dist;ii++) fprintf(fdist,"%lf %lf \n",zarr[ii],dndz_dist_arr[ii]); fclose(fdist); #endif //_DEBUG redshift_0=zarr[0]; redshift_f=zarr[n_z_dist-1]; cute_intacc_dndz=gsl_interp_accel_alloc(); cute_spline_dndz=gsl_spline_alloc(gsl_interp_cspline,n_z_dist); gsl_spline_init(cute_spline_dndz,zarr,dndz_dist_arr,n_z_dist); free(zarr); free(dndz_dist_arr); print_info("\n"); }
static int read_passwd() { char *p; int n; int passwdtab_len; // Read password file into memory passwd = read_file("/etc/passwd", &passwd_len); if (!passwd) return -1; // Calculate the number of entries in password file n = linecount(passwd); // Allocate memory for password table passwdtab_len = n * sizeof(struct passwd); passwdtab = vmalloc(NULL, passwdtab_len, MEM_RESERVE | MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, 'UDB'); if (!passwdtab) return -1; // Build password table entries p = passwd; n = 0; while (*p) { char *next = nextline(p); passwdtab[n].pw_name = p; p = skip(p, ':'); passwdtab[n].pw_passwd = p; p = skip(p, ':'); passwdtab[n].pw_uid = atoi(p); p = skip(p, ':'); passwdtab[n].pw_gid = atoi(p); p = skip(p, ':'); passwdtab[n].pw_gecos = p; p = skip(p, ':'); passwdtab[n].pw_dir = p; p = skip(p, ':'); passwdtab[n].pw_shell = p; p = next; n++; } // Protect password memory if (vmprotect(passwd, passwd_len, PAGE_READONLY) < 0) return -1; if (vmprotect(passwdtab, passwdtab_len, PAGE_READONLY) < 0) return -1; passwd_cnt = n; return 0; }
int main(int argc,char **argv){ int n; /* number of chars in given line */ int count = 0; /* number of lines */ int sum = 0; /* total number of characters */ float avg; /* average number of chars per line */ printf("Enter the text below\n"); /* read a line of text and update the cumulative counters */ while ( (n = linecount()) > 0){ sum += n; ++count; } avg = (float) sum/count; printf("\n Average number of characters per line: %5.2f \n", avg); return 0; }
std::vector<SLogEntry> Connector::getLogEntries(void) { std::string d=getResponse("GET LOGPOINTS",""); int lc=linecount(d); std::vector<SLogEntry> ret; for(int i=0; i<lc; ++i) { std::string l=getline(i, d); if(l.empty())continue; SLogEntry le; le.logid=atoi(getuntil("-", l).c_str() ); std::string lt=getafter("-", l); le.logtime=wxString::FromUTF8(lt.c_str()); ret.push_back(le); } return ret; }
std::vector<SBackupDir> Connector::getSharedPaths(void) { std::vector<SBackupDir> ret; std::string d=getResponse("1GET BACKUP DIRS",""); int lc=linecount(d); for(int i=0; i<lc; i+=2) { SBackupDir bd;, d).c_str() ); std::string path=getline(i+1, d); bd.path=wxString::FromUTF8(path.c_str() ); if(path.find("|")!=std::string::npos) { bd.path=ConvertToUnicode(getafter("|", path));"|", path)); } ret.push_back( bd ); } return ret; }
void read_nutable(char *fname, ParamsForGet *pars) { int ii,nnu; pars->nutable=(double **)my_malloc(3*sizeof(double *)); FILE *fin=fopen(fname,"r"); if(fin==NULL) error_open_file(fname); nnu=linecount(fin); rewind(fin); pars->n_nu=nnu; /* We'll just allocate one extra slot in case we need if for Haslam freq */ for(ii=0;ii<3;ii++) pars->nutable[ii]=(double *)my_malloc((nnu+1)*sizeof(double)); // only add haslam freq if doing galaxy pars->haslam_nu_added=pars->do_galaxy; for(ii=0;ii<nnu;ii++) { int inu; double nu0,nuf,dum; int stat=fscanf(fin,"%d %lf %lf %lf %lf\n", &inu,&nu0,&nuf,&dum,&dum); if(stat!=5) error_read_line(fname,ii+1); pars->nutable[0][ii]=0.5*(nu0+nuf); pars->nutable[1][ii]=nu0; pars->nutable[2][ii]=nuf; if((NU_HASLAM<=nuf)&&(NU_HASLAM>nu0)) pars->haslam_nu_added=0; } if (pars->haslam_nu_added) { pars->n_nu++; pars->nutable[0][ii]=NU_HASLAM; pars->nutable[1][ii]=NU_HASLAM-0.5; /* dummy freq differences */ pars->nutable[2][ii]=NU_HASLAM+0.5; } fclose(fin); }
void read_mask(void) { ////// // Reads mask file and loads mask info FILE *fmask; int ii; print_info("*** Reading mask "); #ifdef _VERBOSE print_info("from file %s\n",fnameMask); #endif //_VERBOSE fmask=fopen(fnameMask,"r"); if(fmask==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"\n"); error_open_file(fnameMask); } n_mask_regions=linecount(fmask); #ifdef _VERBOSE print_info(" There are %d mask regions\n",n_mask_regions); #endif //_VERBOSE rewind(fmask); mask=my_malloc(sizeof(MaskRegion)*n_mask_regions); #ifdef _VERBOSE print_info(" Mask is: \n"); print_info(" (z0,zf), (cth0,cthf), (phi0,phif)\n"); #endif //_VERBOSE for(ii=0;ii<n_mask_regions;ii++) { int sr; sr=fscanf(fmask,"%lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf", &((mask[ii]).z0),&((mask[ii]).zf), &((mask[ii]).cth0),&((mask[ii]).cthf), &((mask[ii]).phi0),&((mask[ii]).phif)); if(sr!=6) error_read_line(fnameMask,ii); if((fabs(mask[ii].cth0)>1)||(fabs(mask[ii].cthf)>1)|| (fabs(mask[ii].phi0)>2*M_PI)||(fabs(mask[ii].phif)>2*M_PI)|| (mask[ii].z0<0)||(mask[ii].zf<0)|| (mask[ii].z0>RED_COSMO_MAX)||(mask[ii].zf>RED_COSMO_MAX)) { fprintf(stderr,"CUTE: Wrong mask region: %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf \n", mask[ii].z0,mask[ii].zf,mask[ii].cth0, mask[ii].cthf,mask[ii].phi0,mask[ii].phif); } #ifdef _VERBOSE print_info(" (%.3lf,%.3lf), (%.3lf,%.3lf), (%.3lf,%.3lf)\n", (mask[ii]).z0,(mask[ii]).zf, (mask[ii]).cth0,(mask[ii]).cthf, (mask[ii]).phi0,(mask[ii]).phif); #endif //_VERBOSE } fclose(fmask); //Determine mask boundaries red_min_mask=(mask[0]).z0; red_max_mask=(mask[0]).zf; cth_min_mask=(mask[0]).cth0; cth_max_mask=(mask[0]).cthf; phi_min_mask=(mask[0]).phi0; phi_max_mask=(mask[0]).phif; for(ii=0;ii<n_mask_regions;ii++) { if((mask[ii]).z0<=red_min_mask) red_min_mask=(mask[ii]).z0; if((mask[ii]).zf>=red_max_mask) red_max_mask=(mask[ii]).zf; if((mask[ii]).cth0<=cth_min_mask) cth_min_mask=(mask[ii]).cth0; if((mask[ii]).cthf>=cth_max_mask) cth_max_mask=(mask[ii]).cthf; if((mask[ii]).phi0<=phi_min_mask) phi_min_mask=(mask[ii]).phi0; if((mask[ii]).phif>=phi_max_mask) phi_max_mask=(mask[ii]).phif; } #ifdef _VERBOSE print_info(" Mask absolute limits: \n"); print_info(" (%.3lf,%.3lf), (%.3lf,%.3lf), (%.3lf,%.3lf)\n", red_min_mask,red_max_mask,cth_min_mask,cth_max_mask, phi_min_mask,phi_max_mask); #endif //_VERBOSE //increase boundaries by 0.2% for safety red_min_mask-=0.001*(red_max_mask-red_min_mask); cth_min_mask-=0.001*(cth_max_mask-cth_min_mask); phi_min_mask-=0.001*(phi_max_mask-phi_min_mask); red_max_mask+=0.001*(red_max_mask-red_min_mask); cth_max_mask+=0.001*(cth_max_mask-cth_min_mask); phi_max_mask+=0.001*(phi_max_mask-phi_min_mask); mask_set=1; print_info("\n"); }
void setptr(register FILE *ibuf) { int n, newline = 1, blankline = 1; int StartNewMsg = TRUE; int ToldUser = FALSE; long clen = -1L; int hdr = 0; int cflg = 0; /* found Content-length in header */ register char *cp; register int l; register long s; off_t offset; char linebuf[LINESIZE]; int inhead, newmail, Odot; short flag; if (!space) { msgCount = 0; offset = 0; space = 32; newmail = 0; message = (struct message *)calloc(space, sizeof (struct message)); if (message == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, gettext( "calloc: insufficient memory for %d messages\n"), space); exit(1); /* NOTREACHED */ } dot = message; } else { newmail = 1; offset = fsize(otf); } s = 0L; l = 0; /* * Set default flags. When reading from * a folder, assume the message has been * previously read. */ if (edit) flag = MUSED|MREAD; else flag = MUSED|MNEW; inhead = 0; while ((n = getln(linebuf, sizeof (linebuf), ibuf)) > 0) { if (!newline) { goto putout; } top: hdr = inhead && (headerp(linebuf) || (linebuf[0] == ' ' || linebuf[0] == '\t')); if (!hdr && cflg) { /* nonheader, Content-length seen */ if (clen > 0 && clen < n) { /* read too much */ /* * NB: this only can happen if there is a * small content that is NOT \n terminated * and has no leading blank line, i.e., never. */ if (fwrite(linebuf, 1, (int)clen, otf) != clen) { fclose(ibuf); fflush(otf); } else { l += linecount(linebuf, clen); } offset += clen; s += clen; n -= (int)clen; /* shift line to the left, copy null as well */ memcpy(linebuf, linebuf+clen, n+1); cflg = 0; message[msgCount-1].m_clen = clen + 1; blankline = 1; StartNewMsg = TRUE; goto top; } /* here, clen == 0 or clen >= n */ if (n == 1 && linebuf[0] == '\n') { /* leading empty line */ clen++; /* cheat */ inhead = 0; } offset += clen; s += (long)clen; message[msgCount-1].m_clen = clen; for (;;) { if (fwrite(linebuf, 1, n, otf) != n) { fclose(ibuf); fflush(otf); } else { l += linecount(linebuf, n); } clen -= n; if (clen <= 0) { break; } n = clen < sizeof (linebuf) ? (int)clen : (int)sizeof (linebuf); if ((n = fread(linebuf, 1, n, ibuf)) <= 0) { fprintf(stderr, gettext( "%s:\tYour mailfile was found to be corrupted.\n"), progname); fprintf(stderr, gettext( "\t(Unexpected end-of-file).\n")); fprintf(stderr, gettext( "\tMessage #%d may be truncated.\n\n"), msgCount); offset -= clen; s -= clen; clen = 0; /* stop the loop */ } } /* All done, go to top for next message */ cflg = 0; blankline = 1; StartNewMsg = TRUE; continue; } /* Look for a From line that starts a new message */ if (blankline && linebuf[0] == 'F' && is_headline(linebuf)) { if (msgCount > 0 && !newmail) { message[msgCount-1].m_size = s; message[msgCount-1].m_lines = l; message[msgCount-1].m_flag = flag; } if (msgCount >= space) { /* * Limit the speed at which the * allocated space grows. */ if (space < 512) space = space*2; else space += 512; errno = 0; Odot = dot - &(message[0]); message = (struct message *) realloc(message, space*(sizeof (struct message))); if (message == NULL) { perror("realloc failed"); fprintf(stderr, gettext( "realloc: insufficient memory for %d messages\n"), space); exit(1); } dot = &message[Odot]; } message[msgCount].m_offset = offset; message[msgCount].m_text = TRUE; message[msgCount].m_clen = 0; newmail = 0; msgCount++; if (edit) flag = MUSED|MREAD; else flag = MUSED|MNEW; inhead = 1; s = 0L; l = 0; StartNewMsg = FALSE; ToldUser = FALSE; goto putout; } /* if didn't get a header line, we're no longer in the header */ if (!hdr) inhead = 0; if (!inhead) goto putout; /* * Look for Status: line. Do quick check for second character, * many headers start with "S" but few have "t" as second char. */ if ((linebuf[1] == 't' || linebuf[1] == 'T') && ishfield(linebuf, "status")) { cp = hcontents(linebuf); flag = MUSED|MNEW; if (strchr(cp, 'R')) flag |= MREAD; if (strchr(cp, 'O')) flag &= ~MNEW; } /* * Look for Content-Length and Content-Type headers. Like * above, do a quick check for the "-", which is rare. */ if (linebuf[7] == '-') { if (ishfield(linebuf, "content-length")) { if (!cflg) { clen = atol(hcontents(linebuf)); cflg = clen >= 0; } } else if (ishfield(linebuf, "content-type")) { char word[LINESIZE]; char *cp2; cp = hcontents(linebuf); cp2 = word; while (!isspace(*cp)) *cp2++ = *cp++; *cp2 = '\0'; if (icequal(word, "binary")) message[msgCount-1].m_text = FALSE; } } putout: offset += n; s += (long)n; if (fwrite(linebuf, 1, n, otf) != n) { fclose(ibuf); fflush(otf); } else { l++; } if (ferror(otf)) { perror("/tmp"); exit(1); } if (msgCount == 0) { fclose(ibuf); fflush(otf); } if (linebuf[n-1] == '\n') { blankline = newline && n == 1; newline = 1; if (n == 1) { /* Blank line. Skip StartNewMsg check below */ continue; } } else { newline = 0; } if (StartNewMsg && !ToldUser) { fprintf(stderr, gettext( "%s:\tYour mailfile was found to be corrupted\n"), progname); fprintf(stderr, gettext("\t(Content-length mismatch).\n")); fprintf(stderr, gettext( "\tMessage #%d may be truncated,\n"), msgCount); fprintf(stderr, gettext( "\twith another message concatenated to it.\n\n")); ToldUser = TRUE; } } if (n == 0) { fflush(otf); if (fferror(otf)) { perror("/tmp"); exit(1); } if (msgCount) { message[msgCount-1].m_size = s; message[msgCount-1].m_lines = l; message[msgCount-1].m_flag = flag; } fclose(ibuf); } }
Catalog_f read_catalog_f(char *fname,int *np) { ////// // Creates catalog from file fname FILE *fd; int ng; int ii; double z_mean=0; Catalog_f cat; print_info("*** Reading catalog "); #ifdef _VERBOSE print_info("from file %s",fname); #endif print_info("\n"); //Open file and count lines fd=fopen(fname,"r"); if(fd==NULL) error_open_file(fname); if(n_objects==-1) ng=linecount(fd); else ng=n_objects; *np=ng; rewind(fd); //Allocate catalog memory; cat.pos=(float *)my_malloc(3**sizeof(float)); rewind(fd); //Read galaxies in mask int i_dat=0; for(ii=0;ii<ng;ii++) { double zz,cth,phi,rr,sth,dum_weight; int st=read_line(fd,&zz,&cth,&phi,&dum_weight); if(st) error_read_line(fname,ii+1); z_mean+=zz; sth=sqrt(1-cth*cth); if(corr_type!=1) rr=z2r(zz); else rr=1; cat.pos[3*i_dat]=(float)(rr*sth*cos(phi)); cat.pos[3*i_dat+1]=(float)(rr*sth*sin(phi)); cat.pos[3*i_dat+2]=(float)(rr*cth); i_dat++; } fclose(fd); if(i_dat!=ng) { fprintf(stderr,"CUTE: Something went wrong !!\n"); exit(1); } z_mean/=ng; #ifdef _VERBOSE print_info(" The average redshift is %lf\n",z_mean); #endif //_VERBOSE print_info("\n"); return cat; }
Catalog read_catalog(char *fname,np_t *sum_w,np_t *sum_w2) { ////// // Creates catalog from file fname FILE *fd; int ng; int ii; double z_mean=0; Catalog cat; print_info("*** Reading catalog "); #ifdef _VERBOSE print_info("from file %s",fname); #endif print_info("\n"); //Open file and count lines fd=fopen(fname,"r"); if(fd==NULL) error_open_file(fname); if(n_objects==-1) ng=linecount(fd); else ng=n_objects; rewind(fd); print_info(" %d lines in the catalog\n",ng); //Allocate catalog memory; *)my_malloc(*sizeof(double)); cat.cth=(double *)my_malloc(*sizeof(double)); cat.phi=(double *)my_malloc(*sizeof(double)); #ifdef _WITH_WEIGHTS cat.weight=(double *)my_malloc(*sizeof(double)); #endif //_WITH_WEIGHTS rewind(fd); //Read galaxies in mask int i_dat=0; *sum_w=0; *sum_w2=0; for(ii=0;ii<ng;ii++) { double zz,cth,phi,weight; int st=read_line(fd,&zz,&cth,&phi,&weight); if(st) error_read_line(fname,ii+1); z_mean+=zz; if(zz<0) { fprintf(stderr,"Wrong redshift = %lf %d\n",zz,ii+1); exit(1); } if((cth>1)||(cth<-1)) { fprintf(stderr,"Wrong cos(theta) = %lf %d\n",cth,ii+1); exit(1); } phi=wrap_phi(phi);[i_dat]=zz; cat.cth[i_dat]=cth; cat.phi[i_dat]=phi; #ifdef _WITH_WEIGHTS cat.weight[i_dat]=weight; (*sum_w)+=weight; (*sum_w2)+=weight*weight; #else //_WITH_WEIGHTS (*sum_w)++; (*sum_w2)++; #endif //_WITH_WEIGHTS i_dat++; } fclose(fd); if(i_dat!=ng) { fprintf(stderr,"CUTE: Something went wrong !!\n"); exit(1); } z_mean/=ng; #ifdef _VERBOSE print_info(" The average redshift is %lf\n",z_mean); #endif //_VERBOSE #ifdef _WITH_WEIGHTS print_info(" Effective n. of particles: %lf\n",(*sum_w)); #else //_WITH_WEIGHTS print_info(" Total n. of particles read: %d\n",(*sum_w)); #endif //_WITH_WEIGHTS print_info("\n"); return cat; }
void read_run_params(char *fname) { ////// // Reads and checks the parameter file FILE *fi; int n_lin,ii; char estim[64]="none"; Binner binner; binner.dim1_max=-1; binner.dim2_max=-1; binner.dim3_min=-1; binner.dim3_max=-1; binner.dim1_nbin=-1; binner.dim1_nbin=-1; binner.dim1_nbin=-1; binner.logbin=-1; binner.n_logint=-1; print_info("*** Reading run parameters \n"); //Read parameters from file fi=fopen(fname,"r"); if(fi==NULL) error_open_file(fname); n_lin=linecount(fi); rewind(fi); for(ii=0;ii<n_lin;ii++) { char s0[512],s1[64],s2[256]; if(fgets(s0,sizeof(s0),fi)==NULL) error_read_line(fname,ii+1); if((s0[0]=='#')||(s0[0]=='\n')) continue; int sr=sscanf(s0,"%s %s",s1,s2); if(sr!=2) error_read_line(fname,ii+1); if(!strcmp(s1,"data_filename=")) sprintf(fnameData,"%s",s2); else if(!strcmp(s1,"random_filename=")) sprintf(fnameRandom,"%s",s2); else if(!strcmp(s1,"num_lines=")) { if(!strcmp(s2,"all")) n_objects=-1; else n_objects=atoi(s2); } else if(!strcmp(s1,"input_format=")) input_format=atoi(s2); else if(!strcmp(s1,"output_filename=")) sprintf(fnameOut,"%s",s2); else if(!strcmp(s1,"mask_filename=")) sprintf(fnameMask,"%s",s2); else if(!strcmp(s1,"z_dist_filename=")) sprintf(fnamedNdz,"%s",s2); else if(!strcmp(s1,"corr_estimator=")) { sprintf(estim,"%s",s2); if(!strcmp(estim,"PH")) estimator=0; else if(!strcmp(estim,"DP")) estimator=1; else if(!strcmp(estim,"HAM")) estimator=2; else if(!strcmp(estim,"LS")) estimator=3; else if(!strcmp(estim,"HEW")) estimator=4; else { fprintf(stderr,"CUTE: Unknown estimator %s, using 'LS'\n",estim); estimator=3; } } else if(!strcmp(s1,"corr_type=")) { if(!strcmp(s2,"radial")) corr_type=0; else if(!strcmp(s2,"angular")) corr_type=1; else if(!strcmp(s2,"monopole")) corr_type=2; else if(!strcmp(s2,"3D_ps")) corr_type=3; else if(!strcmp(s2,"3D_rm")) corr_type=4; else if(!strcmp(s2,"full")) corr_type=5; else if(!strcmp(s2,"angular_cross")) corr_type=6; else { fprintf(stderr,"CUTE: wrong corr type %s.",s2); fprintf(stderr," Possible types are \"radial\", \"angular\", \"full\","); fprintf(stderr," \"monopole\", \"3D_ps\" and \"3D_rm\".\n"); } } else if(!strcmp(s1,"np_rand_fact=")) fact_n_rand=atoi(s2); else if(!strcmp(s1,"omega_M=")) omega_M=atof(s2); else if(!strcmp(s1,"omega_L=")) omega_L=atof(s2); else if(!strcmp(s1,"w=")) weos=atof(s2); else if(!strcmp(s1,"radial_aperture=")) aperture_los=atof(s2)*DTORAD; else if(!strcmp(s1,"dim1_max=")) binner.dim1_max=atof(s2); else if(!strcmp(s1,"dim2_max=")) binner.dim2_max=atof(s2); else if(!strcmp(s1,"dim3_max=")) binner.dim3_max=atof(s2); else if(!strcmp(s1,"dim3_min=")) binner.dim3_min=atof(s2); else if(!strcmp(s1,"dim1_nbin=")) binner.dim1_nbin=atoi(s2); else if(!strcmp(s1,"dim2_nbin=")) binner.dim2_nbin=atoi(s2); else if(!strcmp(s1,"dim3_nbin=")) binner.dim3_nbin=atoi(s2); else if(!strcmp(s1,"log_bin=")) binner.logbin=atoi(s2); else if(!strcmp(s1,"n_logint=")) binner.n_logint=atoi(s2); else if(!strcmp(s1,"use_pm=")) use_pm=atoi(s2); else if(!strcmp(s1,"n_pix_sph=")) { n_side_cth=atoi(s2); n_side_phi=2*n_side_cth; } else fprintf(stderr,"CUTE: Unknown parameter %s\n",s1); } fclose(fi); process_binner(binner); check_params(); #ifdef _VERBOSE print_info(" Using estimator: %s\n",estim); if(gen_ran) { print_info(" The random catalog will be generated "); if(fact_n_rand==1) print_info("with as many particles as in the data \n"); else print_info("with %d times more particles than the data \n",fact_n_rand); } #endif //_VERBOSE print_info("\n"); }
ParamsForGet *read_input_params_ForGet(char *fname) { FILE *fi; int nlin,ii; int seed_signed=-1; ParamsForGet *pars=set_default_params_ForGet(); printf("*** Reading run parameters\n"); sprintf(pars->fname_input,"%s",fname); fi=fopen(fname,"r"); if(fi==NULL) error_open_file(fname); nlin=linecount(fi); rewind(fi); for(ii=0;ii<nlin;ii++) { char s0[512],s1[64],s2[256]; if(fgets(s0,sizeof(s0),fi)==NULL) error_read_line(fname,ii+1); if((s0[0]=='#')||(s0[0]=='\n')) continue; int sr=sscanf(s0,"%s %s",s1,s2); if(sr!=2) error_read_line(fname,ii+1); if(!strcmp(s1,"fname_nutable=")) { sprintf(pars->fname_nutable,"%s",s2); printf(" fname_nutable = %s\n",pars->fname_nutable); } else if(!strcmp(s1,"fname_haslam=")) { sprintf(pars->fname_haslam,"%s",s2); printf(" fname_haslam = %s\n",pars->fname_haslam); } else if(!strcmp(s1,"fname_specin=")) { sprintf(pars->fname_specin,"%s",s2); printf(" fname_specin = %s\n",pars->fname_specin); } else if(!strcmp(s1,"prefix_out=")) { sprintf(pars->prefix_out,"%s",s2); printf(" prefix_out = %s\n",pars->prefix_out); } else if(!strcmp(s1,"lmin=")) { pars->lmin=atoi(s2); printf(" lmin = %d\n",pars->lmin); } else if(!strcmp(s1,"lmax=")) { pars->lmax=atoi(s2); printf(" lmax = %d\n",pars->lmax); } else if(!strcmp(s1,"nside=")) { pars->nside=atoi(s2); printf(" nside = %d\n",pars->nside); } else if(!strcmp(s1,"seed=")) seed_signed=atoi(s2); else if(!strcmp(s1,"cl_model=")) sprintf(pars->cl_model,"%s",s2); else if(!strcmp(s1,"amp=")) pars->amp=atof(s2); else if(!strcmp(s1,"beta=")) pars->beta=atof(s2); else if(!strcmp(s1,"alpha=")) pars->alpha=atof(s2); else if(!strcmp(s1,"xi=")) pars->xi=atof(s2); else if(!strcmp(s1,"nu_ref=")) pars->nu_ref=atof(s2); else if(!strcmp(s1,"lref=")) pars->lref=atoi(s2); else if(!strcmp(s1,"do_polarization=")) pars->do_polarization=atoi(s2); else if(!strcmp(s1,"xi_polarization=")) pars->xi_polarization=atof(s2); else if(!strcmp(s1,"beta_polarization=")) pars->beta_polarization=atof(s2); else if(!strcmp(s1,"fname_faraday=")) { sprintf(pars->fname_faraday,"%s",s2); printf(" fname_faraday = %s\n",pars->fname_faraday); } else { fprintf(stderr,"CRIME: unknown param %s in line %d\n", s1,ii+1); } } set_cl_model(pars); if(seed_signed<=0) pars->seed=time(NULL); else pars->seed=(unsigned int)seed_signed; printf(" seed = %u\n",pars->seed); read_nutable(pars->fname_nutable, pars); if(pars->nside<=0) { fprintf(stderr,"CRIME: Wrong nside = %d\n",pars->nside); exit(1); } printf("\n"); return pars; }