struct link * s3_send_message(struct s3_message *mesg, struct link *server, time_t stoptime) { char *message_text; char address[16]; int message_length, data_sent; if(!server) { if(!domain_name_cache_lookup(s3_endpoint, address)) return NULL; server = link_connect(address, 80, stoptime); } if(!server) return NULL; message_length = s3_message_to_string(mesg, &message_text); if(message_length <= 0) { link_close(server); return NULL; } data_sent = link_write(server, message_text, message_length, stoptime); debug(D_TCP, "S3 Message Sent:\n%s\n", message_text); free(message_text); if(data_sent < message_length) { link_close(server); server = NULL; } return server; }
struct chirp_client *chirp_client_connect(const char *hostport, int negotiate_auth, time_t stoptime) { struct chirp_client *c; char addr[LINK_ADDRESS_MAX]; char host[DOMAIN_NAME_MAX]; int save_errno; int port; if(sscanf(hostport, "%[^:]:%d", host, &port) == 2) { /* use the split host and port */ } else { strcpy(host, hostport); port = CHIRP_PORT; } if(!domain_name_cache_lookup(host, addr)) { errno = ENOENT; return 0; } c = malloc(sizeof(*c)); if(c) { c->link = link_connect(addr, port, stoptime); c->broken = 0; c->serial = global_serial++; strcpy(c->hostport, hostport); if(c->link) { link_tune(c->link, LINK_TUNE_INTERACTIVE); if(negotiate_auth) { char *type, *subject; int result = auth_assert(c->link, &type, &subject, stoptime); if(result) { free(type); free(subject); return c; } else { chirp_client_disconnect(c); c = 0; if(time(0) >= stoptime) { errno = ECONNRESET; } else { errno = EACCES; } } } else { return c; } } save_errno = errno; free(c); errno = save_errno; } return 0; }
static int catalog_update_tcp( const char *host, const char *address, int port, const char *text ) { debug(D_DEBUG, "sending update via tcp to %s(%s):%d", host, address, port); time_t stoptime = time(0) + 15; struct link *l = link_connect(address,port,stoptime); if(!l) { debug(D_DEBUG, "failed to connect to %s(%s):%d: %s",host,address,port,strerror(errno)); return 0; } link_write(l,text,strlen(text),stoptime); link_close(l); return 1; }
int do_direct_query( const char *master_host, int master_port, time_t stoptime ) { static struct nvpair_header *query_headers[4] = { queue_headers, task_headers, worker_headers, master_resource_headers }; static const char * query_strings[4] = {"queue","task","worker", "master_resource"}; struct nvpair_header *query_header = query_headers[query_mode]; const char * query_string = query_strings[query_mode]; struct link *l; struct nvpair *nv; char master_addr[LINK_ADDRESS_MAX]; if(!domain_name_cache_lookup(master_host,master_addr)) { fprintf(stderr,"couldn't find address of %s\n",master_host); return 1; } l = link_connect(master_addr,master_port,stoptime); if(!l) { fprintf(stderr,"couldn't connect to %s port %d: %s\n",master_host,master_port,strerror(errno)); return 1; } link_putfstring(l,"%s_status\n",stoptime,query_string); if(format_mode==FORMAT_TABLE) { nvpair_print_table_header(stdout, query_header); } while((nv = link_nvpair_read(l,stoptime))) { if(format_mode == FORMAT_TABLE) { nvpair_print_table(nv, stdout, query_header); } else { nvpair_print_text(nv, stdout); } nvpair_delete(nv); } if(format_mode == FORMAT_TABLE) { nvpair_print_table_footer(stdout, query_header); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
struct list* do_direct_query( const char *master_host, int master_port ) { const char * query_string = "queue"; struct link *l; char master_addr[LINK_ADDRESS_MAX]; time_t stoptime = time(0) + work_queue_status_timeout; if(!domain_name_cache_lookup(master_host,master_addr)) { fprintf(stderr,"couldn't find address of %s\n",master_host); return 0; } l = link_connect(master_addr,master_port,stoptime); if(!l) { fprintf(stderr,"couldn't connect to %s port %d: %s\n",master_host,master_port,strerror(errno)); return 0; } link_putfstring(l,"%s_status\n",stoptime,query_string); struct jx *jarray = jx_parse_link(l,stoptime); struct jx *j = jarray->u.items->value; link_close(l); if(!j) { fprintf(stderr,"couldn't read from %s port %d: %s\n",master_host,master_port,strerror(errno)); return 0; } j->type = JX_OBJECT; struct list* master_list = list_create(); list_push_head(master_list, j); return master_list; }
struct link *http_query_size_via_proxy(const char *proxy, const char *urlin, const char *action, INT64_T * size, time_t stoptime, int cache_reload) { char url[HTTP_LINE_MAX]; char newurl[HTTP_LINE_MAX]; char line[HTTP_LINE_MAX]; char addr[LINK_ADDRESS_MAX]; struct link *link; int save_errno; int response; char actual_host[HTTP_LINE_MAX]; int actual_port; *size = 0; url_encode(urlin, url, sizeof(url)); if(proxy && !strcmp(proxy, "DIRECT")) proxy = 0; if(proxy) { int fields = sscanf(proxy, "http://%[^:]:%d", actual_host, &actual_port); if(fields == 2) { /* host and port are good */ } else if(fields == 1) { actual_port = HTTP_PORT; } else { debug(D_HTTP, "invalid proxy syntax: %s", proxy); return 0; } } else { int fields = sscanf(url, "http://%[^:]:%d", actual_host, &actual_port); if(fields != 2) { fields = sscanf(url, "http://%[^/]", actual_host); if(fields == 1) { actual_port = HTTP_PORT; } else { debug(D_HTTP, "malformed url: %s", url); return 0; } } } debug(D_HTTP, "connect %s port %d", actual_host, actual_port); if(!domain_name_lookup(actual_host, addr)) return 0; link = link_connect(addr, actual_port, stoptime); if(!link) { errno = ECONNRESET; return 0; } { buffer_t B; buffer_init(&B); buffer_abortonfailure(&B, 1); buffer_printf(&B, "%s %s HTTP/1.1\r\n", action, url); if(cache_reload) buffer_putliteral(&B, "Cache-Control: max-age=0\r\n"); buffer_putliteral(&B, "Connection: close\r\n"); buffer_printf(&B, "Host: %s\r\n", actual_host); if(getenv("HTTP_USER_AGENT")) buffer_printf(&B, "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; CCTools %d.%d.%s Parrot; %s)\r\n", CCTOOLS_VERSION_MAJOR, CCTOOLS_VERSION_MINOR, CCTOOLS_VERSION_MICRO, getenv("HTTP_USER_AGENT")); else buffer_printf(&B, "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; CCTools %d.%d.%s Parrot;\r\n", CCTOOLS_VERSION_MAJOR, CCTOOLS_VERSION_MINOR, CCTOOLS_VERSION_MICRO); buffer_putliteral(&B, "\r\n"); /* header terminator */ debug(D_HTTP, "%s", buffer_tostring(&B, NULL)); link_putstring(link, buffer_tostring(&B, NULL), stoptime); buffer_free(&B); } if(link_readline(link, line, HTTP_LINE_MAX, stoptime)) { string_chomp(line); debug(D_HTTP, "%s", line); if(sscanf(line, "HTTP/%*d.%*d %d", &response) == 1) { newurl[0] = 0; while(link_readline(link, line, HTTP_LINE_MAX, stoptime)) { string_chomp(line); debug(D_HTTP, "%s", line); sscanf(line, "Location: %s", newurl); sscanf(line, "Content-Length: %" SCNd64, size); if(strlen(line) <= 2) { break; } } switch (response) { case 200: return link; break; case 301: case 302: case 303: case 307: link_close(link); if(newurl[0]) { if(!strcmp(url, newurl)) { debug(D_HTTP, "error: server gave %d redirect from %s back to the same url!", response, url); errno = EIO; return 0; } else { return http_query_size_via_proxy(proxy,newurl,action,size,stoptime,cache_reload); } } else { errno = ENOENT; return 0; } break; default: link_close(link); errno = http_response_to_errno(response); return 0; break; } } else { debug(D_HTTP, "malformed response"); save_errno = ECONNRESET; } } else { debug(D_HTTP, "malformed response"); save_errno = ECONNRESET; } link_close(link); errno = save_errno; return 0; }
struct link *http_query_size_via_proxy(const char *proxy, const char *urlin, const char *action, INT64_T * size, time_t stoptime, int cache_reload) { char url[HTTP_LINE_MAX]; char newurl[HTTP_LINE_MAX]; char line[HTTP_LINE_MAX]; char addr[LINK_ADDRESS_MAX]; struct link *link; int save_errno; int response; char actual_host[HTTP_LINE_MAX]; int actual_port; *size = 0; url_encode(urlin, url, sizeof(url)); if(proxy && !strcmp(proxy, "DIRECT")) proxy = 0; if(proxy) { int fields = sscanf(proxy, "http://%[^:]:%d", actual_host, &actual_port); if(fields == 2) { /* host and port are good */ } else if(fields == 1) { actual_port = HTTP_PORT; } else { debug(D_HTTP, "invalid proxy syntax: %s", proxy); return 0; } } else { int fields = sscanf(url, "http://%[^:]:%d", actual_host, &actual_port); if(fields != 2) { fields = sscanf(url, "http://%[^/]", actual_host); if(fields == 1) { actual_port = HTTP_PORT; } else { debug(D_HTTP, "malformed url: %s", url); return 0; } } } debug(D_HTTP, "connect %s port %d", actual_host, actual_port); if(!domain_name_lookup(actual_host, addr)) return 0; link = link_connect(addr, actual_port, stoptime); if(!link) { errno = ECONNRESET; return 0; } if(cache_reload == 0) { debug(D_HTTP, "%s %s HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: %s\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n", action, url, actual_host); link_putfstring(link, "%s %s HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: %s\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n", stoptime, action, url, actual_host); } else { // force refresh of cache end-to-end (RFC 2616) debug(D_HTTP, "%s %s HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: %s\r\nCache-Control: max-age=0\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n", action, url, actual_host); link_putfstring(link, "%s %s HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: %s\r\nCache-Control: max-age=0\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n", stoptime, action, url, actual_host); } if(link_readline(link, line, HTTP_LINE_MAX, stoptime)) { string_chomp(line); debug(D_HTTP, "%s", line); if(sscanf(line, "HTTP/%*d.%*d %d", &response) == 1) { newurl[0] = 0; while(link_readline(link, line, HTTP_LINE_MAX, stoptime)) { string_chomp(line); debug(D_HTTP, "%s", line); sscanf(line, "Location: %s", newurl); sscanf(line, "Content-Length: %lld", size); if(strlen(line) <= 2) { break; } } switch (response) { case 200: return link; break; case 301: case 302: case 303: case 307: link_close(link); if(newurl[0]) { if(!strcmp(url, newurl)) { debug(D_HTTP, "error: server gave %d redirect from %s back to the same url!", response, url); errno = EIO; return 0; } else { return http_query(newurl, action, stoptime); } } else { errno = ENOENT; return 0; } break; default: link_close(link); errno = http_response_to_errno(response); return 0; break; } } else { debug(D_HTTP, "malformed response"); save_errno = ECONNRESET; } } else { debug(D_HTTP, "malformed response"); save_errno = ECONNRESET; } link_close(link); errno = save_errno; return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv){ signal(SIGALRM, signal_handler); signal(SIGINT, signal_handler); signal(SIGTERM, signal_handler); struct itimerval tv; tv.it_interval.tv_sec = 0; tv.it_interval.tv_usec = PACKET_TIME * 1000; tv.it_value.tv_sec = 0; tv.it_value.tv_usec = 1; setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &tv, NULL); // not accurate if(argc != 2){ printf("Usage: %s music_file\n", argv[0]); exit(0); } std::string music_file = argv[1]; sf::SoundBuffer sound; if(!sound.loadFromFile(music_file)){ log_error("invalid music file"); exit(0); } int chunk_size = FRAME_SIZE; int count = sound.getSampleCount(); int rate = sound.getSampleRate(); log_debug("count=%d rate=%d chunk_size=%d %f", count, rate, chunk_size, (float)count/rate); if(rate != SAMPLE_RATE){ log_error("invalid sample rate %d, it should be %d", rate, SAMPLE_RATE); exit(0); } int sample_size; if(count % chunk_size == 0){ sample_size = count; }else{ sample_size = (count/chunk_size + 1) * chunk_size; log_debug("resize samples to %d", sample_size); } sf::Int16 *samples = (sf::Int16 *)malloc(sizeof(sf::Int16) * sample_size); memcpy(samples, (void *)sound.getSamples(), count * sizeof(sf::Int16)); const sf::Int16 *data = samples; int seq = 65400; UdpLink *link = link_connect("", 10210); if(!link){ log_error("connect error"); exit(0); } uint32_t last_timer_ticks = timer_ticks; while(!quit){ usleep((PACKET_TIME-5) * 1000); uint32_t curr_ticks = timer_ticks; if(last_timer_ticks < curr_ticks){ uint32_t elapsed_ticks = (uint32_t)(curr_ticks - last_timer_ticks); last_timer_ticks = curr_ticks; if(elapsed_ticks > 5 * 1000/PACKET_TIME){ // 5 seconds // something blocks too long elapsed_ticks = 0; }else{ for(int i=0; i<elapsed_ticks; i++){ if(data - samples >= count){ data = samples; } Packet req; req.set_type(Packet::PUB); req.set_seq(seq ++); req.set_params(Bytes("0", 1), Bytes((char *)data, chunk_size * sizeof(sf::Int16))); int ret = link->send(req); log_debug("send %d", ret); if(ret <= 0){ exit(0); } log_debug("offset: %d", data - samples); data += chunk_size; } } } } return 0; }
int master_main(const char *host, int port, const char *addr) { time_t idle_stoptime; struct link *master = NULL; int num_workers, i; struct mpi_queue_job **workers; struct itable *active_jobs = itable_create(0); struct itable *waiting_jobs = itable_create(0); struct list *complete_jobs = list_create(); MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &num_workers); workers = malloc(num_workers * sizeof(*workers)); memset(workers, 0, num_workers * sizeof(*workers)); idle_stoptime = time(0) + idle_timeout; while(!abort_flag) { char line[MPI_QUEUE_LINE_MAX]; if(time(0) > idle_stoptime) { if(master) { printf("mpi master: gave up after waiting %ds to receive a task.\n", idle_timeout); } else { printf("mpi master: gave up after waiting %ds to connect to %s port %d.\n", idle_timeout, host, port); } break; } if(!master) { char working_dir[MPI_QUEUE_LINE_MAX]; master = link_connect(addr, port, idle_stoptime); if(!master) { sleep(5); continue; } link_tune(master, LINK_TUNE_INTERACTIVE); link_readline(master, line, sizeof(line), time(0) + active_timeout); memset(working_dir, 0, MPI_QUEUE_LINE_MAX); if(sscanf(line, "workdir %s", working_dir) == 1) { MPI_Bcast(working_dir, MPI_QUEUE_LINE_MAX, MPI_CHAR, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); } else { link_close(master); master = NULL; continue; } } if(link_readline(master, line, sizeof(line), time(0) + short_timeout)) { struct mpi_queue_operation *op; int jobid, mode; INT64_T length; char path[MPI_QUEUE_LINE_MAX]; op = NULL; debug(D_MPI, "received: %s\n", line); if(!strcmp(line, "get results")) { struct mpi_queue_job *job; debug(D_MPI, "results requested: %d available\n", list_size(complete_jobs)); link_putfstring(master, "num results %d\n", time(0) + active_timeout, list_size(complete_jobs)); while(list_size(complete_jobs)) { job = list_pop_head(complete_jobs); link_putfstring(master, "result %d %d %d %lld\n", time(0) + active_timeout, job->jobid, job->status, job->result, job->output_length); if(job->output_length) { link_write(master, job->output, job->output_length, time(0)+active_timeout); } mpi_queue_job_delete(job); } } else if(sscanf(line, "work %d %lld", &jobid, &length)) { op = malloc(sizeof(*op)); memset(op, 0, sizeof(*op)); op->type = MPI_QUEUE_OP_WORK; op->buffer_length = length+1; op->buffer = malloc(length+1); op->buffer[op->buffer_length] = 0; link_read(master, op->buffer, length, time(0) + active_timeout); op->result = -1; } else if(sscanf(line, "stat %d %s", &jobid, path) == 2) { op = malloc(sizeof(*op)); memset(op, 0, sizeof(*op)); op->type = MPI_QUEUE_OP_STAT; sprintf(op->args, "%s", path); op->result = -1; } else if(sscanf(line, "unlink %d %s", &jobid, path) == 2) { op = malloc(sizeof(*op)); memset(op, 0, sizeof(*op)); op->type = MPI_QUEUE_OP_UNLINK; sprintf(op->args, "%s", path); op->result = -1; } else if(sscanf(line, "mkdir %d %s %o", &jobid, path, &mode) == 3) { op = malloc(sizeof(*op)); memset(op, 0, sizeof(*op)); op->type = MPI_QUEUE_OP_MKDIR; sprintf(op->args, "%s %o", path, mode); op->result = -1; } else if(sscanf(line, "close %d", &jobid) == 1) { op = malloc(sizeof(*op)); memset(op, 0, sizeof(*op)); op->type = MPI_QUEUE_OP_CLOSE; op->result = -1; // } else if(sscanf(line, "symlink %d %s %s", &jobid, path, filename) == 3) { // } else if(sscanf(line, "put %d %s %lld %o", &jobid, filename, &length, &mode) == 4) { // } else if(sscanf(line, "rget %d %s", &jobid, filename) == 2) { // } else if(sscanf(line, "get %d %s", &jobid, filename) == 2) { // } else if(sscanf(line, "thirdget %d %d %s %[^\n]", &jobid, &mode, filename, path) == 4) { // } else if(sscanf(line, "thirdput %d %d %s %[^\n]", &jobid, &mode, filename, path) == 4) { } else if(!strcmp(line, "exit")) { break; } else { abort_flag = 1; continue; } if(op) { struct mpi_queue_job *job; job = itable_lookup(active_jobs, jobid); if(!job) { job = itable_lookup(waiting_jobs, jobid); } if(!job) { job = malloc(sizeof(*job)); memset(job, 0, sizeof(*job)); job->jobid = jobid; job->operations = list_create(); job->status = MPI_QUEUE_JOB_WAITING; job->worker_rank = -1; itable_insert(waiting_jobs, jobid, job); } list_push_tail(job->operations, op); } idle_stoptime = time(0) + idle_timeout; } else { link_close(master); master = 0; sleep(5); } int num_waiting_jobs = itable_size(waiting_jobs); int num_unvisited_jobs = itable_size(active_jobs); for(i = 1; i < num_workers && (num_unvisited_jobs > 0 || num_waiting_jobs > 0); i++) { struct mpi_queue_job *job; struct mpi_queue_operation *op; int flag = 0; UINT64_T jobid; if(!workers[i]) { if(num_waiting_jobs) { itable_firstkey(waiting_jobs); itable_nextkey(waiting_jobs, &jobid, (void **)&job); itable_remove(waiting_jobs, jobid); itable_insert(active_jobs, jobid, job); workers[i] = job; num_waiting_jobs--; job->worker_rank = i; job->status = MPI_QUEUE_JOB_READY; } else { continue; } } else { num_unvisited_jobs--; if(workers[i]->status == MPI_QUEUE_JOB_BUSY) { MPI_Test(&workers[i]->request, &flag, &workers[i]->mpi_status); if(flag) { op = list_pop_head(workers[i]->operations); if(op->output_length) { op->output_buffer = malloc(op->output_length); MPI_Recv(op->output_buffer, op->output_length, MPI_BYTE, workers[i]->worker_rank, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &workers[i]->mpi_status); } workers[i]->status = MPI_QUEUE_JOB_READY; if(op->type == MPI_QUEUE_OP_WORK || op->result < 0) { if(workers[i]->output) free(workers[i]->output); workers[i]->output = op->output_buffer; op->output_buffer = NULL; workers[i]->output_length = op->output_length; workers[i]->result = op->result; if(op->result < 0) { workers[i]->status = MPI_QUEUE_JOB_FAILED | op->type; op->type = MPI_QUEUE_OP_CLOSE; list_push_head(workers[i]->operations, op); op = NULL; } } if(op) { if(op->buffer) free(op->buffer); if(op->output_buffer) free(op->output_buffer); free(op); } } } } if( workers[i]->status != MPI_QUEUE_JOB_BUSY && list_size(workers[i]->operations)) { op = list_peek_head(workers[i]->operations); if(op->type == MPI_QUEUE_OP_CLOSE) { itable_remove(active_jobs, workers[i]->jobid); list_push_tail(complete_jobs, workers[i]); if(!(workers[i]->status & MPI_QUEUE_JOB_FAILED)) workers[i]->status = MPI_QUEUE_JOB_COMPLETE; workers[i] = NULL; i--; continue; } MPI_Send(op, sizeof(*op), MPI_BYTE, workers[i]->worker_rank, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); if(op->buffer_length) { MPI_Send(op->buffer, op->buffer_length, MPI_BYTE, workers[i]->worker_rank, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); free(op->buffer); op->buffer_length = 0; op->buffer = NULL; } MPI_Irecv(op, sizeof(*op), MPI_BYTE, workers[i]->worker_rank, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &workers[i]->request); workers[i]->status = MPI_QUEUE_JOB_BUSY; } } } /** Clean up waiting & complete jobs, send Exit commands to each worker */ if(!master) { // If the master link hasn't been set up yet // the workers will be waiting for the working directory char line[MPI_QUEUE_LINE_MAX]; memset(line, 0, MPI_QUEUE_LINE_MAX); MPI_Bcast(line, MPI_QUEUE_LINE_MAX, MPI_CHAR, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); } else { link_close(master); } for(i = 1; i < num_workers; i++) { struct mpi_queue_operation *op, close; memset(&close, 0, sizeof(close)); close.type = MPI_QUEUE_OP_EXIT; if(workers[i]) { if(workers[i]->status == MPI_QUEUE_JOB_BUSY) { MPI_Wait(&workers[i]->request, &workers[i]->mpi_status); op = list_peek_head(workers[i]->operations); if(op->output_length) { op->output_buffer = malloc(op->output_length); MPI_Recv(op->output_buffer, op->output_length, MPI_BYTE, workers[i]->worker_rank, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &workers[i]->mpi_status); } } itable_remove(active_jobs, workers[i]->jobid); list_push_tail(complete_jobs, workers[i]); } MPI_Send(&close, sizeof(close), MPI_BYTE, i, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); } itable_firstkey(waiting_jobs); while(itable_size(waiting_jobs)) { struct mpi_queue_job *job; UINT64_T jobid; itable_nextkey(waiting_jobs, &jobid, (void **)&job); itable_remove(waiting_jobs, jobid); list_push_tail(complete_jobs, job); } while(list_size(complete_jobs)) { mpi_queue_job_delete(list_pop_head(complete_jobs)); } MPI_Finalize(); return abort_flag; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct link *link, *master; char *subject = 0, *type = 0; time_t stoptime; char line[1024]; signed char c; int portnum = 30000; char *hostname = 0; int timeout = 30; debug_config(argv[0]); static struct option long_options[] = { {"auth", required_argument, 0, 'a'}, {"port", required_argument, 0, 'p'}, {"host", required_argument, 0, 'r'}, {"help", required_argument, 0, 'h'}, {"debug-file", required_argument, 0, 'o'}, {"debug-rotate-max", required_argument, 0, 'O'}, {"debug", required_argument, 0, 'd'}, {0,0,0,0} }; while((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "a:p:r:d:o:O:", long_options, NULL)) > -1) { switch (c) { case 'p': portnum = atoi(optarg); break; case 'h': show_help(argv[0]); exit(0); break; case 'r': hostname = optarg; break; case 'd': debug_flags_set(optarg); break; case 'o': debug_config_file(optarg); break; case 'O': debug_config_file_size(string_metric_parse(optarg)); break; case 'a': if(!auth_register_byname(optarg)) fatal("couldn't register %s authentication", optarg); break; default: show_use(argv[0]); exit(1); break; } } if(hostname) { char addr[LINK_ADDRESS_MAX]; stoptime = time(0) + timeout; if(!domain_name_cache_lookup(hostname, addr)) fatal("unknown host name: %s", hostname); link = link_connect(addr, portnum, stoptime); if(!link) fatal("couldn't connect to %s:%d: %s", hostname, portnum, strerror(errno)); if(auth_assert(link, &type, &subject, stoptime)) { printf("server thinks I am %s %s\n", type, subject); if(link_readline(link, line, sizeof(line), stoptime)) { printf("got message: %s\n", line); } else { printf("lost connection!\n"); } } else { printf("unable to authenticate.\n"); } link_close(link); } else { stoptime = time(0) + timeout; master = link_serve(portnum); if(!master) fatal("couldn't serve port %d: %s\n", portnum, strerror(errno)); while(time(0) < stoptime) { link = link_accept(master, stoptime); if(!link) continue; if(auth_accept(link, &type, &subject, stoptime)) { time_t t = time(0); link_putfstring(link, "Hello %s:%s, it is now %s", stoptime, type, subject, ctime(&t)); /* ctime ends with newline */ } else { printf("couldn't auth accept\n"); } link_close(link); } } return 0; }