Beispiel #1
* Reads all of the names in a file into an array of
* strings. Each element of the array is a char pointer.
* If nStrings is non-NULL, the number of strings is
* returned in nStrings.
* The array is always one larger than nStrings elements
* long and the last element is a NULL.
* @param fileName Name of file to read
* @param nStrings Optional pointer to integer that will on return contain
*                 the count of strings read from the file
* @returns A NULL-terminated list of NULL-terminated strings
readListOfStrings (const char *fileName, int *nStrings)
    Tokenizer tok;
    void *stringList = NULL;
    FILE *f;
    char *string;
    ListOfStrings array;
    size_t numStrings;

    f = fopen (fileName, "r");
    DEBUG_CHECK (f, "Unable to read file");

    tokenizerInit (&tok, tokenizerStreamReader, f);
    while (!tokenizerEndOfFile (&tok))
        string = strdup (tokenizerGetWord (&tok));
        listAccumulate (&stringList, &string, sizeof (unsigned char *));

    fclose (f);

    /* Add a terminating NULL */
    string = NULL;
    listAccumulate (&stringList, &string, sizeof (unsigned char *));

    array = (ListOfStrings)listToArray (&stringList, sizeof (unsigned char *), &numStrings);
    if (nStrings) *nStrings = numStrings - 1; /* Don't count the NULL */
    return array;
Beispiel #2
makeDifferenceImages (char *imageDirectory, char *imageList, char *distanceMatrix, int maxRank, int reqNIntra, int reqNExtra, Matrix *intrapersonal, Matrix *extrapersonal)
    ImageList* imlist;
    void *nameList = NULL;
    char **nameArray;
    void *subjList = NULL;
    int *subjArray, *shuffledIndices, **sortedBySimilarityToProbe;
    int subjId, probeIdx, galleryIdx, idx, nIntrapersonal, nExtrapersonal, rank, i, numPixels;
    int nImages;
    /* size_t trash; */
    Matrix sourceImages, intraImages, extraImages;
    ImageList *replicate, *subject;
    char *subjName;

    /* Read in a list of all the images */

    imlist = getImageNames (imageList, &nImages);
    subjId = 0;
    for EACH_SUBJECT (imlist, subject) {
        for EACH_REPLICATE (subject, replicate) {
            subjName = strdup (replicate->filename);
            listAccumulate (&nameList, &subjName, sizeof (char *));
            listAccumulate (&subjList, &subjId,   sizeof (int));
            writeProgress ("Reading subjects list", subjId, 0);
Beispiel #3
sortSubjectsBySimilarityToProbe (char *probe, ListOfStrings subjects, char *distanceMatrix, int *indices)
    int i, j, nDistances;
    DistanceMeasure *distances = NULL;
    DistanceMeasure *toSort = NULL;

    int nSubjects = countStrings (subjects);

    /* If we are using a distance matrix, then we load up the
    * list of distances from the probe image. This allows us
    * to lookup the distances from the probe quickly
    if (distanceMatrix)
        Tokenizer tok;
        FILE *f = fopen (makePath (distanceMatrix, probe), "r");
        void *distanceList = NULL;

        DEBUG_CHECK_1ARG (f, "Unable to open file %s in scores directory", makePath (distanceMatrix, probe));

        tokenizerInit (&tok, tokenizerStreamReader, f);
        while (!tokenizerEndOfFile (&tok))
            DistanceMeasure m;
            m.subject = strdup (tokenizerGetWord (&tok));
            m.distance = atof (tokenizerGetWord (&tok));
            listAccumulate (&distanceList, &m, sizeof (DistanceMeasure));
        fclose (f);
        distances = (DistanceMeasure*) listToArray (&distanceList, sizeof (DistanceMeasure), (size_t*)&nDistances);

    /* Copy the list of names into the intermediate data structure that allows us to sort the
    * subjects by distance to the probe.

    toSort = (DistanceMeasure*) malloc (nSubjects * sizeof (DistanceMeasure));

    for (j = 0; j < nSubjects; j++)
        toSort[j].subject = subjects[j];
        toSort[j].distance = 0.0;
        toSort[j].index = j;

    /* Read distances between probe and every other image in the subject list.
    * As a special case, a subject is said to be infinitely far away from him/herself.
    * Random scores are used when a distanceMatrix is not provided */

    for (j = 0; j < nSubjects; j++)
        if (strcmp (subjects[j], probe) == 0) {

            /* Probe and subject are the same. Say they are far apart since
            * we don't want to treat an image and itself as being two replicates
            * of a person */

            toSort[j].distance = HUGE;

        } else if (distanceMatrix != NULL) {

            /* Look for the subject in the list of distances and return assign the 
            * score */

            toSort[j].distance = HUGE;

            for (i = 0; i < nDistances; ++i)
                if (strcmp (distances[i].subject, toSort[j].subject) == 0)
                    toSort[j].distance = distances[i].distance;

        } else {

            /* If we are not using a distance matrix, then choose
            * a random value */

            toSort[j].distance = ((double) rand()) / RAND_MAX;


    /* Now sort the list by similarity to the probe */

    qsort (toSort, nSubjects, sizeof (DistanceMeasure), distanceMeasureComparator);

    /* Copy the data back into the subject list or return the permuted indices */

    if (indices == NULL)
        for (j = 0; j < nSubjects; j++) {
            subjects[j] = toSort[j].subject;
        for (j = 0; j < nSubjects; j++) {
            indices[j] = toSort[j].index;

        /* Clean up */

        if (distanceMatrix)
            for (i = 0; i < nDistances; ++i)
                free (distances[i].subject);
            free (distances);

        free (toSort);