Beispiel #1
* @author Eric Vandervort
* @par Description:
* the user will enter a query they want performed on the list. If they didn't
* type 'exit' or 'quit' the function will then convert whatever they wrote to
* lowercase. If the user input 'all' 'random' or 'help' it will call that 
* function. If they enter '<>' the function will call the range function,
* otherwise it will call the query function.
* @param[in]      ourlist - Pointer to the list
void allRand(list<unsigned long>* ourlist, unsigned long int upBnd)
    char choice[100];
    unsigned long int num1, num2, i = 0;

    cout << "Enter a query to perform on the list or 'help' for a help menu" << endl;
    cin >> choice;

    while (true)
        while (choice[i] != '\0')
            choice[i] = tolower(choice[i]);

        i = 0;

        if (strcmp(choice, "exit") == 0 || strcmp(choice, "quit") == 0)
            cout << "exiting!\n";
        if (strcmp(choice, "all") == 0)
            listRange(ourlist, 0, upBnd);
            cout << "Enter next query" << endl;
            cin >> choice;
        else if (strcmp(choice, "random") == 0)
Beispiel #2
siglist realPropagate (Tree slotenv, Tree path, Tree box, const siglist&  lsig)
	int		i;
	double	r;
	prim0	p0;
	prim1	p1;
	prim2	p2;
	prim3	p3;
	prim4	p4;
	prim5	p5;
    Tree	t1, t2, ff, label, cur, min, max, step, type, name, file, slot, body, chan;
    tvec    wf;
	xtended* xt = (xtended*)getUserData(box);
	// Extended Primitives
	if (xt)	{
		faustassert(lsig.size() == xt->arity());
		return makeList(xt->computeSigOutput(lsig));
	// Numbers and Constants
	else if (isBoxInt(box, &i)) 	{ 
		return makeList(sigInt(i)); 
	else if (isBoxReal(box, &r)) 	{ 
		return makeList(sigReal(r)); 

    // A Waveform has two outputs it size and a period signal representing its content

    else if (isBoxWaveform(box)) 	{
        const tvec br = box->branches();
        return listConcat(makeList(sigInt(int(br.size()))), makeList(sigWaveform(br)));

    else if (isBoxFConst(box, type, name, file))    { 
        return makeList(sigFConst(type, name, file)); 
    else if (isBoxFVar(box, type, name, file))    { 
        return makeList(sigFVar(type, name, file)); 
	// Wire and Cut
	else if (isBoxCut(box)) 				{ 
		return siglist(); 
	else if (isBoxWire(box)) 				{ 
		return lsig;  
	// Slots and Symbolic Boxes
	else if (isBoxSlot(box)) 				{ 
		Tree sig;
		if (!searchEnv(box,sig,slotenv)) {
			// test YO simplification des diagrames
			//fprintf(stderr, "propagate : internal error (slot undefined)\n");
			sig = sigInput(++gGlobal->gDummyInput);
		return makeList(sig);
	else if (isBoxSymbolic(box, slot, body)) 				{ 
		return propagate(pushEnv(slot,lsig[0],slotenv), path, body, listRange(lsig, 1, (int)lsig.size()));
	// Primitives
	else if (isBoxPrim0(box, &p0)) 			{ 
		return makeList(p0());
	else if (isBoxPrim1(box, &p1)) 				{ 
		return makeList(p1(lsig[0]));
	else if (isBoxPrim2(box, &p2)) 				{ 
//		printf("prim2 recoit : "); print(lsig); printf("\n");
        if (p2 == &sigEnable) {
            if (gGlobal->gEnableFlag) {
                // special case for sigEnable that requires a transformation
                // enable(X,Y) -> sigEnable(X*Y, Y>0)
                return makeList(sigEnable( sigMul(lsig[0],lsig[1]), sigGT(lsig[1],sigReal(0.0))));
            } else {
                // We gEnableFlag is false we replace enable by a simple multiplication
                return makeList(sigMul(lsig[0],lsig[1]));
        } else if (p2 == &sigControl) {
            if (gGlobal->gEnableFlag) {
                // special case for sigEnable that requires a transformation
                // enable(X,Y) -> sigEnable(X*Y, Y>0)
                return makeList(sigEnable( lsig[0], lsig[1]));
            } else {
                // We gEnableFlag is false we replace control by identity function
                return makeList(lsig[0]);
        return makeList( p2(lsig[0],lsig[1]) );
	else if (isBoxPrim3(box, &p3)) 				{ 
		return makeList(p3(lsig[0],lsig[1],lsig[2]));
	else if (isBoxPrim4(box, &p4)) 				{ 
		return makeList(p4(lsig[0],lsig[1],lsig[2],lsig[3]));
	else if (isBoxPrim5(box, &p5)) 				{ 
		return makeList(p5(lsig[0],lsig[1],lsig[2],lsig[3],lsig[4]));
	else if (isBoxFFun(box, ff)) 				{ 
		//cerr << "propagate en boxFFun of arity " << ffarity(ff) << endl;
		return makeList(sigFFun(ff, listConvert(lsig)));  
	// User Interface Widgets
	else if (isBoxButton(box, label)) 	{ 
		return makeList(sigButton(normalizePath(cons(label, path)))); 
	else if (isBoxCheckbox(box, label)) 	{ 
		return makeList(sigCheckbox(normalizePath(cons(label, path)))); 
	else if (isBoxVSlider(box, label, cur, min, max, step)) 	{ 
		return makeList(sigVSlider(normalizePath(cons(label, path)), cur, min, max, step)); 
	else if (isBoxHSlider(box, label, cur, min, max, step)) 	{ 
		return makeList(sigHSlider(normalizePath(cons(label, path)), cur, min, max, step)); 

	else if (isBoxNumEntry(box, label, cur, min, max, step)) 	{ 
		return makeList(sigNumEntry(normalizePath(cons(label, path)), cur, min, max, step)); 
	else if (isBoxVBargraph(box, label, min, max)) 	{ 
		return makeList(sigVBargraph(normalizePath(cons(label, path)), min, max, lsig[0])); 
	else if (isBoxHBargraph(box, label, min, max)) 	{ 
		return makeList(sigHBargraph(normalizePath(cons(label, path)), min, max, lsig[0])); 
	else if (isBoxSoundfile(box, label, chan)) 	{ 
        Tree fullpath = normalizePath(cons(label, path));
        Tree soundfile = sigSoundfile(fullpath);
        int c = tree2int(chan);
        siglist lsig2(c+3);
        lsig2[0] = sigSoundfileLength(soundfile);
        lsig2[1] = sigSoundfileRate(soundfile);
        lsig2[2] = sigSoundfileChannels(soundfile);

		// compute bound limited read index : int(max(0, min(ridx,length-1)))
		Tree ridx = sigIntCast(tree(gGlobal->gMaxPrim->symbol(), sigInt(0), tree(gGlobal->gMinPrim->symbol(), lsig[0], sigAdd(lsig2[0],sigInt(-1)))));
		for (int i = 0; i<c; i++) {
			lsig2[i+3] = sigSoundfileBuffer(soundfile, sigInt(i), ridx);
		return lsig2; 
	// User Interface Groups
	else if (isBoxVGroup(box, label, t1)) 	{ 
		return propagate(slotenv,cons(cons(tree(0),label), path), t1, lsig); 
	else if (isBoxHGroup(box, label, t1)) 	{ 
		return propagate(slotenv, cons(cons(tree(1),label), path), t1, lsig); 
	else if (isBoxTGroup(box, label, t1)) 	{ 
		return propagate(slotenv, cons(cons(tree(2),label), path), t1, lsig); 
	// Block Diagram Composition Algebra
	else if (isBoxSeq(box, t1, t2)) 	{ 
		int in1, out1, in2, out2;
		getBoxType(t1, &in1, &out1);
		getBoxType(t2, &in2, &out2);


		if (out1 == in2) {
			return propagate(slotenv, path, t2, propagate(slotenv, path,t1,lsig));
		} else if (out1 > in2) {
			siglist lr = propagate(slotenv, path, t1,lsig);
			return listConcat(propagate(slotenv, path, t2, listRange(lr, 0, in2)), listRange(lr, in2, out1));
		} else {
			return propagate(slotenv, path, t2, listConcat( propagate(slotenv, path, t1, listRange(lsig,0,in1)), listRange(lsig,in1,in1+in2-out1)));
	else if (isBoxPar(box, t1, t2)) 	{ 
		int in1, out1, in2, out2;
		getBoxType(t1, &in1, &out1);
		getBoxType(t2, &in2, &out2);
		return listConcat(propagate(slotenv, path, t1, listRange(lsig, 0,  in1)),
                          propagate(slotenv, path, t2, listRange(lsig, in1, in1+in2)));
	else if (isBoxSplit(box, t1, t2)) 	{ 
		int in1, out1, in2, out2;
		getBoxType(t1, &in1, &out1);
		getBoxType(t2, &in2, &out2);
		siglist l1 = propagate(slotenv, path, t1, lsig);
		siglist l2 = split(l1, in2);
		return propagate(slotenv, path, t2, l2);
	else if (isBoxMerge(box, t1, t2)) 	{ 
		int in1, out1, in2, out2;
		getBoxType(t1, &in1, &out1);
		getBoxType(t2, &in2, &out2);
		siglist l1 = propagate(slotenv, path, t1, lsig);
		siglist l2 = mix(l1, in2);
		return propagate(slotenv, path, t2, l2);

    else if (isBoxRec(box, t1, t2)) 	{
        // Bug Corrected
        int in1, out1, in2, out2;
        getBoxType(t1, &in1, &out1);
        getBoxType(t2, &in2, &out2);

        Tree slotenv2 = lift(slotenv); // the environment must also be lifted

        siglist l0 = makeMemSigProjList(ref(1), in2);
        siglist l1 = propagate(slotenv2, path, t2, l0);
        siglist l2 = propagate(slotenv2, path, t1, listConcat(l1,listLift(lsig)));
		siglist l3 = (gGlobal->gFTZMode > 0) ? wrapWithFTZ(l2) : l2;
        Tree g = rec(listConvert(l3));
        return makeSigProjList(g, out1);

    stringstream error;
    error << "ERROR in file " << __FILE__ << ':' << __LINE__ << ", unrecognised box expression : " << boxpp(box) << endl;
    throw faustexception(error.str());

	return siglist();