Beispiel #1
void Tree::listTree(TreeNode* tree, std::ostream &out) const {
  if(tree != NULL) {
    listTree(tree->getLeft(), out);
    //GenericData * el = 
    listTree(tree->getRight(), out);
//This function uses listTree to build a "full" tree starting from the root element
//The level is used to define the indentation of the printed output
HRESULT buildFullTree(IUIAutomationElement* rootNode)
	//Get a TreeWalker object, to parse the UI nodes
	IUIAutomationTreeWalker* walker = nullptr;
	auto hr = g_pAutomation->get_ControlViewWalker(&walker);

	if (FAILED(hr) || walker == nullptr)
		logToFile("Failed walker");
		logToFile("Error code: " + std::to_string(hr));
		return hr;

	//Now build the tree starting with level 1 indentation
	hr = listTree(1, rootNode, walker);
	return hr;
Beispiel #3
void launchShell() {
    //allocate some memory for command string buffer. 1kB should be enough for now
    const int bufSize = 128;
    char bufStr[bufSize];


    while (true)
        print("\nQ-Kernel>  ", 0x08);
        typingCmd = true;
        newCmd = true;
        readStr(bufStr, bufSize);
        typingCmd = false;

        if (strEql(strTrim(bufStr), ""))
            print(COMMAND_HELP, 0x0F);
        else if(strEql(bufStr, "help"))
            println(PRO_TIP, 0x0F);
            print(COMMAND_HELP, 0x0F);
        else if(strEql(bufStr, "reboot"))
            //reboots the computer
        else if(strEql(bufStr, "skip"))
            // It literally does nothing... (Useful at callback) 
        else if(strEql(bufStr, "hi"))
            print("\nHello!", 0x3F);
        else if(strEql(bufStr, "files"))
        else if(strEql(bufStr, "cat"))
            print("\nFile Name>  ", 0x0F);
            readStr(bufStr, bufSize);
            ASSERT(strlength(bufStr) < MAX_FNAME_LEN);
            catFile(finddir_fs(fs_root, bufStr));
        else if(strEql(bufStr,"execute"))
        else if(strEql(bufStr,"switch"))
            	print("\nThe specified directory was not found ", 0x0F);
	else if(strEql(bufStr,"writer")) { writer(); }
	else if(strEql(bufStr, "writer -h")) { writerHelp(); }
	else if(strEql(bufStr, "calc")){ calc(); }
        else if(strEql(bufStr, "calc -h")){ calcHelp(); }

        else if(strEql(bufStr, "clear"))
           	 cursorX = 0;
           	 cursorY = 0;
        else if(strEql(bufStr, "clear -i"))
        else if(strEql(bufStr, "newdir"))
            	print("\nReserved", 0x0F);
        else if(strEql(bufStr, "erase"))
            	print("\nReserved", 0x0F);
            	print("\nCommand Not Found ", 0x0F);
Beispiel #4
void Tree::list(std::ostream &out) const {
  if (root != NULL) {
    listTree(root, out);
    out << std::endl;
//This function builds a tree of nodes given a rootNode and level
//A node is represented by an UI element
//The function builds the tree with DFS iteration
HRESULT listTree(int level, IUIAutomationElement* rootNode, IUIAutomationTreeWalker* walker)
	IUIAutomationElement* element = nullptr;
	auto base = std::wstring(level, L'-');

	//Get the first element
	hr = walker->GetFirstChildElement(rootNode, &element);
	if (FAILED(hr) || element == nullptr)
		return hr;

	while (element != nullptr)
		//Is this a control element?
		BOOL isControl;
		hr = element->get_CurrentIsControlElement(&isControl);

		if (FAILED(hr))
			logToFile(base + L"Failed element is control type");
			logToFile(base + L"Error code: " + std::to_wstring(hr));
		else if (isControl)
			//Yes it is -> print it's details
			BSTR controlName;
			BSTR controlType;
			CONTROLTYPEID controlTypeId;
			hr = element->get_CurrentName(&controlName);
			hr += element->get_CurrentLocalizedControlType(&controlType);
			hr += element->get_CurrentControlType(&controlTypeId);

			if (FAILED(hr))
				logToFile(base + L"Failed element control type");
			if (controlName != nullptr)
				logToFile(base + L" NAME: " + static_cast<std::wstring>(controlName));
			if (controlType != nullptr)
				logToFile(base + L" TYPE: " + static_cast<std::wstring>(controlType));
			if (controlTypeId != NULL)
				logToFile(base + L" ID: " + std::to_wstring(controlTypeId));

		//Continue with children of the current element
		listTree(level * 2, element, walker);

		//After that, the next element to be locked at, is it's sibling
		IUIAutomationElement* next = nullptr;
		hr = walker->GetNextSiblingElement(element, &next);
		if (FAILED(hr))
			logToFile(base + L"Failed next element");
			logToFile(base + L"Error code: " + std::to_wstring(hr));
		//Free the memory used for the current element
		//Update the pointer to continue iteration
		element = next;

	return S_OK;