Beispiel #1
void list_push_back_o(list_t *l, list_base_t x) {
	l->buffer[ l->end ] = x;

	if ( l->end >= l->sz )
		l->end = 0;

	if (!list_full(l))
Beispiel #2
void list_push_front_o(list_t *l, list_base_t x) {
	if ( !list_full(l) ) {

	if( l->first >= l->sz )
		l->first = l->sz - 1;

	l->buffer[ l->first ] = x;

Beispiel #3
list_error_t list_push_back(list_t *l, list_base_t x) {
	if ( unlikely( list_full(l) ) ){
		return -1;


	l->buffer[ l->end ] = x;

	if ( l->end >= l->sz ) 
		l->end = 0;

	return 0;
Beispiel #4
list_error_t list_push_front(list_t *l, list_base_t x) {
	if ( unlikely( list_full(l) ) ){
		return -1;


	if ( l->first >= l->sz ) // if overflowed
		l->first = l->sz - 1;

	l->buffer[ l->first ] = x;

	return 0;
/*Recieves the client request and addes it to the queue
 * Input:
 *      int client_fd   :       specifies the connection identifier
 * */
void server_response (int client_fd, thread_pool_t *pool_obj, C_Request* c_request)
        char* buffer;
        char* data;
        int len         =       0;
        int ret         =       0;
        long res        =       0;
        int buf_ptr     =       0;
        buffer = (char*) calloc (1,1024);

        ret = read (client_fd, buffer, 1024);
        printf ("Recieved bytes %d\n", ret);
        if(ret > 0)
                /* Read the footer. */
                memcpy (&res, (buffer + (ret - sizeof (int)) ), sizeof (int));

                /* Checking the message is valid or not .*/
                if (res != 0xbaadf00d) {
                        goto out;
                /* Read the length of the message */
                memcpy (&len, buffer, sizeof (int));
                buf_ptr += sizeof (int);

                /* If valid message  read the type of the request. */
                memcpy (&res, buffer + buf_ptr, sizeof (int));
                buf_ptr += sizeof (int);

                switch (res)
                        case file_request:
                                        /* Process the file request */
                                        c_request -> type = file_request;
                                        c_request -> buf = (char*) calloc (1, ret - buf_ptr);
                                        memcpy (c_request -> buf, buffer + buf_ptr, 
                                                                ret - buf_ptr) ;
                                        c_request -> client_fd = client_fd;
                                        c_request -> operation = (void*) file_handler;
                        case write_request:
                                        /* Process the write request */
                                        c_request -> type = write_request;
                                        c_request -> buf = buffer;
                                        c_request -> client_fd = client_fd;
                                        c_request -> operation = (void*) write_handler;
                        case open_file_request:
                                        /* Process the open_file_request */
                                        c_request -> type = open_file_request;
                                        c_request -> buf = (char*) calloc (1, ret - buf_ptr);
                                        memcpy (c_request -> buf, buffer + buf_ptr, 
                                                                ret - buf_ptr) ;
                                        c_request -> client_fd = client_fd;
                                        c_request -> operation = (void*) open_file_handler;
                        case close_file_request:
                                        /* Process the close file request */
                                        c_request -> type = close_file_request;
                                        c_request -> buf = (char*) calloc (1, ret - buf_ptr);
                                        memcpy (c_request -> buf, buffer + buf_ptr,
                                                                ret - buf_ptr);
                                        c_request -> client_fd = client_fd;
                                        c_request -> operation = (void*) close_file_handler;
                        case read_in_chunks:
                                        /* Process the read in chunks from the file 
                                         * and send it  back to the client */
                                        c_request -> type = read_in_chunks;
                                        c_request -> buf = (char*) calloc (1, ret - buf_ptr);
                                        memcpy (c_request -> buf, buffer + buf_ptr,
                                                                ret - buf_ptr);
                                        c_request -> client_fd = client_fd;
                                        c_request -> operation = (void*) read_chunks_handler;
                /* Check whether the list is full or not 
                * if list is full then send feedback to client that
                * client is full otherwise the request is added to the
                * queue
                * */
                if (list_full (pool -> list) == 1)
                        /* Clears the buffer */
                        memset (buffer, 0, 1024);
                        res = 0;
                        /* Gives the length of the response. */
                        len = calc_response_queue_full ();
                        /* Allocate the memory */
                        buffer = (char*) calloc (1, len + 4);
                        /* Copy the length of the request. */
                        memcpy (buffer, &len, sizeof (int));
                        res += sizeof (int);
                        /*Copy the type of the response */
                        len = fail_response;
                        memcpy (buffer + res, &len, sizeof (int));
                        res += sizeof (int);
                        /* Copy the response */
                        len = queue_ful;
                        memcpy (buffer + res, &len, sizeof (int));
                        res +=sizeof (int);
                        /* Send the response to the client */
                        ret = write (client_fd, data, res);
                        if (ret < 0)
                                printf ("\tSome error ocurred\n");
                                goto data_read;
                        goto out;

                /*Calls the function to add the client_request to the 
                * list */
                pool_obj -> list -> first_node = insert_into_list 
                                                (pool_obj -> list, c_request);
                printf ("\tClient : %d's request is inserted\n", client_fd);
                pthread_mutex_lock (& (pool_obj -> q_lock));
                pthread_cond_broadcast (& pool_obj -> cond_t);
                pthread_mutex_unlock (& (pool_obj -> q_lock));
                return ;