Beispiel #1
char *
listbox_add_item (WListbox * l, listbox_append_t pos, int hotkey, const char *text, void *data,
                  gboolean free_data)
    WLEntry *entry;

    if (l == NULL)
        return NULL;

    if (!l->allow_duplicates && (listbox_search_text (l, text) >= 0))
        return NULL;

    entry = g_new (WLEntry, 1);
    entry->text = g_strdup (text);
    entry->data = data;
    entry->free_data = free_data;
    entry->hotkey = hotkey;

    listbox_append_item (l, entry, pos);

    return entry->text;
Beispiel #2
Datei: achown.c Projekt: jskDr/mc
static void
do_enter_key (WDialog * h, int f_pos)
    WListbox *chl_list;
    struct passwd *chl_pass;
    struct group *chl_grp;
    int fe;
    gboolean chl_end, is_owner;

        int result;
        WDialog *chl_dlg;
        const char *title;
        int lxx, lyy, b_pos;

        is_owner = (f_pos == 3);
        title = is_owner ? _("owner") : _("group");

        lxx = (COLS - 74) / 2 + (is_owner ? 35 : 53);
        lyy = (LINES - 13) / 2;
        chl_end = FALSE;

        chl_dlg =
            dlg_create (TRUE, lyy, lxx, 13, 17, WPOS_KEEP_DEFAULT, TRUE, dialog_colors,
                        chl_callback, NULL, "[Advanced Chown]", title);

        /* get new listboxes */
        chl_list = listbox_new (1, 1, 11, 15, FALSE, NULL);
        listbox_add_item (chl_list, LISTBOX_APPEND_AT_END, 0, "<Unknown>", NULL, FALSE);
        if (is_owner)
            /* get and put user names in the listbox */
            setpwent ();
            while ((chl_pass = getpwent ()) != NULL)
                listbox_add_item (chl_list, LISTBOX_APPEND_SORTED, 0, chl_pass->pw_name, NULL,
            endpwent ();
            fe = listbox_search_text (chl_list, get_owner (sf_stat->st_uid));
            /* get and put group names in the listbox */
            setgrent ();
            while ((chl_grp = getgrent ()) != NULL)
                listbox_add_item (chl_list, LISTBOX_APPEND_SORTED, 0, chl_grp->gr_name, NULL,
            endgrent ();
            fe = listbox_search_text (chl_list, get_group (sf_stat->st_gid));

        listbox_select_entry (chl_list, fe);

        b_pos = chl_list->pos;
        add_widget (chl_dlg, chl_list);

        result = dlg_run (chl_dlg);

        if (result != B_CANCEL)
            if (b_pos != chl_list->pos)
                gboolean ok = FALSE;
                char *text;

                listbox_get_current (chl_list, &text, NULL);
                if (is_owner)
                    chl_pass = getpwnam (text);
                    if (chl_pass != NULL)
                        ok = TRUE;
                        sf_stat->st_uid = chl_pass->pw_uid;
                    chl_grp = getgrnam (text);
                    if (chl_grp != NULL)
                        sf_stat->st_gid = chl_grp->gr_gid;
                        ok = TRUE;
                if (ok)
                    ch_flags[f_pos + 6] = '+';
                    update_ownership ();
                dlg_focus (h);
                if (ok)
                    print_flags ();
            if (result == KEY_LEFT)
                if (!is_owner)
                    chl_end = TRUE;
                dlg_one_up (ch_dlg);
            else if (result == KEY_RIGHT)
                if (is_owner)
                    chl_end = TRUE;
                dlg_one_down (ch_dlg);

        /* Here we used to redraw the window */
        dlg_destroy (chl_dlg);
    while (chl_end);
Beispiel #3
Datei: chown.c Projekt: LubkaB/mc
chown_cmd (void)
    char *fname;
    struct stat sf_stat;
    uid_t new_user;
    gid_t new_group;
    char buffer[BUF_TINY];

    chown_i18n ();

    {                           /* do while any files remaining */
        vfs_path_t *vpath;
        WDialog *ch_dlg;

        ch_dlg = init_chown ();
        new_user = new_group = -1;

        if (current_panel->marked)
            fname = next_file ();       /* next marked file */
            fname = selection (current_panel)->fname;   /* single file */

        vpath = vfs_path_from_str (fname);
        if (mc_stat (vpath, &sf_stat) != 0)
        {                       /* get status of file */
            dlg_destroy (ch_dlg);
            vfs_path_free (vpath);
        vfs_path_free (vpath);

        /* select in listboxes */
        listbox_select_entry (l_user, listbox_search_text (l_user, get_owner (sf_stat.st_uid)));
        listbox_select_entry (l_group, listbox_search_text (l_group, get_group (sf_stat.st_gid)));

        chown_label (0, str_trunc (fname, GW - 4));
        chown_label (1, str_trunc (get_owner (sf_stat.st_uid), GW - 4));
        chown_label (2, str_trunc (get_group (sf_stat.st_gid), GW - 4));
        size_trunc_len (buffer, GW - 4, sf_stat.st_size, 0, panels_options.kilobyte_si);
        chown_label (3, buffer);
        chown_label (4, string_perm (sf_stat.st_mode));

        switch (dlg_run (ch_dlg))
        case B_CANCEL:
            end_chown = 1;

        case B_SETUSR:
                struct passwd *user;
                char *text;

                listbox_get_current (l_user, &text, NULL);
                user = getpwnam (text);
                if (user)
                    new_user = user->pw_uid;
                    apply_chowns (new_user, new_group);

        case B_SETGRP:
                struct group *grp;
                char *text;

                listbox_get_current (l_group, &text, NULL);
                grp = getgrnam (text);
                if (grp)
                    new_group = grp->gr_gid;
                    apply_chowns (new_user, new_group);

        case B_SETALL:
        case B_ENTER:
                struct group *grp;
                struct passwd *user;
                char *text;

                listbox_get_current (l_group, &text, NULL);
                grp = getgrnam (text);
                if (grp)
                    new_group = grp->gr_gid;
                listbox_get_current (l_user, &text, NULL);
                user = getpwnam (text);
                if (user)
                    new_user = user->pw_uid;
                if (ch_dlg->ret_value == B_ENTER)
                    vfs_path_t *fname_vpath;

                    fname_vpath = vfs_path_from_str (fname);
                    need_update = 1;
                    if (mc_chown (fname_vpath, new_user, new_group) == -1)
                        message (D_ERROR, MSG_ERROR, _("Cannot chown \"%s\"\n%s"),
                                 fname, unix_error_string (errno));
                    vfs_path_free (fname_vpath);
                    apply_chowns (new_user, new_group);
        }                       /* switch */

        if (current_panel->marked && ch_dlg->ret_value != B_CANCEL)
            do_file_mark (current_panel, current_file, 0);
            need_update = 1;

        dlg_destroy (ch_dlg);
    while (current_panel->marked && !end_chown);

    chown_done ();
Beispiel #4
static void
init_panelize (void)
        int ret_cmd;
        button_flags_t flags;
        const char *text;
    } panelize_but[] =
        /* *INDENT-OFF* */
        { B_ENTER, DEFPUSH_BUTTON, N_("Pane&lize") },
        { B_REMOVE, NORMAL_BUTTON, N_("&Remove") },
        { B_ADD, NORMAL_BUTTON, N_("&Add new") },
        { B_CANCEL, NORMAL_BUTTON, N_("&Cancel") }
        /* *INDENT-ON* */

    size_t i;
    int blen;
    int panelize_cols;
    struct panelize *current;
    int x, y;

    last_listitem = 0;

    do_refresh ();

    i = G_N_ELEMENTS (panelize_but);
    blen = i - 1;               /* gaps between buttons */
    while (i-- != 0)
        panelize_but[i].text = _(panelize_but[i].text);
        blen += str_term_width1 (panelize_but[i].text) + 3 + 1;
        if (panelize_but[i].flags == DEFPUSH_BUTTON)
            blen += 2;

    panelize_cols = COLS - 6;
    panelize_cols = max (panelize_cols, blen + 4);

    panelize_dlg =
        dlg_create (TRUE, 0, 0, 20, panelize_cols, dialog_colors, panelize_callback, NULL,
                    "[External panelize]", _("External panelize"), DLG_CENTER);

    /* add listbox to the dialogs */
    y = UY;
    add_widget (panelize_dlg, groupbox_new (y++, UX, 12, panelize_cols - UX * 2, ""));

    l_panelize = listbox_new (y, UX + 1, 10, panelize_cols - UX * 2 - 2, FALSE, NULL);
    for (current = panelize; current != NULL; current = current->next)
        listbox_add_item (l_panelize, LISTBOX_APPEND_AT_END, 0, current->label, current);
    listbox_select_entry (l_panelize, listbox_search_text (l_panelize, _("Other command")));
    add_widget (panelize_dlg, l_panelize);

    y += WIDGET (l_panelize)->lines + 1;
    add_widget (panelize_dlg, label_new (y++, UX, _("Command")));
    pname =
        input_new (y++, UX, input_colors, panelize_cols - UX * 2, "", "in",
    add_widget (panelize_dlg, pname);

    add_widget (panelize_dlg, hline_new (y++, -1, -1));

    x = (panelize_cols - blen) / 2;
    for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (panelize_but); i++)
        WButton *b;

        b = button_new (y, x,
                        panelize_but[i].ret_cmd, panelize_but[i].flags, panelize_but[i].text, NULL);
        add_widget (panelize_dlg, b);

        x += button_get_len (b) + 1;

    dlg_select_widget (l_panelize);
Beispiel #5
static void
init_panelize (void)
    int i, panelize_cols = COLS - 6;
    struct panelize *current = panelize;

    static int i18n_flag = 0;
    static int maxlen = 0;

    if (!i18n_flag)
        i = sizeof (panelize_but) / sizeof (panelize_but[0]);
        while (i--)
            panelize_but[i].text = _(panelize_but[i].text);
            maxlen += str_term_width1 (panelize_but[i].text) + 5;
        maxlen += 10;

        i18n_flag = 1;
    panelize_cols = max (panelize_cols, maxlen);

    panelize_but[2].x = panelize_but[3].x + str_term_width1 (panelize_but[3].text) + 7;
    panelize_but[1].x = panelize_but[2].x + str_term_width1 (panelize_but[2].text) + 5;
    panelize_but[0].x = panelize_cols - str_term_width1 (panelize_but[0].text) - 8 - BX;

#endif /* ENABLE_NLS */

    last_listitem = 0;

    do_refresh ();

    panelize_dlg =
        create_dlg (TRUE, 0, 0, 22, panelize_cols, dialog_colors,
                    panelize_callback, "[External panelize]",
                    _("External panelize"), DLG_CENTER | DLG_REVERSE);

    for (i = 0; i < BUTTONS; i++)
        add_widget (panelize_dlg,
                    button_new (BY + panelize_but[i].y,
                                BX + panelize_but[i].x,
                                panelize_but[i].flags, panelize_but[i].text, 0));

    pname =
        input_new (UY + 14, UX, input_get_default_colors (),
                   panelize_dlg->cols - 10, "", "in", INPUT_COMPLETE_DEFAULT);
    add_widget (panelize_dlg, pname);

    add_widget (panelize_dlg, label_new (UY + 13, UX, _("Command")));

    /* get new listbox */
    l_panelize = listbox_new (UY + 1, UX + 1, 10, panelize_dlg->cols - 12, FALSE, NULL);

    while (current)
        listbox_add_item (l_panelize, LISTBOX_APPEND_AT_END, 0, current->label, current);
        current = current->next;

    /* add listbox to the dialogs */
    add_widget (panelize_dlg, l_panelize);

    listbox_select_entry (l_panelize, listbox_search_text (l_panelize, _("Other command")));
Beispiel #6
chown_cmd (void)
    char *fname;
    struct stat sf_stat;
    WLEntry *fe;
    Dlg_head *ch_dlg;
    uid_t new_user;
    gid_t new_group;
    char  buffer [BUF_TINY];

    do {			/* do while any files remaining */
	ch_dlg = init_chown ();
	new_user = new_group = -1;

	if (current_panel->marked)
	    fname = next_file ();	        /* next marked file */
	    fname = selection (current_panel)->fname;	        /* single file */
	if (mc_stat (fname, &sf_stat) != 0) {	/* get status of file */
	    destroy_dlg (ch_dlg);
	/* select in listboxes */
	fe = listbox_search_text (l_user, get_owner(sf_stat.st_uid));
	if (fe)
	    listbox_select_entry (l_user, fe);
	fe = listbox_search_text (l_group, get_group(sf_stat.st_gid));
	if (fe)
	    listbox_select_entry (l_group, fe);

        chown_label (0, name_trunc (fname, 15));
        chown_label (1, name_trunc (get_owner (sf_stat.st_uid), 15));
	chown_label (2, name_trunc (get_group (sf_stat.st_gid), 15));
	size_trunc_len (buffer, 15, sf_stat.st_size, 0);
	chown_label (3, buffer);
	chown_label (4, string_perm (sf_stat.st_mode));

	run_dlg (ch_dlg);
	switch (ch_dlg->ret_value) {
	case B_CANCEL:
	    end_chown = 1;
	case B_SETUSR:
	    struct passwd *user;

	    user = getpwnam (l_user->current->text);
	    if (user){
		new_user = user->pw_uid;
		apply_chowns (new_user, new_group);
	case B_SETGRP:
	    struct group *grp;

	    grp = getgrnam (l_group->current->text);
	    if (grp){
		new_group = grp->gr_gid;
		apply_chowns (new_user, new_group);
	case B_SETALL:
	case B_ENTER:
	    struct group *grp;
	    struct passwd *user;
	    grp = getgrnam (l_group->current->text);
	    if (grp)
		new_group = grp->gr_gid;
	    user = getpwnam (l_user->current->text);
	    if (user)
		new_user = user->pw_uid;
	    if (ch_dlg->ret_value==B_ENTER) {
		need_update = 1;
		if (mc_chown (fname, new_user, new_group) == -1)
		    message (1, MSG_ERROR, _(" Cannot chown \"%s\" \n %s "),
	 		 fname, unix_error_string (errno));
	    } else
		apply_chowns (new_user, new_group);
	if (current_panel->marked && ch_dlg->ret_value != B_CANCEL){
	    do_file_mark (current_panel, current_file, 0);
	    need_update = 1;
	destroy_dlg (ch_dlg);
    } while (current_panel->marked && !end_chown);
    chown_done ();
chown_cmd (void)
    char *fname;
    struct stat sf_stat;
    WLEntry *fe;
    uid_t new_user;
    gid_t new_group;
    char  buffer [15];

#if 0
    /* Please no */
    if (!vfs_current_is_local ()) {
	if (vfs_current_is_extfs ()) {
	    message (1, _(" Oops... "),
		     _(" I can't run the Chown command on an extfs "));
	} else if (vfs_current_is_tarfs ()) {
	    message (1, _(" Oops... "),
		     _(" I can't run the Chown command on a tarfs "));

    do {			/* do while any files remaining */
	init_chown ();
	new_user = new_group = -1;

	if (cpanel->marked)
	    fname = next_file ();	        /* next marked file */
	    fname = selection (cpanel)->fname;	        /* single file */
	if (!stat_file (fname, &sf_stat)){	/* get status of file */
	    destroy_dlg (ch_dlg);
	/* select in listboxes */
	fe = listbox_search_text (l_user, get_owner(sf_stat.st_uid));
	if (fe)
	    listbox_select_entry (l_user, fe);
	fe = listbox_search_text (l_group, get_group(sf_stat.st_gid));
	if (fe)
	    listbox_select_entry (l_group, fe);

        chown_label (0, name_trunc (fname, 15));
        chown_label (1, name_trunc (get_owner (sf_stat.st_uid), 15));
	chown_label (2, name_trunc (get_group (sf_stat.st_gid), 15));
        sprintf (buffer, "%d", c_fsize);
	chown_label (3, buffer);
	chown_label (4, string_perm (sf_stat.st_mode));

	run_dlg (ch_dlg);
	switch (ch_dlg->ret_value) {
	case B_CANCEL:
	    end_chown = 1;
	case B_SETUSR:
	    struct passwd *user;

	    user = getpwnam (l_user->current->text);
	    if (user){
		new_user = user->pw_uid;
		apply_chowns (new_user, new_group);
	case B_SETGRP:
	    struct group *grp;

	    grp = getgrnam (l_group->current->text);
	    if (grp){
		new_group = grp->gr_gid;
		apply_chowns (new_user, new_group);
	case B_SETALL:
	case B_ENTER:
	    struct group *grp;
	    struct passwd *user;
	    grp = getgrnam (l_group->current->text);
	    if (grp)
		new_group = grp->gr_gid;
	    user = getpwnam (l_user->current->text);
	    if (user)
		new_user = user->pw_uid;
	    if (ch_dlg->ret_value==B_ENTER) {
		need_update = 1;
		if (mc_chown (fname, new_user, new_group) == -1)
		    message (1, MSG_ERROR, _(" Couldn't chown \"%s\" \n %s "),
	 		 fname, unix_error_string (errno));
	    } else
		apply_chowns (new_user, new_group);
	if (cpanel->marked && ch_dlg->ret_value != B_CANCEL){
	    do_file_mark (cpanel, current_file, 0);
	    need_update = 1;
	destroy_dlg (ch_dlg);
    } while (cpanel->marked && !end_chown);
    chown_done ();
Beispiel #8
static void
do_enter_key (Dlg_head * h, int f_pos)
    Dlg_head *chl_dlg;
    WListbox *chl_list;
    struct passwd *chl_pass;
    struct group *chl_grp;
    WLEntry *fe;
    int lxx, lyy, chl_end, b_pos;
    int is_owner;
    const char *title;

    do {
	is_owner = (f_pos == 3);
	title = is_owner ? _("owner") : _("group");

	lxx = (COLS - 74) / 2 + (is_owner ? 35 : 53);
	lyy = (LINES - 13) / 2;
	chl_end = 0;

	chl_dlg =
	    create_dlg (lyy, lxx, 13, 17, dialog_colors, chl_callback,
			"[Advanced Chown]", title, DLG_COMPACT | DLG_REVERSE);

	/* get new listboxes */
	chl_list = listbox_new (1, 1, 11, 15, NULL);

	listbox_add_item (chl_list, LISTBOX_APPEND_AT_END, 0,
	    "<Unknown>", NULL);

	if (is_owner) {
	    /* get and put user names in the listbox */
	    setpwent ();
	    while ((chl_pass = getpwent ())) {
		listbox_add_item (chl_list, LISTBOX_APPEND_SORTED, 0,
		    chl_pass->pw_name, NULL);
	    endpwent ();
	    fe = listbox_search_text (chl_list,
				      get_owner (sf_stat->st_uid));
	} else {
	    /* get and put group names in the listbox */
	    setgrent ();
	    while ((chl_grp = getgrent ())) {
		listbox_add_item (chl_list, LISTBOX_APPEND_SORTED, 0,
		    chl_grp->gr_name, NULL);
	    endgrent ();
	    fe = listbox_search_text (chl_list,
				      get_group (sf_stat->st_gid));

	if (fe)
	    listbox_select_entry (chl_list, fe);

	b_pos = chl_list->pos;
	add_widget (chl_dlg, chl_list);

	run_dlg (chl_dlg);

	if (b_pos != chl_list->pos) {
	    int ok = 0;
	    if (is_owner) {
		chl_pass = getpwnam (chl_list->current->text);
		if (chl_pass) {
		    ok = 1;
		    sf_stat->st_uid = chl_pass->pw_uid;
	    } else {
		chl_grp = getgrnam (chl_list->current->text);
		if (chl_grp) {
		    sf_stat->st_gid = chl_grp->gr_gid;
		    ok = 1;
	    if (ok) {
		ch_flags[f_pos + 6] = '+';
		update_ownership ();
	    dlg_focus (h);
	    if (ok)
		print_flags ();
	if (chl_dlg->ret_value == KEY_LEFT) {
	    if (!is_owner)
		chl_end = 1;
	    dlg_one_up (ch_dlg);
	} else if (chl_dlg->ret_value == KEY_RIGHT) {
	    if (is_owner)
		chl_end = 1;
	    dlg_one_down (ch_dlg);
	/* Here we used to redraw the window */
	destroy_dlg (chl_dlg);
    } while (chl_end);