Beispiel #1
vld_iter_vol (int (*func)(volume_handle *vol, void *arg), void *arg)
    struct iter_vol_s vof;

    vof.func = func;
    vof.arg = arg;

    listiter (vol_list, iter_vol, &vof);
Beispiel #2
void Sim_UsageCheck(tExecUnit *Root)
	struct sUsage {
		 int	nSet;
		 int	nRead;
	}	*usage;
	 int	nValues = 0;
	tLink	**links;
	tElement	**elements;
	GetLists(Root, &links, &elements, NULL);

	for( tLink *link = *links; link; link = link->Next )
		link->Link = NULL;
	// Count values and allocate count space
	for( tLink *link = *links; link; link = link->Next )
		if(link->Link)	continue;
		link->Link = link;
		for(tLink *l2 = link->Next; l2; l2 = l2->Next) {
			if(l2->Value == link->Value)
				l2->Link = link;
		nValues ++;
	usage = calloc(nValues, sizeof(*usage));
	// Set the ->Link field to the usage structure
		 int	i = 0;
		for( tLink *link = *links; link; link = link->Next )
			if( link->Link == link ) {
				assert(i < nValues);
				link->Value->Info = (void*)&usage[i++];
				// '0' and '1' are suppressed
				if( Build_IsConstValue(link->Value) ) {
					usage[i-1].nRead = 1;
					usage[i-1].nSet= 1;
			else {

	#define listiterv(count,items,field)	do{\
		for(int i=0;i<count;i++)\
			((struct sUsage*)(items)[i]->Value->Info)->field++;\
	#define listiter(list,field)	listiterv(list.NItems, list.Items, field)
	// Mark inputs/outputs
	listiter(Root->Inputs, nSet);
	listiter(Root->Outputs, nRead);
	// Mark #display items
	for( tDisplayItem *disp = Root->DisplayItems; disp; disp = disp->Next )
		listiter(disp->Condition, nRead);
		listiter(disp->Values, nRead);
	// Mark #testassert items
	for(tAssertion *a = Root->Assertions; a; a = a->Next)
		listiter(a->Condition, nRead);
		listiter(a->Expected, nRead);
		listiter(a->Values, nRead);
//	((struct sUsage*)Root->CompletionCondition->Value->Info)->++;
//	listiter(Root->CompletionCond, nRead);
	// Iterate over elements
	for( tElement *ele = *elements; ele; ele = ele->Next )
		listiterv(ele->NInputs, ele->Inputs, nRead);
		listiterv(ele->NOutputs, ele->Outputs, nSet);
	// Iterate over sub-units
	for( tExecUnitRef *ref = Root->SubUnits; ref; ref = ref->Next )
		listiter(ref->Inputs, nRead);
		listiter(ref->Outputs, nSet);
	#undef listiter
	#undef listiterv
	// Complain for links that are not set/read
	for( tLink *link = *links; link; link = link->Next )
		assert(link != link->Next);

		if(link->Link != link)
			continue ;

		struct sUsage	*u = (void*)link->Value->Info;
		if( u->nSet && u->nRead )
			// Fully used, good
			fprintf(stderr, "[%i,%i] Link set %s:(", u->nSet, u->nRead, Root->Name);
			for( tLink *l2 = link->Value->FirstLink; l2; l2 = l2->ValueNext )
				if( l2->Name[0] == '\0' )
					fprintf(stderr, "%p", l2);
					fprintf(stderr, "'%s'", l2->Name);
				if( l2->ValueNext )
					fprintf(stderr, ",");
			if( u->nSet ) {
				fprintf(stderr, ") is never read\n");
#if 0
				for( tElement *ele = *elements; ele; ele = ele->Next )
					for( int i = 0; i < ele->NOutputs; i ++ ) {
						if( ele->Outputs[i]->Value == link->Value )
							fprintf(stderr, "- %s %s...\n",
			else if( u->nRead )
				fprintf(stderr, ") is never set\n");
				fprintf(stderr, ") is never used\n");
		link->Link = NULL;
	for(int i = 0; i < Root->Inputs.NItems; i ++) {
		if( ((struct sUsage*)Root->Inputs.Items[i]->Value->Info)->nSet != 1 )
			fprintf(stderr, "notice: Input link %s:'%s' set\n", Root->Name, Root->Inputs.Items[i]->Name);